
黑金属(英语:Black metal)是在重金属音乐中一个分支流派。黑金属的曲风特色总体来説,运用尖叫式的黑腔、强烈失真的吉他、猛烈却阴沉的双大鼓、快速行进的节奏和旋律,给人冷冽、黑暗、带有绝望的感受。

黑金属流派初期的代表乐团包含Bathory、Mercyful Fate、Hellhammer、Celtic Frost和Venom。这些乐团的根基建立在鞭笞金属(英语:Thrash metal)流派上。直到1980年代到1990年代早期又有所谓第二波黑金属在挪威出现,像是Darkthrone和Mayhem乐团。尽管没有明确的第三波黑金属定义,但是现代黑金属乐队的曲风和歌词上对比起老的黑金属乐队,吸收了很多其他音乐风格的元素。







原始黑金属(Raw Black Metal)

自杀黑金属(Depressive Black Metal)

交响黑金属(Symphonic Black Metal)

旋律黑金属(Melodic Black Metal)

维京黑金属(Viking Black Metal)

异教黑金属(Pagan Black Metal)

民谣黑金属(Folk Black Metal)

纳粹黑金属(National Socialist Black Metal)

Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. Common traits include fast tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, blast beat drumming, raw recording and unconventional song structures.

During the 1980s, several thrash metal bands formed a prototype for black metal. This so-called "first wave" included bands such as Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost. A "second wave" arose in the early 1990s, spearheaded by Norwegian bands such as Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Immortal and Emperor. The early Norwegian black metal scene developed the style of their forebears into a distinct genre. Norwegian-inspired black metal scenes emerged throughout Europe and North America, although some other scenes developed their own styles with no connection to the Norwegian one.

Initially a synonym for "Satanic metal", black metal has often been met with hostility from mainstream culture, mainly due to the misanthropic and anti-Christian views of many artists. Moreover, several of the genre's pioneers have been linked with church burnings and murder. Some artists have also been linked to neo-Nazism, although most black metal fans and most prominent black metal artists shun Nazism and oppose its influence on the black metal subculture.Much like punk, the black metal community generally condemns the seeking of mainstream success or attention, preferring the genre to remain underground.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Land of the Dead Summoning 12:50
02 LAI LAI HEI Ensiferum 07:21
03 Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires Agalloch 09:40
04 远山 Deep Mountains 05:46
05 Death Unreqvited 09:00

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