

As the name suggests, Experimental Rock is music pushing the envelope of the form, far removed from the classic pop sensibilities of before. Typically, experimental rock is the diametric opposite of standard "verse-chorus-verse" music. Because the whole point is to liberate and innovate, no hard and fast rules apply, but distinguishing characteristics include improvisational performances, avant-garde influences, odd instrumentation, opaque lyrics (or no lyrics at all), strange compositional structures and rhythms, and an underlying rejection of commercial aspirations.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Like to See You Again Lewis 04:25
02 If I Have To Go Tom Waits 02:15
03 Dream Odyssey MONO 08:10
04 Take Me Somewhere Nice Mogwai 06:57
05 For the Love of God Steve Vai 06:09

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