
70年代末90年代初的时候,新浪潮是一个紧随于朋克摇滚之后的涵盖面极广的音乐名词;有的时候,这个词也包含了朋克本身。现在再回顾,事情就变得清晰起来,朋克之后的音乐形式,或多或少的,可以划分为两个类别:后朋克与新浪潮。后朋克是艺术性的、复杂的、充满挑战性的;而新浪潮则属于流行音乐,纯粹而简单。新浪潮保留了朋克音乐的叛逆与新鲜的活力,同时又迷恋于电子、时尚与艺术。因此,新浪潮的风格表现出很大的差异性。它既指代了像 XTC 和 Nick Lowe 这样激烈有力的流行乐,也指代了像 Gary Numan 这样的电子合成摇滚乐队,以及像Graham Parker 和 Rockpile这样的复兴摇滚乐队。

New Wave is a subgenre of rock music that emerged in the mid to late 1970s alongside punk rock. The term at first generally was synonymous with punk rock before being considered a genre in its own right that incorporated aspects of electronic and experimental music, mod subculture, disco and 1960s pop music. New Wave, as a term, has been used to describe all post-punk rock music, yet, it distances itself from other post-punk movements as it displays characteristics common to pop music, rather than the more "arty" post-punk.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Every Breath You Take The Police 04:14
02 Crave Ruby Haunt 04:53
03 Take My Breath Away Berlin 04:12
04 Paris to the Moon Video Age 02:31
05 The final countdown Europe 03:57

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