






Witches Hammer这样的加拿大地下硬核乐队也曾经坦言,80年代早期你能在加拿大罗斯湾看到身着Slayer服装的鸡冠头,激流金属演出现场也经常聚集一些喜欢硬核的人。因为有着同样疯狂的Riff。在现场音乐界限很模糊。而金属和硬核的分家直到1986年才开始。

.核心朋克继续出现在90年代,而且继续没有汇入主流圈子,可是一些受到"核心朋克美学"影响的乐队包括Nirvana为代表的一批新人成为90年代主要的摇滚明星,而早期的那些核心朋克乐手如Bob Mould,Henry Rollins,Mike Watt,Ian McKaye和Dinosaur Jr.乐队的J Mascis却转变成了另类音乐的偶像,核心朋克的不少观念和特点也被其他不少同时代的风格吸收和转化(如重金属和电子乐领域).另外,核心朋克还有一个更加快速,吵闹,非旋律性,有暴力倾向和白人至上主义倾向的分支——"Oi".


Hardcore Punk (often referred to as simply Hardcore) is a derivation of Punk Rock that appeared during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Hardcore initially borrowed much from Punk's original music framework and energy and made it faster, heavier and more aggressive, while retaining Punk's anti-establishment image and DIY ethics/practices. Other common characteristics include an extensive use of yelling and/or screaming, a stripped-down style of production (also inherited from many earlier Punk acts) and the prevalence of short-length songs.

Hardcore Punk has been associated with the releases of independently-run record labels such as Dischord Records, SST Records, and Alternative Tentacles, and acts such as Adolescents, Bad Brains, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Dead Kennedys, Fear, The Germs, Minor Threat, and Scream. While in its beginnings the genre was mainly a phenomenon rooted in the American underground music circuit, the term has also been applied to the works of non-U.S. bands from this era. These include D.O.A. from Canada; Discharge, G.B.H. and Rudimentary Peni from the United Kingdom and a Japanese Hardcore scene represented by groups like G.I.S.M. and The Stalin.

The genre would eventually splinter into other subgenres and derivative forms in a similar manner as Punk Rock did, some of which still remain rooted in the original Hardcore style. The interest of several Hardcore Punk musicians in various Metal genres played an important role in the creation of various new styles, exemplified by Crossover Thrash, Crust Punk, Grindcore, Metalcore, and New York Hardcore. The dissatisfaction of various Hardcore-rooted and associated musicians by the constraints of the genre and their growing attention for diverse forms of music (including Jazz, Experimental Rock, Dub, Funk and Post-Punk) derived in the creation of Post-Hardcore, which sought to experiment with the Hardcore template and dynamics. The focus given by some bands to melodic exploration would result in Melodic Hardcore. Beatdown Hardcore would be the result of much more slower tempos and increased breakdowns.

Although Hardcore Punk has mantained cult status for most of its existence, it has been seminal for the development of several other (and more popular) genres, many of them outside of Punk Rock. Examples include Grunge, Pop Punk, Sludge Metal, Riot Grrrl, Alternative Metal and Thrash Metal (itself an influence for several Hardcore Punk styles).

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 蓝天 反面儿乐队 04:05
02 T.Z. Generation 过失 04:27
03 Blitzkrieg Bop Ramones 02:12
04 切剮剌 假假條 04:23
05 The Memory (Bonus Track) Mayday Parade 04:10

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