# 歌曲 艺人 时长
301 We Are Gangster 黄明志 04:12
302 It Hurts Until It Doesn't Mothers 05:33
303 无我 卢凯彤 04:05
304 将进酒(器乐版) 燕池 02:43
305 北极光,请将我遗忘 燕池 04:10
306 Soul & The Sea Joshua James 04:09
307 So Humble the Afternoon Julia Holter 05:22
308 Dance Anthem of the 80's Regina Spektor 05:07
309 Oh Momma Justin Nozuka 04:50
310 永恒 (Demo) HUSH 02:50
311 南塘河春梦 还潮 03:14
312 Suddenly Drugdealer 03:17
313 我们能不能好好说话 燕池 04:59
314 Hey Now London Grammar 03:27
315 四大皆空 龚柯允 04:24
316 丢鸡 莫西子诗 04:38
317 Metal And Dust London Grammar 03:27
318 Just One More Kendra Morris 03:58
319 Stolen Dashboard Confessional 03:58
320 Shut up Kiss Me Angel Olsen 03:22
321 从秋风吹来开始 雨鎛 04:57
322 Betty Brooke Fraser 02:58
323 Icarus White Hinterland 03:46
324 Sad Bird (Interlude) CALLmeKAT 03:01
325 Happy Birthday Emily Joe Russell-Brown 04:14
326 Do I Hear? C Duncan 04:03
327 蓝色故乡+BlueHeimat HorseRadio 07:12
328 Into the Wild LP 03:40
329 佛经诵读 Michael Kwan 01:10:43
330 Java HorseRadio 02:59