





音乐剧普遍比歌剧有更多舞蹈的成份,早期的音乐剧甚至是没有剧本的歌舞表演。虽然著名的歌剧作曲家华格纳(Richard Wagner)在十九世纪中期已经提出总体艺术(Gesamtkunstwerk),认为音乐和戏剧应融合为一。但在华格纳的乐剧(music drama)里面音乐依然是主导,相比之下,音乐剧里戏剧、舞蹈的成份更重要。



音乐剧起源可以追溯到十九世纪的轻歌剧(Operetta)、喜剧(Comedy)和黑人剧(Minstrel Shows)。

初期的音乐剧并没有固定剧本,甚至包含了杂技、马戏等等元素。自从1927年演艺船(画舫璇宫)开始着重文本之后,音乐剧开始踏入它的黄金岁月。这时期的音乐剧多宣扬乐观思想,并经常以大团圆的喜剧结局。直至1960年代摇滚乐和电视普及之前,音乐剧一直是最受美国人欢迎的娱乐和演艺形式。1980年代以后,英国伦敦西区(West End)的音乐剧演出蓬勃,已经追上百老汇的盛况。后来甚至出现法文的音乐剧,如悲惨世界(后改编为英文版,曾在百老汇演出)、星梦Starmania、钟楼怪人、罗密欧与茱丽叶、小王子等等。




Musical theatre is a form of theatrical performance that combines songs, spoken dialogue, acting, and dance. The story and emotional content of a musical – humor, pathos, love, anger – are communicated through the words, music, movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated whole. Although musical theatre overlaps with other theatrical forms like opera and dance, it may be distinguished by the equal importance given to the music as compared with the dialogue, movement and other elements. Since the early 20th century, musical theatre stage works have generally been called, simply, musicals.

Although music has been a part of dramatic presentations since ancient times, modern Western musical theatre emerged during the 19th century, with many structural elements established by the works of Gilbert and Sullivan in Britain and those of Harrigan and Hart in America. These were followed by the numerous Edwardian musical comedies and the musical theatre works of American creators like George M. Cohan. The Princess Theatre musicals and other smart shows like Of Thee I Sing (1931) were artistic steps forward beyond revues and other frothy entertainments of the early 20th century and led to such groundbreaking works as Show Boat (1927) and Oklahoma! (1943). Some of the most famous and iconic musicals through the decades that followed include West Side Story (1957), The Fantasticks (1960), Hair (1967), A Chorus Line (1975), Les Misérables (1985), The Phantom of the Opera (1986), Rent (1994), The Producers (2001) and Wicked (2003).

Musicals are performed all around the world. They may be presented in large venues, such as big budget West End and Broadway theatre productions in London and New York, or in smaller fringe theatre, Off-Broadway or regional theatre productions, on tour, or by amateur groups in schools, theatres and other performance spaces. In addition to Britain and North America, there are vibrant musical theatre scenes in many countries in Europe, Latin America, Australasia and Asia.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 You Raise Me Up Brian Kennedy 05:04
02 No Matter What Boyzone 04:37
03 刹那的乌托邦 岑宁儿 05:16
04 银发白 林二汶 04:47
05 Belle I Garou 04:54

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