

据《旧约》所载,古代犹太音乐已相当发达,用于宗教、宫廷和日常生活之中。当时还有多种乐器,如银号、羊角号、竖笛、各种利拉、钹、水铃、手鼓和鼓等。乐器除用于伴唱外,还可独奏。据西方音乐学家的考证,留存在也门、巴比伦、伊朗、叙利亚各地的犹太宗教歌曲,可能比较接近古代犹太音乐的原型,有些曲调的骨架与天主教的格列高利圣咏颇为相似,并有多种调式,每一种调式都表现一种气质。 有关犹太音乐的文献不多,已知的约到7世纪。在巴勒斯坦和巴比伦的犹太教堂中所吟唱的宗教歌曲与基督教早期音乐比较相近,没有纯器乐演奏,只有经文吟诵调、诗篇的歌调以及祈祷文,主要是单旋律的歌曲。9世纪时,犹太教的经文吟诵已具有一定的重音规则,用记号记载在经文之上,其意义及唱法由歌唱者口头传授,不同的经文各有不同的吟诵方式。祈祷文根据不同的仪式要求有不同的旋律模式,歌唱时可由歌手即兴地加以装饰性的发展,这种传统一直持续到19世纪中叶。在7世纪时,还出现了合唱队。9世纪以后,出现一些旋律比较定型的歌调,这些歌调往往带有阿拉伯民歌与天主教圣歌的影响。

Jewish music is the music and melodies of the Jewish people which have evolved over time throughout the long course of Jewish history. In some instances Jewish music is of a religious nature, spiritual songs and refrains are common in Jewish Services throughout the world, while other times, it is of a secular nature. The rhythm and sound of Jewish music varies greatly depending on the origins of the Jewish composer and the time period in which the piece was composed.

As Velvel Pasternak writes, "The importance of music in the life of the Jewish people is found almost at the beginning of Genesis... [musicians are] mentioned among the three fundamental professions.... Music was viewed as a necessity in everyday life, as a beautifying and enriching complement of human existence."

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