

乡村摇滚乐的当代衍生物,强调嘈杂的电吉他,这使它更接近于摇滚乐而不是乡村乐。这个逐渐兴起的运动的名称"No Depression"来源于Carter Family的一首歌,高举着自由自足的旗帜,而他们的唱片亦是由一些独立的小厂牌所出版。Uncle Tupelo(现已逝)和The Jayhawks是这个运动的先锋人物,现今的Son Volt,Wilco和Golden Smog则将其推至高潮。

Alternative Country refers to country bands that play traditional country but bend the rules slightly. They don't conform to Nashville's hitmaking traditions, nor do they follow the accepted "outlaw" route to notoriety. Instead, alternative country bands work outside of the country industry's spotlight, frequently subverting musical traditions with singer/songwriter and rock & roll lyrical (and musical) aesthetics.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Jim Cain Bill Callahan 04:39
02 Pictures Mojave 3 04:21
03 Sedona Houndmouth 03:59
04 Jack Of Diamonds Justin Rutledge 05:10
05 Far from Any Road The Handsome Family 02:48

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