
乡村灵魂乐(Country Soul)是灵魂乐(Soul)的子风格,它是乡村乐(Country)和灵魂乐(Soul)的结合。在1950年代末、1960年代初,白人的Country和黑人的Soul都有很大的发展,而福音元素在两者之间均有体现,也因为这个机缘,一些音乐人尝试将Country的音乐特色及其福音元素融入到自己的Soul中,这样才让Country Soul得以发展。


尽管Country是白人主导的风格,但是Country Soul的大部分代表艺人是黑人。但是Country的元素在其中很明显,比如Country特有的清脆钢琴声、悠扬的布鲁斯吉他音色,以及对人生及爱情更复杂、更宿命论的歌词描述等等。另外福音的元素也不可少,Country和Soul分别特有的福音和声以及教堂中使用的风琴元素也都是其所常见的。




"Country Soul" resulted from the shared genealogy of gospel in both soul and country music; although white gospel and black gospel styles began life with major stylistic differences, they had merged somewhat by the 1950s, and, added to that fact, whites were by then hearing recorded black gospel at a much greater frequency than ever before. The result, oddly enough, worked to the reverse of then-current musical trends: country-soul was in actuality the triumph of country gospel traditions seeping into soul music. Although there were some white proponents of the new sound (Joe South, Charlie Rich), the typical "country soul" song was done by a black soul artist, usually with tinkling country piano, gospel harmonies of either tradition, and lead guitar lines that sounded high and twangy like country while playing what was essentially blues. Country-soul songs were also often grounded in stately church organ and likely to, as with country music, deal with more complex and fatalistic depictions of romantic relationships in their lyrics.

The new genre arose primarily in the South, where strong religious beliefs made gospel highly influential to both blacks and whites, and where musical miscegenation was, ironically, more likely to take place than in other areas of America. Although artists like Albert Alexander and Solomon Burke had already begun tentatively exploring this style by 1960, Ray Charles' landmark 1962 album Modern Sounds In Country And Western is often considered the commercial breakthrough of the genre. The style lasted well into the early Seventies, with several spinoff genres like the more gospel-heavy and emotional "Deep Soul," the grittier, bluesier "Southern Soul," and the later, funkier variant known as "Swamp Rock." Eventually, like most soul variants, it was killed off by disco and subsequent dance movements.(by about.com)

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 I Can't Stop Loving You Ray Charles 04:14
02 Over the Rainbow Ray Charles 04:11
03 Truth Ruthie Foster 03:58
04 What'd I Say, Pts. 1 & 2 Ray Charles 06:27
05 The Dark End of the Street James Carr 02:33

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