# 歌曲 艺人 时长
61 失去时间的躯体与泡沫 锈湖 02:01
62 Honeycomb Deafheaven 11:04
63 Drown in My Nihilism Harakiri for the sky 06:50
64 Autre Temps Alcest 04:35
65 Circe Poisoning the Sea Alcest 03:09
66 Ultraviolence Merrow 07:51
67 Écailles De Lune Part I Alcest 09:38
68 Le Secret (2011) Alcest 13:34
69 Écailles de lune, Pt. 1 Alcest 09:38
70 Parting Harakiri for the sky 07:44
71 Jhator Harakiri for the sky 06:39
72 Only the Ocean Knows An Autumn For Crippled Children 04:15
73 Alone And Cold Happy Days 08:32
74 天道纪元 水树 07:13
75 Here After So Hideous 06:16
76 Skygaze Soliness 06:23
77 塔西歌谣 水树 05:43
78 Ecailles de lune, Pt. 2 Alcest 09:48
79 Ecailles de lune, Pt. 1 Alcest 09:52
80 Wanderer Skyforest 07:29
81 关于落 锈湖 06:23
82 Inferioria Asthenia 03:19
83 Heretoir Heretoir 10:24
84 Graue Bauten Heretoir 06:09
85 A Mental Cancer II Self-Inflicted Violence 08:06
86 梵天一梦 水树 04:05
87 Pulse/ Surreal Lantlôs 08:23
88 Canary Yellow Deafheaven 12:17
89 Strings of Time Abstract Void 04:54
90 Torn Beyond Reason Woods of Desolation 06:23