# 歌曲 艺人 时长
61 归去 葬尸湖 07:52
62 Parting Harakiri for the sky 07:44
63 Jhator Harakiri for the sky 06:39
64 山神 葬尸湖 07:16
65 痛苦与欢笑并存,希望与绝望共生,可怜的命运终在我可笑的余生里放声欢笑 生命的源泉 06:38
66 边关 葬尸湖 06:45
67 Dark Matter Gods Agalloch 08:36
68 Wanderer Skyforest 07:29
69 Land of the Dead By Summonin(Cover:Summoning) 魘歿之靈 12:03
70 Nullification Nebula Orionis 04:55
71 Aplastic Asthenia 05:43
72 Like Some Snow-White Marble Eyes (Summoning cover) Kroda 07:40
73 Element Modern Day Babylon 04:28
74 Neurulae Asthenia 07:10
75 Deep Sea DeadTrees 07:44
76 Canary Yellow Deafheaven 12:17
77 Strings of Time Abstract Void 04:54
78 冥江 葬尸湖 07:36
79 泪矩 锈湖 06:35
80 Aisa Asthenia 13:08
81 Fuyu-syogun Asthenia 07:52
82 天庭 葬尸湖 07:15
83 Delusion I - Escapism Epitimia 07:12
84 Violet Deafheaven 12:19
85 Chase the wind Airylion 07:58
86 镜湖 锈湖 04:14
87 Aplastic Asthenia 05:41
88 Fog DeadTrees 06:31
89 Покидая Родные Края Elderwind 07:16
90 Laurentia Realm of Wolves 03:48