
70年代THE CRAMPS把ROCKABILLY和地下PUNK结合,在80年代的英国,THE METEORS确立了PSYCHOBILLY这个风格,加入了DOUBLE BASS(低音提琴)的同时对音乐形式上做出了一些改变。歌词多数是比较诡异的,耸人听闻的和不被主流社会所接受的禁忌话题。PSYCHOBILLY乐队的政治观点也非常多,歌词的内容多数恐怖、政治、和一些诡异的东西。

Psychobilly is a fusion genre of rock music that mixes elements of punk rock, rockabilly, and other genres. It is one of several subgenres of rockabilly which also include thrashabilly, trashabilly, punkabilly, surfabilly and gothabilly. Merriam-Webster defines it as "music that blends punk rock and rockabilly"; another dictionary defines it as "loud frantic rockabilly music." About.com defines psychobilly as "tak[ing] the traditional countrified rock style known as rockabilly, ramp[ing] up its speed to a sweaty pace, and combin[ing] it with punk rock and imagery lifted from horror films and late-night sci-fi schlock,...[creating a] gritty honky tonk punk rock." Psychobilly, "while rooted in the twang of rockabilly, owes just as much to the sound of straight up three-chord punk, often with a dose of thrash metal."

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Voodoo Cadillac Southern Culture on the Skids 04:40
02 King of the Mountain Southern Culture on the Skids 04:13
03 Funnel of Love Southern Culture on the Skids 02:38
04 Lonesome Town The Cramps 03:05
05 Corn Liquor Southern Culture on the Skids 03:22

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