
Glam Metal也可以叫做Hair Metal(头发金属)或Pop Metal(流行金属)。Glam Metal通常是一个行为上的代名词,指的是80年代开始,一群装扮华丽中性的金属族群,或者是指这样的一个潮流。这个名词实际上不是指一种音乐类型的风格。在音乐上Glam Metal都是建立在Hard Rock上,并且或多或少结合朋克元素或是旋律摇滚元素。当然受到70年代到英国重金属浪潮的影响,往往Glam Metal和其他同时代的重金属风格一样,也带有大段的吉它弹速以及独奏,其中也有部分乐队偏向布鲁斯元素或是Funk元素等。

在1970年代末,英国的金属浪潮席卷之后,大家都知道这充满阳刚味的东西到底是怎么的一个玩意了。但是到了80年代的美国,金属开始有了一些变化。重金属出现了一些流行化元素,这就出现了新的金属乐品种,叫Glam Metal。这新的金属潮流很快的出现其影响力,并且又反向影响到了欧洲同时代的乐队。不只是乐队的听众有所增加,也带来了新的服饰潮流,尤其是各种皮夹克,以及各种皮裤,还有精心修剪、以喷雾发胶,吹风机或是甲板来定型的发型,新的潮流很快就完全代替了70年代的装扮。Glam Metal除了推动了新的重金属「外表」,歌词也吸引更广泛的听众群,特别是建立了重金属的女性市场。后来的人们,多称呼这个时代为黄金时代。


Glam metal (also known as hair metal and often used synonymously with pop metal) is a subgenre of hard rock and heavy metal. It combines elements of these genres with punk rock and pop music, adding catchy hooks and guitar riffs, while borrowing from the aesthetic of 1970s glam rock.

It arose in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the United States, particularly on the Los Angeles Sunset Strip music scene, pioneered by bands such as Kix, Hanoi Rocks, Mötley Crüe and Quiet Riot. It was popular throughout the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, bringing to prominence bands including Poison, Cinderella and Bon Jovi.

The genre rapidly lost mainstream interest from 1991 to 1994 with the rise of grunge and the release of albums such as Nirvana's Nevermind, but it has enjoyed something of a revival since the beginning of the new millennium with reunions of many popular acts from the genre`s 1980s heyday, as well as the retro styling of new bands including The Darkness and Steel Panther.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Long, Long Way To Go Def Leppard 04:38
02 Crystal Eyes L.A. Guns 05:53
03 Miss You in a Heartbeat Def Leppard 04:04
04 Goodbye My Friend Dokken 04:06
05 Cry for You Andy Timmons 06:57

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