

1920年代多米尼加人Ñico Lora正式把此舞曲定位,多国独裁者楚希略于1930年代把默朗格舞曲风格推广到全国各地,由于其舞曲轻快,很快的就传遍各地。演奏默朗格舞曲的乐器主要有沙鼓、小喇叭、手风琴和多国特有的Güira(铁刷)。1980年代和1990年代,外流的多米尼加移民把默朗格舞曲传到国外,而逐渐的流行到美国东岸各大城市间。

Merengue is a type of music and dance originating in the Dominican Republic which has become one of the most popular genres throughout Latin America. The etymology of its name is much disputed. It may derive from the French dessert meringue, but it is also likely to be related to similar West African words related to dance and music.

Merengue was first mentioned around the middle of the 1800s. In the Dominican Republic it was promoted by Rafael Trujillo, the dictator from the 1930 to 1961, who turned it into the country's national music and dance style. In the United States it was first popularized by New York-based groups and bandleaders like Rafael Petiton Guzman, beginning in the 1930s, and Angel Viloria y su Conjunto Típico Cibaeño in the 1950s. It was during the Trujillo era that the merengue "Compadre Pedro Juan", by Luis Alberti, became an international hit and standardized the 2-part form of the merengue.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Esto Se Llama Amor Elvis Martines 03:50
02 Como Es El Franklie The Boss 04:51
03 Bachata Rosa Juan Luis Guerra 04:22
04 Lo Que No Harias por Amor Edgar Joel 04:57
05 Este Cuento Se Acabo Erick 04:16

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