
新奥尔良爵士是指三十年代(指二十世纪,下文中如未作注明均指二十世纪)以前的传统爵士乐,兴起于新奥尔良,盛行于芝加哥,是迪克西兰爵士(Dixieland Jazz)和芝加哥爵士(Chicago Jazz)的总称。我们所能听到的最早的爵士乐就是新奥尔良爵士,它出现于1917年(第一张爵士乐唱片诞生于1917年)。从唱片的音质上辨认,这个时期的唱片大多数都是用留声机播放的密纹唱片,音质较差,带有沙沙的噪声,并且缺乏立体感(第一批立体声唱片诞生于1958年)。从音乐形象上辨认,新奥尔良爵士讲究合奏,给人的感觉是激烈、兴奋并充满生机的。乐队编制一般为小号(或短号)一至二人吹奏主旋律,单簧管一人吹奏副旋律,长号一人吹奏固定低音,贝司(或大管)、鼓各一人担任节奏。后来又增加了萨克斯,使其从此成为爵士乐队的一大特色。新奥尔良爵士作为最早的传统爵士乐已被历史永久记载,但是作为有声爵士乐的源头,如今听起来还是别具一番风味。

新奥尔良爵士乐(New Orleans Jazz)是爵士乐最早的音乐风格。新奥尔良爵士讲究合奏,给人的感觉是激烈、兴奋并充满生机的。乐队编制一般为小号(或短号)一至二人吹奏主旋律,单簧管一人吹奏副旋律,长号一人吹奏固定低音贝司(或大管)、鼓各一人担任节奏。后来又增加了萨克斯,使其从此成为爵士乐队的一大特色。大致是从1895年当巴迪·博尔登在新奥尔良组建自己的第一支乐队时开始这种音乐就在新奥尔良演奏,直到1917年斯托瑞维尔俱乐部不幸关闭为止。由于新奥尔良爵士乐强调合奏,因此每一件乐器在乐队中的角色都受到了严格的限制,通常,小号和短号是乐队中的重要角色,常常演奏旋律部分,而长号则是和昔的主要来源,副部则通常由短号演奏。节奏部相对稳定,通常包括了钢琴,圆号,贝司和鼓,这种音乐同早期的行进乐队有直接的渊源。由于这种音乐相对来说,和音较为基本,合奏通常表现欢乐的主题,因此一直是爵士乐中最为欢快和容易接受的风格。

The genre New Orleans Jazz refers to jazz in its earliest forms. In the late 19th century New Orleans brass bands would perform in marches, parades and funerals playing anything from military tunes to rags in a polyphonic style similar to African-American vocal music. Since many of these marches were very lengthy, the tunes would have to be repeated many times leading the performers to improvise on the melodies to relieve their boredom.

Typical New Orleans bands in this era had a front line of coronet, clarinet and trombone, while the rhythm section was composed of banjo, tuba and a percussionist. The coronet would play the melody while the clarinet would improvise counter melodies and the trombone supplied pedal points that pointed out harmonic changes while the tuba covered the bass. Improvisation would take place in a similar counter-point style with no one member being a featured soloist. The rhythm sections in early New Orleans bands would place the accent on every beat. Later the Chicago Dixieland musicians would place the accent on 2 and 4, which eventually led to the creation of RnB and rock-n-roll. Unfortunately there are no recordings of early jazz bands because the first recording of a jazz band didn't take place until 1917.

The earliest style of jazz, the music played in New Orleans from about the time that Buddy Bolden formed his first band in 1895 untilStoryville was closed in 1917, unfortunately went totally unrecorded. However with the success of the Original Dixieland Jazz Bandin 1917 and the many performances documented in the 1920s, it became possible to hear what this music sounded like in later years. Ensemble-oriented with fairly strict roles for each instrument, New Orleans Jazz generally features a trumpet or cornet providing a melodic lead, harmonies from the trombone, countermelodies by the clarinet, and a steady rhythm stated by the rhythm section (which usually consists of piano, banjo or guitar, tuba, or bass and drums). This music is a direct descendant of marching brass bands and, although overlapping with Dixieland, tends to de-emphasize solos in favor of ensembles featuring everyone playing and improvising together. Due to its fairly basic harmonies and the pure joy of the ensembles, it is consistently the happiest and most accessible style of jazz. -- Scott Yanow

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 What A Wonderful World Louis Armstrong 02:18
02 Hustlin' and Bustlin' for Baby Ruby Braff 03:52
03 Stardust Doc Cheatham 08:43
04 Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams Preservation Hall Jazz Band 04:50
05 Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams Kermit Ruffins 03:38

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