
迪克西兰爵士乐是1917年到1923年在新奥尔良和芝加哥等地的爵士乐手发展出来的早期爵士乐风,它在30年代后期曾被一群拥护者重新找出来复兴一阵子。简单的说,迪克西兰爵士乐是新奥尔良传统爵士乐的一个分支,Dixieland的英文原意是军队露营之地——“Dixie's Land”。这个字第一次出现在1859年Dan Emmett 先生的“殖民地歌曲与舞蹈”歌册中,因此,我们可以得知:迪克西兰爵士乐与进行曲、江湖卖唱艺人(Minstrels)等音乐有关,其第一首知名曲子是1860年出版的“Pocahontas”。到了1910年代,吹这种风格的爵士乐队己被衍化为小型团体,取材大半来自蓝调、进行曲与当时的流行歌曲,甚至某首乐曲的某一小段(Rags)都可以被拿来加以延伸、推展,这是即兴演奏的滥觞。迪克西兰爵士乐的主旋律一般都由小喇叭、竖笛或伸缩喇叭担任,而伴奏乐器是以钢琴、吉他、斑鸠琴、土巴号、贝斯或鼓为主。

Dixieland, sometimes referred to as hot jazz or traditional jazz, is a style of jazz based on the music that developed in New Orleans at the start of the 20th century.

One of the first uses of the term "Dixieland" with reference to music was in the name of the Original Dixieland Jass Band (which shortly thereafter changed the spelling of its name to "Original Dixieland Jazz Band"). Their 1917 recordings fostered popular awareness of this new style of music. At that time, there was no issue of subgenres of jazz, so "Dixieland" referred to the band and not the music. A revival movement for traditional jazz, formed in reaction to the orchestrated sounds of the swing era and the perceived chaos of the new bebop sounds of the 1940s (referred to as "Chinese music" by Louis Armstrong[citation needed]), pulled "Dixieland" out from the somewhat forgotten band's name for the music they championed. The revival movement included elements of the Chicago style that developed during the 1920s, such as the use of a string bass instead of a tuba, and chordal instruments, in addition to the original format of the New Orleans style. That reflected the fact that virtually all of the recorded repertoire of New Orleans musicians was from the period when the format was already evolving beyond the traditional New Orleans format. "Dixieland" may in that sense be regarded as denoting the jazz revival movement of the late 1930s to the 1950s as much as any particular subgenre of jazz. The essential elements that were accepted as within the style were the traditional front lines consisting of trumpets, trombones, and clarinets, and ensemble improvisation over a 2-beat rhythm.

Dixieland started as a continuation of the original New Orleans jazz tradition (see New Orleans Jazz genre), but in a different locale and under different circumstances. During the early 1920s, many New Orleans musicians drifted up to Chicago seeking work where they continued their musical traditions, but no longer as marching bands. The more stationary aspect of these bands led to the addition of the piano to the band, while the stand up bass replaced the tuba.

The music also began to evolve as the musicians began to play with a faster more aggressive feel, and the rhythm section began to accent the 2 and 4 of the beat which led to the driving accented rhythms of RnB and rock-n-roll. Dixieland has had many revivals over the years, sometimes authentic and sometimes corny and amateur. To this day you can still find bands all over the world that play this traditional form of jazz.

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# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 What A Wonderful World Louis Armstrong 02:18
02 Black and Blue Wild Bill Davison 06:12
03 Evenin' Ken Peplowski 04:39
04 Stardust Doc Cheatham 08:43
05 In a Little Waterfront Cafe Jack Teagarden 03:57

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