

#电影 #托尔金 #金属 #黑金属 #新古典 #新民谣












# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Land of the Dead
Land of the Dead 亡者之域 Where forest stream went through the wood 在一片葱郁静谧的森林里,小溪缓缓的流淌 And silent all the stens there stood Of tall trees, moveless, hanging dark 高大的树木矗立着,悄无声息,笼罩在黑暗之中 With mottled shadows on their bark 斑驳的阴影迭迭幢幢,不经意的洒落在枯裂的树皮上 As faint as deepest sleeper's breath 衰弱无力,像冬眠动物般的呼吸 An echo came as cold as death 那是远方传来的死寂之音 Long are the paths, of shadow made 一条曲折的小路,被大片的树荫遮盖着 Where no foot's print is ever laid 那是一条绝望的不归路 (Refrain) No moon is there, no voice, no sound Of beating heart; 月亮躲进了云层,没有言语,没有了生命的气息 a sigh profound 一声悠远的叹息荡漾开来 Once in each age as each age dies 看着帝国的兴衰与成败 Alone is heard. Far, far it lies 唯有沉寂是永恒 The Land of Waiting where the Dead sit, 亡灵默然等待的,是那执著守候的地方 In their thought's shadow, by no moon lit 是那没有月光的暗影 (Choir ) Upon the plain, there rushed forth and high 翻过平原,一片广阔但却崎岖的大地 Shadows at the end of night and mirrored in the sky 夜的尽头,厚重的暗幕匆忙褪去,风起云涌 Far far away beyond might of day 在那遥远的地方,在那个荣耀世界的背后 And there lay the land of the dead of mortal cold decay 有一个死亡之域,一片凋零,颓败的极乐冻土
Summoning 12:50
02 Across the Streaming Tide
In autumn when the wind and sea Rejoice to live and laugh to be And scarce the blast that curbs the tree And bids before it quail and flee In winter when years when the years burn low As fire wherein no firebrands glow And winds disappear as they blow The stormy wings of snow The hearts of western elves burn bright With joy that mocks the spring To hear all heaven's keen clarions ring Music, that bites the spirit, sing And wind by night in northern lands Arose, and Lord it cried And drove the ships from ancient strands Across the streaming tide
Summoning 10:20
03 The Loud Music of the Sky
What I am, I must not show What I am thou could (not know) Something between heaven and hell Something that neither stood nor fell Something that through thy wit or will May work thee good, may work thee ill Neither substance quite, nor shadow Haunting lonely moor and meadow Dancing by the haunted spring Riding on the whirlwinds wing Far less happy, for we have Help nor hope beyond the grave Man awakes to joy or sorrow Ours the sleep that knows no morrow This is all that I can show This is all that you may know A year there is a lifetime And a second but a day And an older would will meet you Each morn' you come away The thunder's noise is our delight And lightning makes us day by night And in the air we dance on high To the loud music of the sky
Summoning 06:47
04 Where Hope and Daylight Die
Still here I wake and I think of you I see you far away Answer my call Can you hear my voice I hear you For we are gone and forever lost Broken here I lie Beneath the shadow sink Where day light dies I wake for you But still I stand and think of Days when grass was green And my heart was so young They've never been Past Forever lost In better lands the sun may shine And green leaves on trees spring Their opening and blossoming But here the raven sing For we are gone and forever lost Broken here I lie Beneath the shadow sink Where daylight dies I wake for you
Summoning 06:28
05 Our Foes Shall Fall
The sword is sharp, the spear is long The arrow swift, the gate is strong The heart is bold that looks on gold The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong The mountain throne once more is freed O! Wandering fold, the summons heed Come haste! Come haste! Across the waste The king of friend and kin has need. Now call we over mountains cold Come back unto the caverns old Here at the gates the king awaits His hands are rich with gems and gold The king is come unto his hall Under the mountain dark and tall The worm of dread is slain and dead And ever so our foes shall fall
Summoning 07:01
06 Majesty
开头那小段风琴演奏险些让我切歌,汗了BG究竟用意何在。 不知从何时起,托尔金的名著《Lord of rings》系列作品开始不断启发着无数音乐家的创作灵感,在这幅无限宽广、壮丽的奇幻画卷中,各路音乐人在其中施展着自己的才华:从古典到New Age,从摇滚到重金属,《Lord of rings》经久不衰的神话被一次又一次的传颂着。来自德国的力量金属乐队BLIND GUARDIAN(盲目守卫者)应该算是较早的将《Lord of rings》引入金属音乐中的先行者。早在1988年,乐队的首张专辑《Battalions of Fear》中,4位年轻的乐手试图用激情肆溅的速度金属曲风,演绎出故事中那种魔幻、神奇的意境。尽管在事物发展初期必定要经历稚嫩的阶段,但潜力隐含在这张作品之中,蓄势待发。
Blind Guardian 07:31
07 Into the Storm
1998年的《Nightfall In Middle-Earth》是一张概念性的专辑,题材仍旧选自托尔金的小说《The Silmarillion》(《Lord of rings》前传),而BG的音乐也在这张唱片中发展到它的最高峰。一曲曲华丽而刚烈的金属战歌为我们描绘出一幅充斥着光明、黑暗、善良、邪恶、荣誉、誓言、仇恨、使命与勇气的壮阔篇章。
Blind Guardian 04:24
08 Blood Tears
8. Blood Tears 故事背景 Feanor死后,Noldor家族四分五裂,Maedhro的被俘更使得Noldor家族面临崩溃。 Fingon冒着生命危险独自去Angband寻找并搭救自己的好友Maedhro。 在历遍千辛万苦后,Fingon找到了生不如死的Maedhro,在Manwe圣帝的帮助下,Fingon救出了自己的好友。 但是,Fingon不得不砍断被Morgoth魔法锢定不得超脱的Maedhro的右臂而逃离Angband魔界。 完整的介绍&翻译(长...):http://bbs.cri.cn/showtopic-108764-1.aspx
Blind Guardian 05:25
09 And Finrod Fell
魔戒世界中创世之神Iluvatar与手下的十五个大神用一首伟大的歌谣创造了世界,这部歌谣的名字就是AINULINDALE。至于The lay of leithian则是魔戒世界中自古相传的一部叙事长诗的名字。该诗歌叙述在了古老的中土世界里,流亡到精灵国度Doriath的人类Beren邂逅了精灵公主Luthien Tinuviel并与之相恋。然而精灵国王Thingol却百般刁难,要求Beren去完成一个几近不可能的任务作为嫁妆。最终,Beren为了这个任务牺牲了生命,Luthien也在忧伤中死去。但是,当他们的灵魂在接受Mandos(大概相当于魔戒世界中的判官地位)审判之前,Luthien用她独特而美丽的声音为其吟唱了整件事情的来龙去脉。Mandos为歌声所动,终于决定让这对恋人重生。但是Luthien复活后将变为凡人,不再是精灵族的一员。之后,Luthien与Beren远离尘世隐居起来,快乐地享受了他们的余生……这是一个在魔戒世界里家喻户晓的诗歌,在书中,阿拉贡也跟年轻的霍比人们提起过这个故事。 法国新民谣
Ainulindalё 03:43
10 Enter Laoris
CAPRICE(奇谭怪想),俄罗斯学院派新古典,成员全部来自俄罗斯各大剧院交响乐团。1998年11月后,CAPRICE确立了自己的音乐方向,他们称之为森林精灵音乐,一种混合仙乐与新古典风格的声响。 2001年的森林精灵音乐。Anton Brejestovski将它献给了JRR Tolkien创作的伟大神话史诗The Lord of the Rings以及Brian Froud和Alan Lee的Faeries。这些故事深深打动了Anton Brejestovski,他甚至决定要为其做一个系列,继而延续到了这张专辑,歌词直接引用了The Lord of the Rings中的文字。纯正的古典音乐剧,充满灵气的女声,动听的管弦乐。拥有浓郁学院气质的新古典作品,不温不火。
Caprice 03:41
11 Gollum's Cry
Battlelore 03:03
12 El Retorn A La Infancia
五星!千言万语抵不上你的聆听。 来自西班牙的新古典团Narsilion,前身是大名鼎鼎的Ordo Funebris,Narsilion继承了前人的优点,更为深入的挖掘中世纪题材,把他们的中世纪情节发挥到了极至,甚至连乐队名和歌词都由传说中的高级精灵语言Quenya[昆雅语]写就,其音乐中所呈现的一派隐秘中土风情-气氛营造生动饱满,一气呵成的天成,仿佛月映黑森林的缱绻温柔,让听众无不沉醉于Narsilion满目湛蓝交映的魔幻世界之中. 啥?与魔戒的关系?昆雅语吧--
Narsilion 06:45