

#爵士 #摇滚 #后摇 #摇滚



数学摇滚(Math-rock)是一种实验性的摇滚风格,80年代后期 萌芽于美国。

数学摇滚曲风大多混合噪音摇滚(Noise rock)、后摇滚(Post rock)、前卫摇滚(progressive rock)、简约音乐(Minimal music)、电子音乐(Electronic music)等。它的一个特点是编曲复杂,经常使用不规则停顿或开始、不自然节拍结构(odd time signatures)、棱形旋律(Angular melody)、对位法(counterpoint)、延伸和弦(extended chords)、不协调和弦(dissonant chords)、非典型和弦进行(atypical Chord progression)。一般摇滚乐都以 4/4 拍 作歌曲结构,而数学摇滚则频繁使用不对称节拍,如 7/8 拍, 11/8 拍, 13/8 拍,并于歌曲中交错换拍, 例如一小段 9/8 拍,转换至 8/8 拍 ,再转换至 6/8 拍,让听众有错摸的诡异感觉。 又例如,在同一首乐曲使用 3/4 拍的鼓、4/4 拍的吉他、3/4 拍的低音吉他,却让每样乐器巧妙地于不同音轨上“对在一起”,听起来又顺畅不碍耳。因复杂结构如数学运算,故此称为“数学摇滚”。

Math Rock和后摇滚(Post Rock)有点沾亲带故,更为人熟知的是其作为Indie-Rock风格,它和Indie-Rock有着相近的音乐取向。在Post-Rock有着明显的爵士乐影响的地方,Math Rock则就如同是一枚硬币的反面-它的音乐显得浓厚而复杂,同时充满着艰涩的拍子记号和缠结在一起的乐段。而且,这种音乐比后摇滚要更为摇滚一些,因为它通常是由以吉他为主乐器的小乐队演绎。 Math Rock在90年代中期达到顶峰,那时,像Polvo和Chavez这些乐队在大学校园的独立摇滚乐人中有少数专注于这种音乐的追随者。


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 In Planets 01:56
02 O People Planets 04:45
03 Steps Planets 03:06
04 Return Of A Dead Man Planets 02:07
05 Vow Of Silence Planets 03:09
06 Dude Life Planets 01:19
07 And Planets 00:49
08 To Think Planets 02:34
09 Free Ranger Planets 02:27
10 Out Planets 01:09
11 Finger 大象体操 05:02
12 夜洋风景 洪申豪 04:54
13 一起跳舞 大象体操 02:03
14 银河 大象体操 05:04
15 Never Meant American Football 04:18
16 The Summer Ends American Football 04:46
17 Honestly? American Football 00:00
18 For Sure American Football 03:16
19 You Know I Should Be Leaving Soon American Football 03:43
20 But the Regrets Are Killing Me American Football 03:55
21 I'll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional American Football 03:42
22 Stay Home American Football 08:11
23 The One With the Wurlitzer American Football 02:43
24 The One With the Tambourine American Football 04:01
25 Letters and Packages American Football 03:21
26 Five Silent Miles American Football 04:11
27 Karman Line (2016 Remaster) HaKU 04:50
28 解放源 (2016 Remaster) HaKU 04:08
29 cell HaKU 05:07
30 空中分解 HaKU 03:51
31 tag (astronautS ver.) HaKU 04:33
32 0から一から HaKU 04:36
33 asayake HaKU 04:14
34 wait HaKU 04:26
35 tou-gen-kyo HaKU 05:12
36 sleep HaKU 04:17
37 HaKU 03:51
38 クローンマン HaKU 03:13
39 Story HaKU 05:33
40 (leaving this planet on the) Sunday Night perfect piano lesson 04:00
41 1,000 miles above perfect piano lesson 03:53
42 Avatar perfect piano lesson 02:31
43 Parallels perfect piano lesson 03:51
44 Submarine perfect piano lesson 06:00
45 ~a day from Wanderlust~ perfect piano lesson 01:33
46 Superstar perfect piano lesson 02:03
47 Night is calling perfect piano lesson 03:09
48 Sugarcubes on the rainy avenue perfect piano lesson 04:36
49 Daydream undertaker perfect piano lesson 04:22
50 Last song perfect piano lesson 03:41
51 Endroll perfect piano lesson 02:43
52 MMMMM Acting, I Love Me Some Good Acting Don Caballero 05:39
53 Sure We Had Knives Around Don Caballero 05:19
54 And And And, He Lowered The Twin Down Don Caballero 04:13
55 I Agree.....No! .....I Disagree Don Caballero 04:32
56 World Class Listening Problem Don Caballero 04:50
57 Railroad Cancellation Don Caballero 05:18
58 Theme from Bricktop Clowns Don Caballero 01:41
59 Savage Composition Don Caballero 04:26
60 I'm Goofballs for Bozzo Jazz Don Caballero 04:07
61 Lucky Father Brown Don Caballero 00:00
62 Belted Sweater Don Caballero 00:00
63 Shoe Shine Don Caballero 05:31
64 Unresolved Kharma Don Caballero 04:14
65 Puddin' In My Eye Don Caballero 00:00
66 My Ten Year Old Lady Is Giving It Away Don Caballero 00:00
67 Our Caballero Don Caballero 02:07
68 Andandandandandandandandandand Don Caballero 02:17
69 First Hits Don Caballero 00:00
70 No More Peace and Quiet for the Warlike Don Caballero 04:36
71 If You've Read Dr. Adder Then You Know What I Want Don Caballero 01:05
72 Trey Dog's Acid Don Caballero 03:52
73 Room Temperature Lounge Don Caballero 05:06
74 Don Caballero 3 Don Caballero 09:42
75 In the Abscence of Strong Evidence to the Contrary, One May Step ... Don Caballero 04:35
76 Delivering the Groceries at 138 Beats Per Minute Don Caballero 05:49
77 Slice Where You Live Like Pie Don Caballero 05:09
78 Room Temperature Suite Don Caballero 05:32
79 The World in Perforated Lines Don Caballero 03:52
80 From the Desk of Elsewhere Go Don Caballero 07:52
81 June Is Finally Here Don Caballero 04:57
82 Stupid Puma Don Caballero 04:20
83 Please Tokio, Please This Is Tokio Don Caballero 11:18
84 Dick Suffers Is Furious With You Don Caballero 03:43
85 P, P, P, Antless Don Caballero 09:10
86 Repeat Defender Don Caballero 04:14
87 Rollerblade Success Story Don Caballero 04:30
88 No One Gives a Hoot About Faux-Ass Nonsense Don Caballero 10:43
89 For Respect Don Caballero 02:43
90 Chief Sitting Duck Don Caballero 02:21
91 New Laws Don Caballero 05:53
92 Nicked and Liqued Don Caballero 02:40
93 Rocco Don Caballero 00:00
94 Subdued Confections Don Caballero 02:29
95 Got a Mile, Got a Mile, Got an Inch Don Caballero 05:06
96 Bears See Things Pretty Much the Way They Are Don Caballero 03:26
97 Well Built Road Don Caballero 06:05
98 Hole 65daysofstatic 04:34
99 Wrong Side of the Tracks 65daysofstatic 01:14
100 Betraying Chino 65daysofstatic 02:11
101 No Station 65daysofstatic 02:11
102 4 Connection 65daysofstatic 04:52
103 A Failsafe 65daysofstatic 04:28
104 Don't Go Down to Sorrow [A-Listed Radio Edit] 65daysofstatic 04:32
105 Wax Futures 65daysofstatic 04:03
106 These Things You Can't Unlearn 65daysofstatic 06:27
107 Lyonesse 65daysofstatic 03:26
108 Little Victories 65daysofstatic 05:14
109 Primer 65daysofstatic 04:51
110 White Peak/Dark Peak 65daysofstatic 03:57
111 The Conspiracy of Seeds 65daysofstatic 07:08
112 Morning in the Knife Quarter 65daysofstatic 05:23
113 The Major Cities of the World Are Being Destroyed One by One by the Monster 65daysofstatic 02:42
114 Massive Star at the End of Its Burning Cycle 65daysofstatic 05:17
115 Everything We Talked About Yesterday 65daysofstatic 06:02
116 TwentyFourTwelve 65daysofstatic 03:37
117 Retreat! Retreat! 65daysofstatic 04:10
118 Crystal Splinters City Skies 65daysofstatic 03:33
119 The Fall of Math 65daysofstatic 03:59
120 Thrash Waltz 65daysofstatic 04:42
121 Natasha Beats The Devil (Remix) 65daysofstatic 03:17
122 Don't Kill Me (Remix) 65daysofstatic 01:41
123 30 Seconds Of Pure Heaven (Remix) 65daysofstatic 00:34
124 It's Guy Time (I Don't Mind) (Remix) 65daysofstatic 01:03
125 Uplifting Chart Trance (Remix) 65daysofstatic 01:04
126 Feels Like Ecstasy (Remix) 65daysofstatic 01:19
127 Play.Nice.Kids 65daysofstatic 04:05
128 AOD 65daysofstatic 06:28
129 Dnl.Mash-Up 65daysofstatic 04:28
130 Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here 65daysofstatic 04:19
131 Await Rescue 65daysofstatic 04:44
132 23kid 65daysofstatic 04:32
133 Welcome to the Times 65daysofstatic 03:54
134 Mean Low Water 65daysofstatic 04:01
135 Climbing on Roofs [DeSperate Edit] 65daysofstatic 02:27
136 The Big Afraid 65daysofstatic 02:08
137 65 Doesn't Understand You 65daysofstatic 05:37
138 Radio Protector 65daysofstatic 05:26
139 Nite N Day SHAPES 03:36
140 七夕缺 (Demo) tfvsjs 06:11
141 Days of daze tfvsjs 04:44
142 阡陌 (Demo) tfvsjs 06:00
143 Pop Song 1.0 tfvsjs 04:50
144 Mask tfvsjs 07:35
145 Cat Fantastic This Town Needs Guns 04:54
146 Havoc In the Forum This Town Needs Guns 03:36
147 Left Aligned This Town Needs Guns 03:24
148 In the Branches of Yggdrasil This Town Needs Guns 02:00
149 I'll Take the Minute Snake This Town Needs Guns 05:54
150 2 Birds, 1 Stone and an Empty Stomach This Town Needs Guns 04:10
151 Nice Riff, Clichard This Town Needs Guns 02:06
152 Triptych This Town Needs Guns 03:07
153 Pygmy Polygamy This Town Needs Guns 01:42
154 Different Kind of Tall, A (Small) This Town Needs Guns 04:15
155 +3 Awesomeness Repels Water This Town Needs Guns 04:25
156 This Town Needs Guns 01:06
157 Mnspector Iorse This Town Needs Guns 03:20
158 Pig This Town Needs Guns 00:00
159 Baboon This Town Needs Guns 03:26
160 Panda This Town Needs Guns 00:00
161 Gibbon This Town Needs Guns 04:26
162 Rabbit This Town Needs Guns 04:45
163 Badger This Town Needs Guns 04:53
164 Elk This Town Needs Guns 03:51
165 Crocodile This Town Needs Guns 02:31
166 Quetzel This Town Needs Guns 00:37
167 Chinchilla This Town Needs Guns 04:27
168 Dog This Town Needs Guns 02:55
169 Lemur This Town Needs Guns 03:11
170 Zebra This Town Needs Guns 02:09
171 If I Sit Still, Maybe I'll Get Out Of Here This Town Needs Guns 06:04
172 26 is Dancier Than 4 This Town Needs Guns 04:50
173 And I'll Tell You for Why… This Town Needs Guns 04:51
174 1470 Man This Town Needs Guns 02:41
175 Do You Wanna Come Back to My Room and Listen to Some Belle and Sebastian? This Town Needs Guns 05:26
176 If I Sit Still Maybe I'll Get out of Here This Town Needs Guns 05:59
177 Japanese Ultra-Violence in D-Minor (The Saddest Chord) This Town Needs Guns 03:46
178 It's Not True Rufus, Don't Listen to the Hat This Town Needs Guns 04:49
179 Brilliant the Brilli Ant This Town Needs Guns 05:17
180 Anchoress This Town Needs Guns 04:30
181 Sweet Drunk Everyone This Town Needs Guns 04:39
182 Tower Tower This Town Needs Guns 09:13
183 Hippy Jam Fest (The Likes of Which Has Never Been Seen) This Town Needs Guns 04:43
184 Denial Adams This Town Needs Guns 05:57
185 Like Romeo And Juliet This Town Needs Guns 05:17
186 They Speak With Strange Accents This Town Needs Guns 00:00
187 Forever and Always This Town Needs Guns 00:00
188 Vaguer Transmission This Town Needs Guns 00:00
189 This Is Wrong This Town Needs Guns 00:00
190 pipe line Clean Of Core 06:30
191 Navigation and storm Clean Of Core 06:35
192 a sad look Clean Of Core 07:07
193 shift Clean Of Core 05:48
194 Nocturne Clean Of Core 02:31
195 time wave Clean Of Core 06:26
196 Little League Cap'n Jazz 03:56
197 Oh Messy Life Cap'n Jazz 02:03
198 Puddle Splashers Cap'n Jazz 02:03
199 Flashpoint: Catheter Cap'n Jazz 03:24
200 In The Clear Cap'n Jazz 01:57
201 Yes, I Am Talking To You Cap'n Jazz 02:36
202 Basil's Kite Cap'n Jazz 02:36
203 Bluegrassish Cap'n Jazz 01:08
204 Planet Shhh Cap'n Jazz 02:59
205 Precious Cap'n Jazz 02:43
206 Que Suerte! Cap'n Jazz 03:04
207 Take on Me [#] Cap'n Jazz 03:03
208 Tokyo Cap'n Jazz 03:59
209 Ooh Do I Love You Cap'n Jazz 04:05
210 Hey Ma, Do I Hafta Choke on These [#] Cap'n Jazz 02:08
211 Forget Who We Are [live/#] Cap'n Jazz 02:46
212 Olerud [live/#] Cap'n Jazz 03:28
213 We Are Scientists! Cap'n Jazz 03:13
214 Sea Tea Cap'n Jazz 02:32
215 Troubled By Insects Cap'n Jazz 03:58
216 Rocky Rococo Cap'n Jazz 04:22
217 Soria Cap'n Jazz 02:17
218 No Use For a Piano Player When You Got a Player Piano Cap'n Jazz 01:38
219 Scary Kids Scaring Kids Cap'n Jazz 04:48
220 Bluegrass Cap'n Jazz 01:08
221 Winter Wonderland Cap'n Jazz 01:45
222 Aok Cap'n Jazz 03:02
223 Geheim Cap'n Jazz 02:40
224 Sergio Valente Cap'n Jazz 03:28
225 Easy Driver Cap'n Jazz 03:20
226 Theme To 90210 Cap'n Jazz 02:17
227 The Sands Have Turned Purple Cap'n Jazz 02:46
228 ¡Qué Suerté! Cap'n Jazz 03:04
229 epoch 雨のパレード 00:00
230 Tokyo 雨のパレード 04:42
231 Movement 雨のパレード 04:19
232 Focus 雨のパレード 03:57
233 breaking dawn 雨のパレード 05:30
234 novi Orbis 雨のパレード 02:05
235 new place 雨のパレード 04:59
236 10-9 雨のパレード 03:39
237 yuragi meguru kimino nakano sore 雨のパレード 00:00
238 encore 雨のパレード 04:15
239 Noctiluca 雨のパレード 00:00
240 Petrichor 雨のパレード 00:00
241 bam 雨のパレード 05:04
242 inst / □ 雨のパレード 01:36
243 夜の匂い 雨のパレード 05:19
244 YES 雨のパレード 04:51
245 AM4:29 雨のパレード 05:28
246 ペトリコール 雨のパレード 05:16
247 揺らぎ巡る君の中のそれ 雨のパレード 04:16
248 suppression 雨のパレード 03:41
249 カタルシス 雨のパレード 04:55
250 sense (※無音) 雨のパレード 00:03
251 FAKE 44°+ 04:19
252 D 44°+ 04:36
253 ENEMY 44°+ 06:07
254 word 44°+ 01:57
255 Peter 44°+ 06:35
256 ...till 8 A.M.,can't you?-朝焼け remix- 44°+ 03:11
257 City Boy, City Girl Africaemo 03:33
258 After The Millenium Africaemo 03:35
259 Cheers! Africaemo 03:22
260 Yes! Today Africaemo 03:28
261 Night Man Africaemo 02:31
262 Make Me Muscle Africaemo 02:50
263 Kiss You Africaemo 03:24
264 Bird Africaemo 04:13
265 Summer Of New York (Baroque Remix) Africaemo 04:44
266 U Make Me Krazy Africaemo 04:24
267 Logbook 23rd Dec. Africaemo 03:41
268 Curfew Africaemo 03:22
269 Lazer Beam Africaemo 03:50
270 緑の少女 indigo la End 04:16
271 Warhol indigo la End 05:47
272 むだい indigo la End 01:48
273 素晴らしい世界 indigo la End 05:03
274 Starry morning LITE 00:51
275 Echolocation LITE 03:54
276 Hunger LITE 04:41
277 Alter ego LITE 04:59
278 Between us LITE 05:08
279 Bond LITE 02:53
280 Fog up LITE 04:34
281 Starry night LITE 02:21
282 Subaru LITE 05:02
283 Nomad LITE 03:29
284 Circle LITE 03:41
285 8 LITE 03:42
286 Another World LITE 01:25
287 Red Horse in Blue LITE 04:33
288 Rabbit LITE 04:30
289 Rebirth LITE 01:16
290 Pirates and Parakeets LITE 04:40
291 Chameleon Eyes LITE 04:07
292 Cat Cat Cat LITE 02:54
293 Duck Follows an Eccentric LITE 05:31
294 7day Cicada LITE 06:00
295 Mute Whale LITE 04:09
296 Drops LITE 01:12
297 Image Game LITE 04:24
298 On The Mountain Path LITE 03:40
299 Andromeda LITE 04:54
300 Perican Watched As The Sun Sank LITE 03:46
301 Tomato LITE 05:17
302 Vermillion LITE 06:05
303 Ef LITE 04:12
304 Contra LITE 03:45
305 Infinite Mirror LITE 04:39
306 Shinkai LITE 05:23
307 Black and White LITE 04:14
308 Ghost Dance LITE 04:31
309 Solitude LITE 05:49
310 Phantasia LITE 05:08
311 Fade LITE 05:26
312 Sequel to The Letter LITE 02:59
313 Tomorrow LITE 02:12
314 Primary LITE 07:28
315 ...Still, It Is Quiet Around Here LITE 05:54
316 Human Gift LITE 03:42
317 Re LITE 04:48
318 Contemporary Disease LITE 06:01
319 Spiral Gate LITE 04:27
320 On a Gloomy Evening LITE 04:08
321 I Walk LITE 01:16
322 Parallel LITE 02:31
323 Recollection LITE 04:05
324 Dead Leaf LITE 04:04
325 Ripple Spread LITE 05:50
326 Oct LITE 01:55
327 The End of Abstract LITE 04:47
328 Past Three Days LITE 05:09
329 PERSON! PERSON!! mudy on the 昨晩 03:12
330 BEA mudy on the 昨晩 03:11
331 Your entrails and laughter. mudy on the 昨晩 02:40
332 lookilus mudy on the 昨晩 02:23
333 Wes. mudy on the 昨晩 04:21
334 this squall mudy on the 昨晩 02:32
335 moody pavilion mudy on the 昨晩 01:59
336 YOUTH mudy on the 昨晩 04:02
337 レダロ mudy on the 昨晩 03:43
338 IDEA mudy on the 昨晩 03:18
339 夕日の mudy on the 昨晩 05:11
340 deltal mudy on the 昨晩 04:11
341 Sarliban mudy on the 昨晩 03:43
342 夜が入ってくる mudy on the 昨晩 03:46
343 TOWN mudy on the 昨晩 03:47
344 N/J mudy on the 昨晩 03:03
345 Ozis mudy on the 昨晩 05:12
346 marm mudy on the 昨晩 03:57
347 キセル mudy on the 昨晩 05:52
348 ASAI mudy on the 昨晩 06:33
349 NO ROOM mudy on the 昨晩 05:45
350 ミグルス mudy on the 昨晩 04:57
351 ZITTA mudy on the 昨晩 03:40
352 POLICE mudy on the 昨晩 05:40
353 kau's mudy on the 昨晩 04:22
354 205 mudy on the 昨晩 06:54
355 Noise Moonrise euphoria 05:55
356 Clover euphoria 03:19
357 This is Not Here euphoria 03:15
358 Minty Ocean euphoria 03:17
359 Floral Dew euphoria 05:00
360 Melting Into Einstein's Brain euphoria 05:23
361 Nightblooming euphoria 02:54
362 Seek euphoria 05:11
363 Billy Moon's Blue euphoria 06:00
364 Reason euphoria 02:41
365 Fantasmartyr euphoria 04:05
366 Silent Roar euphoria 05:57
367 moment euphoria 04:20
368 star falling euphoria 06:21
369 fairytale landscape euphoria 06:35
370 happiness euphoria 07:44
371 spring cycling euphoria 04:35
372 april sun euphoria 03:13
373 seabed curtain euphoria 07:00
374 shining euphoria 04:34
375 ferriswheel (in a morning mist) euphoria 09:01
376 Reverse euphoria 05:23
377 Anemo euphoria 05:20
378 Usual Game euphoria 04:13
379 Come and Go euphoria 05:27
380 (Un)seen Circle euphoria 04:56
381 Dograce euphoria 05:45
382 Blue euphoria 04:36
383 White Pattern euphoria 09:07
384 december euphoria 03:24
385 butterfly track euphoria 04:57
386 quiet rain euphoria 06:25
387 collapse euphoria 03:39
388 silence in everywhere euphoria 10:07
389 daydream(beyond the behind) euphoria 04:33
390 morning alarm euphoria 01:31
391 parabola euphoria 03:30
392 melt Fe euphoria 04:42
393 monotone bed euphoria 03:51
394 letter from winter euphoria 04:11
395 mystic room euphoria 02:34
396 cat in blanket euphoria 04:45
397 fluidify euphoria 06:23
398 circus boy euphoria 05:28
399 random walk euphoria 03:22
400 Airglow miaou 05:13
401 River Zephyr miaou 05:04
402 Deep Into A Forest miaou 03:44
403 Paper On You miaou 06:16
404 Notnotnot (miaou Rework) miaou 03:50
405 into your pocket miaou 06:30
406 secret eyes miaou 04:59
407 small dream miaou 04:59
408 own your colours miaou 06:12
409 cycle miaou 07:56
410 endings miaou 05:50
411 up and the sky miaou 07:11
412 lost souls miaou 07:14
413 keep drifting my heart miaou 08:20
414 Hello World miaou 07:57
415 Always Dreaming Of Things To Come miaou 05:24
416 Shining miaou 04:55
417 Hopefulness miaou 09:26
418 Crumpets miaou 05:57
419 Tetote miaou 07:22
420 Morning Sun miaou 04:05
421 Our Path To.. miaou 06:33
422 Promise Song miaou 01:22
423 You Found Me miaou 06:34
424 we lost it miaou 04:14
425 scene of the sunrise miaou 08:00
426 anything goes miaou 07:35
427 grasslands(revised) miaou 06:40
428 airship miaou 08:59
429 Sleepless Dreams miaou 08:55
430 kirameki miaou 06:59
431 Future Pavilion miaou 07:48
432 A Bird In The Hand miaou 08:32
433 Silent Picture miaou 07:19
434 Tiger Note miaou 06:20
435 Dante miaou 05:29
436 On A Sunday miaou 06:17
437 When Will You Come Home? miaou 04:26
438 Lasa miaou 09:31
439 muno miaou 05:56
440 boom 0 miaou 05:41
441 pao 2000 miaou 03:07
442 el nienyo miaou 06:48
443 HALF wave miaou 05:17