

#环球 #极品 #欧美 #舞曲 #说唱 #流行 #r&b #摇滚 #后摇 #朋克 #偶像 #好听 #精选


诞生于2005年,试运行一年后,于2006年推出精装正式版,同时附送多支超清晰Music Video。其中,Lesson系列每月出品一辑,一年12辑,辑目排列遵从Lesson 1、Lesson 1.5、Lesson 2……Lesson 99.5、Lesson 100命名格式。2006年和2007年,Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 12.5共24张专辑已全部推出,2008年,《环球音乐极品典藏集》仍将继续带你遨游世界音乐之旅。






# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 All 'Bout the Money
瑞典才女歌手Meja,出生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩市郊的尼奈斯港市的一个音乐家庭。她自幼便展露艺术天份,7岁就初次登台演出。1986年,16岁的她开始在西班牙马约卡岛学习,并由此坚定了她从事音乐事业的决心。1990年,Maja到斯德哥尔摩去实现她的音乐理想。1992年,Meja移居洛杉矶,在好莱坞MI音乐学院("The Musicians Institute" in Hollywood)继续学习。   1993年,她同Anders Bagge(曾为Celine Dion, Jennifer Lopez, Janet Jackson等多位歌手写过歌)组成了欧洲知名流行舞曲团体"Legacy of Sound"并担当主唱。一手创作的《Happy》、《Feel So Good》都是各大排行榜的畅销曲目。因为一心想突破流行舞曲的风格,Meja在与"Legacy Of Sound"合作两张专辑之后,结识了当红的制作人Douglas Carr合作,成为长期的创作伙伴。   1996年Meja发表了其首张个人同名专辑,不仅在瑞典本土创下金唱片的销售纪录,并以那首活力四射的「How Crazy Are You」(和Billy Steinberg共同创作。后来还作为Xbox游戏『死或生极限沙滩排球』主题曲)成功打进日本,专辑狂销近100万张。98年第二张专辑《7 Sisters》呈现给歌迷一个自然融合流行、爵士与灵魂的舒服乐风,大获好评。两张专辑在日本共创下三倍的白金销量。   另外,Meja曾获得过1999年度世界音乐奖颁礼(the World Music Awards)最畅销北欧女艺人奖(Best selling female Scandinavian artist),以及专辑年度最佳销量、最畅销的国际艺人等在内的多项国际大奖。 All 'bout The Money Sometimes I find another world inside my mind When I realize the crazy things we do It makes me feel ashamed to be alive It makes me wanna run away and hide It's all 'bout the money All 'bout the dun dun du du du dum I don't think it's funny To see us fade away And I think we got it all wrong anyway We find strange ways Of showing them how much we really care When in fact we just don't seem to care at all This pretty world is getting out of hand So tell me how we fail to understand And I think we got it all wrong anyway...anyway Cause it's all 'bout the money Mm mmm Mm mmm 听着很耳熟的旋律,仔细一想这不就是当年黄湘怡的出道歌曲《等》吗
Meja 02:52
02 Lucky Star
Joana Zimmer,来自德国,是一位惹人怜惜的盲人歌手。Joana Zimmer的嗓音很棒,棒得有人将Joana Zimmer称作德国的Celine Dion,流畅的节奏,清新的曲风,再加上Joana Zimmer独特的演绎! 刚听到她的歌的时候就深深的被演唱者的声音和歌曲的旋律吸引了,后来才了解到唱出这完美、浑厚的声音的是德国的盲人女歌手 Joana Zimmer 虽然她看不见,可是上天是公平的,却赐给她一副如此完美的嗓音。 这首lucky star,她的声音很让人感动,lucky star她唱起来总透着些微微的伤感在其中。 歌词: Cant you see you are 你看不到你自己 The one I am always thinkin of 那个我日思夜想的人 In my Dreams you are already mine 在梦境中你是我的 If you show me love 如果你让我看到爱 I promise I will be there for sure 我发誓我会在这里 I would stay forever by your side 永远陪伴你身边 Look at me now 现在,注视着我 Cant you see all the love in my eyes 难道你看不到我眼中的爱意? And will you give it a try 你是否会给它一个尝试的机会? Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 Will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向 Be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒 will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 Cause I know this could be love 我知道这必定是爱 Shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房 wu m What if I would tell 如果我向你倾诉 Exactly how I feel for you 我对你的一切爱意 Would you oh would you let me down 你是否,是否会让我失望? Look at me now 现在,注视着我 Will you give this love a try 你是否会给这份爱一个尝试的机会? I got nothing to hide 我没有什么好躲藏的 Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 Will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向 Be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒 Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 Cause I know this could be love 我知道这必定是爱 Shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房 M ho ye Look at me now 现在,注视着我 Will you give this love a try 你是否会给这份爱一个尝试的机会? I got nothing to hide 我没有什么好躲藏的 Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 Will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向 Be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒 Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 Cause I know this could be love 我知道这必定是爱 Shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房
Joana Zimmer 03:50
03 I Call It Love
Lionel Richie 是真正“情歌王子”,在奢华的80年代,Lionel Richie 的歌声丝毫没有一点夸张的华丽之气,款款深情的演唱一直是他对歌迷的真正礼物。 1998年,他力图振作,发表了「Time」专辑,尽管获得不少喝采,销售情况却没有多少好转。2001年春天,他再度出击,推出「Renaissance」,其中的抒情歌谣曲「Angel」,只在英国拿到第十八名,不过却有了在欧洲超过一百万张的专辑销售数字,而这个时候的他,显然已经以欧洲为主要市场了。入行三十年,拥有全球超过一亿张唱片的销售纪录,十座全美音乐奖、五座葛莱美奖、二十首Top 10畅销单曲的莱诺李奇,仍然热爱歌唱。他喜欢在舞台上的感觉,现场听众的回馈,可以使他整个人「疯狂」起来。在莱诺李奇三十年的创作生涯中,他曾经尝试过许多不同的内容,但是他最在行的,显然还是情歌,因为,世间所有的话题都可能过时,唯有爱情是亘古不变的,不会因为时间与文化的不同而有所差异,不论你是年轻人、还是「老人家」,谁都无法抗拒爱的诉求 i look at you you look at me (you can't help it you're feeling butterflies) its obvious, we have chemistry (i think i know it cuz it feels so right) girl i wanted so long to know now your telling me you gotta let it go (dont tell me i have to start all over again) i never thought that this day would come (this is somthing that i've wanted in my life) i relize that you're the one (and you're telling me its time to say goodbye) to put this out of my heart it ain't gonna change so it shouldn't be so easy to walk away (you feel it i feel it lets not be tense) baby, i don't know what love is maybe i'm a fool i just know what i'm feeling and it's all because of you don't tell me i don't know i want the truth cuz they call it we call it you call it i call it love it's so clear for you to see (dont let anybody tell you what to do) why they can't they just let us be happy (i dont want to find somebody new) if you know whats real in your heart then dont let them tear us apart (cuz you feel it i feel it lets think this through) baby, i don't know what love is maybe i'm a fool i just know what i'm feeling and it's all because of you don't tell me i don't know i want the truth cuz they call it we call it you call it i call it love we have a bond thats unbreakable and its not time to let it go and now that we know its real we are going to let it show to the whole world that i'm yours forever and you're my girl baby, i don't know what love is maybe i'm a fool i just know what i'm feeling and it's all because of you don't tell me i don't know i want the truth cuz they call it we call it you call it i call it love baby, i don't know what love is maybe i'm a fool i just know what i'm feeling and it's all because of you don't tell me i don't know i want the truth cuz they call it we call it you call it i call it love
Lionel Richie 03:18
04 Watchin' Over You
外型姣好的瑞士籍艺人Patrick Nuo,不但拥有漂亮脸蛋担任模特儿一职,更发挥创作/演唱才华,成为欧洲极受欢迎的偶像实力歌手。原本立志当名专业网球国手,直到14岁,放弃所有理想转投身音乐领域。在家乡花了数年追寻却一直搞不出啥名堂,随後移居德国汉堡,除了顺利展开他专业模特儿生涯,更有机会让Patrick参与专辑录制的幕後合音工作。开始在音乐界受到注意,2002年因为制作人兼创作者David Jost穿针引线,顺利与唱片公司签下一纸合约。   如日中天的Patrick Nuo最近正在忙着写新歌,是的。最近更是将发展空间搬到了美国洛杉矶,准备将LA作为第二故乡进军美国音乐市场。在距离上张专辑《Nuo》发行至今也已经有一年的时间了,小Nuo除了忙着到德国各地进行演出外,也在空余时间抓紧时间创作歌曲,所以到现在最新的单曲《Forever Good》新鲜出炉了,作为与户外运动V +天堂湾泳滩做其代言人的主题歌,歌曲配合其活动的主题,曲风延续了他一贯的Rock/pop风格,重金属的搭配也呈现出了其活动的刺激与活力,其中V +活动得奖者将和小Nuo一起访问天堂海滩泰国,和他一起用音乐冲击这个夏天!!!
Patrick Nuo 03:38
05 Just a Little Bit
Just a little bit stronger Just a little bit wiser Just a little less needy and maybe I`d get there Just a little bit pretty Just a little more aware Just a little bit thinner and maybe I`d get there Clearly, clearly I remember hiking up my skirt and asking for your time Clearly, clearly I remember nervous if ever confronted and qustioning myself Oh perhaps,perhaps if I got better perhaps if I challenged myself perhaps if I was..... Just a little bit stronger Just a little bit wiser Just a little less needy and maybe I`d get there Just a little bit pretty Just a little more aware Just a little bit thinner and maybe I`d get there Clearly, clearly I remember pulling up my shirt and staring blank ahead Clearly,clearly I remember days of useless crying and almost feeling dead Oh perhaps, perhaps if I was smaller perhaps I could control myself perhaps if I was... Just a little bit stronger Just a little bit wiser Just a little less needy and maybe I`d get there Just a little bit pretty Just a little more aware Just a little bit thinner and maybe I`d get there Singer:Maria Mena By:Shane Zheng() Just a little bit stronger Just a little bit wiser Just a little less needy and maybe I`d get there Just a little bit pretty Just a little more aware Just a little bit thinner and maybe I`d get there Ooooahhhh oooahhhh oooahhhh oooahhhh Just a little bit pretty Just a little more aware Just a little bit thinner and maybe I`d get there 借着天生那份罕见的音乐天赋,Maria Mena在自己的音乐创作中即唱又写还演奏,充分展现着其卓越的音乐才华。生活中的经历是Maria Mena音乐创作来源,她的音乐歌唱的是那起伏不定的青春情感。Maria Mena的音乐明晰透彻,毫无娇柔之态。“我不想隐藏什么,我希望自己能很坦诚直率地对自己。而且我写自己想听的歌,那些勾起某些情感的歌”。
Maria Mena 03:56
06 Don't Look at Me
凡夫俗子对于Stacie Orrico来说绝非一个正确的形容词。16岁时,Stacie Orrico以她首张专辑“Genuine”在缺乏主流媒体的簇拥宣传下仍旧获得不错的销售数字。而她个人的第二张专辑必定是印证她成功进驻流行市场的最佳见证。   12岁时自一场才艺竞赛中脱颖而出,Stacie Orrico赢得她生平的第一张唱片合约随后便发行了她的首张专辑“Genuine”,并登上美国告示牌最高询问度专辑排行榜的冠军席次。深受她因为宣传新专辑的惊人现场演出,黑人女子团体Destiny's Child邀请这位歌艺出色的新秀歌手,为她们于2001年举行的全美巡回演唱会担任开场表演嘉宾。    “她们教了我许多事,”Stacie Orrico谈及她与Destiny's Child共处的那段期间时如此表示。“我有机会参与她们在事业高峰时举办的巡回演唱会,她们的声势真的是如日中天,我甚至还看到她们在百忙之中仍旧抽空与乐迷聊天,倾听人们对她们的想法,丝毫没有那一副厌倦世故的态度。”    与主流唱片品牌签下合约,Stacie Orrico发行了她的第二张同名专辑。呈现出精致细腻的制作成果,这一张专辑证明了Stacie Orrico早已准备齐全,即将以她充满锐利质地调和节奏蓝调风格的首支单曲“Stuck”轰击竞争激烈的流行畅销排行榜。    “我要我的音乐够具侵略性,”Stacie Orrico如此强调。“所有带给我在音乐上影响的都是一些极具灵魂色彩的音乐人,包括我最爱的Lauryn Hill,而我也是Whitney Houston与 Ella Fitzgerald的忠实乐迷,而我希望能往这个方向继续前进。”    我想以我的音乐作品带给人们的生活一点冲击,”Stacie Orrico继续说道。“无论何种年龄层的人,只要我能够与她们分享一些我的经验,如果我能达到那般的境界,我的目标就达成了。” Don't look at me If you're looking for perfection Don't look at me I will only let you down I'll do my best To point you in the right direction But don't look at me No no no Don't look at me Look at Him Sometimes I have a fear That you will see a mirror And get the thought that it's the main attraction But all that you detect Is all that I reflect Of the object of my own affection I'll lead I'll lead you I'll lead to the One I've found He'll give you everything you need It's understandable To want a hero But people can't meet all your expectations Still some can teach you things About the love He brings Just know the source of life is in the Saviour I'll lead I'll lead you To the One I've found He'll give you everything you need He's the one who led a perfect life He's the one who always gets it right He's the one and only guiding light Oh yeah He is everything you want to be He's the answer to your every need If you follow Him you will see He's like no other Oh oh oh yeah I'll do my best to force you in the right direction But don't look at me No no no Don't look at me Oh, don't look at me Don't look at me I'll only let you down I'll do my best to force you in the right direction But don't look at me No no no Don't look at me Look at Him R&B小美女STACIE的一首经典之作,流畅的旋律配上过耳难忘的节奏非常棒
Stacie Orrico 03:36
07 Listen With Your Heart
年仅16岁的casey donovan为澳洲本土的流行偶像,2004年成功的推出了她的单曲“listen with your heart” 听听她的声音 只有16岁 似乎走到哪里,胖胖外型的人总是比纤细苗条匀称玲珑有致的人吃亏许多,尤其当上名人之后,不论男女,每个人皆巴不得身上再少块肉,放眼望去模特儿界永远是小瘦的天下,虽然难得出现美国实境秀「American Next Top Model/超级名模生死斗」的大只肉肉妹妹,仍撑不到最后,面临衣服塞不下的窘境而遭淘汰,但是「American Idol/美国偶像」却提供一个舞台让身型大只爱唱歌的人有出线机会,珍妮弗哈德森就是一个实例,然而把这场景搬到澳洲现场,Casey Donovan以浑厚Power的嗓音穿透力,一路击退身型轻盈参赛者夺下第二季「Australian Idol/澳洲偶像」冠军! When you can't find your way through the night When you've lost touch and nothings feeling right You can't find that path that leads you on And you don't know which road to choose That's when you've got to Listen with your heart Listen to your soul Inside you'll find the answer The place you need to go Listen with your heart Your heart will let you know No matter where you are Just listen and your heart will lead you home And when this world has got your mind confused, oh Just like your faith has gone and run out on you You can't find that faith in your soul (You don't know which road to choose) That's when you've got to "Listen with your heart" Listen with your heart "Listen to your soul" o....love Inside you'll find the answer Take it to the place you need to go "Listen with your heart" Listen and your heart will let you know No matter where you are The truth is never far Just listen and your heart will lead you home We all lose our way sometimes we all lose our faith sometimes If you just believe and just be strong Your heart will do you through "Listen with your heart" Listen with your heart "Listen to your soul" Inside you'll find the answer Take it to the place you need to go "Listen with your heart" Listen and your heart will let you know No matter where you are The truth is never far Just listen and your heart will lead you home........................... The truth is never far Just listen and your heart will lead you home........
Casey Donovan 04:02
08 Finally
拥有爱尔兰与苏格兰血统的Fergie以童星身份起家,从黑眼豆豆合唱团(Black Eyed Peas)的当家女主唱,再蜕变成时尚界的性感宝贝与电影明星,Fergie的风采与魅力不断的加温,2006年9月,随着首张个人碟(The Dutchess)的出炉,她将把这股热力带到全新的沸点,彻底展现fun到底的流行嘻哈魅力 Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream Cinderella theme Crazy as it seems Always knew that deep inside that there would come that day When I would have to way make so many mistakes I could’nt comprehend as I watched it unfold This classic story told I left it in the cold Walking through an open door that led me back to you Each one unlocking more of the truth I finally stopped tripping on my youth I finally got lost inside of you I finally know I needed to grow And finally my maze had been solved [chorus] Finally Now my destiny can begin Though it will have a different set Something strange and new is happening Finally Now my life doesn’t seem so bad Its the best that I’ve ever had Give my love to him finally I remember the beggining you already knew I acted like a fool Just trying to be cool Fronting like it didn’t matter I just ran away On another face Was lost in my own space Found what its like to hurt selfishly scared to give of me Afraid to just believe I was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic place Stumbled through the nets that I have made Finally got out of my own way Z|xZ\u0015){\u001Du_ I’ve Finally started living for today I finally know I needed to grow And finally my maze had been solved [chorus] Finally Now my destiny can begin Though we will have a different set Something strange and new is happening Finally Now my life doesn’t seem so bad Its the best that I’ve ever had Gave my love to him Finally Finally, Finally Finally Now my destiny can begin Though it will have a different set Something beautiful is happening, happening Finally Now my life doesn’t seem so bad It’s the best that I’ve ever had Give my love to him finally ohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finally
Fergie 04:53
09 Eversleeping
once i travelled 7 seas to find my love 我曾经旅行了7大洋寻找我的爱情 and once i sang 700 songs 我曾经唱过700首歌 well,maybe i still have to walk 7000 miles 好啊,也许我还要再走7000里 until i find the one that i belong 直到我找到我的归属 i will rest my head side by side我会和我的他在夜里肩并肩 to the one that stays in the night 把我的头靠在他的肩膀小憩 i will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow 在最后的悲痛中我会泣不成声 i and whatever comes will coom soon 无论将面对什么 dying i will pray to the moon 即使死去我也会向月亮祈祷 that there once will be a better tomorrow 明天会是更好的一天 once i crossed 7 rivers to find my love 我曾经跨越7条河去寻找我的爱情 and once,for 7 years,i forgot my name 7年中,我忘记了自己的名字 well,if i have to i will die 7 deaths just to lie in the arms of my eversleeping aim 好啊,如果必须的话,我会在我永远的臂弯中死7次 i dreamt last night that he came to me 我昨夜梦见他来了 he said:"my love,why do you cry?"他说:"亲爱的,你为什么哭?" for now it won\'t be long any more until in my cold grave we will lie.现在,不会从现在起将不会孤单 直到死亡 Xandria是一只来自德国的乐队,风格被归类为现代歌特。什么是歌特风格的音乐呢?我想大概就是形式华丽,但是充满了悲伤以及人类的阴郁感情的音乐吧。这类音乐可以深深地触及你的心灵,唱出你无法表达的心声,用现在比较流行的话形容:穿过骨头抚摸你。不过不是什么时候都能有心情欣赏这种音乐的,甚至有时候你会感到相当压抑,这就是歌特,来自黑暗的音乐 Eversleeping是Xandria最有名的歌之一,其中优雅的钢琴声衬托出主唱Lisa深情的歌声:即使耗尽一生去追逐也在所不惜的爱。公元1462年,君士坦丁堡受到土耳其人的进攻,德拉库拉伯爵受命征讨土耳其军。不料就在我获胜之时,谣言四起,盛传他已经被打败杀死。他的妻子莉莎悲痛欲绝,终于投河自杀,班师回国的德拉库拉只看到了妻子的尸体。他愤怒地责问上帝,为什么他一生都为主而战,最终却遭到这种结局。他用长矛刺穿十字架上的耶稣,鲜血四流。他最终投靠了魔鬼,以鲜血作为生命,成为一个永生不死的吸血鬼。 根据电影《吸血惊情四百年》 没有新的语言 没有新的风景 没有新的方式来表达我新的欲望 你是黯夜精灵 闪烁着死亡的纯真 你的美丽所向披靡 令我沉醉 从浓稠的血液中看到你释然的微笑 你在令人颤栗的城堡中离开了家园 你告诉我鲜血是永恒的饰品 当死亡的乐曲奏响 阴暗的调子笼罩世界 你在黑暗中翩翩起舞 迈着亡灵的舞步 优雅 高贵 冷漠 我再也找不出言语 那些沉睡在坟墓里的亡灵 也忍不住迈着相同的舞步 不朽的亡灵 你不存在呵 不灭的青春 我只想永远年轻
Xandria 03:42
10 When You Were My Girl
Anthony Callea 来自澳大利亚墨尔本,潜力十足散发着耀眼光芒的Anthony,不仅受邀在05年雪梨足球赛开幕演唱国歌、伊丽莎白女皇陛下殿前演唱,而澳洲流行乐坛的盛事ARIA颁奖典礼中,以新人之姿担任演出嘉宾、获得05年最佳销售专辑提名、和两支最佳销售单曲提名。“The Prayer”更风光抱走最佳销售单曲奖,更以蝉联5周冠军的好成绩获得了05年度单曲榜冠军肯定。Channel [V] OZ年度最佳艺人肯定、Australian Entertainment MO Awards年度澳籍艺人提名,获颁当代摇滚艺人奖项、POP Republic澳洲年度最佳男艺人奖、2006MTV Australia Video Music Awards观众票选奖….大大小小的奖项,都证实了Anthony Callea实力偶像兼具的特质,也代表了这位新星无限可能的发展潜能。 When you were my girl, there were times you d look at me 当你是我的女孩,有时间你想要看我 And I knew exactly how it felt to be loved 我知道究竟如何,去感受被爱 When you were my girl, I dont know if I told you 当你是我的女孩,我不知道如果我告诉你 But whenever I d hold you, it scared me so much 但每当我要抱着你,你害怕我这么多 You were all that I needed, you were all that I had 你是我所需要的,你是我拥有的 The one I could turn to, when the world had gone mad 一个我可以去追求,当世界已经疯狂 And I guess I just wanted, for you to know that 我猜想我只是想,让你知道, Not a day goes by I dont think of you 没有一天而我不想到你的 (Do you...ever...think of me when you are alone) (你... ...以往任何时候都想到我,当你单独时 Or I dont ask myself why或我不问自己,为什么 (Do you...ever...wonder how things could have gone) (你... ...以往任何时候想知道过去的事情到底怎么样了) If everything is so perfect now现在如果一切进行的如此完美 (Do you...ever...think of me and start to cry) (你... ...以往任何时候都想到我,并开始哭泣 Why do I cry all the time为什么我一直想哭 I didnt cry但我没有哭 When you were my girl当你是我的女孩 When you were my girl当你是我的女孩 When I was your man, if I took you for granted 当我是你的男子,如果我没有了你是理所当然的 Please understand it was my foolish heart 请您理解,这是我愚蠢的心 Girl you were my best friend, baby your love completed me 你是我最爱的女朋友,baby是我完全的爱 I loved you completely, just as you are 我喜欢你的全部,你就是那样 And if you couldnt feel that, then how I regret 如果你不能感觉到,我有多么遗憾 That I never told you, all the things I should ve said 我从来没有告诉你,所有的东西,我本应该说的 But I guess that s one chance that I will never get 现在我猜想有一个机会我没有得到 And now I m walking this world without you 我现在走在没有你的世界里 And with every step I take每一步我走过的 I find out every day我每天都觉得 How much further my heart can break - oh yeah 我能够有多么伤心噢,耶 I dont understand why我不明白为什么 We let something so beautiful我们能让一切很完美 Just fade and die刚刚褪色和失去 We should have tried我们应该有尝试 One more time1更多时间 When you were my girl当你是我的女孩 When you were my girl当你是我的女孩
Anthony Callea 04:32
11 When Susannah Cries
When Susannah cries she cries a rainstorm she cries a river she cries a hole in the ground She cries for love she cries a sad song she cries a shiver sometimes she cries for me too And I say I'll never hurt her but she knows it isn't true 'cos although I never told her I think she knows bout me and you now she cries with silent tension this can't be right and the downtown special cries along 'cos I'm leaving tonight Now I slip the night around her and I hope she'll be okay I just pray someone will find her and guide her along her way 'cos I'm leaving on the 1 am by soon I'm out of sight but she'll always be my baby though I'm leaving tonight Every night I hear her talking in her sleep she says ?You know I'll always be there? and I feel like such a creep please take back the love she gave to me and in time her grief will pass just tell her that I loved her now it's all she has When Susannah cries susannah是个爱哭的女孩,她的爱人为了新欢而离开她,在着她熟睡的时候离开了,一个很简单的故事. 都说有些歌听过一遍就不会忘,因为这个世界上有那么多的人在唱歌,总有一个人唱到了你的那一首。好在人的感情也是复杂的,同样的这一首歌,你可以说它深情款款,也可以说它无耻,或许你喜欢它的原因正是它把“无耻”的话也唱得如此温柔,如此深情款款... “离开我吧,会有人对你更好的。” 多么俗套的一句台词啊,可是每天都有人在说——别人对你说,你也会对别人说。这个世界本就来就是很简单的,所有的故事仿佛都是由那么几个相同的脚本润色而成。I just pray someone will find her,有时候可能连我们自己都说不清楚,到底我们是在衷心的祝福他/她找到一个更好的人呢,还是在更大程度上为自己的逃离和绝情找一个心灵上的安慰。 I hope she'll be okay / And in time her grief will pass ... 是啊,时间是最好的良药,他/她总会忘记伤痛的,总会好起来的...同样我们也分不清这是不是一厢情愿的安慰,对于正处于悲伤之中的人而言,每一天甚至每一秒都是那么的漫长,不管你的祝福是多么的美好,他/她都将举步为艰地跋涉过痛苦和时间的沼泽,才能慢慢地“好起来”。 说过这些话,或是听过这些话的人,在听完这首歌之后会不会觉得有些心痛? 上面的那段话是我在寻找这首歌曲时无意看到的,对于一首让我感动了那么久,寻找了那么久的歌曲,我对他的理解完全和上面不同,上面的话语没有一点错误,只是我不喜欢它作为这首歌曲的阐释,也许这首歌的本意的确如此,可是我的心里,它有着另一个版本的意义。 susannah在哭,哭的很伤心。歌曲第一段的一系列排比运用,使得她的哭如此痛彻心扉。是的,她的爱人离开她了,不是因为寻找新欢,不是因为其他,而是因为他已经无法再继续照顾她。 And the downtown special cries along 'Cos I'm leaving tonight 我一直觉得是她的爱人去世,但是仍然放不下她,他的逝去和她的哭泣,让这整个城镇都彰显出一种深入骨髓的悲痛。 Now I slip the night around her And I hope she'll be okay I just pray someone will find her And guide her on her way 正如人鬼情未了一般,即便不再属于这个世界,却仍然无法忘却曾经的一切,在深深的夜里,静静的注视,希望能有一个人,一个和他一样的人,可以继续照顾他的她。 在这首歌曲里,不仅仅Susannah的哭泣让我觉得心碎,歌者的这番言语更让我心碎,我宁可相信是因为他的逝去而遗留了种种的不舍,也不是一个负心的人。 或许这就是我自己对爱情的渴望,抑或是我自己的抉择,如果在背叛和死亡之间选择,我想我会毫不犹豫的选择后者。 爱情,这么美好的爱情,有时候是值得用生命来信仰的。 深深的夜里,安静听着Espen lind 缓缓的诉说,我觉得我真的可以听见Susannah哭泣的声音。
Espen Lind 03:38
12 Drive
Drive 歌手:Incubus Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear And I cant help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer It's driven me before, it seems to have a vague Haunting mass appeal Lately I'm beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there With open arms and open eyes yeah Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there, I'll be there So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive Will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive, oh oh It's driven me before, it seems to be the way That everyone else get around Lately, I'm beginning to find that when I drive myself, my light is found Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there With open arms and open eyes yeah Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there, I'll be there Would you choose water over wine Hold the wheel and drive Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there With open arms and open eyes yeah Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there, I'll be there 电影冲浪企鹅的插曲 吉克(杰夫·布里奇斯)凭借其出色的冲浪技巧,堪称是企鹅世界里最知名的偶像级人物。他到哪里都能赢得鼎沸的尖叫声和如同海浪一般的人浪追逐。而如今,年岁不扰人的吉克却已然“消失”在依然精彩美丽的海浪之间。   但是,吉克的光辉业绩却激励着无数热爱这项冲浪运动的年轻企鹅一代们,立志成为冲浪高手手的小考迪(西亚·拉伯夫)就是其中之一。考迪的不懈努力也最终使得自己的冲浪事业迎来了全新的转机——他一往无前的决心最终打动了为著名的矮熊老板(詹姆斯·伍兹)寻找冲浪手的经纪人长腿鸟(马里奥·坎东尼),此人将考迪一步步带入了正式的世界级的冲浪比赛。在前往冲浪世界杯的比赛圣地——夏威夷的途中,他们偶遇了性格怪异且总是喋喋不休的倒霉小鸡乔(琼·海德尔),并一同来到了风景宜鹅的夏威夷。在这里,考迪结识了漂亮的救生企鹅兰妮(佐伊·戴丝香奈尔)还有骄傲的冲浪冠军坦克(狄尔里奇·巴德)。在坦克的脑海里,没有谁能在任何的海浪上可以超过自己,甚至曾经的大师级人物吉克也不放在眼里。愤怒的考迪为了心中永远的偶像而向坦克提出单挑,却在比赛中不幸受了重伤。于是,好心的兰妮将考迪带到了一位神秘医生家里接受治疗。   在经历了一段短暂的交往之后,考迪惊讶地发现这个神秘的医生居然就是自己心中闪耀多年的偶像——隐退的吉克。在疗伤的过程中,考迪也终于凭借自己的真心得到了冲浪大师吉克的点播,冲浪技巧突飞猛进。于是,重新踏上冲浪板的考迪,也终于迎来了与强手坦克的一次势均力敌的浪尖对话……
Incubus 03:53
13 What I Need
Ray J 的身份很多: Hip-hop 歌星、演员还有 R&B 界小天后 Brandy 的亲弟弟。能演又能唱的他才华出众。 Ray J 在 2001 年两姐弟翻唱 Phil Collins 的名曲《 Another Day In Paradise 》中表现非凡,之后演唱事业进一步顺畅。 与此同时,他的演艺事业也和歌唱事业齐头并进,分别在 《 Sinbad 》、《 When We Were Colored 》、《 the Enemy Within 》、《 Mars Attacks 》和《 Steel 》等电视剧和影片中扮演重要角色。   Ray J. 出生于密西西比州的 McComb , 2 岁时随全家迁到了美国的娱乐业中心加利福尼亚。 8 岁时他接拍了首支广告,开始自己的演艺生涯, 12 岁便在电视剧中崭露头角, 14 岁与唱片公司签下一纸合约,推出个人首张专辑《 Everything You Want 》, 2001 年 ,正值 20 岁之际的他推出全新作品《 This Ain't A Game 》。 2005 年, 在积聚了 4 年的能量之后 Ray J 发行了由 Jerkins, Timbaland 和 R. Kelly 等大牌操刀制作的全新专辑《 Raydiation 》。历经 3 张专辑的磨练,他的唱功也日趋成熟。 Yea..I been tryna get away..but it's just something about u thats pulling me back in...ya know? [chorus] ..girl ya what I need..and I cant even front I'm wilding out..planin on you can calm me down..you make it Alright when your around..girl your what I need [verse] ..I know ...u think...I'm just saying...all these things cause your here now..and I know what your Thinkin..if this is true...then why didn't I do....all these things when I had you.. [bridge] It's because I knew..you had quite enough..but I feel brand new..and I'm fessing up.. [chorus] Girl your what I need ..and I cant even front I'm wilding out..planin on u can calm me down..you make it Alright when your around..girl your what I need ..and u know that your all I think about..plannin on we Can work it out..I'm tired of the games stop playing around..girl your what I need. [verse] ..the 1st time I got caught up...I swear it wasn't even in my plans..I..got caught up in some how...and I Don't know what I was thinkin...but thats back in 02..in 04..I'm brand new...in 05 wont be seen without you. [bridge] It's because I knew you had quite enough..but I feel brand new..and I'm...fessin up.. [chorus] Girl your what I need..and I cant even front I'm wilding out..planin on u can calm me down..u make it Alright when your around...girl your what I need..and u know that your all I think about..planin on we can Work it out. [breakdown] ..let me take you ova this bridge...so wont you tell me....that were not supposed to be ..and that I'm not Ready..to give you what u need...so wont you tell me...theres no way that u could be..more than in love With me..cuz your all that I need...whoooooo... [chorus] Girl your what I need..and I cant even front I'm wilding out..plannin on u can calm me down..u make it Alright when your around..girl your what I need..and u know that your all I think about..plannin on we can Work it out..I'm tired of the games stop playing around..girl your what I need. [x2] (I been wilding in the club screaming r&b and thug...but I don't wanna live that life no more!)......girl Your what I need!!.....girl your what I need! [fade out]
Ray J 03:33
14 Addicted to Me
来自美国波士顿由 Eric Dill(主唱、主奏吉他手)、Joe Guese(吉他手)、Ethan Mentzer(贝斯手)、Ben Romans(键盘手)与Joey Zehr(鼓手)五人所组成的 The Click Five,还是柏克莱音乐学院的学生之时,彼此引荐相互激撞音乐火花下,开始在校区附近表演,同时着手音乐创作,在那音乐人才辈出的竞争激烈区域。The Click Five 凭借毫不害羞的厚脸皮表演欲,着迷吉他旋律摇滚之曲式,很快的凭借他们实力获邀连 Alanis Morissette、Moby、Fleetwood Mac 都曾登台过的波士顿最受瞩目之 Paradise Rock Club 表演,自制一万张的EP,在极短时间销售一空,2003年吸引Lava/Atlantic 注意,顺利进入国际大厂签下一纸合约。 企划长达两年的时间,终在2005年发行The Click Five首张大碟“Greetings From Imrie House”,首周以五万两千余张销售量,占据全美流行专辑榜Top15 2007年换了主音Kyle Patrick之后的第1张专辑,之前的类似busted那种搞怪风格有所变化. I woke you up before You had the chance to dream You almost missed the dance But never skipped a beat You never could admit We've had a history your friends would throw a fit So you had to smuggle me Don't give up I won't give up on you i've been loyal without having something to prove i'm not a killer i'm just killing your doubts Don't you know that I'll be here forever Even if you leave and if you look for something better Soon you'll see That you're addicted to me the guilt is all on you but I'm easier to blame but I can still relieve You're ordinary pain Don't give up I won't give up on you I've been loyal without having something to prove i'm not a killer i'm just killing your doubts Don't you know that I'll be here forever Even if you leave And if you look for something better Soon you'll see That you're addicted You can love, you can lust, you can use me All you are You can lie, you can trust, you confuse me I'll be here forever Even if you leave And if you look for something better Soon you'll see That you're addicted I'll be here forever even if you leave and if you look for something better Soon you'll see That you're addicted to me That you're addicted to me That you're addicted to me That you're addicted to me
The Click Five 04:08
15 You and Me
无法抵挡音乐似梦非梦的意境,知道如此善怀不足取,但积习一时难改。耳听这一曲《You and Me》,似慕似怨,音喁喁意矜矜,流水似的音符顷缀着记忆的幽花……浮想,又在这装点着水愁花影的静夜中起承转合。 过了这么久,还很清楚地记着这句诗:“今夜和明夜/ 隔着长长的一生/ 心和心/ 要跋涉多少岁月/ 才能在世界那头相聚”……湿润的文字和《You and Me》里犹犹豫豫的足音混在了一起,光阴斑驳。多年前,迷恋舒婷,喜欢在她丰满又清丽的诗境里构想我人生里可能发生的故事。在满目绿荫的诗阶上我尽兴拾级,附生起的寂寞也十分单纯。 而此刻,当琴音撩起回忆的纱衫,这样的句子再次梦幻般伸长而出,已然听得见心头颤悸的冷响。 You and Me…… You and Me,是难以交集的溪流,一程无望的旅程;You and Me,是失却语言的面对,是一问永远无解的谜…… 能不意倦心灰? 终于发现,走了很远的路又回到起点。当初彻夜伴我的灯还亮着,只是更静了。这万籁俱寂之际,回顾所来径,目光所及皆是若有若无的烟,往事正以告别的神情,朝我挥手…… 既然今夜和明夜隔了长长的一生,既然心和心是如此难以相聚,还有何由怀着自欺的希望,无奈眺守?!心下是异样澄清的。一生中有缘遇到令自已恋慕并值得记录的图画,我坦然,告别,当也无憾了吧。 Lifehouse-You and me what day is it and in what month 今天是几月几号(今夕是何年?) this clock never seemed so alive 这个闹钟未曾如此有活力过 I can't keep up 我无法继续跟上 and I can't back down 也无法打退堂鼓 I've been losing so much time 我已浪费太多时间 cause it's you and me and all of the people 因为是你和我,和其他所有的人们 with nothing to do 整日无事可做 nothing to lose 也没什麼可以失去 and it's you and me and all of the people 是你和我,和其他所有的人们 and I don't know why 我不知道为什麼 I can't keep my eyes off of you 我无法将视线从你身上移开 all of the things that I want to say 所有一切我想说的 just aren't coming out right 还没完整的出现 I'm tripping in words 我在犹豫该用什麼字句 you got my head spinning 你使我的脑子(世界)天旋地转 I don't know where to go from here 我不知道该何去何从 cause it's you and me and all of the people 因为是你和我,和其他所有的人们 with nothing to do 整日无事可做 nothing to prove 也没什麼可以失去 and it's you and me and all of the people 是你和我,和其他所有的人们 and I don't know why 我不知道为什麼 I can't keep my eyes off of you 我无法将视线从你身上移开 something about you now 现在关於你的一切 I can't quite figure out 我无法清楚的理出思绪 everything she does is beautiful 她做的一切都如此的美好 everything she does is right 她做的一切都是明智之举 cause it's you and me and all of the people 因为是你和我,和其他所有的人们 with nothing to do 整日无事可做 nothing to lose 也没什麼可以失去 and it's you and me and all of the people 是你和我,和其他所有的人们 and I don't know why 我不知道为什麼 I can't keep my eyes off of 我无法将视线从你身上移开 you and me and all of the people 你和我,和其他所有的人们 with nothing to do 整日无事可做 nothing to prove 无法证明什麼 and it's you and me and all of the people 是你和我,和其他所有的人们 and I don't know why 我不知道为什麼 I can't keep my eyes off of you 我无法将视线从你身上移开 what day is it and in what month 今天是几月几号(今夕是何年?) this clock never seemed so alive 这个闹钟未曾如此有活力过
Lifehouse 03:16
16 It Is You (I Have Loved)
There is something that I see In the way you look at me There's a smile There's a truth in your eyes But an unexpected way On this unexpected day Could it mean this is Where I belong It is you I have loved all along It's no more mystery It is finally clear to me You're the home my heart Searched for so long And it is you I have loved all along There were times I ran to hide Afraid to show the other side Alone in the night without you But now I know just who you are And I know you hold my heart Finally this is where I belong It is you I have loved all along It's no more mystery It is finally clear to me You're the home my heart Searched for so long And it is you I have loved all along Over and over I'm filled with emotion Your love, it rushes Through my veins And I am filled With the sweetest devotion As I, I look into Your perfect face It's no more mystery It is finally clear to me You're the home my heart Searched for so long And it is you I have loved It is you I have loved It is you I have loved all along
Dana Glover 03:56
17 Nothing in This World
So I was thinking to myself when you passed me by… Here’s what I like. And do it with somebody else but you can’t deny That’s me in your eye Do you know? What it’s like When it’s wrong But it feels so right Nothing in this world can stop us tonight I can do what she can do so much better Nothing in this world can turn out the light I’m gonna make you feel alright, tonight. Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da, Tonight Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da, Tonight Baby you and I we got what will never be You know I’m right So tell me what you’re waiting for when you’re here with me Most guys would die You should know What it’s like When it hurts Coz it feels so right Nothing in this world can stop us tonight I can do what she can do so much better Nothing in this world can turn out the light I’m gonna make you feel alright, tonight. Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da, Tonight Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da, I gotta tell you something It’s something that you just might like No it’s not the same thing Yeah you’ll learn I’m not too shy You and I we can do this thing tonight Nothing in this world can stop us tonight I can do what she can do so much better Nothing in this world can turn out the light I’m gonna make you feel alright, tonight. Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da
Paris Hilton 03:09
18 Oxford Comma
Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? I've seen those English dramas too, they're cruel So if there's any other way to spell out what it's found with me, with me Why would you speak to me that way Especially when I always said that I Haven't got the words for you All your diction, dripping with disdain Through the pain, I always tell the truth. Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? I climbed to Dharamsala too, I did. I met the highest Lama His accent sounded fine to me, to me Take your handbook, it's no trick Take the chapstick, put it on your lips Crack a smile, adjust my tie Know your boyfriend unlike other guys Why would you lie 'bout how much coal you have? Why would you lie 'bout somethin' dumb like that? Why would you lie 'bout anything at all? First the window, then it's to the wall Lil Jon, he always tells the truth Take your passport, it's not trick Take the chapstick, put it on your lips Crack a smile, adjust my tie Know your brother unlike other guys Why would you lie 'bout how much coal you have? Why would you lie 'bout somethin' dumb like that? Why would you lie 'bout anything at all? First the window, then it's to the wall Why would you take my conversations? Show your findings at the United Nations Lil Jon, he always tells the truth 兵兵乓乓,你听到了吗? 这个鼓声充满了那么种嘲讽和玩世不恭, 小电吉他表面清爽, 却仿是斜着嘴角在嬉笑, 这帮白衬衫,小毛衣的小中产阶级们, 音乐里充满了英伦岛固有的那种调侃和辛辣讥讽。 就像那带刺的野浆果, 本面鲜光轻快,令人喜欢, 真的吃了,却是带那么股辛涩味。
Vampire Weekend 03:15
19 Circle In The Sand
Belinda Carlisle(贝琳达卡莱儿)1958年8月17日生于 美国加州的好莱坞,曾身为摇滚女乐队The Go-Go’s成员之一,1985年该组合因嗑药问题解散后,Carlisle于1986年投于I.R.S.唱片公司旗下,开始了其个人演唱生涯,其后她又分别转投美国MCA唱片公司和英国Virgin唱片公司,发行了不少专辑。不再专注于The Go-Go’s时期较为庞克取向的摇滚乐风,进而转以较悦耳的成人流行摇滚曲调应战,Belinda Carlisle的首张个人同名专辑于1986年正式发行。据说早年的Belinda Carlisle也是丰姿妖艳,曾经多次被playboy收藏。 Belinda Carlisle的歌轻快潇洒、节奏感极强,略带一丝民谣的味道却又游走在金属边缘;他的嗓音不算传说中的唯美,但与其曲风融合的恰到好处,象circle in the sand歌词有些伤感,却被她演绎的如一丝微风掠过快意盎然,然还不失诠释情感。许多以加州命名的歌曲总是给人以阳光的惬意,于是加州好像就成为年轻不羁的代言,让我们一起来品读这种淡淡的加州摇滚吧! Sundown all around Walking thru the summer’s end Waves crash baby, don’t look back I won’t walk away again Oh, baby, anywhere you go, We are bound together I begin, baby, where you end Some things are forever ! Circle in the sand ’round and ’round Never ending love is what we’ve found And you complete the heart of me Our love is all we need Circle in the sand Cold wind, tide moves in Shivers in the salty air Day breaks, my heart aches I will wait for you right here. Oh, baby when you look for me Can you see forever ? I begin baby, where you end We belong together Circle in the sand ’round and ’round Rising of the moon as the sun goes down And you complete the heart of me Our love is all we need Circle in the sand Circle in the sand Baby can you hear me ? Can you hear me calling ? Oh, baby, anywhere you go, We are bound together I begin, baby, where you end Some things are forever ! Circle in the sand ’round and ’round Never ending love is what we’ve found And you complete the heart of me Our love is all we need Circle in the sand…. 日已西沉 走过整个夏季 海浪碎岸,宝贝,别回头 我再也不会走开 宝贝,不论你去哪里 我俩注定相随 我会在你结束的地方重新开始 有些事物是永恒的 沙滩上的圈圈,圈圈相连 我俩发现了永无止境的爱 你使我的心变得完整 我们需要的就是爱 沙滩上的圈圈 风很冷,浪潮涌来 在充满咸味的风中颤抖着 天已破晓,我的心在痛 我就在这里等你 宝贝,当你找寻我时 你可看见永恒? 我会在你结束的地方重新开始 我俩属於彼此 宝贝,你听见我了吗? 你听见我的在呼唤吗?
Belinda Carlisle 04:26
20 A Public Affair
这是Jessica Simpson离婚后第一张专辑里的主打歌~~~很欢快,一扫离婚的阴霾~~~这个MV开头的对话带有浓浓的讽刺意味,大家自己慢慢听慢慢体会,要知道Jessica的这段婚姻是在全美人民的“严密监控”下开始和结束的啊~~看MV的话~~~会有惊喜~~比如~穿紫色衣服的是《绝望的主妇》里的美人儿Eva Longoria~~金发红唇的是让·雷诺主演的《时空来客》里的“小兔”——美国女影星Christina Applegate~~巧克力美人是现在人气极旺的流行小天后Christina Milian~~司机是美国偶像主持人Ryan Seacreast... 还有很多明星助阵~~~Jessica的好人缘啊~~~ There go the street lights The night's officially on I got the green light To do whatever I want I'm gonna stand outside the box And put the rules on hold Tonight Carte blanche, first class for the evening Ready, set, go All the girls stepping out for a public affair All night, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All the cameras come out for a public affair Who cares, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. Hey baby I see you looking over here baby Are you gonna keep looking or get up And talk to me Here's an opportunity That you don't wanna miss Tonight Carte blanche, first class for the evening Ready, set, go All the girls stepping out for a public affair All night, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All the cameras come out for a public affair Who cares, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. Do what you wanna do Tonight the world does not exist No, no, no, no Move how you wanna move All my girls work it out like this Give me room to Shake shake shake All the girls stepping out for a public affair All night, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All the cameras come out for a public affair Who cares, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All the girls stepping out for a public affair All night, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All the cameras come out for a public affair Who cares, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All night, don't stop (laugh) Who cares, let's rock All night, don't stop Who cares, let's rock All the girls stepping out for a public affair All night, let's rock, cause the party don't stop. All the cameras come out for a public affair Who cares, let's rock, cause the party don't stop
Jessica Simpson 03:19
21 Shy Guy
1970年出生于牙买加的女歌手Diana King以担任幕后和声进入歌坛,1994年因出现在英国雷鬼团体Steel Pulse和饶舌歌手Notorious B.I.G.的专辑中而受到注意获得一纸合同。 1995年的"Shy Guy"随着威尔.史密斯主演的【绝地战警】(Bad Boys)电影卖座之故成为英美两地的畅销单曲,此曲同时收录在Diana King自己的专辑「Tougher Than Love」里,Diana终于从幕后成功走向台前。1997年茱莉亚.罗勃兹的喜剧片【新娘不是我】(My Best Friend’s Wedding)中出现另一首Diana King的演唱"I Say A Little Prayer",虽是老歌新唱但再次受到歌迷的喜爱。 Diana King形容她2002年的专辑「Respect」是「头一次得以完全自由创作的作品,里面的音乐就是在描写我自己。」融合牙买加的雷鬼音乐、黑人流行的节奏与蓝调加上作曲填词的功力使Diana King不仅是位乐风明确的歌手,同时也是位优秀的叙事高手。 don't want no fly guy. I just want a shy guy. This is what I want yet, you know what I want yet Oh lord have mercy mercy mercy. Di man dem in a di party party party. Di ole a dem look sexy sexy sexy. Watch dem just a follow me follow me follow me. Everyweh me go di man dem a rush me. Yes a whole eep a pretty boy wah fi love me. A me dem love yes a me dem love. True them know me sweet and me sexy. Everywhere me go me say me ever ready. A me dem love yes a me dem love. 1 - But I don't want somebody who's loving everybody. I need a shy guy, he's the kinda guy who'll only be mine. 2 - Oh lord have mercy mercy mercy. Di man dem in a di party party party. Di ole a dem look sexy sexy sexy. Watch dem just a follow me follow me follow me. Have mercy mercy mercy. But none a dem no move me move me move me. Shy guy a weh me wanty wanty wanty. Only him can make me irie irie irie. Roughneck man me no want none a dem. Beat up me body lick off me head top. Me no want none a dat. Me no want none a dat. Big things a gwaan fi all di shy man dem. Wat to be my love and wat to be my friend. Till the very end till the very end. But I don't want somebody who's loving everybody. I need a shy guy he's the kinda guy who'll only be mine
Diana King 04:18
22 Someday
作为美国著名的蓝领摇滚歌手之一,约翰·梅伦坎普(John Mellencamp)近年来作品并不多,这张《Freedom's Road》是他四年来的首张录音室专辑。在美国上榜首周,这张《Freedom's Road》以5万6千张的单周销量排在名列Billboard 200专辑榜的第五位,成为他所有专辑中首周打榜成绩最好的一张。同时,《Freedom's Road》还是John Mellencamp近十年来首张打入Billboard 200专辑榜前十名的专辑。   从30年前出道之初,John Mellencamp的音乐就被评论界拿来与布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)和鲍勃·塞格(Bob Seger)等蓝领摇滚歌手相比。但Mellencamp真正展现出他音乐上的才华还是在上世纪80年代。而到了90年代以后,John Mellencamp一直在自我与商业之间徘徊,在这个时期内,具体说是在1993年的《Human Wheels》专辑之后,他陷入了个人音乐生涯的低潮期。在进入新千年之后,John Mellencamp的事业略有起色,而这张酝酿四年的《Freedom's Road》是一张他向往日风格回归的专辑。从开场曲《Someday》中清澈的吉他声响起的那一刹那,我们可以感觉到,那个曾经出色的John Mellencamp回来了。在《The Americans》中,无论是Mellencamp的嗓音还是这首歌的旋律都很有Springsteen的大将风范。在接下来的《Jim Crow》中,John Mellencamp邀请到了美国民谣女皇琼·贝兹(Joan Baez)跟他合唱。随后的一首《Our Country》则再次体现出了Mellencamp音乐的“美国化”,即使生活中有再多的不如意,但这终究是“我们的国家”,他仍相信“每个人还都有梦想,梦想依然存在,有朝一日终将实现。”而在接下来的《Rural Route》中,Mellencamp也没有忘记拿“总统先生”开涮。   在经历了早期的成功和后来的迷茫期之后,歌迷们记忆中那个John Mellencamp终于又回到了适合他的道路上。总的来说,这张《Freedom's Road》是一张成熟的专辑,是Mellencamp近20内最出色的作品。
John Mellencamp 03:08
23 Stacy's Mom
其实这团算老团了,但之前的曲风不算流行。但Fountains Of Wayne终于在2003年以单曲 "Stacy's Mom" 单曲抢攻下Billboard TOP 40主流单曲榜季军与流行单曲榜第21名。终于开始走紅。其实他们的核心人物Adam很強。是音乐界的名人级了。 最有趣的是他们的曲风,都会在三分钟上下结束,而且又极为流畅、上口的旋律。 歌词: Stacy's mom, has got it goin on Stacy'smom, has got it goin on Stacy's mom, has got it goin on Stacy'smom, has got it goin on Stacy can I come over After school (after school) We can hang around by the pool (hang by the pool) Did your mom get back from her business trip (business trip) Is she there? Or is she tryin to give me the slip (give me the slip) You know I'm not the little boy that I used to be I'm all grown up Now baby can´t you see!? Stacy's mom, has got it goin on She's all I want, and I´ve waited for so long Stacy can't ya see? you´re just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong but, I'm in love with Stacy's mom Stacy's mom, has got it goin on Stacy's mom, has got it goin on Stacy do you remember when I mowed your lawn (mowed your lawn) Your mom came out With just a towel on (towel on) I could tell she liked me From the way she stared (way she stared) And the way she said "ya missed a spot over there" (spot over there) And I know that you think its just a fantasy But since your dad walked out your mom could use a guy like me Stacy's mom, has got it goin on She's all I want and I´ve waited for so long Stacy can't ya see? You're just not the girl for me I know it may be wrong but, I'm in love with Stacy's mom Stacy's mom has got it goin on (shes got it goin on) She's all I want and I've waited for so long Stacy can't ya see, You're just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong, I'm in love with- Stacy's mom, ah-oh-ah-oh I'm in love with- Stacy's mom, ah-oh-ah-oh Wait a minute Stacy can't ya see? You're just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom 中文: stacy's mom ,和她恋爱吧(背音) stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情(背音) stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情(背音) stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情(背音) stacy我们能不上课了吗? 我们可以去你家游泳池游泳啊! 你妈妈已经结束了他的商务旅行了吗? 她在哪里?能用便条告诉我吗? 你知道我已经不是小孩子,我已经完全长大,BABY难道你没发现吗? stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情! 她是我的全部, 现在我已经等了这么久了! stacy你难道没看见你不是我唯一的女孩吗! 我知道这可能错了,但是我已经爱上你妈妈了 stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情(背音) stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情(背音) stacy你还记得我给你家锄草吗? 你妈妈在那里,一丝不挂! 我想给她说话,说她想听的! 但是她只是说:“小男孩,你要把这里的草锄得干干净净 我知道这一切都是你的幻想,但是你爸爸外出的时候我可以和你妈妈在一起 stacy's mom ,和她展开罗漫第克的爱情! 她是我的全部, 现在我已经等了这么久了! stacy你难道没看见你不是我唯一的女孩吗! 我知道这可能错了,但是我已经爱上你妈妈了~~~ 歌词解释: Stacy, can i come over after school? (after school) We can hang around by the pool (hang by the pool) Did your mom get back from her business trip? (business trip) Is she there, or is she trying to give me the slip? (give me the slip 一开始说的是:“Stacy,放学后我能来你家吗?我们可以一起在你家的游泳池玩。你妈妈出差回来了吗?” 然后话锋一转,猜他说什么来着? Stacy's mom has got it goin' on She's all I want and I;ve waited for so long Stacy, can't you see you're just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom 哈哈,他告诉Stacy你这个小女孩不适合我,我喜欢的是你妈妈!! uh-oh, bad boy
Fountains of Wayne 03:15
24 Over It
Katharine McPhee(凯萨琳麦克菲)凭藉著一副天生的好歌喉加上清新亮丽的容貌及幽默风趣的个性,在第五届的美国偶像歌唱选拔中获得评审们一致的青睐,同时也掳获了观众的心,虽然比赛结果屈居亚军,但她早已成为许多歌迷心中的"美国偶像"。 over it i'm over your lies and i'm over your games i'm over you asking me when you know i'm not okay you call me at night and i pick up the phone and though you be tellin' me i know you're not alone oh and that's why your eyes i'm over it your smile i'm over it realized i'm over it, i'm over it i'm over wanting you to be wanting me no that ain't no way to be how i feel, read my lips because i'm so over (i'm so over it) movin' on and it's my time you never were a friend of mine hurt at first, a little bit but now i'm so over i'm so over it i'm over your hands and i'm over your mouth trying to drag me down and fill me with self doubt oh and that's why your world i'm over it so sure i'm over it i'm not your girl i'm over it, i'm over it i'm over wanting you to be wanting me no that ain't no way to be how i feel, read my lip 'because i'm so over (i'm so over it) movin' on and it's my time you never were a friend of mine hurt at first, a little bit but now i'm so over so over it (oh) don't call, don't come by ain't no use don't ask me why you'll never change there'll be no more crying in the rain no, oh oh i'm over it wanting you to be wanting me no that ain't no way to be how i feel, read my lip 'because i'm so over (i'm so over it) movin' on and it's my time you never were a friend of mine hurt at first, a little bit but now i'm so over so over it i'm so over it i'm over it wanting you to be wanting me, no that ain't no way to be, how i feel, read my lips because i'm so over (i'm so over it) movin' on and it's my time you never were a friend of mine hurt at first, a little bit but now i'm so over so over it
Katharine McPhee 03:35
25 Eine Welt Ohne Dich
ich will nicht sehen was ich sehe nicht hoeren was ich hoere von dir ich will nicht wissen was ich weiss denn es toetet die hoffnung in mir es ist mir ganz egal wer der schuldige war ich will dich zurück was auch immer geschah' ich will nicht geh'n in eine welt ohne dich nichts ist so leer wie eine welt ohne dich nichts ist so leer wie eine welt ohne dich da da da........ ich will nicht fühlen was ich fühle nicht glauben was man mir erzaehlt ich will nicht hassen wen ich liebe wenn mir deine liebe so fehlt diese bilder von dir rauben mir den verstand sind wie schüsse ins herz ins gedaechtnis gebrannt ich will nicht geh'n in eine welt ohne dich nichts ist so leer wie eine welt ohne dich nur mit traenen im blick denk' ich an dich zurück will nicht geh'n denn der abschied faellt schwer nichts ist so leer wie eine welt ohne dich da da da........ nichts ist so leer wie eine welt ohne dich nichts ist so leer wie eine welt ohne dich 一个没有你的世界 歌手:Yvonne Catterfeld 我不愿看我(可以)看到的 不想去听我听到有关你的 我不愿知道我已知道的 因为它们将我心中的希望毁灭 谁的错 对我来说无所谓 我要你回来 不管发生了什么 我不想离去 进到一个世界没有你 什么都没有 一个没有你的世界那么空洞 什么都没有 一个没有你的世界那么空洞 da da da........(声音, da da da...) 我不愿去感受我所感受的 不想相信别人说给我听的 我不愿去恨那个我爱着的人 当我想念你的爱时 你的(那些)身影/影子 便夺走我的理智 就像射进胸口的子弹 牢牢地烙印在记忆里 我不想离去 进到一个世界没有你 什么都没有 一个没有你的世界那么空洞 只能含着泪 回想着你 我不愿离去 因为告别是如此的难 什么都没有 一个没有你的世界那么空洞 da da da........(声音, da da da...) 什么都没有 一个没有你的世界那么空洞 什么都没有 一个没有你的世界那么空洞
Yvonne Catterfeld 03:23
26 (Everything I Do) I Do It for You
《(Everything I Do)I Do It For You》 (我所做的一切)都是为你 Look into my eyes 看着我的双眼 You will see what you mean to me 你就会知道你对我意味着什么 Search your heart search your soul 在你的心中寻找,在你的灵魂中寻找 And when you find me there youll search no more 当你找到我的时候,你就无须再寻觅 Dont tell me its not worth trying for 不要告诉我那不值得一试 You cant tell me its not worth dying for 不要说那不值得为之付出生命 You know its true 你知道它是真的 Everything I do 我所做的一切, I do it for you 都是为你 Look into your heart 看着你的心 You will find theres nothing there to hide 你会发现那里没有东西隐藏 Take me as I am take my life 取走我---就是我本身,取走我的生命吧! I would give it all I would sacrify 我会牺牲所有 Dont tell me its not worth fighting for 不要告诉我不值得为它而战 I cant help it theres nothing I want more 我无法控制,我无须再多 You know its true 你知道它是真的 Everything I do 我所做的一切, I do it for you 都是为你 Theres no love 那里没有 Like your love 像你的爱一样的爱 And no other 也没有其他人 Could give more love 能如你般给我更多的爱 Theres no one 没有任何人 Unless youre there 除了你 All the time all the way 不管何时不管何地 Ah you cant tell me its not worth trying for 你不能告诉我那不值得努力 I cant help it theres nothing I want more 我无法控制,我无需更多 Yeah I would fight for you 我会为你而战 Id lie for you 为你而死 Walk the wire for you 为你赴汤蹈火 Yeah Id die for you 为你而死 You know its true 你知道它是真的 Everything I do 我所做的一切, I do it for you 都是为你 Brandy是90年代美国流行乐坛涌现出的一大批少女R&B歌手中的一位杰出代表,但是她又不同于Monica,Ashanti,Mya等同时代歌手,Brandy不仅是一名出色的歌手,同时还是一名多栖明星,她在电视剧节目中也有着出色的发挥。和90年代众多出色的少女R&B歌手们一样,Brandy最早也是一位少年得志的童星。1979年2月11日,Brandy出生在美国密西西比州的McComb市,全名Brandy Norwood。虽然出生在美国南方的密西西比州,但是Brandy却成长于西海岸的加利福尼亚州,在这里,她的演唱才华才第一次为人们所注意。也正是在这里,她第一次有了公开展示自己的机会,但是并不是演唱,而是表演。Brandy出现在电视节目中,不久之后在美国广播公司(ABC)情景喜剧《Thea》中的表演让她获得了发行自己第一张个人专辑的机会,这一年的Brandy不到15岁。 94年以15岁稚龄出道的白兰蒂自成名后便成为黑人音乐界的新偶像,过去的两张专辑光在美国就累计九百万张的惊人销售,特别是98年与莫妮卡合唱的“非我莫属”〈The Boy Is Mine〉写下13周冠军纪录最为人熟知,多年来白小妹除了夺下葛莱美、全美音乐奖、灵魂列车、MTV等数项音乐界大奖外,她通吃电影、电视圈的演技也颇受好评,不但是卖座惊悚电影“是谁搞的鬼”的第二女主角,在电视迷你影集“灰姑娘”出任女主角与偶像惠妮修斯顿飙戏等都让她人气居高不下,连时人杂志全球最美人物也榜上有名,出色的外型与甜美笑容更使白小妹成为知名化妆品牌“封面女郎”或是DKNY服饰代言人,甚至芭比娃娃也推出白兰蒂系列。
Brandy 04:09
27 If Everyone Cared
《If everyone cared 》,一首琅琅上口的流行金曲。第一次听到它,你就会被它深深吸引。很有意思的是,昨天在公交车上看到北京奥运击剑冠军仲满的介绍视频短片,配的背景音乐就是这首歌。 《If everyone cared 》是Nickelback乐队(五分币背面乐队)2005年底推出的专辑“All The Right Reasons ”里面的一首初看默默无闻的歌曲。 然而这首歌2006年秋拿到美国第一周打榜,就冲到了美国Hot 100单曲榜第50名——当然,我认为这跟老美子和中国人的欣赏角度不一样所致的。老美子听惯了撕声裂肺的嗓音,因此对这首虽说旋律还不错,但是不够撕心裂肺的单曲也只是觉得还不错罢了。 由于这首歌汇集了和弦简单,琅琅上口,并且歌词意境也不错这三大优势。因此,Nickelback乐队的这盘专辑在Billboard(Hot 100单曲榜)上从06年底一直待到07年底。同时,Nickelback乐队也凭借这首单曲也获得了2008年第50届格莱美的最佳摇滚组合提名 《If everyone cared 》 From underneath the trees, we watch the sky Confusing stars for satellites I never dreamed that you'd be mine But here we are, we're here tonight Singing amen, I'm alive Singing amen, I'm alive If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride We'd see the day when nobody died And I'm singing Amen I..., I'm alive Amen I..., I'm alive And in the air the fireflies Our only light in paradise We'll show the world they were wrong And teach them all to sing along Singing amen I'm alive Singing amen I'm alive If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride We'd see the day when nobody died And as we lie beneath the stars We realize how small we are If they could love like you and me Imagine what the world could be If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride We'd see the day when nobody died We'd see the day, we'd see the day When nobody died We'd see the day, we'd see the day When nobody died We'd see the day when nobody died 翻译: 《如果每个人都学会关心》 树下我们仰望天空 将自己融入点点繁星 我从未想过,你是我的梦 今夜我们共同祷告 生命是如此美好 生命是如此美好 执著成就呐喊 热爱得到真诚 让我们共同分享荣耀 希望是我们的前程 让我们共同高歌 生命是如此美好 生命是如此美好 夜空中的萤火虫 是通往天堂的指路明灯 让世人抛却烦恼 随我们一起歌唱 生命是如此美好 生命是如此美好 我们躺在星空下 感觉到生命的渺小 你我之爱 会把世界从沉睡中唤醒
Nickelback 03:38
28 Oh La La
德国某大电视台于2006年8月举办一场女歌手选秀,全国各地共有5100余人参选,经过多次淘汰,前3名产生并成为组合Monrose,她们便是德国性感的小野猫组合 Senna: ouh yeah uh lala a come here Uuh la la la, uuh La la la (uh lala) Monrose What I want from this life only God knows I wanna rough cut brother kinda macho Uh Who put rings on my fingers, bells on my toes And when you give it to me boy you make me sign ooh la la La Take it down low, teach me all the things that I don't know Songtexte And you don't rush baby take it real slow No one minute man Songtext This girl right here is a marathon fan Alle: You gangster boy with ya magazine Lyrics What ya packing down their your baggy jeans Your faschin you swag like you want to play Lyric You're flaschin your swag like you just wann to play
Monrose 03:46
29 It's the Things You Do
It's the things you do that have made me fall so in love with you You can have it all What else can I do Nothing left to prove It's the things you do You touched my love line so deep inside I never thought I'd feel so good Oh no need to hide now Open up your mind now Let me make it understood because Nobody ever said to me All of the things we shared within Now that I know that you can see Let me fill you up It's the things you do that have made me fall so in love with you You can have it all What else can I do Nothing left to prove It's the things you do You and me baby like the ABC K-I-S-S-I-N-G Could it be unity I need like J Hoffa Romance your body work it out - MM proper One of the finest things on my mind is now you make me feel like gold your queen midas Straight A plus the material I bust It's the things that you do Keep me up and it's a must Nobody ever said to me All of the things we shared within Now that I know that you can see Let me fill you up It's the things you do that have made me fall so in love with you You can have it all What else can I do Nothing left to prove It's the things you do Give me a chance and let me in There's no need to hide what's there within Now that I know that you can see Let me fill you up You got that midas touch I love you more than enough for all the things that you do It's the things you do that have made me fall so in love with you You can have it all What else can I do Nothing left to prove It's the things you do
5ive 03:37
30 Butterfly
Come my lady.来吧,我的爱人 Come,come my lady.来吧,来吧,我的爱人 U're my butterfly.你是我的蝴蝶 Sugar baby.我的甜心宝贝 Come my lady.来吧,我的爱人 Come,come my lady.来吧,来吧,我的爱人 U're my butterfly.你是我的蝴蝶 Sugar baby.我的甜心宝贝 Such a sexy,pretty little thing.如此一个性感,性感又美丽的小东西 Fierce nipple pierce.美好的身材凸露 U got me sprung with Ur tongue ring.缠绕的舌头让我充满活力 And I ain't gonna lie cause Ur loving gets me high.我不会说谎因为你的爱令我兴奋 So 2 keep U by me side.我想把你留在身旁 There's nothing that I won't try.世上没有什么我不敢去尝试的事情 Butterflies in her eyes & looks 2 kill.她眼中的蝴蝶太具杀伤力 Time is passing.时间在飞逝 I'm asking,could this real.我不停地问自己,这一切都是真实的吗? Cause I can't sleep,I can't hold still.因为我睡不着,我辗转反侧 The only thing I really know is.我知道唯一的事情就是 She got sex appeal.她很性感 I can feel too much is never enough.我的感觉永远不会满足 U're always there 2 lift me up.你总在那儿扶起我 When these times get rough.当这一切变得很激烈 I was lost,now I'm found.我曾经迷失了,现在我被发现了 Ever since U've been around.自从你来到了我的身边 U're the woman that I want.你是我需要的女人 So yo,I'm putting it down.你是我需要的女人 Come my lady.来吧,我的爱人 Come,come my lady.来吧,来吧,我的爱人 U're my butterfly.你是我的蝴蝶 Sugar baby.我的甜心宝贝 Come my lady.来吧,我的爱人 U're my pretty baby.你是我可爱的宝贝 I'll make Ur legs shake.我会使你的腿摇动 U make me go crazy.你使我疯狂 Come my lady.来吧,我的爱人 Come,come my lady.吧,来吧,我的爱人 U're my butterfly.你是我的蝴蝶 Sugar baby.我的甜心宝贝 Come my lady.来吧,我的爱人 U're my pretty baby.你是我可爱的宝贝 I'll make Ur legs shake.我会使你的腿摇动 U make me go crazy.你使我疯狂 I don't deserve U.我不值得你的爱 Unless it's some kind of hidden message.除非爱是某种信息 To show me life is precious.对我来说生活是宝贵的 Then I guess it's true.而我认为那是真实的 To tell truth.坦白地说 I really never knew 'til I met U.我真的从不知道爱直到我遇到你 I was lost & confused.我感到自己迷失了,满脑疑问 Twisted & used up.我很苦恼,疲惫不堪 Knew a better life existed.我曾知道有美好的生活存在 But thought that I missed it.但我以为我错过了 My lifestyle's wild.我的生活方式太野性 I was living like a wild child.我的行为像个野蛮的孩子 Trapped on a short leash.我受到短皮带的束缚 Paroled the police files.被警察局假释 And yo,what's happening now?而你,你现在发生了什么事? I see the sun breaking.我看到太阳破云而出 Shining through dark clouds.穿过黑云闪耀 And a vision of U standing out in a crowd.看到你站在人群当中 Hey sugar momma,come & dance with me.嘿,甜心,来和我一起跳舞 The smartest thing U ever did was-你所做的最明智的事情就是 Take a chance with me.冒险和我在一起 So whatever tickles Ur fancy.无论你想象什么笑料 Girl,it's U like Sid & Nancy.女孩,你真的像Sid和Nancy! So sexy,almost evil.如此性感,性感得几乎邪恶 Talkin' about butterflies in my head.脑中想着蝴蝶 I used 2 think happy ending were only-我已前以为戏剧的结果只会出现在 in the books I read.我读的书本里 But U made me feel alive.你让我感到我还活着 When I was almost dead.当我几乎死去的时候 U filled that empty space with the love I used 2 chase.你用我过去追寻的爱情填满我空虚的心灵 And as far as I can see.就我所知 It don't get better than this.没有什么比爱好 So butterfly,here is a song.蝴蝶小姐,这里有一首歌 And it's sealed with a kiss & a thank U miss.它用吻来封笺,它感谢你,想念你 Come on dance with me……来吧,和我一起跳舞
Crazy Town 03:36
31 Life After You
I've been on a roller coaster since you said we were over 自从你说分手,我就坐在过山车上 Cause you didn't want to be tied down 因为我不想被束缚 I felt like a loser, wasted and used 我觉得像是一个被抛弃的人,虚弱,麻木 So scared to move without you around I害怕没你在身边 I thought I was gonna die, turns out I survived 我觉得我要死了,结果我活下了下来 Hey, didn't need you anyway I嘿,再也不需要你了 I get better every day 我每天都过的更好呢! Don't you think it's funny how it all works out 你不觉得有趣吗?一切都解决了 Yeah, I've finally got a life 耶,我最后有了新生活 I go on every night 每晚继续着 Now I've got so much to say, so much to do 现在有太多话要说,太多事要做 This is life, life after you 这就是生活,离开你后的生活 I've been on a roller coaster since you said we were over 自从你说分手,我就坐在过山车上 I'm finally back to being me 我最后找回了自己 I don't have to say I'm sorry 我不必说对不起 I'm the last one at the party 即使是到派对的最后一个人 I don't ever think I've felt so free 我从没这么轻松 I guess I should be thanking you for this brand new attitude 我猜我要谢谢你的新态度 Hey, didn't need you anyway 嘿,再也不需要你了 I'm getting better every day 我每天都过的更好呢! Don't you think it's funny how it all works out Yeah, I've finally got a life 你不觉得有趣吗?一切都解决了 耶,我终于有了新生活 I go on every night 每晚继续 Now I've got so much to say, so much to do 因为现在有太多话要说,太多事要做 This is life, life after you 这就是生活,离开你后的生活 Hey, didn't need you anyway 嘿,再也不需要你了 I'm getting better every day 我每天都过的更好呢! Don't you think it's funny how it all works out 你不觉得有趣吗?一切都解决了 Yeah, I've finally got a life 耶,我终于有了新生活 I go on every night 每晚继续着 Now I've got so much to say, so much to do 因为现在有太多话要说,太多事要做 This is life, life after you 就是生活,离开你后的生活 This is life, life after you 就是生活,离开你后的生活 15岁纯情坏女孩布瑞妹妹人小胆大处女专辑演绎成人爱情,成熟的嗓音让很多人都叹为观止,她真的只有15岁吗?
Brie Larson 03:07
32 She's Back (Again)
took some time to heal to get my heartbeat back just when i'm ahead returning from the dead she's back again... she knows just what to say she always gets her way just when i was free she's back inside of me she's back again [chorus] so tell me why the hell i hear music every time she calls i hear music is it just the way she loves to confuse me oh baby just when i moved on believed that she was gone she's back again... she's back again like a predator and prey she'll tear my heart away she'll chew me to the bone leave me rotting here alone 'til she's back again 原来这就是原唱啊,小守我也只是只听过西城的翻唱版本,起初以为这首是西城自己的歌了........
Human Nature 03:10
33 My Angel (Never Leave You)
来自亚特兰大的节奏蓝调男歌手Bobby Valentino.以他那挑动人心的魅力歌声再度与亲密,性感,旋律动人的情歌,中板情调极品做了又一次美妙的融合
Bobby V 04:45
34 Mockingbird
Eminem 04:11
35 4 Seasons of Loneliness
4 Seasons Of Loneliness --四季的孤单 I long for the warmth of days gone by 我渴望的那些温暖的日子已经过去了 When you were mine 曾经你属于我 But now those days are memories in time 现在都已成为回忆 Life's empty without you by my side 没有你在身边的日子很空虚 My heart belongs to you 我的心在你那里 No matter what I try 不管我怎么尝试摆脱 When I get courage up to love somebody new 当我尝试着爱别人 It always falls apart 'cause they just 我总是无法做到 因为他们 Can't compare to you You love won't release me 不能和你比 你的爱离开我 I'm bound under ball and chain 我非常痛苦 Reminiscing our love as I watch four season's change 追溯着我们的爱 如同四季的转换 Chorus: In comes the winter breeze 它在冬天结冰时到来 That chills the air and drifts the snow 空气变得寒冷,雪落成堆 And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe 我想象在槲寄生(冬天里唯一的绿色)旁亲吻你 When springtime makes its way here 春天来的时候 Lilac blooms reminds me of the scent of your perfume 紫丁香提醒我你的香味 When summer burns with heat 炎热的夏天 I always get the hots for you 如同我火热的心 Go skinny dipping in the ocean where we used to do 就像曾经的我们在海里(在海里修饰,自己想吧) When autumn sheds the leaves the trees are bare 当秋天叶子都落了 When you're not here it doesn't feel the same 你不在这,感觉如此不同 Remember the nights when we closed our eyes 我记得那天夜晚我们闭上眼睛 And vowed that you and I would be in love for all time 那些你和我永远在一起的誓言 Anytime I think about these things is shared with you 无论任何时候我都想把这些与你分享 I break down and cry 'cause I get so emotional 我变得情绪化,无法控制自己 Until you release me 直到你赦免了我 dang I'm bound under ball and chain 我感觉很痛苦 Reminiscing our love as I watch four seasons change 回忆起我们的爱如同这四季的变化 Chorus This loneliness Has crushed my heart 孤独侵蚀着我的心 Please let me love again 请让我的爱再回来 'Cause I need your love to comfort me and ease my pain 我需要你来释放我的痛楚 Or four seasons will bring the loneliness again 若不能,四季将再次孤独
Boyz II Men 04:51
36 Down On My Knees
Do you really think she can love you more than me, do you really, really think so Do you really think she can love you more than me, baby I know she won't Cause I loved you, unconditionally, I gave you even more than ,I had to give I was willing for you to die, cause you were more precious to me, than my own life Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Please, please don't leave me I won't believe, that you really, really, wanna leave me, just because of her Have you forgot about, all the things, we've been through, she was not the one, who was there for you See, I loved you unconditionally, I gave you even more than ,I had to give I was willing for you to die, cause you were more precious to me, than my own life Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Down on my knees, I'm begging you, Please, please don't leave me Don't leave me, I'm begging, I love you, I need you, I'm dying, I'm crying, I'm begging, Please love me I love you, I love you, I'm begging, please love me, I'm begging, I'm begging, Please don't leave me, no, no, no, no, no Down on my knees, I'm begging you
Ayo 04:03
37 Humpin Around
BOBBY BROWN〈humpin’around〉整体的格调其实还是停留在上个世纪八十年代那种典型舞曲的风格,比较单一,但风格整齐,旋律是舞曲中少有的那种比较“有章法”可言的,就连和声也很整齐,港台八酒十年代的快歌其实也是在摹仿这种风格,毕竟华人地区当时接受不了太“激”的风格。   所以〈humpin’around〉给我们华人欣赏也算是口味相得益彰。整体上不象现在的那些舞曲一样过分渲染电子效果和一味的以重BASS取代节奏,当然BOBBY这首名曲之所以成功,是因为在当时这首歌融合了诸多风格,可以说的走的时代潮流的尖端,POP,RAP,R&B加少许不腻的电子舞曲风格,令到这首相对风格保守的舞曲值得一听再听,但其实BOBBY这首〈humpin’around〉潜在的风格是十分大胆的,看过当时这部精彩的MV的朋友就知道了,BOBBY演绎得非常到位,而且快中带劲,强烈的节奏感中隐含着丝丝性感,就算单听CD不看MV,也能感受到那些跳跃的音符。
Bobby Brown 04:22
38 Friend or Foe
is it too late nothing to salvage you look away clear all the damage the meaning to all words of love has disappeared we used to love one another give to each other lie under covers so, are you friend or foe love one another live for each other so, are you friend or foe cause i used to know the promises hollow concessions and innocent show of affection i touch your hand a hologram are you still there the meaning to
t.A.T.u 03:08
39 Where Would You Like Them Left?
Blaqk Audio 04:16
40 Shy Girl
Shy shy girl Shy Girl Yeah, Yeah Standing with the wallflowers Wishing you would've stayed at home You kick yourself for coming When you're standing there all alone The centers of attention are busy making all their **MOVES** Oh Girl... While all the guys are lookin at them Then I got my eye on you Only you You might think you're nothing special You might be losing hope But baby don't you realize How beautiful you really are Shy girl It's written on your face A mermaid out of water Feeling out of place Shy girl Tryin to hide a blush Caught you looking for a second Felt my heart rush Don't run away Don't be afraid Don't be shy girl So beautiful Shy shy girl I'm moving in closer Slowing trying to break the ice Shy shy girl But it's hard to get a lock on your downward glancing eyes Oh yeah You might think you're nothing special But I'm about to lose my hope Baby don't you realize How beautiful you really are Shy girl It's written on your face A mermaid out of water Feeling out of place Shy girl Tryin to hide a blush Caught you looking for a second Felt my heart rush Don't run away Don't be afraid Don't be shy girl Now I'm standing right in front of you I confess I'm nervous too Girl you know there's something going on And not to give it a chance Would be so wrong Oh baby Shy girl It's written on your face A mermaid out of water Feeling out of place Shy girl Tryin to hide a blush Pretending that there's nothing between the two of us Don't run away Don't be afraid Don't be shy girl It's written on your face A mermaid out of water Feeling out of place Shy girl Tryin to hide a blush Caught you looking for a second Felt my heart rush Don't run away Don't be afraid Don't be shy girl Don't be shy girl Shy shy girl Oh baby Shy girl So beautiful, so beautiful I'm looking at you Shy shy girl Come a little closer
O-Town 04:08
41 The Right Kind Of Wrong
Know all about 完全了解 About your reputation 你的名声 And now it's bound to be a heartbreak situation 然而如今仍然成了让人惊异的事实 But I can't help it if I'm helpless 但我不能阻止如果我无能为力 Everytime that I'm where you are 每一次我都和你在一起 You walk in and my strength walks out the door 你一走进我就失去所有力量 Say my name and I can't fight it anymore 你叫我的名字我就再不能反抗 Oh I know, I should go 我知道,我本应离开 But I need your touch just too damn much 但我实在过于需要你的抚摸 Loving you isn't really something I should do 爱你我实在不应该做 Shouldn't wanna spend my time with you 真不应把我的时间消耗在你身上 That I should try to be strong 我本应努力使自己坚强 But baby you're the right kind of wrong 但宝贝你实在是无法拒绝的错 Yeah baby you're the right kind of wrong 宝贝你实在是无法拒绝的错 Might be a mistake 也许是个错误 A mistake I'm making 我犯的错误 But what you're giving I am happy to be taking 但你给我的我当然愿意接受 Cause no one's ever made me feel 因为再没有人曾让我感觉 The way I feel when I'm in your arms 在你怀抱中的幸福 They say you're something I should do without 他们说你是我应该原理的 They don't know what goes on 他们不知道都发生了什么 When the lights go out 当灯光熄灭了 There's no way to explain 就没办法再解释了 All the pleasure is worth all the pain 所有的快乐让所有痛值得 Loving you isn't really something I should do 尽管爱你我实在不应该做 Shouldn't wanna spend my time with you 本不该将时间花费在你身上 Shouldn't wanna spend my time with you 真不应把我的时间消耗在你身上 That I should try to be strong 我本应努力使自己坚强 But baby you're the right kind of wrong 但宝贝你实在是无法拒绝的错 Yeah baby you're the right kind of wrong 宝贝你实在是无法拒绝的错 I should try to run 我本应努力逃跑 But I just can't seem to 但看起来我不可能 Cause everytime I run you're the on I run to 因为每一次我奔跑都奔向你的怀抱 Can't do without, what you do to me 不能继续,没有你给我的一切 I don't care if I'm in too deep 是不是太疯狂我不在意 Know all about 完全了解 About your reputation 你的名声 And now it's bound to be a heartbreak situation 然而如今仍然成了让人惊异的事实 But I can't help it if I'm helpless 但我不能阻止如果我无能为力 Everytime that I'm where you are 每一次我都和你在一起 Yeah baby you're the right kind of wrong 宝贝你实在是无法拒绝的错
LeAnn Rimes 03:47
42 Love Is
McKnight, Brian 1969年6月5日出生于美国纽约州的布法罗。Brian McKnight的哥哥Claude V. McKnight是福音音乐组Take 6的成员,Brian McKnight则是一名蓝调音乐歌手,他首先在布法罗及周围的地区开始了他的音乐生涯,他和自己的乐队一起在那里表演一些他自创的作品。他的表演引起了Mercury Records唱片公司的注意,他在这家唱片公司录制了他的第一个自己命名的个人专辑,尽管这张唱片收到的利润回报一般,但这张唱片进入了美国蓝调音乐专辑排行榜的前20名。该唱片中收录的《Love Is》取自电视连续剧《Beverly Hills, 90210》,是与Vanessa Williams合作的二重唱,这首歌闯入了流行歌曲的排行榜,并在1993年5月份上升到了第3名。另外一支单曲《One Last Cry》也在当年上升到了排行榜的第13位。他的第二张唱片《I Remember You》卖出了50多万张,其中有5首单曲进入了蓝调歌曲排行榜的前20名。 他在歌坛的声望和地位确立之后,Mercury唱片公司决定不再延误,及时推出他的第三张专辑《Anytime》。这张专辑的制作过程中也不乏一些颇为响亮的名字,如Sean 'Puffy' Combs(制作人)、Ma$e(说唱表演)以及Mary J. Blige和Diane Warren(词曲作者)。这张唱片中首先值得一提的是在美国歌曲排行榜上排在第17位的《'You Should Be Mine (Don't Waste Your Time)》,这首歌由Ma$e演唱,目的是为了把希普霍普音乐的听众的注意力吸引到McKnight的作品上来,扩大他的歌迷阵容。然而这首单曲并不能代表这张唱片中的大部分内容,这张唱片中大部分还是较为成熟的蓝调音乐和浪漫的民谣,这些才是McKnight才能的真正体现。《Anytime》的推出也收到很好的回报,这张唱片进入了排行榜的前20名。McKnight后来转向与Motown唱片公司合作录制他的圣诞节专辑《Bethlehem》。接着推出的专辑《Back At One》获得了极大的成功,标题曲在美国热门歌曲100首中连续几周排在第2位。
Brian McKnight 04:27