# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
Hollow Heart
哦!首当其位我的大沼泽!而且这曲开头是丧尸从泥中蹚水过来,死亡的开篇,太喜欢这个开头了。 |
Kalmah | 04:44 |
02 | Swamphell | Kalmah | 04:53 |
03 | Principle Hero | Kalmah | 04:24 |
04 | Human Fates | Kalmah | 05:50 |
05 | They Will Return | Kalmah | 03:53 |
06 | Kill the Idealist | Kalmah | 05:13 |
07 | The Blind Leader | Kalmah | 04:06 |
08 | My Nation | Kalmah | 05:30 |
09 | Skin o' My Teeth | Kalmah | 02:59 |
10 |
Bodom After Midnight
华丽丽秀技,心旷神怡 |
Children of Bodom | 03:43 |
11 | Follow the Reaper | Children of Bodom | 03:47 |
12 | Children of Decadence | Children of Bodom | 05:34 |
13 | Everytime I Die | Children of Bodom | 04:04 |
14 | Mask of Sanity | Children of Bodom | 03:58 |
15 | Taste of My Scythe | Children of Bodom | 03:58 |
16 | Hate Me! | Children of Bodom | 04:44 |
17 | Northern Comfort | Children of Bodom | 03:48 |
18 | Kissing the Shadows | Children of Bodom | 04:39 |
19 | Shot in the Dark (Ozzy Osbourne cover) | Children of Bodom | 03:41 |
20 | Hellion (W.A.S.P. cover) | Children of Bodom | 02:59 |
21 |
民金神砖 |
Finsterforst | 11:45 |
22 | Das große Erwachen | Finsterforst | 12:14 |
23 | Seines Glückes Schmied | Finsterforst | 11:24 |
24 | Sturmes Ernte | Finsterforst | 13:36 |
25 | Untergang | Finsterforst | 21:37 |
26 |
大冥界!黑色的十分正宗,给力的riff,虽略显传统但是十分庄重。这把嗓子也好,国内乐队这么正点的黑嗓不多 |
冥界 | 06:49 |
27 | 瞬间燃烧 | 冥界 | 05:57 |
28 | 夜魔之路 | 冥界 | 04:55 |
29 | 当黑暗在眼前落下 | 冥界 | 05:34 |
30 | 黑星 | 冥界 | 04:58 |
31 | 狗面对着狗 | 冥界 | 04:11 |
32 | 钻石与锈铁 | 冥界 | 04:56 |
33 | 海市蜃楼 | 冥界 | 04:10 |
34 | 迷宫的囚徒 (Live) | 冥界 | 06:27 |
35 | 死之吻 (Live) | 冥界 | 03:37 |
36 | 黑星 (Live) | 冥界 | 05:01 |
37 | 钻石与锈铁 (Live) | 冥界 | 04:46 |
38 | 夜魔之路 (Live) | 冥界 | 04:25 |
39 |
Threshold of Perception
美国技术旋死乐队,吉他弹得出神入化,各种秀 |
Allegaeon | 06:07 |
40 | Tyrants of the Terrestrial Exodus | Allegaeon | 04:18 |
41 | Dyson Sphere | Allegaeon | 04:47 |
42 | The Phylogenesis Stretch | Allegaeon | 04:18 |
43 | 1.618 | Allegaeon | 04:18 |
44 | Gravimetric Time Dilation | Allegaeon | 05:26 |
45 | Our Cosmic Casket | Allegaeon | 05:05 |
46 | Biomech II | Allegaeon | 05:17 |
47 | Through Ages of Ice - Otzi's Curse | Allegaeon | 05:39 |
48 | Genocide for Praise - Vals for the Vitruvian Man | Allegaeon | 12:48 |
49 |
澳大利亚旋死乐队,编曲精美,可听度相当高。封面~提头来见 |
Be'lakor | 08:38 |
50 | From Scythe to Sceptre | Be'lakor | 06:58 |
51 | Outlive the Hand | Be'lakor | 08:39 |
52 | Sun's Delusion | Be'lakor | 09:10 |
53 | Held in Hollows | Be'lakor | 07:23 |
54 | Husks | Be'lakor | 02:48 |
55 | Aspect | Be'lakor | 05:51 |
56 | Countless Skies | Be'lakor | 10:00 |
57 |
Fading Tree
以前在私人音乐杂志听的,追砖追到虾米来了,然后接触到了巨多的金属乐,也不糙,没有极端出彩的地方,但是是非常耐听的一部砖 |
Heathen Foray | 05:19 |
58 | Northstar | Heathen Foray | 03:34 |
59 | Winterking | Heathen Foray | 04:56 |
60 | Fortress of Faith | Heathen Foray | 04:18 |
61 | Chants | Heathen Foray | 04:12 |
62 | Dragon's Eyes | Heathen Foray | 04:33 |
63 | Ancient Secrets | Heathen Foray | 03:40 |
64 | Wolkenbruch | Heathen Foray | 03:58 |
65 | Theatre of Battle | Heathen Foray | 05:06 |
66 | Wilderness Lore | Heathen Foray | 03:47 |
67 |
芬兰出品,经典必藏 |
Insomnium | 03:18 |
68 | Down With The Sun | Insomnium | 04:23 |
69 | Where The Last Wave Broke | Insomnium | 05:03 |
70 | The Harrowing Years | Insomnium | 06:39 |
71 | Against The Stream | Insomnium | 06:11 |
72 | Lay Of The Autumn | Insomnium | 09:08 |
73 | Into The Woods | Insomnium | 05:08 |
74 | Weighed Down With Sorrow | Insomnium | 05:51 |
75 | The New Beginning | Insomnium | 07:15 |
76 | Into The Evernight | Insomnium | 05:28 |
77 |
Ad Victoriam
心目中最甜的果子,谁让它是我接触民谣维金第一砖呢?不管之中有几多纠葛,还有后面更好的或者从前更好的,都无法代替它的位置。 |
Ensiferum | 03:10 |
78 | Blood Is the Price of Glory | Ensiferum | 05:17 |
79 | Deathbringer from the Sky | Ensiferum | 05:11 |
80 | Ahti | Ensiferum | 03:56 |
81 | One More Magic Potion | Ensiferum | 05:21 |
82 | Wanderer | Ensiferum | 06:32 |
83 | Raised by the Sword | Ensiferum | 06:10 |
84 | The New Dawn | Ensiferum | 03:42 |
85 | Victory Song | Ensiferum | 10:38 |
86 | Lady In Black | Ensiferum | 09:59 |
87 |
Darkest Time
每次听的时候满足中便是浓浓的遗憾,为什么乐队那么早就解散了,曲曲精品啊! |
Norther | 06:11 |
88 | Last Breath | Norther | 05:01 |
89 | Released | Norther | 04:08 |
90 | Endless War | Norther | 06:49 |
91 | Dream | Norther | 04:34 |
92 | Victorious One | Norther | 05:44 |
93 | Nothing Left | Norther | 04:22 |
94 | The Last Night | Norther | 02:18 |
95 | Final Countdown | Norther | 04:22 |
96 | Youth Gone Wild | Norther | 03:01 |
97 |
Blood Ran Cold
大沼泽不解释 |
Kalmah | 05:05 |
98 | The Evil Kin | Kalmah | 04:15 |
99 | The World Of Rage | Kalmah | 04:30 |
100 | Into the Black Marsh | Kalmah | 04:19 |
101 | Take Me Away | Kalmah | 04:48 |
102 | Paystreak | Kalmah | 04:56 |
103 | Waiting in the Wings | Kalmah | 04:21 |
104 | Through the Shallow Waters | Kalmah | 04:24 |
105 | Erase and Diverge | Kalmah | 04:12 |
106 | The Stalker | Kalmah | 05:17 |
107 | Lovers on the Sun (David Guetta Cover) (Bonus Track) | Kalmah | 03:25 |
108 |
Fragments of I
黑暗!死亡!riff层层铺垫慢慢展开! 德国旋死金属,相当好听的一张砖,缺点就是~如果非要说有缺点的话~每首歌分开听都巨好听,一张专辑听下来 却感觉旋律都差不多,然后有点审美疲劳。。然而瑕不掩瑜嘛!快乐的听吧 |
Frozen Infinity | 01:21 |
109 | The Shattered Image | Frozen Infinity | 03:44 |
110 |
To Betray
说点啥呢?太好听了!卖力的听吧!有生之年 |
Frozen Infinity | 04:19 |
111 | For Those Who Died | Frozen Infinity | 06:15 |
112 | Neverending Story | Frozen Infinity | 05:07 |
113 | Nevermore | Frozen Infinity | 05:24 |
114 | Godless You | Frozen Infinity | 04:43 |
115 | Suicidal Seraphim | Frozen Infinity | 05:17 |
116 | After The Storm | Frozen Infinity | 06:18 |
117 | The Fall of Mankind | Frozen Infinity | 03:45 |
118 | The Everwicked | Frozen Infinity | 06:31 |
119 | Man or Machine | Frozen Infinity | 04:34 |
120 | Dreaming of Entrophy | Frozen Infinity | 08:11 |
121 |
个人认为Norther最好听的一张 |
Norther | 04:19 |
122 | Betrayed | Norther | 04:54 |
123 | Of Darkness and Light | Norther | 05:06 |
124 | Midnight Walker | Norther | 04:44 |
125 | Cry | Norther | 04:58 |
126 | Everything Is an End | Norther | 04:32 |
127 | Unleash Hell | Norther | 04:15 |
128 | Dead | Norther | 05:27 |
129 | Mirror of Madness | Norther | 04:43 |
130 | Frozen Sky (bonus track) | Norther | 03:18 |
131 | Smash(bonus track) | Norther | 02:37 |
132 | Abeyance | Be'lakor | 08:05 |
133 | Remnants | Be'lakor | 06:14 |
134 | Fraught | Be'lakor | 06:46 |
135 | Absit Omen | Be'lakor | 06:06 |
136 | To Stir The Sea | Be'lakor | 01:29 |
137 | In Parting | Be'lakor | 09:21 |
138 | The Dream And The Waking | Be'lakor | 09:17 |
139 | By Moon And Star | Be'lakor | 08:58 |
140 | Turis Fratyr | Equilibrium | 00:34 |
141 | Wingthor's Hammer | Equilibrium | 06:41 |
142 | Unter der Eiche | Equilibrium | 04:50 |
143 | Der Sturm | Equilibrium | 03:45 |
144 | Widars Hallen | Equilibrium | 08:17 |
145 | Met | Equilibrium | 02:23 |
146 | Heimdalls Ruf | Equilibrium | 01:51 |
147 | Die Prophezeihung | Equilibrium | 05:18 |
148 | Nordheim | Equilibrium | 05:11 |
149 | Im Fackelschein | Equilibrium | 01:58 |
150 | Tote Heldensagen | Equilibrium | 09:10 |
151 | Wald der Freiheit | Equilibrium | 03:00 |
152 | Shingo Murata | Equilibrium | 05:29 |
153 | Wigrid (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 01:38 |
154 | Nach dem Winter (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 04:45 |
155 | Unter der Eiche (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 04:49 |
156 | Met (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 02:26 |
157 | Heimdalls Ruf (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 01:44 |
158 | Die Prophezeiung (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 05:10 |
159 | Nordheim (Demo 2003) | Equilibrium | 05:29 |
160 | Nichts als Asche | Finsterforst | 13:20 |
161 | Fremd | Finsterforst | 12:21 |
162 | Am Scheideweg | Finsterforst | 01:28 |
163 | Stirbt Zuletzt | Finsterforst | 10:20 |
164 | Ein Lichtschein | Finsterforst | 13:41 |
165 | Rast | Finsterforst | 01:59 |
166 | Flammenrausch | Finsterforst | 22:10 |
167 | The Arcane Dominion | Eluveitie | 05:40 |
168 | Gray Sublime Archon | Eluveitie | 04:21 |
169 | Brictom | Eluveitie | 04:22 |
170 | Inis Mona (Including Live Intro) | Eluveitie | 04:41 |
171 | Memento | Eluveitie | 03:19 |
172 | Bloodstained Ground | Eluveitie | 03:20 |
173 | Within The Grove | Eluveitie | 01:51 |
174 | The Cauldron Of Renascence | Eluveitie | 02:02 |
175 | The Somber Lay | Eluveitie | 03:59 |
176 | Omnos | Eluveitie | 03:48 |
177 | Slanias Song | Eluveitie | 05:40 |
178 | Voveso In Mori | Eluveitie | 04:06 |
179 | Slania (Folk Medley) | Eluveitie | 01:52 |
180 | Midsommer | Svartsot | 04:53 |
181 | Urtekonen | Svartsot | 05:15 |
182 | Kilden - I Marker og i Lunde | Svartsot | 05:34 |
183 | Allerkæresten min | Svartsot | 05:58 |
184 | Moder Hyld | Svartsot | 06:24 |
185 | Markedstid | Svartsot | 06:26 |
186 | I Mørkets Skær | Svartsot | 04:40 |
187 | Ved Vældets Vande | Svartsot | 06:34 |