如果不说说关于这个十九岁的女孩,我可能会被全映象唱片的人打。很难得会听到这样的声音,让全公司从企划部、编辑部、业务部...一路传到仓库跟柜台,每个人都说「好好听」、「怎么这么棒」,她超龄的灵魂嗓音就是能顺利征服大家,非常的「疗伤系」。 Adele(爱黛儿)从独立大厂XL发迹,却以一首催泪歌〈Chasing Pavements〉拿下英国单曲榜亚军、英国iTunes Store冠军曲,被英国传媒捧为「新Amy Winehouse」。她这么说她的新专辑《19 十九岁》:「这是一张相当感伤的专辑,歌曲都是关于背叛和无法如愿以偿的故事。」我想,看了〈Chasing Pavements〉的MV,你就会完全明了了。
http://adele.tv/ (跟看电影一样)
台湾特别盘《Adele - 19》Enhanced CD独家加收〈Chasing Pavements〉音乐录影带,故事以两个角度叙述一场车祸,一对恋人不幸丧生于人行道上,在镜头转以俯视角度之时,他们仿佛又活了过来,倒述从两人追求、交往、背叛、原谅的种种点滴,情节感人。
她才十九岁 全民都爱黛
当艾美怀丝脱序演出闹得满城风雨,一个年仅19岁的灵魂女声Adele悄悄窜起,在MySpace社群凝聚了超高人气,随后于Jamie T.的音乐厂牌Pacemaker Recordings发行首张单曲〈Hometown Glory〉,并接连在BBC当家音乐节目《Later With Jools Holland》、《Friday Night With Jonathan Ross》与披头四成员保罗麦卡尼、碧玉同台演出,短短两个月间,Adele灵骚味十足的爆发力超龄嗓音,被英国传媒冠上了「新艾美怀丝」封号,在2007年全英音乐奖摘下由150多个媒体工作者票选出的最具潜力新人奖「Critics Choice 」,并站上BBC「Sound Of 2008」名单榜首(米卡、基音乐团皆为过去名单赢家),成为全英国最受瞩目的超级新秀。
Adele的首张专辑《19》中所有歌曲均是她亲自创作,并交由三名金牌制作人打理:Jim Abbiss,Eg White以及Mark Ronson。我最心仪的几首,却正好都是出自Jim Abbiss之手:编配虽然精简,却可以从多重角度把握Adele的神韵。Daydreamer和Crazy For You均是一把吉他贯穿始终,前者氛围恬静,后者灵魂出窍,Adele的延音在时空中游移颤动,泛着琴弦的光泽。Best For Last则换上深色背景,低音贝司讨巧的衬出Adele的哑光质感。First Love又用钢片琴架起音乐盒,人声萦绕其间,挥之不散。至于My Same开头那阵Aye Aye,简直是小野猫一爪一爪挠到心口。还有两首钢琴Ballads,Make You Feel My Love像是Elton John改编Bob Dylan,Hometone Glory则是Adele初试啼声的伦敦之音,两曲一晨一暮,透散着依稀暖光。
再来看看另外两人所为:Mark Ronson制作的Cold Shoulder依然故我,可以华丽丽的无缝接驳Amy Winehouse的You Know I'm Good和Tears Dry On Their Own;而Eg White制作的热播单曲Chasing Pavements其实也不过是在复制James Morrison的You Give Me Something,到了Melt My Heart To Stone,几乎是要Melt Adele into Joss Stone了……很明显,制作人气焰太盛,风头盖过Adele。
2008年一开始,人气持续攀升的Adele以第二支单曲〈Chasing Pavements〉,压倒布兰妮、蕾哈娜等天后,跃上英国单曲榜亚军、英国iTunes Store冠军位置,并献上抢先获得OMM★★★★★满分评价的首张专辑《19》。这张由Jim Abbiss(北极泼猴、百忧解)和Eg White(凯莉米洛、娜塔莉)等名将共同打造的处女作,Adele拾起了最扣人心弦的元素:爱情,用综合艾美怀丝率性不羁和乔丝史东感性细致特质的魅力嗓音,诉说着一段段令人心碎的故事,伴随空心吉他倾吐情殇往事的〈Daydreamer〉,音乐盒般精灵Keyboard音色缭绕的〈First Love〉 ,寂寥钢琴敲击出漩涡般感染力的〈Hometown Glory〉,和煦伤感直袭心灵深处的〈Chasing Pavements〉,翻玩巴布狄伦名曲〈Make You Feel My Love〉,以至邀来Mark Ronson(莉莉艾伦、艾美怀丝)助阵的华丽放克舞曲〈Cold Shoulder〉,夹带轻盈感伤的迷蒙复古气息间,Adele性格鲜明的真挚嗓音,一次又一次融化寂寞的心灵…在这个嘻哈/节奏蓝调横行的时代里,如果您仍在寻找一个如Dido、Joss Stone、KT Tunstall或Kate Nash般贴近灵魂的声音,请在此驻足,因为Adele将让您无法自拔地深陷!
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
《Daydreamer》中以Acoustic吉他作伴奏,刻意放轻的唱腔结合旋律流露出简朴之美。 Daydreamer Sitting on the sea Soaking up the sun He is a real lover Of making up the past And feeling up his girl Like he's never felt her figure before A jaw dropper Looks good when he walks Is the subject of their talk He would be hard to chase but good to catch And he could change the world |
Adele | 03:40 |
02 |
Chasing Pavements
就是因为这首《追寻人行道》而获得了格莱美奖, 作为代表作,怎么不将它加到精选集中? I've made up my mind / 我已下定决心, Don't need to think it over / 不再需要深思熟。 If I'm wrong I am right / 我是对还是错, Don't need to look no further / 也不必再追根刨底。 This ain't lust / 这绝非情欲, I know this is love / 我已明白这便是爱。 |
Adele | 03:30 |
03 |
Chasing Pavements (Live)
毕竟是现场版,所以感情,和声效都不如录音版的。 拍子有稍微慢了一些,听起来又别有一般滋味,要支持的。 I'd build myself up / 我是该打起精神, And fly around in circles / 没头没脑地原地飞奔, Wait then as my heart drops / 直等到我已心灰意冷, And my back begins to tingle /直等到我已腰酸背疼, Finally could this be it? Or / 结局会不会便是如此?或者。 Should I give up / 我是该放弃, Or should I just keep chasing pavements / 还是该一味地追逐人行道, Even if it leads nowhere / 哪怕这条路没有出口。 |
Adele | 03:47 |
04 |
Make You Feel My Love
翻唱Bob Dylan的《Make You Feel My Love》, 则用Elton John式的钢琴, 将Bob Dylan原本的乡土气息荡涤乾静。 when the rain's blowing in your face 当雨水在你的脸上恣睢 and the whole world is on your case 你将整个世界背负在自己的行囊里 i would offer you a warm embrace 我会给你一个温暖的拥抱 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 when the evening shadows 当夜幕降临 and the stars appear 天上的繁星闪现 and there is no one to dry your tears 没有人拭去你眼角的泪水 i would hold you for a million years 我会紧紧的抱着你 直到海枯石烂 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 |
Adele | 03:32 |
05 |
First Love
音乐盒音效贯穿全曲的《First Love》, 又好像是Jill Scott的晨练曲, 将Indie之清新与Soul之华丽融为一炉, 你中有我、我中有你。 So little to say but so much time, despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Please wear the face, the one where you smile, because you lighten up my heart when I start to cry. Forgive me first love, but I'm tired. I need to get away to feel again. Try to understand why, don't get so close to change my mind. Please wipe that look out of your eyes, it's bribing me to doubt myself; simply, it's tiring. |
Adele | 03:10 |
06 |
Crazy For You
Found myself today singing out your name, you said I’m crazy, if I am I’m crazy for you. Sometimes sitting in the dark wishing you were here turns me crazy, but it’s you who makes me lose my head. And every time I’m meant to be acting sensible you drift into my head and turn me into a crumbling fool. |
Adele | 03:28 |
07 |
My Same
You said I'm stubborn and I never give in I think you're stubborn 'cept you're always softening You say I'm selfish, I agree with you on that I think you're giving out in way too much in fact I say we've only known each other a year You say I've known you longer my dear You like to be so close, I like to be alone I like to sit on chairs and you prefer the floor Walking with each other, think we'll never match at all, but we do But we do, but we do, but we do I thought I knew myself, somehow you know me more I've never known this, never before You're the first to make up whenever we argue I don't know who I'd be if I didn't know you You're so provocative, I'm so conservative You're so adventurous, I'm so very cautious, combining You think we would and we do, but we do, but we do, but we do instrumental bit! |
Adele | 03:15 |
08 |
Right As Rain
Who wants to be right as rain It’s better when something is wrong You get excitement in your bones And everything you do’s a game When night comes and your all on your own You can say I chose to be alone Who wants to be right as rain It’s harder when your on top Cause when hard work don’t pay off And I’m tired there aint no room in my bed As far as I’m concerned So wipe that dirty smile off We won’t be making up I’ve cried my heart out And now I’ve had enough of love |
Adele | 03:17 |