

#billboard专题 Hot 精选 欧美 排行榜 榜单 热门 hit 民谣 民歌 Rock 流行 摇滚 蓝调 拉丁 说唱 Pop 金属 爵士 电子 舞曲 Jazz R&B Folk Blues Rap Dance



From the monster-selling albums to the iconic new stars, the most blogged-about controversies to the most life-changing technologies, take a look back at the wild, unpredictable and unforgettable decade in music.

在公告牌单曲榜50多年的历史中,出现过很多红极一时的流星,近日,公告牌杂志统计出了近10年来在Hot 100单曲榜中昙花一现的音乐人,并列出了他们当时的成名单曲。

They came, they conquered... they were never heard from again. After reaching the Hot 100's Top 10 with their very first singles, none of these acts managed to crack the Top 25 for the rest of the decade. But hey, four minutes of fame is better than nothing.

The one-hitmakers on this list have been ranked by how high their big song climbed on the chart compared to how far down the tally their subsequent highest-charting effort peaked.


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Bad Day
1 Daniel Powter BAD DAY Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" was used as the kiss-off song for the 5th season of "American Idol," which gave the song enough juice to become the biggest single of 2006. The song went to No. 1 in April and stayed at the top for five weeks. But Powter's good fortune didn't last long; he hasn't visited the Hot 100 since. 在第五季“美国偶像”大赛当中,加拿大了流星男歌手丹尼尔-波特(Daniel Powter)的这首《Bad Day》被用作淘汰歌手的欢送歌曲。由于被美国最红的选秀节目反复播放,《Bad Day》想不红都难,在整个2006年当中,《Bad Day》是美国最受欢迎的流行音乐单曲之一。当年4月,《Bad Day》成功登顶并在Hot 100单曲榜冠军宝座停留了五周。然而,Daniel Powter的好运并没有延续下来,从那之后,他至今仍没有作品再打入过Hot 100单曲榜。
Daniel Powter 03:54
02 Lean Back
2 Terror Squad LEAN BACK Terror Squad, the hip-hop collective led by Fat Joe, topped the charts in August 2004 with "Lean Back," giving the world a new dance craze in the process. The Squad fell back hard after that, only reaching as high as No. 62 with a subsequent single: "Take Me Home," at the end of 2004. 2004年8月,由Fat Joe领衔的东海岸饶舌组合Terror Squad凭借一首《Lean Back》成功登顶Billboard Hot 100单曲榜。但从此之后,除了一首《Take Me Home》曾在2004年底获得过第62名的成绩,Terror Squad在Hot 100单曲榜中再没有任何精彩的表现。
Terror Squad 04:07
03 Butterfly
3 Crazy Town BUTTERFLY L.A. rap-rockers Crazy Town flew to the top of the charts with the Red Hot Chili Peppers infused track "Butterfly" in March 2001, and hovered at No. 1 for two weeks. The band's wings were clipped after reaching that peak; they never saw the Hot 100 again. 2001年3月,在新金属风行的年代,来自洛杉矶的说唱金属乐团“疯城”(Crazy Town)的单曲《Butterfly》在Hot 100单曲榜中连续两周获得冠军。从此之后,Crazy Town乐队再也没能“疯”起来,再也没有第二首单曲打入Hot 100单曲榜。
Crazy Town 03:36
04 This Is Why I'm Hot
4 MIMS THIS IS WHY I'M HOT MIMS told the world "This Is Why I'm Hot," and sizzled at the No. 1 spot for two weeks in March 2007. The Jamaican rapper's next single, July 2007's "Like This," only went as high as No. 32. Not quite as hot. 2007年3月,牙买加饶舌歌手MIMS用实际行动证明了“这就是我为什么这么火”,作为新人MIMS的首支打榜单曲,这首《This Is Why I'm Hot》在Hot 100单曲榜中连续两周折桂。同年七月,MIMS的下一支单曲《Like This》在Hot 100单曲榜中仅名列第32位,已经不复年初之勇。
MIMS 04:13
05 You're Beautiful
6 James Blunt YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL James Blunt sweet-talked his way to No. 1 with the inescapable ballad "You're Beautiful" in March 2006. But fans dropped him soon after; his appropriately titled next single, "Goodbye My Lover," only reached No. 66. 2006年3月,英国上尉诗人詹姆斯-布朗特(James Blunt)的动人情歌《You're Beautiful》不仅征服了英伦三岛,而且也成功打动了美国的乐迷。可以,美国乐迷抛弃他的速度似乎同当时接受他的时候一样快。James Blunt此后的单曲《Goodbye My Lover》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中仅获得了第66名的成绩。
James Blunt 03:33
06 Crazy
7 Gnarls Barkley CRAZY "Crazy" was such a gargantuan smash, it felt like Gnarls Barkley's spell would never wear off. But after peaking at No. 2 in July 2006, Ceee-Lo and Dangermouse haven't made it past No. 88 with their subsequent singles. Crazy, indeed. 2006年,由制作人Dangermouse和Cee-Lo组成的纳尔斯-巴克利组合(Gnarls Barkley)在没有任何征兆的情况下一炮走红,他们的热门单曲《Crazy》在英美两国都得到了乐迷们近乎疯狂的追捧。但从2006年6月获得 Billboard Hot 100单曲榜亚军之后,Gnarls Barkley此后在Hot 100单曲榜中的最好成绩仅为第88位。
Gnarls Barkley 02:59
07 Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!)
8 Blu Cantrell HIT 'EM UP STYLE (OOPS!) Blu Cantrell struck gold with "Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!)," which reached the No. 2 position in July 2001. Since then, she's only climbed as high as No. 70, with "Breathe" in 2003. Oops! 2001年7月,R&B女歌手Blu Cantrell的单曲《Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!)》曾在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中获得亚军的好成绩,可惜,从这次之后,Blu Cantrell在Hot 100单曲榜中的最好成绩仅为第70名(2003年的单曲《Breathe》。
Blu Cantrell 04:10
08 The Real Thing
暂缺 9 Bo Bice INSIDE YOUR HEAVEN Bo Bice won the hearts of "American Idol" viewers with "Inside Your Heaven," which peaked at No. 2 in July 2005. After the cameras turned off, voters quickly tuned out. His next highest-charting single, "The Real Thing," peaked at No. 56 in May 2006. 在当年的美国偶像大赛中,以摇滚歌曲作为主打的男歌手Bo Bice凭借这首《Inside Your Heaven》捕获了很多“美国偶像”观众的心。2005年7月,这首《Inside Your Heaven》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中获得亚军。随着此后一届又一届美国偶像的举办,Bo Bice渐渐开始不被人关注了。此后,他在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中的最好成绩仅为第56位,由2006年5月的单曲《The Real Thing》创造。
Bo Bice 03:22
09 He Loves U Not
10 Dream HE LOVES U NOT Dream lived up to their name with "He Loves U Not," which climbed to No. 2 in December 2000. After that, the manufactured girl group woke up and only rose to No. 39 with their next single, "This Is Me," in the summer of 2001. 2000年12月,一支名叫“Dream”的女子流行组合凭借这首《He Loves U Not》像做梦一样获得了Billboard Hot 100单曲榜的亚军,可惜,她们的好梦仅此一次,2001年夏天,她们的下一首打榜单曲《This Is Me》只获得了第39名的成绩。
Dream 03:46
10 Tipsy
11 J-Kwon TIPSY J-Kwon intoxicated the airwaves with "Tipsy," scoring him the No. 2 spot in April 2004. He hasn't stumbled as high on his own since, but he did ride Bow Wow's coattails to No. 23 in April 2006 with the collaboration "Fresh Azimiz." 2004年4月,美国南方说唱歌手J-Kwon的单曲《Tipsy》一举获得了Billboard Hot 100单曲榜的亚军,从此之后,J-Kwon在Hot 100单曲榜中再也没有什么突出的表现,仅有的亮点是他客串参与的Bow Wow的单曲《Fresh Azimiz》在两年后获得了Hot 100单曲榜第23名。
J-Kwon 04:03
11 Me & U
12 Cassie ME & U Cassie strutted to No. 3 with "Me & U" in July 2006, but she floundered with "Long Way 2 Go," which only peaked at No. 97. She's been a no-show on the charts ever since. 2006年7月,由吹牛老爹的Bad Boy厂牌力捧的R&B新人Cassie依靠一首《Me & U》获得了Hot 100单曲榜的季军。此后,她的另一首单曲《Long Way 2 Go》的最好成绩仅为第97位。从《Long Way 2 Go》之后,Cassie至今还没有新单曲上榜。
Cassie 03:12
12 Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of...)
13 Lou Bega MAMBO NO. 5 (A LITTLE BIT OF...) Lou Bega's ubiquitous "Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of)" climbed to No. 3 in November 1999, and stuck around for months after peaking. But Bega hasn't flirted with the charts much since; his next-highest charting single, "Tricky, Tricky," only reached no. 74 in February 2000. 1999年11月,生于德国的拉丁音乐人Lou Bega的这首《Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of)》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中不仅获得了季军的好成绩,还连续数周在榜单前列徘徊。但在这之后,Lou Bega在Hot 100单曲榜中再也没有什么突出的表现,打榜成绩最好的单曲《Tricky, Tricky》在2000年2月仅在Hot 100单曲榜中名列第74位。
Lou Bega 03:38
13 My Baby
14 Lil' Romeo MY BABY Cute and cuddle Lil Romero skipped all the way to No. 3 in June 2001 with "My Baby." But puberty didn't do the pint-sized rapper well; none of his solo singles have even touched the Hot 100 since. 2001年6月,不满12岁的说唱歌手Lil Romeo这首《My Baby》同样曾在Hot 100单曲榜中荣获第三名的好成绩。在这之后,Lil Romeo没有任何一首单曲入围Hot 100单曲榜。
Romeo 03:40
14 Never Leave You - Uh Ooh, Uh Oooh!
15 Lumidee NEVER LEAVE YOU - UH OOH, UH OOOH! Lumidee promised to "Never Leave You" with her first single in August 2003, which climbed to No. 3 on the charts. She didn't keep her word. Outside of a No. 43 appearance in April 2007 with "She's Like The Wind" featuring Tony Sunshine, she hasn't visited the Hot 100 since. 2003年8月,纽约R&B女歌手Lumidee在她首张专辑《几乎成名》里面这首处子单曲中唱着“绝不离开你”,在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中,《Never Leave You - Uh Ooh,Uh Oooh!》攀升到了第三名的位置。而在这首季军单曲之后,Lumidee仅在07年有一首与Tony Sunshine合作的单曲《She's Like the Wind》打入过Hot 100单曲榜(第43名),此后,她再无作品上榜。
Lumidee 03:04
15 Lips of an Angel
16 Hinder LIPS OF AN ANGEL With "Lips of an Angel," Hinder soared to the No. 3 spot in October 2006. The band fell from grace shortly thereafter, only soaring as high as No. 31 with "Better Than Me" in May 2007. 凭借这首《Lips of an Angel》,Hinder乐队在2006年的10月份获得了Billboard Hot 100单曲榜的季军。第二年五月,Hinder本想借新单曲《Better Than Me》再创佳绩,可是,这首《Better Than Me》并没有创造更好的成绩,令人失望的只获得了第31的成绩。
Hinder 04:22
16 Turn Me On
17 Kevin Lyttle feat. Spragga Benz TURN ME ON In August 2004, Kevin Lyttle, with help from Spragga Benz, lit up the charts with "Turn Me On," which peaked at No. 4. The airwaves have since turned him off, and the Caribbean crooner has yet to return to the Hot 100. 2004年8月,在牙买加DJ Spragga Benz的帮助下,来自加勒比地区圣文森特岛的歌手Kevin Lyttle的这首《Turn Me On》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中获得了第四名的佳绩,而在当年,Lyttle的个人处子专辑《Kevin Lyttle》在Billboard 200排行榜中也获得了第八名的成绩。但是,在《Turn Me On》之后,Kevin Lyttle就彻底告别了Hot 100单曲榜。
Kevin Lyttle 03:15
17 Where'd You Go
19 Fort Minor feat. Holly Brook WHERE'D YOU GO It's a good thing Mike Shinoda has Linkin Park to fall back on. Fort Minor, his musical side project, started big, reaching No. 2 with "Where'd You Go" in June 2006. Fans have been asking the same question since then; the band's next biggest hit, "Remember the Name," peaked at No. 66. three months later. 2006年林肯公园乐队(linkin Park)成员Mike Shinoda组建了他的玩票乐队Fort Minor,当年6月,Fort Minor的单曲《Where'd You Go》在Hot 100单曲榜中获得亚军。但在三个月之后,Fort Minor的乐队的下一首打榜单曲《Remember the Name》在Hot 100单曲榜中的最好成绩仅为第66位。
Fort Minor 03:52
18 Gotta Tell You
20 Samantha Mumba GOTTA TELL YOU Irish singer Samantha Mumba rose to No. 4 on the Hot 100 with "Gotta Tell You" in December 2000. The airwaves refused to listen after that; her next-biggest single, "Baby, Come Over (This Is Our Night)" only climbed to No. 49 in June 2001. 2000年12月,来自爱尔兰都柏林的流行女歌手Samantha Mumba的单曲《Gotta Tell You》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中获得了第四名的好成绩。从此之后,Samantha Mumba在Hot 100单曲榜中的成绩便大不如前,之后打榜成绩最好的单曲《Baby, Come Over (This Is Our Night)》也仅排在Hot 100单曲榜的第49位。
Samantha Mumba 03:21
19 Hotel
21 Cassidy feat. R. Kelly HOTEL Cassidy went all the way to No. 4 in March 2004 with "Hotel," featuring R. Kelly. But the Philly rapper checked out of the chart shortly thereafter, only making it as high as No. 33 with "My Drink N' My 2 Step" three years later. 2004年3月,由Cassidy与R.kelly合作的这首《Hotel》在Hot 100单曲榜获得了第四名的成绩,在此之后,Cassidy再也没有打入过Hot 100单曲榜的Top 30,只有一首《My Drink N' My 2 Step》在三年后冲到了榜单的第33位。
Various Artists 04:08
20 I Try
22 Macy Gray I TRY Macy Gray blew up in May 2000 when her debut single, "I Try," went to No. 5. But believe it or not, the husky-voiced diva has not appeared on the Hot 100 since! 2000年5月,嗓音沙哑的黑人天后梅西-格雷(Macy Gray)的这首《I Try》令人过耳难忘,在Hot 100单曲榜中,这首出色的单曲获得了第五名的好成绩。可令人难以置信的是,Macy Gray从那之后再也没有作品进入过Hot 100单曲榜榜单。
Macy Gray 03:59
21 Wherever You Will Go
23 The Calling WHEREVER YOU WILL GO In March 2002, L.A. rockers the Calling reached their highest high when their single "Wherever You Will Go" peaked at No. 5. The band has not come calling back to the charts since. 2002年3月,来自洛杉矶的流行摇滚乐团The Calling的主打单曲《Wherever You Will Go》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中名列第五位,创造了他们组建以来的最好成绩。同样,从此之后,我们再也没在Hot 100单曲榜中见过他们的身影。
The Calling 03:29
22 A Thousand Miles
24 Vanessa Carlton A THOUSAND MILES Vanessa Carlton wooed listeners in May 2002, when her piano ballad "A Thousand Miles" hit No. 5. Five months later, she was back on the Hot 100 with "Ordinary Day," but the song -- her second-biggest single -- barely cracked the Top 30. 2002年5月,年轻的女唱作人Vanessa Carlton依靠一首动人的钢琴情歌《A Thousand Miles》在Hot 100单曲榜中名列第五。五年之后,她凭借另一首单曲《Ordinary Day》重返Hot 100单曲榜,可今时已不同往日,作为Carlton的主打单曲,《Ordinary Day》才刚刚勉强冲进了Hot 100单曲榜的前30。
Vanessa Carlton 03:57
23 No More
25 Ruff Endz NO MORE Baltimore R&B duo Ruff Endz went all the way to No. 5 with "No More" in September 2000. But the group never saw the top 10 again after that; they only reached No. 49 with "Someone to Love You" in June 2002. 2000年9月,来自美国巴尔迪莫的R&B组合Ruff Endz的单曲《No More》在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中名列第五位,但从此之后他们再也没进过Hot 100单曲榜的前40。2002年6月,Ruff Endz的单曲《Someone to Love You》仅名列第49位。
Ruff Endz 04:03
24 Blue (Da Ba Dee)
26 Eiffel 65 BLUE (DA BA DEE) Italian dance trio Eiffel 65, whose name was generated at random by a computer program, peaked at No. 6 with the über-catchy "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" in January 2000. They've been blue ever since, as they did not see the Hot 100 for the rest of the decade, even as Flo Rida took his "Blue"-sampling hit "Sugar" all the way to No. 5.
Eiffel 65 03:41
25 What's Left of Me
28 Nick Lachey WHAT'S LEFT OF ME In May 2006, sympathetic fans helped Nick Lachey go to No. 6 with his post-98 Degrees solo single, "What's Left of Me," a song about his dissolved relationship with Jessica Simpson. But when the drama cooled, fans stopped caring; later that year his next song, "I Can't Hate You Anymore" -- his second-biggest -- only climbed to No. 87.
Nick Lachey 04:06
26 A Bay Bay
30 Hurricane Chris A BAY BAY Louisiana's Hurricane Chris climbed to No. 7 on the Hot 100 with "A Bay Bay" in July 2007. He specifically cat-called "Halle Berry" on his next-biggest single with far less success; the song only went to No. 52 in June 2009.
Hurricane Chris 05:06
27 Chain Hang Low
31 Jibbs CHAIN HANG LOW Jibbs' ode to bling climbed all the way to No. 7 in October 2006. But the shine didn't last long; the rapper only made it as high as No. 54 with his next tune, "King Kong," five months later.
Jibbs 03:27
28 It Feels So Good (album version)
32 Sonique IT FEELS SO GOOD In April 2000, Sonique went to No. 8 with her upbeat jam, "It Feels So Good." But the British pop diva hasn't felt so great since; nearly 10 years later, she has yet to appear on the chart again.
Sonique 03:49
29 Heaven
33 DJ Sammy & Yanou feat. Do HEAVEN Spanish producer DJ Sammy floated to No. 8 on the Hot 100 in August 2002 with his remake of Bryan Adams' "Heaven." He continued to chart in other countries with his remakes of songs like "Everybody Hurts" and "The Boys of Summer," but none of them cracked the U.S. Hot 100.
DJ Sammy 03:55
30 Get Over Yourself
34 Eden's Crush GET OVER YOURSELF Eden's Crush, featuring a young Nicole Scherzinger, peaked at No. 8 in March 2001 with "Get Over Yourself," after the girl group's formation was chronicled on the WB reality series "Popstars." But the Crush were no Pussycat Dolls -- the gals never made it back on the charts.
Eden's Crush 03:18
31 Listen to Your Heart
35 D.H.T. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART Belgian dance act D.H.T. peaked at No. 8 on the Hot 100 in August 2005 with their remake of Roxette's "Listen to Your Heart." People stopped listening after that, and they have not been seen on the charts since.
D.H.T. 03:50
32 Never Had a Dream Come True
38 S Club 7 NEVER HAD A DREAM COME TRUE S Club 7, the British pop group created by Simon Fuller of "American Idol" fame, crashed onto the U.S. chart with "Never Had a Dream Come True," which climbed to No. 10 in May 2001. Though wildly successful in other parts of the world, they never made a blip on the American charts again.
S Club 7 04:01