Free Jazz的产生。音乐层面来说,50年代末期的一部分乐手不满于Bebop,Hard Bop的种种规则种种限制,他们尝试去转化,拓展或者打破爵士的固定法则,直接丢弃固定的和弦和节奏;社会层面上,也与50年代到60年代种族歧视和民权运动导致的美国急剧上升的社会紧张局势有关,黑人乐手们迫不及待地想要将心中压抑已久的苦闷宣泄出来。
演奏风格上来说,同Bebop一样,乐手们拒绝编配传统,所有的和声,变奏都是临时决定的,完全靠听觉和默契 。但是更多的,Free Jazz的乐手还完全抛弃了曲式,主题,律动甚至和声调式 。演奏通常由钢琴开始,即兴弹奏几个和弦,随后贝斯跟进,几小节后萨克斯风也跟着已演奏的乐曲的感觉自由的演奏,以此类推。 许多free jazz的音乐家,比如Pharoah Sanders和John Coltrane,使用急促的超吹(over blowing)或是其他技术从他们的乐器中发出令人非常难受的声音,或是非常随意地演奏乐器。(所以不被音乐人接受,也可以理解)
Free Jazz是由50年代末的作曲家Ornette Coleman和Cecil Taylor基于前人基础创新而创造出来的,其后由John Coltrane进一步改良。其他重要的先驱包括Charles Mingus, Eric Dolphy, Albert Alyer, Archie Shepp, Joe Maneri和Sun Ra。
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 | Night Train | World Saxophone Quartet | 04:06 |
02 | Deb | World Saxophone Quartet | 04:44 |
03 | Metamorphosis | World Saxophone Quartet | 03:30 |
04 | I Heard That | World Saxophone Quartet | 03:26 |
05 | Jest a Little | World Saxophone Quartet | 09:14 |
06 | For the Love of Money | World Saxophone Quartet | 04:16 |
07 | Breath of Life | World Saxophone Quartet | 04:43 |
08 | Sketch | Sun Ra | 04:51 |
09 | Ramadan | Sun Ra | 04:16 |
10 | A Call for All Demons | Sun Ra | 05:15 |
11 | Lanquidity | Sun Ra | 08:21 |
12 | My Brother the Wind (alternate mix) | Sun Ra | 02:41 |
13 | Otherness Blue | Sun Ra | 04:51 |
14 | Intergalaxtic II | Sun Ra | 08:53 |
15 | Saturn | Sun Ra | 06:15 |
16 | Somebody Else's World | Sun Ra | 04:03 |
17 | To Nature's God (alternate mix) | Sun Ra | 04:33 |
18 | Grusse Aus Berchtesgaden | ICP Orchestra | 02:11 |
19 | Serendipity | ICP Orchestra | 06:25 |
20 | Francois le Marin | ICP Orchestra | 04:21 |
21 | Nineteen Voices | ICP Orchestra | 04:17 |
22 | Introduction and the First Entrance of the Horsemen | ICP Orchestra | 05:47 |
23 | Song of the Lusitanian Bully | ICP Orchestra | 25:01 |
24 | Lass Mich Nicht Weinen IV | ICP Orchestra | 00:02 |
25 | Touches | ICP Orchestra | 03:34 |
26 | Fascinating Appie | ICP Orchestra | 02:46 |
27 | Title Song from the Movie Snelheid 40-70' | ICP Orchestra | 04:31 |
28 | Gib Mir Noch Ein Spiegel Ei Mit Schinken | ICP Orchestra | 01:17 |
29 | Tussen de Dijen Van 'N' Mokkel | ICP Orchestra | 04:09 |
30 | Five Songs from the Lusitanian Bully | ICP Orchestra | 06:53 |
31 | Gaston | The Bad Plus | 04:27 |
32 | Seven Minute Mind | The Bad Plus | 05:37 |
33 | Silence is the Question | Joshua Redman | 13:30 |
34 | Epistolary Echoes | The Bad Plus | 04:16 |
35 | BERYL LOVES TO DANCE | The Bad Plus | 03:59 |
36 | Do It Again | The Bad Plus | 03:55 |
37 | Mr. Now | The Bad Plus | 04:04 |
38 | Fém (Etude No. 8) | The Bad Plus | 03:21 |
39 | Ghosts: Second Variation | Albert Ayler | 10:01 |
40 | The Wizard | Albert Ayler | 07:23 |
41 | Itt | Albert Ayler | 22:05 |
42 | Wizard | Albert Ayler | 08:25 |