

#新古典 #新民谣 #黑暗民谣
✞Mørktrone ✞



民谣金属&Folk Metal

黑暗民谣&Dark Folk

黑暗氛围&Dark atmosphere

中世纪民谣& Medieval Folk

凯尔特民谣&Celtic Folk

海盗金属&Pirate Metal

部落金属&Tribal Metal
























# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 The Ensemble of Silence Empyrium 09:51
02 Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays Empyrium 05:34
03 Many Moons Ago Empyrium 04:24
04 Dying Brokenhearted Empyrium 05:38
05 The Franconian Woods in Winter's Silence Empyrium 08:35
06 In the Gutter of This Spring Empyrium 07:00
07 Dead Winter Ways Empyrium 05:26
08 Marras I October Falls 06:16
09 Marras V October Falls 03:17
10 Marras IV October Falls 01:56
11 II October Falls 10:21
12 A Collapse of Faith Part II October Falls 17:43
13 At The Edge Of An Empty Horizon October Falls 03:13
14 Snakes Of The Old World October Falls 05:33
15 Die alte Norne Falkenstein 03:59
16 Am Ende wird Anfang sein Falkenstein 04:35
17 Die Große Göttin Falkenstein 07:21
18 Hoffnung Nebelung 08:27
19 Baumgespenster Nebelkorona 06:02
20 La Caccia Morta Furor Gallico 04:48
21 Mégegyszer... Dalriada 04:41
22 Valg Neun Welten 06:09
23 Frosthauch Neun Welten 04:06
24 Weites End Neun Welten 06:16
25 Destrunken II Neun Welten 05:31
26 Valg Neun Welten 05:50
27 Nebelland Neun Welten 04:58
28 Blueberry Song Romowe Rikoito 06:45
29 Journey Elane 01:40
30 Pain Of Senses Waldsonne 03:55
31 I saw them through the pines , They only walk on moss Solanaceae 06:35
32 Echo Of Atlantis The Moon And The Nightspirit 03:31
33 Waters Of Wide Agony Die Verbannten Kinder Evas 06:17
34 Sub Occasum Solis Anima in Fiamme 05:03
35 Le Temps d'un voyage Aythis 04:49
36 Old Boy Empylver 04:29
37 Battle With Kajamin Empylver 04:56
38 Autumn(EP Version) Empylver 01:27
39 Over the Stone Sonne Hagal 05:07
40 Dikets Daap Svartediket 02:03
41 Vilja Tenhi 04:59
42 Saapuminen Tenhi 02:24
43 Etaisyyksien Taa Tenhi 05:52
44 Ghost of the Crescent Moon Todesbonden 06:50
45 Trianon Todesbonden 06:13
46 The Song Sagittarius 02:46
47 Einsamkeit Nebelung 03:05
48 Korn Forseti 05:39
49 weint keine traene Belborn 04:04
50 Gesang der ewig Alten Waldtraene 05:38
51 The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth H.E.R.R. 04:14
52 Dornenweich Dunkelschön 04:15
53 Tourdion Die Streuner 02:51
54 The Purge Ulvesang 06:32
55 Goblins' Song Spellblast 06:06
56 Forebears' Dance Niburta 04:57
57 Damned Dances Abracadabra 04:58
58 Magnetic North Alestorm 03:46
59 Het Geldersch Volkslied Heidevolk 03:42
60 Winter, Fire And Snow Órla Fallon 03:39
61 Die Teufelsgeiger Sturmpercht 05:09
62 Schattenwelten Triskilian 03:37
63 No Grave But the Sea Alestorm 03:29
64 The Declaration Saor 10:32
65 Tears of a Nation Saor 11:18
66 Guardians Saor 11:31
67 Lycanthia Ordo Funebris 06:34
68 Portrait Of Innocence Ordo Funebris 05:03
69 A Witches Song Ordo Funebris 03:50
70 Untitled The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud 03:50
71 Das Lied Sagittarius 02:47
72 Viscum Omela 03:30
73 Daemerung Svafnir 03:02
74 Zweige Sich Im Winde Wiegen Svafnir 05:34
75 The Mourning Forest Svafnir 04:10
76 Death Of The Sun Svafnir 04:04
77 The Blackbirds Flight Svafnir 04:12
78 Traum(a) Nachtreich 13:36
79 My Falling Darkness Narsilion 07:17
80 Byssan Lull Myrkur 02:38
81 Norn Myrkur 02:17
82 Capitel II: Soelen gaaer bag aase need Ulver 06:34
83 Høyfjeldsbilde Ulver 02:15
84 Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires Agalloch 09:40
85 The Watcher’s Monolith Agalloch 11:46
86 Dark Matter Gods Agalloch 08:36
87 Tomorrow Will Never Come Agalloch 04:29
88 Summerisle Reprise Agalloch 04:55
89 In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion Agalloch 12:10
90 Foliorum Viridium Agalloch 02:42
91 Hallways of Enchanted Ebony Agalloch 07:31
92 Falling Snow Agalloch 08:54
93 The Melancholy Spirit Agalloch 08:42
94 Sowilo Rune Agalloch 05:40
95 Haunted Birds Agalloch 10:21
96 Falling Snow Agalloch 09:39
97 Home Is Behind Winterfylleth 03:10
98 The Fall Of Nakkiel (Nakkiel Has Fallen) Saturnus 05:05
99 Oblivion Upon Us Doom: Vs 07:29
100 From the Sunset, Forest and Grief From the Sunset, Forest and Grief 04:08
101 Her Ute I Moerket Vàli 04:11
102 Exile Saor 04:51
103 Polku October Falls 05:12
104 Viima October Falls 03:51
105 Usva October Falls 03:01
106 They Escaped the Weight of Darkness Agalloch 03:41
107 Regicide Einherjer 04:24
108 In The Underworld Skyforger 04:12
109 Monadh Saor 10:20
110 Der Weiher Empyrium 05:27
111 ...the Ardent Awaited Land Falkenbach 03:28
112 Vanadis Falkenbach 09:25
113 Children of the Mist Saor 12:14
114 White Winged Hussary Graveland 07:35
115 Laster og Tarv Svartsot 03:38
116 Unpayable Silence Midnattsol 05:03
117 Summer Solstice :Of The Wand & The Moon: 03:07
118 She Came To Me All My Faith Lost ... 04:51
119 Angelike All My Faith Lost ... 03:33
120 Presagio Triste All My Faith Lost ... 04:34
121 Drowning All My Faith Lost ... 05:45
122 Suortuva Tenhi 07:01
123 Famished Wolves Befogged with Blood The Wolves of Avalon 04:34
124 Goat Crack Svartby 03:27
125 Isara Eluveitie 02:44
126 Omnos Eluveitie 03:48
127 Quoth the Raven Eluveitie 04:42
128 Origins (Intro) Eluveitie 02:13
129 The White Seal Lullaby Sunset Wings 03:40
130 Suvanto Synestesia 02:20
131 Naar Vinden Graater... Vàli 03:34
132 Hoestmelankoli Vàli 01:29
133 Et Ensomt Minne Vàli 04:22
134 Sorg Vàli 06:06
135 Nordavindens Klagesang Vàli 02:57
136 Doedens Evige Kall Vàli 04:36
137 Marras II October Falls 03:50
138 Inis Mona (Eluveitie cover) Fferyllt 04:43
139 Whalesong 萨满 03:29
140 My Exodus 萨满 04:39
141 Blood Red, Ocean Blue 萨满 03:20
142 鲸歌 萨满 03:32
143 Blut im Auge Equilibrium 04:44
144 Tine Bealtaine Omnia 03:41
145 En Avant Blonde Omnia 01:39
146 Fee Ra Huri Omnia 03:49
147 Мёд Одина Aeterna 05:10
148 Revenge Northland 04:47
149 Where the Heroes Die Northland 04:25
150 When Nature Awakes Northland 05:06
151 Bloodred Sunrise Northland 05:35
152 The Harp Of Dagda Trobar De Morte 03:21
153 The Lost Dreams Trobar De Morte 04:14
154 A Collapse of Faith Part I October Falls 18:50
155 Гой, Роде, Гой! Arkona 06:12
156 Sowilo Rune Agalloch 05:40
157 Valveuni Kauan 10:39
158 Armod Mistur 07:46
159 Mourners Empyrium 09:19
160 The Turn of the Tides Empyrium 08:04
161 Lengsel Vàli 03:36
162 Dypt Inne I Skogen Vàli 03:07
163 Relief Stillife 04:11
164 Somewhere Far From Heaven Albireon 06:13
165 And Finrod Fell Ainulindalё 03:43
166 2.Wine of Abnegation Betray-Ed 07:53
167 Sonnenhall Nebelkorona 03:35
168 Heimwärts Empyrium 06:42
169 Untergang Finsterforst 21:37
170 Seines Glückes Schmied Finsterforst 11:24
171 Finsterforst Finsterforst 23:54
172 Urquell Finsterforst 11:45
173 Rauschende Nächte Finsterforst 02:29
174 Lauf der Welt Finsterforst 08:10
175 Das große Erwachen Finsterforst 12:14
176 The Ensemble Of Silence Empyrium 09:52
177 Silence Violet Tears 09:39
178 A Coming Storm Lemuria 06:32
179 Ad Astra Per Aspera Aeterna 04:05
180 Voluspa Tirill 03:08
181 Ashore The Elivagar Elivagar 00:59
182 Álomszövo The Moon And The Nightspirit 06:08
183 Etbaudisna Romowe Rikoito 08:56
184 Morgenstunden Nebelkorona 05:58
185 Auf Flügeln des Windes Nebelkorona 09:27
186 Dark Is The River Of Man Pillorian 09:31
187 When Shadows Grow Longer Empyrium 01:27
188 Ode to Melancholy Empyrium 08:48
189 The Blue Mists of Night Empyrium 06:26
190 Lover's Grief Empyrium 09:13
191 Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays Empyrium 05:29
192 The Franconian Woods In Winter's Silence (Live) Empyrium 08:40