

#圣歌 圣咏 圣洁 赞美 基督 牧歌 格里高利圣咏 Gregorian chant 古典音乐 Classical 教堂音乐 Church Music


Ave Maria, gratia plena,

Dominus tecum,

benedicta tu in mulieribus,

et benedictus fructus ventris tui,iesus.

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,

ora pro nobis peccatoribus,

nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

赞美诗 (hymn),基督教举行崇拜仪式时所唱的赞美上帝的诗歌。歌词内容主要是对上帝的称颂、感谢、祈求。现在多数赞美诗都有可供四部合唱的高音、中音、次中音、低音曲调,但早期的赞美诗无和声、无伴奏。现存完整的最早歌词是希腊文赞美诗,约写于公元200年之前,题为《放吧,喜悦之光》。《旧约》中有150首称为“诗篇”的诗歌,共分为五部份,包括赞美上帝或求上帝赐福的圣歌。多数是犹太教徒在大礼拜堂中吟唱的。许多赞美诗是出自犹太国王大卫之手,他还是位音乐家,还有些是可拉的儿子和摩西创作的。谈到赞美诗,绝大多数人想到的无疑是以管风琴、钢琴,还有唱诗班。赞美诗的第23首“耶和华是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏……”也许是诗篇中最广为人知的一篇。——整理自百度百科


Un himno es un canto o texto lírico que expresa sentimientos positivos, de alegría y celebración. En un principio fue una composición oral, para después perpetuarse como género de poesía latina en la Edad Media. El vocablo deriva del idioma griego ὕμνος (hymnos) y pasó a casi todas las lenguas de Europa en un mismo sentido o significación.



# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Agnus Dei
【羔羊经】 Agnus Dei Dona eis requiem In pacem aeterna pacem, in pacem 上帝的羔羊啊 请赐予我们永恒的安息 在永恒的平安中
Libera 02:53
02 O Come O Come Emmanuel Aled Jones 03:25
03 Hodie
【素歌】 所有在教堂参与过弥撒的人对这个旋律都不会陌生吧。这首歌曲所属专辑收录了史上最好听的三十三首圣歌乐曲。由柯纳得博士指挥、尼德奥塔克学者合唱团等演唱。这些圣歌没有伴奏,全部是用拉丁文清唱,圣洁美好的旋律使内心充满了宁静。 1994年Billboard排行榜上,最受欢迎的「葛利果圣歌」,不但异军突起造成一股旋风,更成为新的音乐主流。本专辑除收录葛利果圣歌、Ahymm(赞美诗歌)、Ambrosian mass(安布罗弥撒曲)之外,还有更多精彩的圣歌代表作,都收录于这张超长录音(70分钟以上)专辑中。 小贴士: Gregoran I (590-604)在位时,改革发展了教会音乐,四线谱就是那时期形成的,也为现代音乐打下了基础。 素歌(Chant)的曲调源自希腊和希伯来音乐(西方文化源自两希文化),据说当时有近3000多首,用于弥撒、 礼仪、庆典、祈祷以及日常读经当中。
Various Artists 01:50
04 Hymn: Veni creator spiritus
Anonymous 4 es un cuarteto neoyorquino de voces femeninas a capella. Principalmente interpretan música medieval, aunque también han interpretado trabajos de compositores actuales como John Tavener o Steve Reich. Inicialmente, el grupo estuvo formado por Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Maria Rose, y Ruth Cunningham. En 1998, Jacqueline Horner, sustituyó a Ruth Cunningham. A lo largo de su carrera, han participado en numerosos festivales de música a lo largo de todo el mundo. En el año 2003 anunciaron que abandonarían las giras y grabaciones, si bien subrayaron que se juntarían de nuevo para participar en ocasiones especiales. El nombre del grupo proviene del nombre de un musicólogo medieval de finales del siglo XIII, Anónimo IV, por el cuál conocemos a dos de los principales compositores de la Escuela de Notre Dame, Léonin y Pérotin.
Anonymous 4 04:31
05 March of the Celts
【天上的父】 Athair Ar Neamh Athair Ar Neamh Athair ar neamh, Dia linn Athair ar neamh, Dia liom M'anam, mo chroí, mo ghlóir Moladh duit a Dhia
Enya 03:16
06 Miserere
【 求主垂怜 】 Miserere, miserere, Miserere, misero me Pero' brindo alla vita! Ma che mistero, e'la mia vita Che mistero! Sono un peccatore dell'anno ottantamila Un menzognero! Ma dove sono e cosa faccio Come vivo? Vivo nell'anima del mondo Perso nel vivere profondo! Miserere, misero me
Paul Schwartz 06:03
07 Pergolesi: Stabat Mater - 6. Vidit suum Christopher Hogwood 03:48
08 What Child Is This?
【圣诞节迎接耶稣诞生】 This, this is Christ the King Whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary.
Órla Fallon 04:14
09 Mary, Did You Know?
Mary did you know take your baby boy   玛丽你知道吗你的圣子   Would one day walk on the water   有一天会在水上行走   Mary did you know that your baby boy   玛丽你知道吗你的圣子   Would save our sons and daughters   将会拯救我们的儿女   Did you know that your baby boy   你知道吗你的圣子   Has come to make you new   将使你获得新生   This child that you've delivered   那个你迎接的孩子   Will soon deliver you.   将很快迎接你   Mary did you know that your baby boy   玛丽你知道吗你的圣子   Will give sight to a blind man   将会使盲人获得光明   Mary did you know that your baby boy   玛丽你知道吗 你的圣子   Will calm a storm with His hand   将会用手平息那暴风雨   Did you know that your baby boy   你知道吗你的圣子   Has walked where angels trod   在天使踏过的地方走过   And when you've kissed your little baby   当你吻你的孩子时   you've kissed the face of God   你吻了上帝的脸
Ultimate Kids 03:21
10 Meadows Of Heaven (Nightwish)
I close my eyes, the lantern dies The scent of awakening, wild honey and dew. Childhood games, woods and lakes, Streams of silver, toys of olden days. Meadows of Heaven. Meadows of Heaven. The flowers of wonder and the hidden treasures, In the meadow of life, my acre of Heaven. A five-year-old winter heart in a place called home Sailing the waves of past.
Gregorian 06:45
11 You Raise Me Up
When I am down and oh my soul's so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then I am still and wait here in the silence Until you come and sit a while with me You raise me up so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to walk on stormy seas I am strong when I am on your shoulders You raise me up to more than I can be
Westlife 04:03
12 Angels We Have Heard on High
Angels we have heard on high Sweetly singing o'er the plain And the mountains in reply Echoing their joyous strains Glo-glo-glo-glo-ria In excelsis Deo Glo-glo-glo-glo-ria In excelsis Deo
Brian McKnight 03:30
13 Angels
【天使】 When I'm feeling weak And my pain walks down a one way street I look above And I know I'll always be blessed with love And as the feeling grows She breathes flesh to my bones And when love is dead I'm loving angels instead
Gregorian 04:43
14 Processional Hymn: Judicii signum
A processional hymn is a chant, hymn or other music sung during the Procession, usually at the start of a Christian service although occasionally during the service itself. The procession usually contains members of the clergy and the choir walking behind the processional cross.[1] Occasionally, a service will also contain a recessional hymn, although in the Protestant tradition this is usually an organ voluntary.
Anonymous 4 06:13
15 Prose: Regnantem sempiterna Anonymous 4 02:36
16 Mass In B Minor BWV 232, Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei (alto),
羔羊经——假声男高音的荣耀 假声男高音和阉人歌唱家的演唱领域在二十世纪后半叶以后,基本上是一样的。但是在这以前,尤其是在十八世纪上半叶以前,这两者是涇渭分明的。在那个时代,假声男高音只存在教堂,是诗班中充当女性不能进入演出时的替代,而阉人歌唱家则属於歌剧院的领域。他们的歌唱技巧也有明显不同,假声男高音採用假声演唱,他们的声音气声的成份很高,但阉人歌唱家经过长年的训练后,能够用像是男高音一样的歌声,却演唱超过女高音的音域,这也是后者让当时人深感兴奋的原因。
Charles Brett 05:28
17 Pie Jesu
《Pie Jesu》一曲译为:仁慈的耶稣、求主垂怜、愿主庇佑等意,来自于拉丁语,大意是“仁慈的主啊!”,一般作为审判日最终章的音乐作品的题目。 Pie Jesu Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, Qui tollis peccata mundi; Dona eis requiem, Dona eis requiem. Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Qui tollis peccata mundi; Dona eis requiem, Dona eis requiem. Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem.
Anúna 02:39
18 Nobilis Humilis
Anuna(艾纽纳合唱团)这个团体原名An Uaithne,由当时就读于”都柏林音乐三一学院的”Michael McGlynn于1987年建立,其名在古老的盖尔语中代表了三种古老的爱尔兰音乐形式,其分别为Suantrai(安眠曲), Geantrai (欢歌) 和Goltrai(悲歌)。
Anúna 05:08
19 Lamentations de Jérémie
【耶利米哀歌】 耶利米是一位先知、祭司,属于希勒家家族。他的家乡是亚拿突(耶利米书1:1),因此可能是所罗门王时代的一个祭司亚比亚他的后裔(列王纪上2:26)。他是《圣经》中犹大国灭国前,最黑暗时的一位先知,《旧约圣经》中《耶利米书》、《耶利米哀歌》、《列王纪上》及《列王纪下》的作者。他被称作“流泪的先知”,因为他明知犹大国远离上帝后,所注定的悲哀命运但不能改变他们顽梗的心。
The King's Singers 07:40
20 Exsultet (praeconium paschale)
The female Gregorian chant schola Aurora Surgit came into being in the Choral Singing class at the Conservatory of Rovigo thanks to the initiative of some young pupils. Its purpose is to bring Gregorian chant back to life in the places it was intended for and through up-to-date semiological and modal- aesthetic researches. Either a Cantor, for the performance of solo parts and responsories, or a male group, for the performance of antiphons, joins the female permanent group. The name of the choir comes from the hymn Aurora surgit lucida, which is sung Ad laudes matutinas (for the morning Lauds) on the feast of St Mary Magdalene.
Aurora Surgit 18:02
21 Vexilla regis (hymnus)
关于复活节的格林高利圣歌专辑。由Aurora Surgit 领唱,与Alessio Randon 合作,演绎15首动听的格林高利圣歌。(Gregorian Chants)
Aurora Surgit 04:14
22 Kyrie The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos 01:11
23 La Morte di Xsto - O Diu, tante suffranze: Lumi, potete piangere
L’Arpeggiata is a vocal and instrumental ensemble devoted to authentic performance. Its composition and personnel are flexible, but at its centre is its musical director and conductor, Christina Pluhar, whose enthusiasm and expertise galvanise the performances of her chosen musicians.
L'Arpeggiata 03:12
24 George Frideric Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 - Majora Canamus: And without controversy (Narrator)
鈴木雅明 00:39
25 Spiritus domini - Introit (Modo VIII) The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos 03:46
26 Espiritu Thomas Otten 03:17
27 Tender Passion Origen 03:51
28 Sanctus.....(Anima Christi.....) Resurrexio Christi....Benedictus The Cardinall's Musick 16:27
29 Johann Sebastian Bach: Weihnachtsoratorium [Christmas Oratorio] BWV248 - Part 5 "Zwar ist solche Her Lausanne Vocal Ensemble 01:03
30 Silent, Oh Moyle Boys Air Choir 03:39
31 Angelica Paul Schwartz 04:55
32 Amazing Grace Libera 02:37
33 Tender Passion Origen 03:49
34 barber- agnus dei, op.11 Choir of New College Oxford 08:02
35 Nivaos Piri Reis E.S. Posthumus 05:13
36 Air on the G string, BWV 1068 Boys Air Choir 04:32
37 Sanctus (Based on Canon by Pachelbel) (Live) Libera 03:54
38 Sing Hallelujah maranatha! music 03:29
39 Thomas Tallis: Suscipe quaeso Domine Philip Cave 09:34
40 Ave Maria Libera 04:18
41 Air on G String Libera 03:45
42 Attende Domine Monks and Choirboys of Downside Abbey 03:06