



作为前卫摇滚的一个重要分支,盛行于六十年代末七十年代末的先锋前卫摇滚在原先前卫摇滚的基础上加入了更多的实验音乐元素而又加以适当的即兴,使得前卫系音乐的高度更上一层楼。代表乐队有Thinking Plague,News for babel ,Mushroom,Akask Maboul和后期king crimson等


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Out to Bomb Fresh Kings Doctor Nerve 01:27
02 Mister Stiff Fries a Dozen Doctor Nerve 02:56
03 Geistige Nacht [Rondo] Aksak Maboul 05:18
04 Palmiers en Pots: Trio Aksak Maboul 03:22
05 A Modern Lesson Aksak Maboul 04:59
06 Mercredi Matin Aksak Maboul 00:21
07 Animaux Velpeau Aksak Maboul 00:35
08 Milano Per Caso Aksak Maboul 03:19
09 Fausto Coppi Arrive! Aksak Maboul 01:08
10 Chanter Est Sain Aksak Maboul 03:09
11 DBB (Double Blind Baby) Aksak Maboul 03:26
12 Cuic Steppe Aksak Maboul 04:20
13 Tous Les Trucs Qu'il y a La DeHors Aksak Maboul 01:46
14 Ciobane Aksak Maboul 00:21
15 Vapona, Not Glue Aksak Maboul 06:45
16 Glympz Aksak Maboul 04:50
17 Three Epileptic Folk Dances Aksak Maboul 02:19
18 Mastoul Alakefak Aksak Maboul 05:06
19 Comme on a Dit Aksak Maboul 01:51
20 I Don't Need to Fight, To Prove I'm Right - I Don't Need to Be Forgiven Mushroom 09:30
21 Peace Mushroom 07:39
22 On Suicide The Art Bears 01:27
23 The Dividing Line The Art Bears 04:11
24 Joan The Art Bears 03:05
25 Maze The Art Bears 05:05
26 In Two Minds The Art Bears 08:45
27 Terrain The Art Bears 03:49
28 The Tube The Art Bears 03:05
29 The Dance The Art Bears 05:09
30 Pirate Song The Art Bears 01:28
31 Labyrinth The Art Bears 02:15
32 Riddle The Art Bears 02:49
33 Moeris Dancing The Art Bears 05:08
34 Piers The Art Bears 02:10
35 The Bath of Stars The Art Bears 01:45
36 First Things First The Art Bears 02:46
37 Gold The Art Bears 01:41
38 The Summer Wheel The Art Bears 02:41
39 The Slave The Art Bears 03:33
40 The Hermit The Art Bears 02:53
41 Rats and Monkeys The Art Bears 03:09
42 The Skeleton The Art Bears 03:05
43 The Winter Wheel The Art Bears 03:03
44 Man and Boy The Art Bears 03:18
45 Winter/War/Force/Three Figures The Art Bears 03:05
46 Force The Art Bears 00:47
47 Three Figures The Art Bears 01:43
48 Three Wheels The Art Bears 03:35
49 The Song of Investment Capital Overseas The Art Bears 02:38
50 Truth The Art Bears 02:54
51 Freedom (Armed) Peace The Art Bears 03:17
52 Civilisation The Art Bears 04:38
53 Democracy The Art Bears 02:19
54 The Song of the Martyrs The Art Bears 04:01
55 Law The Art Bears 00:48
56 The Song of the Monopolists The Art Bears 01:45
57 The Song of the Dignity of Labour Under Capital The Art Bears 02:24
58 Albion, Awake! The Art Bears 04:08
59 Nine Funerals of the Citizen King Henry Cow 05:26
60 Egyptian Kings Brainticket 05:48
61 Jardins Brainticket 02:09
62 Rainbow Brainticket 02:51
63 Era of Technology Brainticket 07:30
64 To Another Universe Brainticket 04:55
65 The Space Between Brainticket 03:02
66 Cosmic Wind Brainticket 05:27
67 Visions Brainticket 05:26
68 Walking on Air King Crimson 04:38
69 Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream King Crimson 04:48
70 Heartbeat King Crimson 03:54
71 One Time King Crimson 05:22
72 Silent Night King Crimson 02:50
73 Vrooom King Crimson 04:38
74 Coda: Marine 475 King Crimson 02:40
75 Dinosaur King Crimson 06:37
76 B'boom King Crimson 04:11
77 Thrak King Crimson 03:59
78 Inner Garden, Pt. 1 King Crimson 01:47
79 People King Crimson 05:53
80 Radio I King Crimson 00:43
81 Radio II King Crimson 01:02
82 Inner Garden, Pt. 2 King Crimson 01:16
83 Vrooom Vrooom: Coda King Crimson 03:01
84 Bittern Storm over Ulm Henry Cow 02:18
85 Half Asleep; Half Awake Henry Cow 07:59
86 Ruins Henry Cow 03:19
87 Solemn Music Henry Cow 01:11
88 Linguaphonie Henry Cow 05:31
89 Upon Entering the Hotel Adlon Henry Cow 03:08
90 Arcades Henry Cow 02:00
91 Deluge Henry Cow 05:31
92 The Glove Henry Cow 06:33
93 Torchfire Henry Cow 04:51
94 Eye of the Storm Happy the Man 04:05
95 The Falcon Happy the Man 06:18
96 At the Edge of This Thought Happy the Man 05:23
97 While Chrome Yellow Shine Happy the Man 06:15
98 Who's in Charge in Here? Happy the Man 05:47
99 Shadow Shaping Happy the Man 04:33
100 Run into the Ground Happy the Man 05:09
101 Footwork Happy the Man 04:23
102 Labyrinth Happy the Man 07:35
103 Such a Warm Breeze Happy the Man 05:11
104 Service With a Smile Happy the Man 02:44
105 Morning Sun Happy the Man 04:05
106 Ibby It Is Happy the Man 07:50
107 Steaming Pipes Happy the Man 05:30
108 Wind up Doll Day Wind Happy the Man 07:06
109 Open Book Happy the Man 04:53
110 I Forgot to Push It Happy the Man 03:08
111 The Moon, I Sing Happy the Man 06:16
112 Starborne Happy the Man 04:31
113 Stumpy Meets the Firecracker in Stencil Forest Happy the Man 04:21
114 Upon the Rainbow [Befrost] Happy the Man 04:41
115 Mr. Mirror's Reflection on Dreams Happy the Man 08:51
116 Carousel Happy the Man 04:03
117 Knee Bitten Nymphs in Limbo Happy the Man 05:26
118 On Time as a Helix of Precious Laughs Happy the Man 05:22
119 Hidden Moods Happy the Man 03:41
120 New York Dreams Suite Happy the Man 08:47
121 Regards Miriodor 06:33
122 Spirale/Spiral Miriodor 05:18
123 Marche Funebre/Funeral March Miriodor 01:45
124 Valence Miriodor 04:44
125 Piège/Trap Miriodor 03:25
126 Suspicion Miriodor 05:16
127 Insomnie Prémonitoire/Premonitory Insomnia Miriodor 06:03
128 Réseau/Network Miriodor 03:51
129 En Attendant Rémi/Waiting for Rémi Miriodor 04:54
130 Pleine Lune/Full Moon Miriodor 03:40
131 Oriflamme Miriodor 05:30
132 Convoi Nocturne/Nocturnal Procession Miriodor 06:04
133 Moyen Âge/Middle Ages Miriodor 08:45
134 Transsiberien [Trans-Siberian] Miriodor 05:02
135 Langage de Lezard [Lizard's Language] Miriodor 02:01
136 Garde a Vous! [Attention!] Miriodor 01:42
137 Jerusalem Miriodor 04:17
138 Vision Miriodor 03:50
139 Entrapercu [Glimpse] Miriodor 03:09
140 Reconfort Metaphysique [Solace] Miriodor 02:35
141 3e Avertissement [3RD Warning] Miriodor 05:01
142 Debout [Standing Dance] Miriodor 04:10
143 Viking Miriodor 04:30
144 Chute Libre [Free Fall Mix] Miriodor 03:20
145 Avanti! Miriodor 08:18
146 Pyramide (Pyramid) Miriodor 03:38
147 Scarabée (Dung Beetle) Miriodor 03:24
148 Caramba! Miriodor 00:49
149 Uppsala (Sleepwalking in Uppsala) Miriodor 05:51
150 Tartine (Toast) Miriodor 01:33
151 Contrées liquides (Liquid Lands) Miriodor 05:44
152 Polar (Film Noir) Miriodor 06:35
153 Checkpoint Charlie Miriodor 03:21
154 Talrika Miriodor 05:01
155 Le cruciverbiste (Crosswords) Miriodor 05:29
156 La célèbre boucle (The Famous Loop) Miriodor 00:38
157 Le règne des termites (Bugs) Miriodor 04:08
158 Le sorcier (The Warlock) Miriodor 05:54
159 Mine de rien (Mine of Nothingness) Miriodor 03:45
160 Mille-Pattes (Centipede) Miriodor 01:02
161 Toutes proportions gardées (In a Manner of Speech) Miriodor 06:47
162 Iga Miriodor 00:40
163 Mangeur de masters (A Master Tape Snack) Miriodor 03:52
164 Le roi soldat (The Soldier King) Miriodor 04:16
165 Pas à ce que je sache, Sacha (Bulgarian Cave) Miriodor 06:30
166 L'inévitable (The Inevitable) Miriodor 05:43
167 Avatar Miriodor 05:24
168 Le fantome de M.C. Escher (The Ghost of M.C. Escher) Miriodor 06:15
169 La Polka des Sphères (Polka of the Spheres) Miriodor 01:14