



# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Evisceration Conceiving (Intro) Extermination Dismemberment 01:11
02 Disemboweled Engorgement Extermination Dismemberment 04:01
03 Gutted Face Extermination Dismemberment 03:08
04 Serial Urbicide Extermination Dismemberment 03:59
05 Deconstructive Parasite Extermination Dismemberment 05:16
06 Survival Extermination Dismemberment 03:32
07 Devastation Squad Extermination Dismemberment 03:22
08 Carnivore Outraged Extermination Dismemberment 03:37
09 Bloodbath Religion Extermination Dismemberment 03:50
10 Human Holocaust Extermination Dismemberment 06:20
11 Pathopsychology (The Chronicle of Pathomedicine) Aposepsy 01:04
12 Morgue - Anatomical Theatre / Dismemberment of Mortinatus Aposepsy 01:49
13 Aposepsy Aposepsy 02:24
14 Malignant Tumor Ablation / Dirty Blood Scalpel... Aposepsy 01:37
15 Decompression Craniotrypesis Aposepsy 00:59
16 Autopsy Aposepsy 02:23
17 Septicopyemia / Phagedenic Abscess Aposepsy 01:32
18 Cranioclast Aposepsy 01:30
19 Putrefaction Aposepsy 00:07
20 Department of Morbid Anatomy / Forensic Medical Examination Aposepsy 02:06
21 Lancing of Carbuncle, Surgical D-Bridement Aposepsy 02:16
22 Necrocausty - The Smell of Singed Flesh, the Smoke of Burned Down Cartilage Aposepsy 01:14
23 Cadaver Anatomy / Extraction of Viscera Aposepsy 01:39
24 Trepanation of Medullary Canal, the Resection of Cranial Bones Aposepsy 03:09
25 Bacteriological Decomposed Mutilated Dead Body Dissection Aposepsy 02:32
26 Rigor Mortis Aposepsy 02:03
27 Abortion - Interrupted Pregnancy Aposepsy 02:22
28 Acroteriasm - Amputation of Smashed Limbs Aposepsy 01:19
29 La Nota Marón Moñigo 02:58
30 Fecal Deluxe Party Moñigo 02:06
31 El Modelo Shitman Moñigo 02:24
32 Lord Of The Gas Moñigo 02:03
33 Las Tías Buenas No Cagan Moñigo 02:58
34 Cagando En Argüelles Moñigo 01:53
35 Coprovoyeur Moñigo 02:03
36 Vejado Por Gordas Deprvadas Moñigo 02:07
37 Salcedo's Adventure Moñigo 02:28
38 Coprosición Incedente Moñigo 02:00
39 Zombie Shit Eaters (Fonda Olorosa 2) Moñigo 02:45
40 La Vengaza De Los Coprófagos Moñigo 02:49
41 La Calma Hollandesa Moñigo 01:36
42 Baseball Bat Lobotomy Awaiting The Autopsy 02:47
43 Backyard Autopsy Awaiting The Autopsy 02:38
44 Slowmotion Slide Down The Impalement Stake Awaiting The Autopsy 03:06
45 Feet First Woodchopper Suicide Awaiting The Autopsy 02:48
46 Intestinal Self Strangulation Awaiting The Autopsy 02:06
47 Wormpaste Awaiting The Autopsy 03:27
48 Hung By The Tongue Awaiting The Autopsy 02:43
49 Full Body Haemorrhage Awaiting The Autopsy 02:02
50 Torture Garden Awaiting The Autopsy 01:37
51 Facelifter Awaiting The Autopsy 02:56
52 割喉 华语群星 02:09
53 解剖 手术台 02:11
54 狂人日记 手术台 02:40
55 脑部手术 手术台 03:28
56 恶性病变I 手术台 05:13
57 溃烂 手术台 03:22
58 恶性病变II 手术台 05:38
59 罪恶囹圄 Criminal Jail 弑主 03:25
60 Deranged Epidemic Disgorge 03:07
61 Atonement Disgorge 03:17
62 Cognative Lust Of Mutilation Disgorge 02:41
63 Period Of Agony Disgorge 03:15
64 Cranial Impalement Disgorge 03:02
65 Penetrate The Unfledged Disgorge 02:57
66 Malodorous Oblation Disgorge 02:42
67 Carnally Decimated Disgorge 02:49
68 Revelations XVIII Disgorge 03:33
69 She Lay Gutted Disgorge 02:42
70 Exhuming the Disemboweled Disgorge 03:03
71 Compost Devourment Disgorge 01:54
72 Sodomize the Bleeding Disgorge 03:07
73 False Conception Disgorge 02:52
74 Womb Full of Scabs Disgorge 02:32
75 Disfigured Catacombs Disgorge 02:39
76 Purifying the Cavity Disgorge 02:48
77 Demise of the Trinity Disgorge 03:24
78 Perverse Manifestation Disgorge 04:27
79 Manipulation of Faith Disgorge 03:10
80 Consecrating the Reviled Disgorge 02:35
81 Indulging Dismemberment of a Mutilating Breed Disgorge 02:52
82 Consume the Forsaken Disgorge 03:38
83 Denied Existence Disgorge 03:44
84 Divine Suffering Disgorge 04:44
85 Abhorrent Desecration of Thee Iniquity Disgorge 04:17
86 Forgotten Scriptures Disgorge 02:01
87 Descending Upon Convulsive Devourment Disgorge 04:38
88 Condemned to Sufferance Disgorge 04:57
89 Parallels of Infinite Torture Disgorge 05:03
90 Asphyxiation of Thee Oppressed Disgorge 05:42
91 Ominous Sigils of Ungodly Ruin Disgorge 04:59
92 Enthroned Abominations Disgorge 04:05
93 Revealed in Obscurity Disgorge 05:13