這套歌單包含所有曲目可能會有同首歌不時重覆出現情況,那可能會是不同樂手演奏,或同樂手在不同時期與不同夥伴錄製,或被不同唱片公司再調整音質翻製重出的作品。試著聆聽同首歌由不同樂手詮釋,漸漸品出自己喜歡的風格,記憶歌名。越經典的曲目就有越多樂手反覆詮釋,這也正是 Standard Jazz 經典爵士 來由。
美國1920年代起爵士樂流行曲收錄至1960年代左右,當時的美國流行樂由爵士樂引領風騷,這部分也包含 Broadway 歌舞劇歌曲,只要是廣受當時民眾喜愛的爵士曲都能算經典爵士曲,那個時期的美國主流就是爵士樂。
此歌單收集經典爵士鋼琴 尤其 Coll Jazz 類型曲目稍多,適合爵士鋼琴/鍵盤新手聆聽研習,但其他樂器也不在少數,樂段靈感處處可拾。儘可能保持整體曲目耐聽度,樂句草根性較重的 Blues, Boogie Woogie, Ragtime, Big Band 幾乎沒有收,爵士樂史後期樂句較前衛的 Hard Bop、Jazz Fusion、Acid Jazz 幾乎不收錄。Soul Jazz 和 Smooth Jazz, Latin Jazz 有一些。
爵士樂起源 19世紀末期至20世紀初期於美國紐奧良的非裔美國人的社區,根植於黑人音樂起源 - 藍調 Blues,陸續融入拉格泰姆 Ragtime 音樂 以及歐洲軍樂、歐裔美國人音樂、拉丁音樂,漸漸吸收不同文化風格元素,爵士樂是真正起源於美國的藝術形式。
Jazz [dʒæz] 名詞起源於髒字俚語,有興奮高潮的意味,恰如人與樂器即興做樂,現在已經是非常正式、毫無貶抑的氣質名稱。即興演奏是爵士樂重要元素,即時配上歌詞和旋律,常借用當時流行的藍調、民謠、音樂劇、流行曲的旋律,主題開始以 主旋律 作開場,隨後每位樂師表演其 即興獨奏 技巧的段落,也常常出現兩三位樂師互相對答,最後回到主旋律作結束。這些即興演奏並非完全任意,樂手通常會根據樂曲的和聲結構,決定即興的旋律和節奏。爵士樂的演奏者需要長期的學習,熟悉爵士樂的和聲和音階,才可以即興演奏出變化多端的音樂。
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
You And The Night And The Music
You And The Night And The Music 收錄在 1962年7月間 Bill Evans 與鼓手 Philly Joe Jones、吉他手 Jim Hall、現代爵士四重奏的貝斯手 Percy Heath, 以及當時正年輕的小號手 Freddie Hubbard 共五人完成特別的錄音計劃專輯。鼓手Philly 的擊鼓質量被視為太重不適 合Bill Evans 的作風, 但是 Bill Evans 卻不以為意。這個錄音是 Bill Evans 第一次以個人名義與大於三人編制的樂團合作, 因為 Bill Evans 的存在剛好平衡形成樂風內斂不誇張。 Bill Evans 深受古典樂印象派大師 Debussy 及 Ravel 的影響,於50年代末期以其細膩堆疊、迷濛渲染、意境闡釋、氛圍構築等...特質在爵士樂史上樹立獨具一格別於時代主流之印記。 近代影響爵士鋼琴最深也幾乎最受爵士鋼琴樂手擁載的大師 Bill Evans,在60年代時期 他先以 三重奏 編制獲得好評, 也嘗試不同樂隊組合搭配比如鋼琴獨奏或是其他不同的編制組合, 他都儘可能的嘗試, 因此這個年代也算是他豐富又多產的黃金時期。 |
Bill Evans | 07:03 |
02 | Alfie's Theme | Sonny Rollins | 09:42 |
03 |
You And The Night And The Music
웅산 Woong San 一位韓國實力派爵士女歌手,擁有獨特磁性聲線及能歌善作的才華,傳說有著讓聽眾一聽入魂的本領。 |
웅산 | 03:41 |
04 | All the Things You Are | Eddie Higgins | 05:58 |
05 | All Of You | 小曽根真 | 06:35 |
06 |
1957 年錄音,Oscar Peterson 是這張專輯的鋼琴手。 班.韦伯斯特 Ben Webster - 最喜歡的 薩克斯風 手 Saxophonist ,他吹奏長音的時候加入氣音,可以把樂器百鍊精鋼化為繞指柔,他不走名家多如曇花的炫技刺耳路線,但 Ben 的快速演奏技術也不亞於人,他擅於詮釋內心情感,那灌注在吹奏間的氣音、柔美傾吐音符的方式、時而憂鬱時而高雅,溫暖善感勾勒詩情背景。他 用樂器 對你訴說情話,下一首 My Funny Valentine 簡直了。 Ben Webster 的薩克斯風技藝超卓群倫是眾所周知的,但大部分的人或許不知道早在他吹薩克斯風前,是位爵士鋼琴好手,小時候原本是學提琴和鋼琴,最終選定薩克斯風作為音樂詮釋,而至今他大部分的錄音也都是薩克斯風。 想要聽他彈 Boogie Woogie 可以這首歌連結到他 Soulville 同名專輯尋找 Boogie Woogie 這首歌,可說是他現存唯一的鋼琴錄音,意義非凡。或到 http://t.cn/EPKTmow |
Ben Webster | 08:04 |
07 | My Funny Valentine | Ben Webster | 03:23 |
08 | Cleopatra's Dream | Claude Williamson | 04:00 |
09 |
Ahmad Jamal 1930 年生至今仍活在地球上,爵士鋼琴彈得最 Cool 的老爺爺,很感動還能有上世紀經典爵士樂師現今仍在這世上共同存活, 況且 Ahmad Jamal 是我的爵士鋼琴仰慕偶像之最,即使是他幾十年前錄的唱片拿到現在聽仍然酷味十足,律動有他天生血液傳承的熱度,樂句詮釋具有時尚摩登感,詮釋方式沒有典型黑人草根味道,沒有冒犯之意,我崇尚黑人和原住民音樂。Ahmad Jamal 音樂風格總適度留白,與帶點拉丁風情的鼓聲共同呼吸流動,他注重整體氛圍營造,他做得到炫技但他不炫,其實越簡單的越困難,要達到簡單的境界,必須做出選擇,用簡單的樂句、律動吸引你、感動你... It is difficult to be difficult, but it is even more difficult to be easy. Ahmad Jamal is the best. |
Ahmad Jamal | 08:59 |
10 | Moanin' | Bobby Timmons | 05:08 |
11 | Days Of Wine And Roses | Jazz Club | 03:29 |
12 | Have You Met Miss Jones? | Oscar Peterson | 04:14 |
13 | My Favorite Things | Grant Green | 10:13 |
14 | I've Got You Under My Skin | Oscar Peterson Trio | 02:51 |
15 | How High The Moon | Chet Baker | 03:37 |
16 | I Could Write A Book | Scott Hamilton | 06:43 |
17 | The Lady Is a Tramp | Ella Fitzgerald | 03:23 |
18 | George Gershwin: I Love Porgy | Shani Diluka | 05:10 |
19 | Take the a-Train | New York Jazz Lounge | 03:44 |
20 | Bluesette | Toots Thielemans | 04:35 |
21 | So What | Miles Davis | 09:25 |
22 | Song for My Father | Claude Williamson | 07:05 |
23 | I Got Rhythm | John Pizzarelli | 03:49 |
24 | All the Things You Are | Joe Pass | 04:03 |
25 |
Cantaloupe Island
Example of great piano comping |
Herbie Hancock | 05:30 |
26 | In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning | Oscar Peterson | 03:13 |
27 | The Best Things In Life Are Free (LP Version) | Roland Hanna | 04:01 |
28 | Take 1 | Lennie Tristano | 03:13 |
29 | Speak Low | James Williams | 10:16 |
30 | It Never Entered My Mind | Mulgrew Miller | 06:31 |
31 | A Grand Night for Swinging | Mary Lou Williams | 02:52 |
32 | Bags - A Tribute | Sir Roland Hanna | 05:23 |
33 | My Ideal | Art Tatum | 07:18 |
34 | I Will Wait for You | McCoy Tyner | 06:26 |
35 | My One and Only Love | Joe Zawinul | 03:37 |
36 | For Dancers Only | Victor Feldman | 04:43 |
37 | Don't Ever Leave Me | Keith Jarrett | 02:47 |
38 | Porgy | Paul Bley | 03:40 |
39 |
Don't Explain
很喜歡 Wynton Kelly 彈奏的切分語句 syncopation ,也認為他的切分語氣是所有爵士鋼琴手中最經典的,另外他每一首作品即興彈奏的部分很特別,不像其他爵士樂手潑墨畫般的揮灑,Wynton Kelly 鋼琴即興段落像是在說一則有頭有尾的故事,起承轉合完整敘事感彷彿事先編寫過。 |
Wynton Kelly | 05:36 |
40 |
Almost Like Being in Love
Example of great piano comping |
Red Garland | 04:52 |
41 | Is Paris Burning | George Cables | 07:56 |
42 | Ain't It Funky Now | George Duke | 04:20 |
43 | One For My Baby | Tommy Flanagan | 03:18 |
44 | Song for My Father | Horace Silver | 07:18 |
45 | Squatty Roo | Kenny Barron | 04:14 |
46 | In a Little Spanish Town | Jo Jones | 03:17 |
47 | These Foolish Things | Michel Petrucciani | 04:34 |
48 |
Bumpin' on Sunset
Comin' Home Baby 像是 Bumpin' on Sunset 主旋律的完整版 |
Wes Montgomery | 04:51 |
49 | When Sunny Gets Blue | Ronnie Mathews | 07:23 |
50 | Take The A Train | Duke Ellington | 02:52 |
51 |
My Funny Valentine
《天才瑞普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley》 男主角 Matt Damon 親自演唱錄音 @ 爵士樂迷必追電影之一。 |
Gabriel Yared | 02:34 |
52 |
All the Things You Are
50年代美國爵士樂界偶像級人物,當紅時他很年輕大約20歲。Chet Baker 以浪子的姿態把玩音樂,既像天使,也是魔鬼,集才氣、溫柔、英俊、墮落於一身,被前輩 Charlie Parker 提拔,被 Mile Davis 羞辱般的批評過,他風靡一世、終遭親友唾棄,主要毒癮問題。Chet Baker 的音樂和歌聲 平舖直述、溫柔抒情,可能會被嫌太沒技術,但他的音樂就是受大眾喜愛,1952年 Chet Baker 加入 Gerry Mulligan 標榜無鋼琴伴奏的四重奏樂團,不僅掀起了酷派爵士熱潮,Baker 更一躍成為成為全美矚目的白人爵士樂焦點。演奏同時穿插演唱,讓他爵士樂的版圖更加開闊 ,Chet Baker 歌聲憂鬱陰柔浪漫,讓許多原來不聽爵士樂的人們也被吸引,但Chet Baker 的爸爸很不滿意他的歌聲。 1988年5月13日,Chet Baker 不幸從荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的旅館陽台墜樓身亡,倒在一片血泊之中,死因不明。看過他的紀錄片、傳記電影,為 Chet Baker 亟欲獲得黑人同儕音樂家和被自己父親認可的渴望擰了不少淚,極度美好之中的不完美與沉淪着實讓人心痛。 Chet Baker 電影 / 紀錄片 《Born to Be Blue 生為藍調》 《Let's Get Lost 一起迷失吧》 |
Chet Baker | 06:23 |
53 | This Guy's in Love With You | Cedar Walton | 08:10 |
54 | Giant Steps | Hal Galper | 04:55 |
55 | Beatnik | Larry Goldings | 04:37 |
56 | Worksong | Benny Green | 04:40 |
57 | Take Five | Dave Brubeck | 09:39 |
58 | Blue Monk | Harry Pickens | 03:51 |
59 | Autumn Leaves | Kenny Werner | 06:46 |
60 | The Way You Look Tonight (Remastered LP Version) | Erroll Garner | 03:14 |
61 | We're All Together | Hank Jones | 04:12 |
62 | Blue Monk | Hank Jones | 02:39 |
63 | Django | Ray Bryant | 05:05 |
64 | Pumpkin | Andrew Hill | 05:24 |
65 | Tea for Two | Geri Allen | 03:18 |
66 | Claudio | Danílo Perez | 03:33 |
67 | Mo' Better Blues | Jacky Terrasson | 02:39 |
68 | When Will the Blues Leave | Charlie Haden | 08:29 |
69 | Bibo No Aozora | Geoff Keezer | 07:15 |
70 | Moon Shadows | Bruce Barth | 05:04 |
71 | Now's the Time | Charlie Parker | 03:04 |
72 | Blue bossa | Antonio Carlos Jobim | 03:29 |
73 | Body & Soul | Sonny Stitt | 04:31 |
74 | Tune-Up | Miles Davis | 03:56 |
75 | I'm a Fool to Want You | David Liebman | 09:25 |
76 | Imagination | Woody Shaw | 07:25 |
77 | Body and Soul | Steve Grossman | 06:37 |
78 | Trinidad, Hello | Dizzy Gillespie | 04:24 |
79 | Blue Train | John Coltrane | 10:43 |
80 | The Shooting Star | Ted Nash | 06:54 |
81 | All Star Strut | The Metronome All-Stars | 03:06 |
82 | Blues In The Closet | Bud Powell | 05:42 |
83 | But Beautiful | Stan Getz | 04:44 |
84 | All the Things You Are | Art Tatum | 07:15 |
85 | End of a Love Affair | Joe Monk | 03:44 |
86 | Getting Sentimental Over You (Otrie B /Jeremy M Trio) | Various Artists | 08:14 |
87 | Green Dolphin Street | Attila Fias | 04:35 |
88 | I'll Remember April | Bill Evans | 04:10 |
89 | I Love You | Bill Evans | 03:56 |
90 | I Remember You | Charlie Parker | 03:05 |
91 | In A Mellow Tone | Oscar Peterson | 05:11 |
92 | Invitation | Art Blakey | 07:28 |
93 | Just Friends | Manhattan Jazz Quintet | 06:41 |
94 | Just Friends | Chicago Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra | 04:44 |
95 | There'll Never Be Another You | Paolo Bernardi Jazz Trio | 02:53 |
96 | Out of Nowhere | Boilermaker Jazz Band | 03:21 |
97 | Satin Doll | Duke Ellington | 03:44 |
98 | Star Eyes | Joe Pass | 02:43 |
99 | What Is This Thing Called Love | Bill Evans | 04:37 |
100 | You Stepped out of a Dream | Charlie Byrd | 04:18 |
101 | Prisoner of Love | Coleman Hawkins | 04:16 |
102 | Part Time Blues | Erroll Garner | 04:35 |
103 | But Beautiful | Freddie Hubbard | 06:26 |
104 | Autumn Leaves | McCoy Tyner | 04:10 |
105 |
Red Clay
Example of great piano comping |
Freddie Hubbard | 12:11 |
106 |
In Your Own Sweet Way
Example of great piano comping |
Dave Brubeck | 05:00 |
107 |
Example of great piano comping |
Miles Davis | 07:13 |
108 |
Half Nelson
Example of great piano comping |
Miles Davis Quintet | 04:49 |
109 |
Someday My Prince Will Come
Example of great piano comping |
Miles Davis | 09:02 |
110 |
Days of Wine and Roses
Example of great piano comping |
Henry Mancini | 02:10 |
111 |
Blue 7
Example of great piano comping |
Sonny Rollins | 11:15 |
112 | Summertime | McCoy Tyner | 04:51 |
113 | Autumn Leaves | Wynton Kelly | 03:56 |
114 | Tea for Two | Lester Young | 07:42 |
115 | A Foggy Day | Hazel Scott | 06:09 |
116 | Ain't Misbehavin' | Louis Armstrong | 03:15 |
117 | All or Nothing At All | Billie Holiday | 05:38 |
118 | In A Mellow Tone | Ella Fitzgerald | 05:12 |
119 | In A Mist | Dick Hyman | 04:06 |
120 | The Blue Room | Red Garland | 05:47 |
121 | The Blue Room | Chet Baker | 08:40 |
122 | Body And Soul | Keith Jarrett | 11:12 |
123 | Cascades | OLIVER NELSON | 05:21 |
124 | Giant Steps | John Coltrane | 04:47 |
125 | Caravan | Duke Ellington | 04:12 |
126 | Chelsea Bridge | Duke Ellington | 03:47 |
127 | Cry Me A River | J.J. Johnson | 05:51 |
128 | Dancers in Love | Duke Ellington | 02:13 |
129 | I'm Beginning To See The Light | Kaye Grable | 02:12 |
130 | Cleopatra's Dream | Bud Powell | 04:22 |
131 | Happy Go Lucky Local | Clark Terry | 04:29 |
132 | I'm Beginning to See the Light | Beegie Adair | 03:38 |
133 | I'm Just a Lucky So-and-So (1999 Remastered) | Duke Ellington & his Famous Orchestra | 03:11 |
134 | How About You? | Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:11 |
135 | As Close as Pages in a Book | Gerry Mulligan | 04:19 |
136 | In a Mellow Tone | Louis Armstrong | 03:49 |
137 | I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) | Benny Goodman | 03:51 |
138 | Cascades | Oliver Nelson | 05:31 |
139 | Misterioso | Thelonious Monk | 10:55 |
140 | Misterioso | J.J. Johnson | 06:36 |
141 | Moanin' | Gabriel Yared | 04:16 |
142 | Perdido | Sonny Stitt | 11:58 |
143 | Milestones | Miles Davis | 05:45 |
144 | My Funny Valentine | Gerry Mulligan Quartet | 02:56 |
145 | Stella by Starlight (Live) | Chet Baker | 10:52 |
146 | All The Things You Are | Ryo Fukui | 06:01 |
147 | I'm In The Mood For Love | Art Tatum | 04:26 |
148 | Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise | Wynton Kelly | 06:33 |
149 | Invitation | Chick Corea | 06:53 |
150 | In A Mellow Tone | Duke Ellington | 02:39 |
151 | Frenesi | Gerry Mulligan | 03:11 |
152 | You And The Night And The Music | Chet Baker | 04:05 |
153 | It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) | Thelonious Monk | 04:41 |
154 | Perdido | Red Mitchell | 05:35 |
155 | Beautiful Love | Cedar Walton | 06:20 |
156 | Beautiful Love (Live Version) | Bill Evans | 09:24 |
157 | Beautiful Love | Bill Evans | 05:08 |
158 | On Green Dolphin Street | Miles Davis | 11:01 |
159 | On Green Dolphin Street | Red Garland | 08:22 |
160 | On Green Dolphin Street | Bill Evans | 08:12 |
161 | Ja Da | Art Tatum | 02:28 |
162 | Prelude To A Kiss | Horace Silver | 06:09 |
163 | The Glory of Love | John Cocuzzi | 05:10 |
164 | The Jitterbug Waltz | Dizzy Gillespie's Big Four | 06:55 |
165 | The Star-Crossed Lovers (Also known as "Pretty Girl") | Duke Ellington | 04:13 |
166 | Good Morning Heartache | Tim Garland | 07:22 |
167 | What Is The Thing Called Love | Paul Urbanek | 03:45 |
168 | Just You, Just Me | Lester Young | 07:41 |
169 | God Bless the Child | Webster Young | 07:08 |
170 | Things Ain't What They Used to Be | Paul Desmond | 09:00 |
171 | Harlem Nocturne | Louis Prima | 02:40 |
172 | On Green Dolphin Street | Doug Raney | 05:38 |
173 | How Deep Is the Ocean? | Duke Jordan | 07:26 |
174 | How Deep Is the Ocean? | Dexter Gordon | 09:33 |
175 | Kathy's Waltz | Dave Brubeck | 04:53 |
176 | Stomp, Look and Listen | Duke Ellington | 02:42 |
177 | I Can't Get Started With You | Oscar Moore | 02:56 |
178 | Sophisticated Lady | Thelonious Monk | 04:31 |
179 | Don't Get Around Much Anymore | Cootie Williams | 03:40 |
180 | I Hear Music | Hampton Hawes | 02:09 |
181 | Laura | Jutta Hipp | 03:07 |
182 | Sophisticated Lady | Dizzy Gillespie | 03:21 |
183 | Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me | Randy Weston | 05:08 |
184 | I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) | Bill Evans | 01:38 |
185 | I Don't Know What Time It Was | Stan Getz | 07:38 |
186 | Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing | Roma Trio | 05:11 |
187 | I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good | The Oscar Peterson Trio | 05:03 |
188 | Lullaby in Rhythm | Scott Hamilton | 05:53 |
189 | Lullaby in Rhythm | Art Tatum | 03:10 |
190 | Do Nothin' Till You Hear from Me | Don Lamond | 03:05 |
191 | I'll See You In My Dreams | Jim Galloway | 06:05 |
192 | I'll See You in My Dreams | Nicki Parrott | 04:11 |
193 | I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart | Dizzy Gillespie | 06:21 |
194 | I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart | Thelonious Monk | 05:43 |
195 | I Cried For You | Al Hirt | 02:45 |
196 | I Cried for You | Claude Hopkins | 05:42 |
197 | I Wish I Were in Love Again | Tony Bennett | 02:29 |
198 | The Moon Is Low | Art Tatum | 04:12 |
199 | The Moon Is Low | Peter Ecklund | 03:46 |
200 | I Cried for You | Jimmy Rushing | 03:36 |
201 | Moonlight Serenade | The Starlite Orchestra | 03:28 |
202 | You Showed Me The Way | Teddy Wilson | 02:58 |
203 | Isn't It Romantic? | Toots Thielemans | 05:17 |
204 | Isn't It Romantic? | Kenny Drew | 08:58 |
205 | Don't Blame Me | Charlie Parker | 02:45 |
206 | Don't Blame Me | Jackie McLean | 04:25 |
207 | I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter | Paul McCartney | 02:35 |
208 | Ill Wind | Ben Webster | 03:27 |
209 | Ill Wind | Art Tatum | 02:51 |
210 | Once In A While | Chet Baker Quartet | 05:32 |
211 | Once in a While | Ray Foxley | 02:28 |
212 | In the Mood | Greg Francis | 02:41 |
213 | It Could Happen to You | Bob Acri | 03:44 |
214 | It Could Happen to You | Bud Powell | 03:16 |
215 | One O'Clock Jump | Gabriel Yared | 03:15 |
216 | One O’Clock Jump | Count Basie | 03:04 |
217 | Perdido (Digitally Remastered) | Lionel Hampton | 05:02 |
218 | Perdido | Coleman Hawkins | 04:42 |
219 | Perdido | Fabien Mary | 04:01 |
220 | I'm Sorry I Made You Cry | Kenny Davern | 07:47 |
221 | It Might As Well Be Spring | Ahmad Jamal | 03:27 |
222 | It Might As Well Be Spring | Chet Baker | 03:53 |
223 | It Might As Well Be Spring | Oscar Peterson | 03:02 |
224 | It Might as Well Be Spring | 渡辺貞夫 | 04:27 |
225 | Over The Rainbow | George Shearing | 03:02 |
226 | I'll Close My Eyes | Blue Mitchell | 06:00 |
227 | It's Easy to Remember | John Coltrane | 02:48 |
228 | It's Easy to Remember | Hank Jones | 02:45 |
229 | It's Easy to Remember | Erroll Garner | 02:42 |
230 | Just One More Chance | Coleman Hawkins | 04:53 |
231 | Just One More Chance | Ike Quebec | 05:50 |
232 | Just One More Chance | Dizzy Gillespie | 03:10 |
233 | The Lady Is a Tramp | Carl Perkins | 03:19 |
234 | The Lady Is A Tramp | Dick Lee | 02:29 |
235 | The Lady Is a Tramp | Jimmy Rowles | 03:13 |
236 | The Lady Is a Tramp | New York Jazz Lounge | 05:46 |
237 | The Lady's In Love With You | Ralph Sharon | 03:20 |
238 | The Lady's in Love with You | Johnny Varro | 05:22 |
239 | The Lady's In Love With You | Vince Guaraldi Trio | 03:51 |
240 | The Lady's in Love With You (Lane / Loesser) | Dave Grusin | 02:36 |
241 | Lazy River | Harry Connick, Jr. | 02:48 |
242 | Lazy River | Pete Fountain | 02:39 |
243 | Lazy Afternoon | Joe Henderson | 05:32 |
244 | Lazy Afternoon | Derek Smith | 02:43 |
245 | Lazy Afternoon | James Moody | 06:38 |
246 | Lazy Afternoon | Larry Willis | 05:45 |
247 | Lazybones | Jacqui Naylor | 03:36 |
248 | Lover (2003 - Remaster) | Various Artists | 03:11 |
249 | Little Girl Blue [#] | Chet Baker | 10:25 |
250 | Little Girl Blue | Stacey Kent | 05:34 |
251 | Love Is Just Around the Corner | Earl Hines | 03:24 |
252 | Love Is Just Around the Corner | Bobby Hackett | 04:28 |
253 | Manhattan | Steve Moore | 03:39 |
254 | Manhattan | Herb Hall | 03:10 |
255 | Midnight Sun | Humphrey Lyttelton | 04:45 |
256 | A Foggy Day | Red Garland | 04:51 |
257 | A A Night in Tunisia | Dizzy Gillespie | 04:19 |
258 | A Night In Tunisia | Dizzy Gillespie | 10:26 |
259 | My Favorite Things | George Kahn | 07:36 |
260 | My Favorite Things | Esteban Herrera Trio | 06:36 |
261 | Ain't Misbehavin' | Sonny Stitt | 03:01 |
262 | Ain't Misbehavin | Walter Pidgeon | 02:31 |
263 | My Foolish Heart | Bill Evans Trio | 04:56 |
264 | My Foolish Heart | Chet Baker | 12:33 |
265 | My Foolish Heart | Eugene Pao | 08:14 |
266 | Perdido | Dave Brubeck Quartet | 07:49 |
267 | Perdido | The Jimmy Bruno Group | 08:21 |
268 | Anthropology | Dizzy Gillespie | 02:47 |
269 | Anthropology | Elvin Jones | 04:11 |
270 | Anthropology | Stanley Cowell | 07:53 |
271 | Ain't Misbehavin' | Consuela Lee | 03:17 |
272 | My Heart Stood Still | Earl Bostic | 02:16 |
273 | My Heart Stood Still | Teddy Wilson | 02:38 |
274 | Oleo | Red Garland | 05:17 |
275 | Come Fly With Me | Monty Alexander | 04:25 |
276 | Come fly with me | Wayne Jones | 04:09 |
277 | My Romance | McCoy Tyner | 06:32 |
278 | My romance | Alfons Enjuanes Trio | 05:48 |
279 | My Romance (Take 1) | Bill Evans Trio | 07:05 |
280 | You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To | Barbara Carroll | 06:20 |
281 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Chet Baker | 04:31 |
282 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Red Garland | 05:48 |
283 | Fascinating Rhythm | Jimmy Raney | 04:19 |
284 | Fascinating Rhythm | Vince Guaraldi Trio | 02:43 |
285 | Fascinating Rhythm | The Oscar Peterson Trio | 02:55 |
286 | Poinciana | Ahmad Jamal | 08:06 |
287 | Spartacus Love Theme | Ahmad Jamal | 03:45 |
288 | A Gal in Calico | Ahmad Jamal | 04:44 |
289 | I'll Take Romance/My Funny Valentine | Ahmad Jamal | 06:17 |
290 | My Funny Valentine | Ahmad Jamal | 02:14 |
291 | Waltz for J. B. (Live) | Brad Mehldau | 06:04 |
292 | I Can't Get Started | Bud Powell | 05:40 |
293 | My Ship | David Hazeltine | 09:00 |
294 | My Romance | New York Jazz Lounge | 05:42 |
295 | Fran-Dance | Miles Davis | 08:16 |
296 | My Ship | Bruce Gertz Quintet | 06:19 |
297 | My Ship | Johnny O'Neal | 07:12 |
298 | My Ship | Cedar Walton | 08:30 |
299 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Helen Merrill | 04:22 |
300 | You’d be So Nice to Come Home to | Kenny Barron | 04:34 |
301 | The Nearness of You | Red Garland | 05:42 |
302 | The Nearness of You | Shelly Berg | 05:47 |
303 | The Nearness of You | George Melly | 03:13 |
304 | The Nearness of You | Roland Kirk | 05:33 |
305 | Black Orpheus | Louis van Dijk Trio | 05:18 |
306 |
Autumn Leaves
Ahmad Jamal 1930 年生至今仍活在地球上,爵士鋼琴彈得最 Cool 的老爺爺,很感動還能有經典爵士樂師現今在這世上共同存活, 況且 Ahmad Jamal 還是我的爵士鋼琴仰慕偶像之最,即使是他幾十年前錄的唱片拿到現在聽仍然酷味十足。他的樂句適度留白,與帶點拉丁味道的鼓聲共同呼吸流動,注重整體氛圍營造,他做得到炫技但他不炫,其實越簡單的越困難,要達到簡單的境界,必須做出選擇,用簡單的樂句、律動吸引你、感動你... 這首 Autumn Leaves 就是最佳說明。 |
Ahmad Jamal | 07:40 |
307 | Take The A Train | Various Artists | 02:41 |
308 | Blues To Elvin | John Coltrane | 07:48 |
309 | The Nearness Of You | Chico Hamilton | 02:52 |
310 | The Nearness of You | Billy Evans | 05:29 |
311 | The Nearness Of You | Spike Robinson | 10:31 |
312 | The Nearness of You | Mat Mathews Quintet | 02:36 |
313 | The Nearness of You | Otto Francker | 03:54 |
314 | What Is This Thing Called Love? | Wynton Marsalis | 10:28 |
315 | What Is This Thing Called Love? | Phineas Newborn, Jr. | 06:19 |
316 | What Is This Thing Called Love | Interestelar Trio | 02:15 |
317 | What Is This Thing Called Love | Jacopo Mazza | 07:45 |
318 | What Is This Thing Called Love? | George Garzone | 05:10 |
319 | What Is This Thing Called Love? | McCoy Tyner | 08:04 |
320 | What Is This Thing Called Love? | Red Garland | 04:53 |
321 | Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me | John Pizzarelli | 06:43 |
322 | Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me | Art Tatum | 04:54 |
323 | You're My Everything | Miles Davis Quintet | 05:20 |
324 | You're My Everything | Peter Beets | 04:23 |
325 | It Ain't Necessarily So | Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:13 |
326 | It Ain't Necessarily So | Miles Davis | 04:22 |
327 | It Ain't Necessarily So | Ahmad Jamal | 03:00 |
328 | It Ain't Necessarily So | Aretha Franklin | 02:54 |
329 | Ol Man River | The Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:22 |
330 | Ol' Man River | Dave Brubeck | 02:26 |
331 | Ol' Man River | Art Pepper | 06:15 |
332 | Around the World (Pt. 1) | Gerald Wiggins | 04:21 |
333 | Cherokee | Ray Brown | 03:39 |
334 | Cherokee | Red Garland Trio | 05:23 |
335 | Donna Lee | Joe Lovano | 04:30 |
336 | A Nightingale Sang in Barkeley Square | Eddie Higgins | 04:51 |
337 | A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square | Sonny Rollins | 08:07 |
338 | A Nightingale Sang In Berkely Square | Bud Powell | 03:39 |
339 | Blues In The Closet | Bud Powell | 03:00 |
340 | Blues In The Closet | Tony Overwater | 04:46 |
341 | Blues In The Closet | Red Garland Trio | 04:29 |
342 | Blues In The Closet | The Jazz City Workshop | 04:03 |
343 | Blues In The Closet | Jaki Byard | 04:28 |
344 | Blues In The Closet | Stan Getz | 06:16 |
345 | Blues in the Closet | Ron Carter | 04:52 |
346 | Pagan Love Song | Anita O'Day | 02:36 |
347 | It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) | Dizzy Gillespie | 06:40 |
348 | It Don't Mean a Thing | Joe Harriot | 06:01 |
349 | It Don't Mean A Thing | Charlie Shavers | 01:58 |
350 | Georgia on My Mind | Wes Montgomery | 02:48 |
351 | Georgia on My Mind | Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:46 |
352 | Autumn Leaves | Chick Corea | 11:35 |
353 | Summertime | Charlie Parker | 02:49 |
354 | All The Things You Are | Bud Powell | 07:51 |
355 | You Don't Know What Love Is | Charlie Haden | 07:01 |
356 | Caravan | Thelonious Monk | 05:56 |
357 | My One and Only Love | John Coltrane | 04:58 |
358 | My One and Only Love | John Coltrane | 04:56 |
359 | In a Sentimental Mood | John Coltrane | 04:17 |
360 | Caravan | Buddy Rich | 09:44 |
361 | Moanin' | Charles Mingus | 08:02 |
362 | Autumn Leaves | Cannonball Adderley | 10:55 |
363 | Tune Up / When Lights Are Low | Miles Davis | 13:09 |
364 | I Loves You, Porgy | Keith Jarrett | 05:50 |
365 | Django | The Modern Jazz Quartet | 07:02 |
366 | Autumn Leaves | Cecil L. Recchia | 04:31 |
367 | Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise | Stanley Cowell | 02:41 |
368 | All The Things You Are | Johnny Varro | 06:52 |
369 | All of Me | Sidney Bechet | 03:32 |
370 | I Can't Get Started | Lester Young | 03:41 |
371 | Killer Joe | Benny Golson | 06:53 |
372 | So What | Marcus Miller | 07:35 |
373 | I'm All Smiles | Bill Evans | 05:47 |
374 | Sanctimonious Sam | Horace Silver | 03:55 |
375 | Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out To Dry | Eddie Higgins Trio | 06:00 |
376 | Spartacus Love Theme | Bill Evans | 05:11 |
377 | All the Things You Are | Erroll Garner | 02:58 |
378 | My Little Brown Book | Duke Ellington | 05:20 |
379 | Everything Happens to Me | Joe Pass | 04:41 |
380 | I Wished On The Moon | Ken Peplowski | 05:22 |
381 | Li'l Darlin' | Ray Brown | 08:40 |
382 | You Don't Know What Love Is | Pat Martino | 04:46 |
383 | Man I Love | New York Trio | 07:18 |
384 | Talking | Red Mitchell | 05:47 |
385 | On Green Dolphin Street | Rolf Kuhn | 04:40 |
386 | On green dolphin street | Wayne Jones | 05:52 |
387 | Little Right Foot | Oscar Peterson | 04:59 |
388 | I'm Old Fashioned | John Coltrane | 07:57 |
389 | Blue Train | John Coltrane | 09:02 |
390 | Mr. Jelly Lord | Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton | 02:52 |
391 | Out Of Nowhere | Sidney Bechet | 03:00 |
392 | Waltz For Debby (Take 1) | Bill Evans Trio | 06:51 |
393 | ア・シェイド・オブ・ラブ | 山本剛トリオ | 04:44 |
394 | Like Someone in Love | Dave Brubeck | 07:33 |
395 | Yardbird Suite | Charlie Parker | 02:57 |
396 | When My Dreamboat Comes Home | Arnett Cobb | 05:48 |
397 | Embraceable You | Clifford Brown | 03:01 |
398 | Everything I Have Is Yours/Dedicated to You | Roy Hargrove | 04:49 |
399 | P.S. I Love You | Lee Morgan | 04:22 |
400 | Jazzenco | George Benson | 05:48 |
401 | Jeepers Creepers | Louis Armstrong | 04:39 |
402 | I Can't Get Started | Bobby Jaspar | 06:06 |
403 | Little Girl Blue | Red Garland | 05:07 |
404 | The Crave | Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton | 04:33 |
405 | What Is This Thing Called Love | Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:10 |
406 | Here's That Rainy Day | Duke Jordan | 07:23 |
407 | There Will Never Be Another You | Lester Young | 03:28 |
408 | Hustlin' and Bustlin' for Baby | Ruby Braff | 03:52 |
409 | I Remember Clifford | Yusef Lateef | 06:13 |
410 | I'm Old Fashioned | Oscar Peterson Trio | 04:05 |
411 | The Girl from Ipanema | Oscar Peterson | 03:56 |
412 | My One And Only Love | Oscar Peterson | 05:08 |
413 | I Hadn't Anyone Till You | Flip Phillips | 06:05 |
414 | Diggin' for Dex | Paul Quinichette | 07:12 |
415 | Take Five | Paul Desmond | 07:18 |
416 | Moten Swing | Jay McShann | 04:22 |
417 | The Very Thought of You | Red Garland | 04:12 |
418 | Beautiful Love | 山中千尋 | 04:09 |
419 | In a Sentimental Mood (D. Ellington) | Hal Singer | 09:24 |
420 | Waltz for Debby | Mads Bærentzen Trio | 07:12 |
421 | Dr. Jazz | Preservation Hall Jazz Band | 06:52 |
422 | Tea for Two | Stéphane Grappelli | 05:13 |
423 | How Deep Is the Ocean? | Roy Haynes | 06:34 |
424 | That Old Feeling | Eddie Higgins | 04:11 |
425 | Les Abris | Michel Legrand | 01:28 |
426 | In a Sentimental Mood | Beegie Adair | 04:27 |
427 | (I Wonder) Where Our Love Has Gone | Zoot Sims | 04:55 |
428 | Moanin' | Tommy Igoe | 09:05 |
429 | From Russia With Love | Jazzmen | 03:05 |
430 | Alfie's Theme Differently | Sonny Rollins | 03:48 |
431 | Windy | Hal Singer | 06:52 |
432 | It's Only a Paper Moon | Count Basie | 05:37 |
433 | Ruby, My Dear | Thelonious Monk | 06:21 |
434 | Sweet Georgie Fame | George Shearing | 05:50 |
435 | In a Sentimental Mood | Duke Ellington | 04:17 |
436 | Sophisticated Lady | His Orchestra | 02:42 |
437 | Solitude | Sathima Bea Benjamin | 03:31 |
438 | I'm Just a Lucky So and So | Louis Armstrong | 03:06 |
439 | Do Nothin' Till Ou Hear From Me | Ray Brown | 05:34 |
440 | My Ship | Oscar Peterson | 05:41 |
441 | My Foolish Heart | Oscar Peterson | 07:40 |
442 | Perfidia | Alberto Vazquez | 03:02 |
443 | Perfidia | Jan Lundgren Trio | 05:24 |
444 | Perfidia | The Dave Brubeck Trio | 02:16 |
445 | All Of You | Ahmad Jamal | 05:01 |
446 | All Of You | Roman Schwaller | 09:43 |
447 | All of You | Joe Locke | 08:42 |
448 | All Of You | Paul Smith | 02:17 |
449 | All Of You | Barbara Carroll | 03:11 |
450 | All Of You | Edye Evans Hyde | 04:22 |
451 | Jersey Bounce | Tommy Emmanuel | 03:54 |
452 | Jersey Bounce (Remastered) | Benny Goodman | 02:58 |
453 | Jersey Bounce | buddy cole | 02:33 |
454 | Jersey Bounce | Ted Heath | 02:20 |
455 | Jersey Bounce | Ella Fitzgerald | 03:33 |
456 | As Time Goes By | New York Jazz Lounge | 04:50 |
457 | As Time Goes By | Chet Baker | 06:50 |
458 | As Time Goes by (Casablanca) | Dave Koz | 04:02 |
459 | As Time Goes By | New York Trio | 05:49 |
460 | Solitude | Ben Webster | 04:03 |
461 | What's New? | Benny Bailey | 07:19 |
462 | Till There Was You | The Glendon Smith Quintet | 04:39 |
463 | I Can't Get Started | Sidney Bechet | 04:45 |
464 | Along Came Betty | Art Blakey | 06:11 |
465 | For Minors Only | Art Blakey | 05:49 |
466 | Moanin' | Art Blakey | 09:35 |
467 | So Tired | Art Blakey | 06:39 |
468 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Art Pepper | 05:24 |
469 | Donna Lee [Original Take] | Art Pepper | 03:21 |
470 | Joy Spring | Barney Kessel | 06:50 |
471 | Vicky's Dream | Barney Kessel | 02:52 |
472 | Stars Fell On Alabama | Billie Holiday | 04:31 |
473 | Au Privave | Cannonball Adderley | 03:53 |
474 | Wabash | Cannonball Adderley | 05:47 |
475 | Never Will I Marry | Cannonball Adderley | 08:32 |
476 | Straight Life | Cannonball Adderley | 05:28 |
477 | Caravan | Clifford Brown | 15:10 |
478 | Take The "A" Train | Clifford Brown | 04:16 |
479 | C.T.A. | Chet Baker | 05:10 |
480 | Minor Yours | Chet Baker | 06:44 |
481 | Joy Spring | Clifford Brown | 06:51 |
482 | Caravan | Duke Ellington | 04:13 |
483 | O.G.D. (aka Road Song) [alternate take] | Jimmy Smith | 05:12 |
484 | Blue Train | John Coltrane | 10:43 |
485 | Too Young to Go Steady | John Coltrane Quartet | 04:24 |
486 | All the Things You Are | Johnny Griffin | 10:12 |
487 | Bye Bye Black Bird | Les McCann | 02:06 |
488 | These Foolish Things | Lester Young | 03:32 |
489 | 'Round Midnight | McCoy Tyner | 06:23 |
490 | Satin Doll | McCoy Tyner | 05:48 |
491 | Tea for Two | Sarah Vaughan | 02:45 |
492 | Do It Again | Shirley Horn | 02:59 |
493 | Billie's Bounce | Shirley Horn | 04:12 |
494 | Scrapple from the apple | Sonny Stitt | 06:39 |
495 | Melinda | Stan Getz | 05:07 |
496 | Misty | Wes Montgomery | 06:45 |
497 | Born to Be Blue | Wynton Kelly | 04:12 |
498 | 'Deed I Do | Les McCann | 02:50 |
499 | Born To Be Blue | Mel Tormé | 02:53 |
500 | Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye (Live) | John Coltrane | 06:58 |
501 | 'Round Midnight | Miles Davis | 05:54 |
502 | Love For Sale | Miles Davis | 11:47 |
503 | C.T.A. | Miles Davis | 03:33 |
504 | The Shadow of Your Smile | Dexter Gordon | 09:04 |
505 | Groovin' High | Sonny Stitt | 06:06 |
506 | Just Friends | Sonny Stitt | 04:32 |
507 | Bock to Bock (Back to Back) | The Montgomery Brothers | 06:48 |
508 | My Funny Valentine | Miles Davis | 06:04 |
509 | Satin Doll | Wes Montgomery | 03:59 |
510 | If You Could See Me Now | Wynton Kelly Trio | 08:23 |
511 | Soultrane | John Coltrane | 05:24 |
512 | Miss Ann's Tempo | Grant Green | 05:35 |
513 | Shiny Stockings | Dexter Gordon | 06:19 |
514 | My Heart Stood Still | Stan Getz | 08:40 |
515 | My Favorite Things | Grant Green | 08:33 |
516 | Blue 'N' Boogie | Wes Montgomery | 09:40 |
517 | June In January | Wes Montgomery | 06:42 |
518 | Easy Living | Sonny Stitt | 04:02 |
519 | The Good Life | Sonny Stitt | 04:44 |
520 | Tune-Up | Sonny Stitt | 04:56 |
521 | Moanin' | Wes Montgomery | 05:48 |
522 | Tune Up | Wes Montgomery | 03:13 |
523 | Nancy (With the Laughing Face) | John Coltrane Quartet | 03:10 |
524 | Summertime | Shelly Manne | 12:01 |
525 | Speak Low | Harold Land | 05:41 |
526 | Lonnie's Lament | John Coltrane Quartet | 11:47 |
527 | Blues Walk | Lou Donaldson | 06:43 |
528 | Chitlins con Carne | Kenny Burrell | 05:27 |
529 | Somethin' Else | Cannonball Adderley | 08:14 |
530 | Love for Sale | Cannonball Adderley | 07:06 |
531 | Autumn Leaves | Cannonball Adderley | 10:59 |
532 | A Night in Tunisia | Art Blakey | 11:15 |
533 | Everything Happens to Me | Erroll Garner | 03:05 |
534 | The Shadow of Your Smile (Live) | Lou Rawls | 04:41 |
535 | September Song | Dick Hyman | 03:00 |
536 | September Song | Chet Baker | 07:41 |
537 | September Song | Otto Artzman | 03:48 |
538 | September Song | Eroll Garner | 03:03 |
539 | September Song | Dorothy Donegan | 02:30 |
540 | Billy Boy | Red Garland | 06:22 |
541 | Billy Boy | John Graas | 03:05 |
542 | Billy Boy | Ahmad Jamal Trio | 03:00 |
543 | Billy Boy | Anthony Wonsey | 05:44 |
544 | Billy Boy | Michael Carvin | 09:48 |
545 | Billy Boy | Miles Davis Quintet | 04:23 |
546 | Billy Boy | Oscar Peterson Trio | 01:56 |
547 | As Time Goes By | Bryan Ferry | 02:33 |
548 | Ornithology | Bud Powell | 02:23 |
549 | Ornithology | Bud Powell | 02:22 |
550 | Ornithology | 小曽根真 | 06:23 |
551 | Ornithology | Al Haig | 05:46 |
552 | Swanee River | Paul Smith | 03:23 |
553 | Swanee River | Dave Brubeck | 05:51 |
554 | Swanee River | Arnett Cobb | 05:52 |
555 |
Monicas vals
Monica Zetterlund 的傳記電影 《Monica Z / Waltz for Monica / 莫妮卡的華爾滋 》 瑞士籍 Monica 自小收藏學唱無數美國爵士名家的黑膠唱片,聽得滾瓜爛熟,還學得有模有樣,Monica 在紐約巧遇一偶像黑人爵士女歌手 Ella Fitzgerald 時,迫不及待就獻唱盼有指正,才唱兩句,Ella Fitzgerald 就打斷她:「妳去過New Orleans嗎?真的知道當地人的感受嗎?人家 Billie Holiday 是用生命在唱 New Orleans 的悲情,妳呢?瑞典人何不唱瑞典歌呢?」 她從不諱言對 Bill Evans 的崇敬,更巴望著有朝一日能與 Bill Evans 合作,她在爵士歌壇闖盪的絕望時刻,自己錄音寄帶子給 Bill Evans 聽,終獲青睞,與 Bill Evans 合作 「Waltz for Debby」這張專輯,用自己的母語演繹 Waltz for Debby 。 Monica 老年死於香菸所引起的一場火災意外,多年後生平故事終於被搬上大螢幕翻拍成電影,劇情詳實刻畫她崛起至成名的心路歷程,如何從平凡的女接線生變身成炙手可熱的國際巨星。 |
Monica Zetterlund | 03:26 |
556 | A Beautiful Rose (Jag Vet en Dejlig Rosa) | Monica Zetterlund | 02:53 |
557 | All the Things You Are | Anthony Wonsey | 06:16 |
558 | There Is No Greater Love | Lou Donaldson | 06:55 |
559 | Blue Bossa | Lou Donaldson | 05:45 |
560 | My Favourite Thing | Paul Smith | 02:30 |
561 | Invitation | Paul Smith | 04:02 |
562 | All the Things You Are | Johnny Griffin | 10:14 |
563 | She's Funny That Way [alternate take] | Johnny Griffin | 04:15 |
564 | That's All | Lee Morgan | 02:43 |
565 | Sweet Honey Bee | Lee Morgan | 06:54 |
566 | The Night Has a Thousand Eyes | Paul Desmond | 05:05 |
567 | Embraceable You | Charles McPherson | 07:39 |
568 | But Beautiful | Charles McPherson | 06:22 |
569 | The Chef | Sonny Stitt | 07:18 |
570 | Imagination | Art Pepper | 05:51 |
571 | A Night in Tunisia | Art Pepper | 05:56 |
572 | I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face | Sonny Rollins | 04:54 |
573 | My Funny Valentine | McCoy Tyner | 08:07 |
574 | All of You | McCoy Tyner | 06:30 |
575 | Days of Wine and Roses | McCoy Tyner | 03:27 |
576 | Morning of the Carnival (Manha de Carnaval) [From Black Orpheus] | Gerry Mulligan | 05:29 |
577 | The Cat Walk | Gerry Mulligan | 05:47 |
578 | The Shadow of Your Smile | Wes Montgomery | 02:21 |
579 | Do Nothin' Till You Hear from Me | Johnny Griffin | 05:39 |
580 | Love, Your Spell Is Everywhere | Kenny Burrell | 04:45 |
581 | I Can't Get Started | Clifford Brown Quintet | 04:04 |
582 | George's Dilemma | Clifford Brown | 05:36 |
583 | What Is This Thing Called Love? | Clifford Brown | 07:40 |
584 | I Didn't Know What Time It Was | Oscar Peterson | 06:33 |
585 | Once I Loved | Milt Jackson | 07:26 |
586 | Born to Be Blue [*] | Wes Montgomery | 07:29 |
587 | Cariba | Wes Montgomery | 09:43 |
588 | Skylark | Tommy Smith | 03:01 |
589 | Skylark | Sarah Partridge | 05:37 |
590 | Skylark | Alex Graham | 06:18 |
591 | Skylark | Ben Waltzer | 08:50 |
592 | If I Were A Bell | Benny Golson | 04:01 |
593 | If I Were a Bell | Red Garland | 06:38 |
594 | If I Were a Bell | Miles Davis Quintet | 08:16 |
595 | If I Were a Bell (From "Guys & Dolls”) | Beegie Adair | 03:24 |
596 | If I Were a Bell | Curtis Stigers | 03:15 |
597 | Pennsylvania 6-5000 | Ted Heath | 03:06 |
598 | Speak Low | Walter Bishop, Jr. | 09:05 |
599 | Speak Low | Billie Holiday | 04:25 |
600 | Speak Low | Bill Evans | 05:10 |
601 | Blues By Five | Miles Davis Quintet | 09:56 |
602 | Blues by Five | Budd Johnson | 06:11 |
603 | Blues By Five | George Otsuka Trio | 05:57 |
604 | Rose Room | Al Fairweather | 02:36 |
605 | Rose Room | Charlie Ventura | 02:48 |
606 | Rose Room | Jonah Jones | 05:30 |
607 | Rose Room | Newport Jazz Festival All-Stars | 07:02 |
608 | Rose Room | Lionel Hampton | 06:33 |
609 | Meditation | Antonio Carlos Jobim | 03:13 |
610 | Meditation | Cariocas De Rio | 02:52 |
611 | Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child | Charlie Haden | 04:31 |
612 | Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (From "Settlin' In") | Dick Morgan Trio | 02:13 |
613 | Waltz for Debby | Repertory Quartet | 06:04 |
614 | The Things We Did Last Summer | George Shearing | 02:41 |
615 | Lullaby of Birdland | George Shearing | 04:19 |
616 | My Favorite Things | George Shearing | 03:04 |
617 | Lullaby of Birdland | George Shearing | 02:22 |
618 | Born to Be Blue | Nancy Wilson | 02:12 |
619 | The Feeling of Jazz | Duke Ellington | 05:33 |
620 | I Want A Little Girl | Lester Young | 02:53 |
621 | Blue Bossa | Joe Henderson | 08:02 |
622 | Dancing in the Dark | Cannonball Adderley | 04:07 |
623 | Love Theme from "Spartacus" | Yusef Lateef | 04:12 |
624 | Don't Blame Me | Yusef Lateef | 04:55 |
625 | Blue Streak | Dizzy Reece | 07:56 |
626 | I'll Close My Eyes | Dizzy Reece | 08:07 |
627 | Bye Bye Blackbird | Etta Jones | 03:17 |
628 | Loie | Ike Quebec | 03:11 |
629 | Waltz For Debby | Bill Evans Trio | 06:55 |
630 | The Days Of Wine And Roses | Peggy Lee | 03:10 |
631 | 's Wonderful | Peggy Lee | 02:34 |
632 | Bye Bye Blackbird | Peggy Lee | 03:40 |
633 | Summertime | Great Jazz Trio | 04:55 |
634 | Autumn Leaves | Great Jazz Trio | 05:27 |
635 | Blue Bossa | Great Jazz Trio | 04:44 |
636 | The Shadow of Your Smile | Great Jazz Trio | 06:55 |
637 | Tico Tico | Paul Motian | 02:48 |
638 | Georgia on My Mind | Dave Brubeck | 04:30 |
639 | Take Five (Instrumental) | Dave Brubeck | 05:26 |
640 | You and the Night and the Music | Bill Evans | 06:21 |
641 | My Foolish Heart | Bill Evans | 04:58 |
642 | But Beautiful | Bill Evans | 04:43 |
643 | Autumn Leaves | Eddie Higgins | 04:33 |
644 | Corcovado | Claude Williamson | 05:24 |
645 | I'm a Fool to Want You | Dexter Gordon | 06:41 |
646 | You Look Good to Me | Oscar Peterson | 04:52 |
647 | Bluesette | Toots Thielemans | 04:36 |
648 | Take Five | Arne Domnérus | 07:00 |
649 | Learnin' the Blues | Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:44 |
650 | All of Me | Oscar Peterson Trio | 03:27 |
651 | In The Still Of The Night | Oscar Peterson Trio | 02:53 |
652 | Body and Soul | Steve Allen | 04:44 |
653 | April in Paris | Louis Armstrong | 06:37 |
654 | All of Me | Charlie Parker | 03:38 |
655 | All The Things You Are | Charlie Parker | 02:47 |
656 | Desafinado | Coleman Hawkins | 05:49 |
657 | You Are My Sunshine | Erroll Garner | 03:29 |
658 | Perdido | The Quintet | 07:45 |
659 | Parisian Thoroughfare | Bud Powell | 03:26 |
660 | Days of Wine and Roses | Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen | 05:45 |
661 | Spartacus [Love Theme] | Toots Thielemans | 03:44 |
662 | Body And Soul | Thelonious Monk | 04:48 |
663 | My Funny Valentine (2005 - Remaster) | Various Artists | 02:16 |
664 | In a Sentimental Mood | Mike LeDonne | 06:26 |
665 | I Loves You Porgy | Mike LeDonne | 05:58 |
666 | Misty | Erroll Garner | 02:53 |
667 | Milestones | Miles Davis | 02:38 |
668 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love You) (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 02:44 |
669 | Minor Swing | Django Reinhardt | 03:17 |
670 | Ain't Misbehavi | Various Artists | 03:59 |
671 | My Favorite Things | Dave Brubeck | 02:58 |
672 | Mood Indigo | Charles Mingus | 04:46 |
673 | Mood Indigo | Duke Ellington | 05:56 |
674 | I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart | Duke Ellington | 03:11 |
675 | I let a song go out of my heart | Duke Ellington | 03:41 |
676 | It's a Raggy Waltz | Dave Brubeck | 02:34 |
677 | Waltz for Debby | Ted Rosenthal | 04:13 |
678 | All Of You | Miles Davis | 11:19 |
679 | Prelude To A Kiss | Sarah Vaughan | 06:00 |
680 | Prelude To A Kiss | Oscar Peterson | 02:30 |
681 | Prelude To A Kiss | Ben Webster | 07:20 |
682 | Take the "A" Train | Duke Ellington | 04:22 |
683 | Adios | Glenn Miller | 02:57 |
684 | B Minor Waltz | Bill Evans | 03:14 |
685 | Dinah (Take 2) (Album Version) | Thelonious Monk | 02:28 |
686 | Summertime | Miles Davis | 03:18 |
687 | It's You or No One | George Shearing | 02:23 |
688 | It's You Or No One | Ahmad Jamal | 03:36 |
689 | Waltz for Debby (Monica Vals) | Monica Zetterlund | 02:48 |
690 | Waltz for Debby | Eliane Elias | 04:05 |
691 | Waltz For Debby | Johnny Varro | 06:49 |
692 | Tweedle Dee Dee | Red Garland | 13:19 |
693 | A Child Is Born | Bill Evans | 07:34 |
694 | A Child Is Born | David "Fathead" Newman | 05:49 |
695 | Say It (Over and Over Again) | John Coltrane Quartet | 04:18 |
696 | A Child Is Born | Jonathan Kreisberg | 07:45 |
697 | A Night in Tunisia | Dexter Gordon | 08:20 |
698 | My Romance | Red Garland | 06:51 |
699 | All of You | Bill Evans Trio | 08:15 |
700 | All of You | Chris Bennett | 02:38 |
701 | Russian Lullaby | Eddie Higgins | 07:59 |
702 | My Foolish Heart | Eddie Higgins | 05:57 |
703 | I Fall in Love Too Easily | Chet Baker | 03:21 |
704 | You And the Night And the Music | Eddie Higgins Trio | 06:16 |
705 | You and the Night and the Music | Keith Jarrett | 05:41 |
706 | Lady Bird | Philly Joe Jones | 05:21 |
707 | My Little Brown Book | Duke Ellington | 05:23 |
708 | Limbo Jazz | Duke Ellington | 05:14 |
709 | Man with a Horn | Scott Hamilton | 05:17 |
710 | Waltz for Debby | Johnny Hartman | 03:29 |
711 | Waltz for Debby | Alberto Tarantini | 03:34 |
712 | Softly As In A Morning Sunrise | Ted Rosenthal | 08:26 |
713 | Waltz for Debby | Anthony Wonsey | 05:44 |
714 | Should I' | Rossano Sportiello | 05:31 |
715 | Should I' | Ahmad Jamal Trio | 03:41 |
716 | So Nice | David Benoit | 03:36 |
717 | So Nice | Curtis Counce | 05:26 |
718 | So Nice (Summer Samba) | Three for Brazil | 03:22 |
719 | A Foggy Day | Maria Viana | 02:50 |
720 | Over The Rainbow | Ben Webster | 04:43 |
721 | Someday My Prince Will Come | Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen | 04:01 |
722 | Manhattan | Claude Williamson | 05:51 |
723 | Autumn In New York | Claude Williamson | 07:24 |
724 | You Can't Take That Away from Me | Claude Williamson | 02:54 |
725 | 'Round Midnight | Claude Williamson | 03:53 |
726 | Autumn Leaves | Claude Williamson | 06:35 |
727 | My Funny Valentine | Great Jazz Trio | 06:25 |
728 | In A Sentimental Mood | Great Jazz Trio | 04:52 |
729 | Stella by Starlight | Great Jazz Trio | 04:17 |
730 | A Woman Alone With the Blues | Peggy Lee | 03:19 |
731 | In a Mellow Tone | Albert Nicholas | 02:58 |
732 | Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year | Red Garland | 05:45 |
733 | Tangerine | Eddie Higgins Trio | 04:38 |
734 | Tangerine | Scott Hamilton | 06:06 |
735 | Sing, Sing, Sing | Buddy Rich Quintet | 04:12 |
736 | Sing Sing Sing | Nakamura Takashi | 02:22 |
737 | Sing Sing Sing | Louis Prima | 04:06 |
738 | That Ole Devil Called Love (Remastered) | Billie Holiday | 02:51 |
739 | Oh When The Saints | Andy Vance Quartet | 04:07 |
740 | Thanks for the Memory | Ray Brown | 02:10 |
741 | Thanks For The Memory | Ramsey Lewis | 03:28 |
742 | Thanks for the Memory | Anita O'Day | 02:47 |
743 | Sleepy Time Gal | André Previn | 02:37 |
744 | Sleepy Time Gal (Remastered 2002) | Oscar Peterson | 02:57 |
745 | Blues for Nat Cole | Count Basie | 06:35 |
746 | That Old Black Magic | Jaimee Paul | 03:45 |
747 | That Old Black Magic | The Dave Brubeck Trio | 02:34 |
748 | Thanks for the Memory | Serge Chaloff | 03:48 |
749 | Manha De Carnaval | Susannah McCorkle | 04:49 |
750 | No More Blues | Susannah McCorkle | 05:13 |
751 | Tico Tico | Bebel Gilberto | 02:48 |
752 | Tico Tico | Charlie Parker | 02:44 |
753 | It Could Happen to You | Red Garland | 05:42 |
754 | Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise | Kenny Barron | 06:55 |
755 | Spring Is Here | Matt Dennis | 03:15 |
756 | Perhaps, Perhaps (Quizas, Quizas, Quizas) | Matt Dennis | 02:59 |
757 | The Way You Look Tonight | Oscar Peterson | 03:39 |
758 | The Way You Look Tonight | Paul Bura | 05:41 |
759 | Traneing In | John Coltrane | 12:34 |
760 | Stompin' At the Savoy | Dave Bennett | 04:49 |
761 | Stompin' at the Savoy | Red Garland | 03:12 |
762 | Stompin' At The Savoy | Hilary Kole | 03:34 |
763 | How High the Moon | Mary Ford | 02:07 |
764 | You Brought a New Kind of Love | Robin McKelle | 02:52 |
765 | You Brought a New Kind of Love to Me | Chuck Wayne | 03:07 |
766 | Manha de carnaval | Antonio Carlos Jobim | 04:55 |
767 | Manha de Carnaval | Carte Blanche | 03:30 |
768 | Manha De Carnaval | Jimmy Bruno Trio | 08:55 |
769 | What Kind of Fool Am I? | Jimmy Cobb | 06:26 |
770 | What Kind of Fool Am I? | Vince Guaraldi | 04:08 |
771 | The Very Thought of You | Emilie-Claire Barlow | 06:38 |
772 | The Very Thought Of You | Red Garland | 04:12 |
773 | Stormy Weather | Vince Giordano | 04:30 |
774 | What Kind Of Fool Am I? | Bill Evans | 05:23 |
775 | There's No Business Like Show Business | Margie Gibson | 03:54 |
776 | Blue Bossa | Tommy Flanagan | 08:31 |
777 | When Sunny Gets Blue | McCoy Tyner | 04:44 |
778 | When Sunny Gets Blue | Roxana Amed | 04:41 |
779 | You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You | Sammy Davis Jr. | 03:00 |
780 | Frenesi | Chet Baker | 03:10 |
781 | Will You Still Be Mine | Erroll Garner | 06:18 |
782 | Sweet and Lovely | Phineas Newborn, Jr. | 05:42 |
783 | Sweet And Lovely | Ahmad Jamal | 04:00 |
784 | Sweet And Lovely | Lennie Tristano | 05:28 |
785 | Sweet Lorraine | Louis Armstrong | 05:14 |
786 | Sweet Lorraine | Willy Egmose Trio | 03:53 |
787 | St. Thomas | Sonny Rollins | 06:46 |
788 | Temptation | Freddy Cole | 04:53 |
789 | Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise | Sonny Clark | 06:34 |
790 | Splanky (Live) | Count Basie | 03:52 |
791 | 'Round Midnight | Jaki Byard | 04:56 |
792 | Autumn Leaves | Kunihiko Sugano Trio | 08:14 |
793 | My Baby Just Cares for Me | Sophie Milman | 03:34 |
794 | What a Difference a Day Made | Nicole Herzog | 04:19 |
795 | What a Diff'rence a Day Made | Wynton Kelly | 04:53 |
796 |
The Route
Baker 同 Art Pepper 1956年 錄音專輯《The Route》,讓西海岸冷爵士成為冷爵士的重要組成部分 |
Chet Baker | 05:06 |
797 |
Born to Be Blue
面對 David Miles 的譏笑,父親冷言冷語,親朋好友離棄,Baker 不斷努力彌補落後的人生,不斷練習、不放棄爭取演出,為了找回年輕鼎盛時期的水準,終究一切都輸給了毒品。 貝克與父親關係緊繃,但 Baker 爵士樂的啟蒙就是小時候和父親一起聽奏的 「Born To Be Blue」 一曲,Baker 後來還送自己的唱片給父親,Baker 對父親說 「我是按照你曾經對我彈奏的曲調去錄製的」 ... 自從在歌曲同名的 Baker 傳記電影 《生为蓝调》 裡知道 Mile David 對 Chet Baker 的極不友善語言,不知為何開始有點討厭 Mile David ,難怪 Mile David 的音樂會帶著尖銳冷暴力。 |
Chet Baker | 04:06 |
798 | But Not for Me | Ahmad Jamal | 03:32 |
799 | But Not for Me | Red Garland | 05:52 |
800 | But Not for Me | Chet Baker | 03:04 |
801 | If I Should Lose You | Chet Baker | 07:13 |
802 | My Ideal | Sonny Criss | 03:44 |
803 | My Ideal | Bucky Pizzarelli | 01:48 |
804 | Shifting Down | Chet Baker | 06:30 |
805 | Shifting Down | Cecil Taylor | 10:43 |
806 | You Can't Go Home Again | Chet Baker | 11:03 |
807 | Taking a Chance on Love | Jimmy Cobb | 04:11 |
808 | Taking A Chance On Love | Halie Loren | 03:47 |
809 | Sittin' Duck | The Three Sounds | 09:15 |
810 | On Green Dolphin Street | Horace Parlan | 05:30 |
811 | I Love You | Duke Pearson | 04:34 |
812 | Black Orpheus | Eliane Elias | 06:40 |
813 | I Can't Give You Anything But Love | Sonny Clark | 03:54 |
814 | Summertime | Ted Rosenthal | 06:23 |
815 | Star Eyes | Various Artists | 03:40 |
816 | Splanky | Alex Welsh | 08:06 |
817 | My Funny Valentine | Lynne Arriale | 06:01 |
818 | Two Sleepy People (feat. Russell De Carle) | Terra Hazelton | 04:02 |
819 | Two Sleepy People | The Phil Moody Quintet | 03:00 |
820 | Dream a Little Dream | Gerry Mulligan | 03:51 |
821 | Autumn Leaves | Chet Baker | 04:33 |
822 | Bye Bye Blackbird | Elliot Goldenthal | 03:44 |
823 | Someday My Prince Will Come | Melody Gardot | 01:11 |
824 | Blues By Five | The New Miles Davis Quintet | 09:57 |
825 | Les Feuilles Mortes (Autumn Leaves) | Laura Fygi | 03:28 |
826 | What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? | Trotter Trio | 08:38 |
827 | What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life | Charlie Byrd | 05:39 |
828 | Blues (Improvisation) | Art Blakey | 08:37 |
829 | Wabash Blues | Duke Ellington | 06:25 |
830 | Blue Rondo a la Turk | David Benoit | 05:00 |
831 | Blue Rondo A La Turk | Dave Brubeck | 06:45 |
832 | When I Grow Too Old to Dream | Harry Allen | 03:36 |
833 | Honesty | George Russell | 09:04 |
834 | Smoke Gets in Your Eyes | Charlie Mariano | 03:12 |
835 | Stratusphunk | George Russell | 06:09 |
836 | When You Wore A Tulip and I Wore A Big Red Rose | The Chris Barber Jazz And Blues Band | 05:27 |
837 | Splanky | Count Basie | 03:32 |
838 | Autumn Leaves | Wynton Kelly | 13:12 |
839 | Who`s sorry now | Martin Breinschmid & The Radio Kings | 03:35 |
840 | Cherokee | Johnny Griffin | 06:47 |
841 | Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise | 穐吉敏子 | 04:08 |
842 | Cherokee | Ahmad Jamal | 03:43 |
843 | Waltz For Debby | Billy Childs | 09:51 |
844 | A Foggy Day | Billie Holiday | 04:42 |
845 | My Romance | Red Garland Trio | 06:48 |
846 | Never | Wynton Kelly | 04:04 |
847 | What Is This Thing Called Love | Red Garland Trio | 04:49 |
848 | Donna Lee | Charlie Parker | 02:32 |
849 | Chelsea Bridge | Duke Ellington | 02:52 |
850 | Never | Wynton Kelly | 04:04 |
851 | Bouncing with Bud | Bud Powell | 06:00 |
852 | Moonglow | Dizzy Gillespie | 06:11 |
853 | Blue Skies | Stan Getz | 06:35 |
854 | Equinox | John Coltrane | 08:34 |
855 | Cherokee | Ahmad Jamal Trio | 03:43 |
856 | ain't misbehavin | Yatta | 01:57 |
857 | Waltz, Midnight | Philly Joe Jones | 11:01 |
858 | The Lady Is a Tramp | Philly Joe Jones | 03:11 |
859 | Gwen (Original Mix) | Philly Joe Jones | 03:59 |
860 | Katz' Meow (A Canon for Cats) | Milt Hinton | 05:20 |
861 | Skylark | Acker Bilk & His Strings | 03:45 |
862 | Catwalk | Mal Waldron | 06:52 |
863 | Coquette | Bucky Pizzarelli | 03:00 |
864 | A Night In Tunisia | Bud Powell | 04:15 |
865 | God Bless The Child | Billie Holiday | 02:57 |
866 | I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) | Benny Goodman Quartet | 03:50 |
867 | Speak No Evil | Wayne Shorter | 08:19 |
868 | Tune Up | Sonny Rollins | 05:44 |
869 | Straight, No Chaser | Miles Davis | 08:49 |
870 | The Sidewinder | Lee Morgan | 10:23 |
871 | Bye Bye Blackbird | Miles Davis | 09:19 |
872 | Blues Walk | Lou Donaldson | 06:41 |
873 | 'Round About Midnight | Thelonious Monk | 03:11 |
874 | Autumn Leaves | 小曽根真 | 06:14 |
875 | Bossa Beguine | 小曽根真 | 06:05 |
876 | The Way You Look Tonight | Chris Botti | 04:16 |
877 | I'm In The Mood For Love | Bryan Ferry | 04:19 |