

#Rick and Morty #摇滚 #迷幻流行


Wubba lubba dub dub.

夹了少量私货,其余均为美国动画Rick and Morty 1-3季出现的歌。





# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Nervous Shakedown AC/DC 04:26
02 In the City
The lyrics are a perfect match for S3E7 The Ricklantis Mixup. 编剧受了这首歌启发也说不定,毕竟老鹰乐队名气很大,敢说没听过Hotel California 吗?
Eagles 03:45
03 Do You Feel It?
#一首歌爱上一个乐队# 这是 S2E3 Auto Erotic Assimilation 最后一幕的BGM: 本身就有轻微自我否定倾向的Rick在失去Unity后对生命产生厌弃,尝试自杀寻求解脱。Rick 机械的动作和了无生趣的表情所流露的悲伤情绪被这首歌渲染得淋漓尽致,令人心情异常沉重。it's so unexpected in a funny show like this that I usually watch to shut my brain off after a long day, so this scene hits twice as hard.其实RAM里chaos chaos 的配乐不止这一首,无奈其他虾米没资源,等大神传。
Chaos Chaos 04:10
04 Hurt
第二季结局,Rick 把自己卖给深恶痛绝的银河系联邦警察来换取他表面上一直嫌弃的家人重返地球的权利,尽管家人不待见,尽管被误解,Rick C-137始终是最 rickest的 Rick。这首歌歌词很棒,要点开瞅瞅的!
Nine Inch Nails 06:13
05 Debaser Pixies 02:52
06 Baker Street
Gerry Rafferty 06:09
07 Now and Forever Carole King 03:13
08 Incense and Peppermints Strawberry Alarm Clock 02:50
09 She'd Rather Be With Me The Turtles 02:22
10 Happy Together
sunshine pop :)))
The Turtles 02:56
11 Green Tambourine
绿色的铃鼓?照搬wiki了:The Lemon Pipers were a 1960s psychedelic pop band from Oxford, Ohio, known chiefly for their song "Green Tambourine", which reached No. 1 in the United States in 1968. The song has been credited as being the first bubblegum pop(泡泡糖流行) chart-topper 想了一下才收进歌单,就当致敬60年代??
The Lemon Pipers 02:30
12 Sweet Home Alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd 04:41
13 Beautiful Stranger Madonna 04:20
14 Beautiful Girl INXS 03:09
15 Between the Bars
独立民谣,不疾不徐,拨动心弦。歌词含义仁者见仁,个人无法苟同将歌名译成“酒吧之间”,应该是指酒精上瘾如置身牢笼。 Tiny Rick拒绝回到Old Sanchez的身体里,Morty把他摁倒在地遭到了他的激烈反抗,Summer赶紧掏出耳机给Rick放这首歌让他镇定下来。我记得之前的剧情铺垫过(具体忘记了)也许只有这首精神酒精能让rick释然,愿意向冷酷的现实低头,接受不受欢迎的爷爷身体。 附上一篇我深以为然的歌词解释: THIS IS A SONG ABOUT ALCOHOLISM. The NARRATOR IS ALCOHOL ADDICTION (or any addiction, really) personified as an warm and comforting intimate partner (aka girlfriend), who also happens to be emotionally manipulative, abusive, and possibly even a sociopath. If you're still having a hard time seeing it, allow me to walk you through... First verse: "Drink up baby, stay up all night..." She's seducing him by exploiting his insecurities (the "potential...he'll never see"). She says it with a smile and gentle touch (calls him "baby"), knowing he has left her before and the only way she'll win him back is by breaking his spirit first ("the promises you'll only make"... to himself, to stay away from this toxic relationship). Second verse: "Drink up with me now..." She's offering him company while he's lonely and vulnerable. She's basically saying wouldn't it be nice to "forget all...pressure" and to "drive away" those ugly "images stuck in your head"?? Of course it would be nice, let me "make you okay". ...but you gotta "do what I say", cause I'm a controlling bitch. haha. Chorus: "The people you've been before..." "the people you've been before" is referring to all the mistakes and bad decisions he has made throughout his life. (his memory of the dumb teenager that sipped booze for the first time, the jerk who broke a former gf's heart with his selfish drinking, etc). He doesn't want them "around anymore", cause he's a good person and the memory torments his conscious ("push and shove and won't bend"). But as painful as they are, that is how you become a better person...by learning from your mistakes. This bitch knows better, but she offers him a shortcut, an easy way out, by offering to "keep them still" Third verse: "Drink up baby, look at the stars..." Isn't it nice to just forget about your problems, and just stare "at the stars"? Now Elliott brilliantly throws in a metaphor on a metaphor... alcoholism as a manipulative yet seductive ex-gf is also like a cop. Elliott is a fugitive on the run... he's escaped her grasp before but being a fugitive takes its toll. She (the cop) knows he's tired of running, and soon will be "waiting to finally be caught" with his "hands in the air". When a fugitive is caught, they go back to jail. But she is saying its okay, jail won't be so bad because "I'll kiss you again between the bars", (even though she's the one who keeps him locked up). Alcoholism is jail but at least your girl will still come and visit so it's not so bad, right?...brilliant. Fourth verse: "Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine..." He's drinking again, she kept her promise to "make you mine." She is jealous and possessive, "keeping him apart" from family and friends, "separate from the rest". She really does love him "deep in my heart", but for her love is all about control and dominance. She insists upon being in control of every aspect of his life. Now that she has won him back, the last thing she wants is for him to remember all the reasons why he originally left. That is why she'll "keep the things you forgot"... those things are the "people you've been before" (from the chorus). The only way we improve as humans is by remembering our mistakes. She knows that if she keeps those "things" from him, he will be her pawn forever. 插一句无关的话,不要与写《荒原》和Four Quartets的 T.S. Eliot弄混,不过,由于歌词获诺奖的应该只有Bob Dylan一个吧~
Elliott Smith 02:21
16 Look on Down from the Bridge
Morty buries his alternate-universe self and, in an existential haze, takes in the alternate-but-exactly-the-same new universe.
Mazzy Star 04:47
17 Seal My Fate Belly 04:04
18 Tutti Frutti Little Richard 02:27
19 I Can't Tell You Why Eagles 04:55
20 For the Damaged Coda
Blonde Redhead 02:36