Michael Franks1944年出生在南加州的一个小镇,演艺生涯开始于大学时期的各种民谣、摇滚乐队中,毕业后在大学做了音乐教师,没有拿到博士学位的他早期还曾经为两部不甚出名的电影做过配乐。1973年在华纳公司发行了他的首张专辑,从此一发不可收拾。
Michael Franks象许多面容英武的汉子一样,外表很man声线却甘甜如蜜,而他那清新怡人的流行爵士(Light Jazz)乐风,则是数十年都不曾更改过方向的海洋季候风,风向东南,风速轻柔,永远都是一派阳光沙滩的风光,他这些年的专辑名称就是明证:“蓝色太平洋Blue Pacific”(1990)、“蜻蜓之夏Dragonfly Summer”(1993)、“被遗弃的花园Abandoned Garden”(1995)以及“赤脚走在沙滩上” ,悠闲富足得令人心生嫉妒。
Michael Franks的音乐天生一副中产阶级模样,生来虽不是大福大贵却也已很享受了,无须靠一味轻薄的甜去取悦人,其中还会有少许柠檬的生涩苦爽,和一丝别样的咸,这自然来自Michael Franks那“骚”到骨子里的白人骚灵Soul,和那一点点优雅的爵士乐气质,就好像在七喜汽水里放了两片柠檬,然后再撒点盐,轻爵士气泡“滋”的一声涌出杯口,这时猛吸一口,就会感觉到Michael Franks带点涩带点咸的甜蜜歌声了,不仅味道有趣而且卖相不俗,很适合阳光灿烂的下午坐在铺满人工草坪的公园里的时候,懒洋洋地来一杯。
令人难以想像的是,Michael Franks的音乐风格在他近30年的演唱生涯里几乎从未改变,在这期间美国乐坛风起云涌,出现了无数新的音乐形态和流派,而Michael Franks却像一个Light Jazz的忠实守望者,以隐者的淡定从容,云淡风轻地唱着属于他的闲散歌谣,30年的漫长岁月里,似乎连他的容颜也不曾改变多少,标志性的小胡子如当年一样的亲切。想想,这其实是一种固执还是对音乐的一种坚持?或者音乐的背后躲藏的本就是歌者自身最真实的生活姿态。
An enormously popular performer in the late 70s and early 80s, Franks performed folk/rock songs while in high school, then became a literature student at UCLA and a part-time performer. He taught undergraduate music courses in the early 70s at both UCLA and Berkeley, then provided scores for the films Count Your Bullets and Zandys Bride. He made his first album in 1973, then enjoyed success with a string of late 70s albums on Warner Brothers. He has worked with the likes of Flora Purim, Kenny Rankin, Ron Carter, the Crusaders, David Sanborn, Toots Thielemans, Eric Gale, and others, and has had songs recorded by The Manhattan Transfer, Patti Labelle, Carmen McRae, and the Carpenters.
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 | Now That The Summer's Here | Michael Franks | 05:27 |
02 | Antonio's Song (The Rainbow) | Michael Franks | 05:05 |
03 | Living on the Outside | Michael Franks | 05:39 |
04 | The Chemistry of Love | Michael Franks | 04:24 |
05 | Cinema | Michael Franks | 04:51 |
06 | Time Together | Michael Franks | 03:37 |
07 | Tiger in the Rain | Michael Franks | 04:21 |
08 | Antonio's Song (The Rainbow) | Michael Franks | 05:05 |
09 | Baseball | Michael Franks | 03:51 |
10 | Summer In New York | Michael Franks | 05:57 |
11 | Mice | Michael Franks | 05:26 |
12 | The Way We Celebrate New Year's | Michael Franks | 06:23 |
13 | Hourglass | Michael Franks | 04:46 |
14 | On My Way Home to You | Michael Franks | 04:49 |
15 | Tiger In The Rain | Michael Franks | 04:20 |
16 | Love Duet | Michael Franks | 05:01 |
17 | Tell Me All About It | Michael Franks | 04:35 |
18 | Satisfaction Guaranteed | Michael Franks | 03:41 |
19 | The Lady Wants to Know | Michael Franks | 04:46 |
20 | One Day In St. Tropez | Michael Franks | 05:19 |