

#爵士说唱 #嘻哈 #酸爵士




Acid jazz includes jazz funk, nu jazz, nu-funk, neo soul, trip hop, jazz rap, jazz hip-hop,techno, downtempo, bit beat, etc. It's a musical genre that combines elements of jazz, soul, funk, hip hop, rap, disco ......

【酸性爵士 Acid Jazz】

酸爵士(英语:Acid Jazz),又译迷幻爵士,源于英国英格兰南部,是爵士乐的一种分支音乐类型,结合了部分灵魂乐、放克音乐(Funk)和迪斯科成分,尤其是循环拍子和调式和声方面。它在1980年-1990年间开始发展,由最初类似爵士放克(Jazz-funk)风格,转型至类似电子舞曲和波普音乐的混合。吉尔斯·彼得森(Gilles Peterson)和埃迪·皮尔勒(Eddie Piller)也成立了一家同样名为“酸爵士”(Acid Jazz Record,简称 Acid Jazz)的英国唱片公司,旗下歌手皆会唱酸爵士音乐。唱片公司愿意专为酸爵士出唱片,可见它很受欢迎(见右图)。酸爵士包含很多电子音乐元素,而且很适合作现场即兴改版演出,所以歌手都很喜欢在其演唱会演唱酸爵士歌曲。英格兰乐队“匿名者”(Incognito)和“新重骑兵”(Brand New Heavies)的演唱尤其着重酸爵士的和弦特质。酸爵士的发展也可算作爵士放克、灵魂爵士的复兴。因为多种乐器可作现场即兴演出,加上酸爵士特殊的编曲模式,让唱片骑师的“刮擦”技术得以体现 ─ 这协助诺曼·杰伊(Norman Jay)、吉尔斯·彼得森、帕特里克·福奇(Patrick Forge)等唱片骑师打响知名度。酸爵士的常用乐器包括:萨克斯管、小号、长号、单簧管、钢琴、吉他、低音提琴、鼓。@虾米

酸爵士兴起于80年代末的伦敦舞厅,它将爵士乐与嬉蹦乐(Hip-Hop)结合到了一起,使其更加流行化、商业化。酸爵士经常采用嬉蹦乐的编曲模式,DJ的"刮擦"技术在从中得到了大量的体现。在嬉蹦乐的乐队基础上萨克斯、小号等爵士乐中常见的乐器以音乐背景的形式作即兴演奏。这种爵士乐很大程度上已经失去了爵士乐的个性。其实从某种意义上讲,它是唱片商进行商业运作的一种手段,他们只是利用爵士乐当诱饵,为其赢得更多的听众和更大的商业利益。 酸爵士的代表人物有:诺曼·杰伊(Norman Jay)、帕特里克·福奇(Patrick Forge)、罗伊·埃尔斯(Roy Ayers,颤音琴演奏家)、吉尔斯·彼得森(Giles Peterson,DJ),等等。


人声爵士经典 ▪ 精致美好人生 (虾米首页推荐)

美酒加音乐 ▪ 酣醇醉人生 (虾米首页推荐)

情醉爵士 § ECM风 • Cool Jazz调 • Post-bop味

人声爵士 § Anna's Jazz Moments(Male Vocals)

人声爵士 § Anna's Jazz Moments(Female Vocals)

【爵士•波萨诺瓦•法国香颂】环球极品,异国风情,醉迷销魂 (虾米首页推荐)

【巴西波萨诺瓦经典】来自伊帕内玛的姑娘Girl from Ipanema or Gisele from Brazil ?! (虾米首页推荐)

【古典遇上爵士:古典音乐爵士风】Jazz Renditions: Swinging the Greatest Classical Masterpieces! (虾米首页推荐)

【古典遇上爵士: 爵士钢琴/钢琴爵士】 Classical music in jazz piano/piano jazz style (虾米首页推荐)

【钢琴爵士】Piano Jazz/Jazz Piano: classy, jazzy n groovy (虾米首页推荐)

车载交响诗 § 爵士篇(1) 融合 • 放克 • 电爵 (虾米首页推荐)

车载交响诗 § 爵士篇(2) 流行爵士 • 柔顺爵士

车载交响诗 § 布鲁斯摇滚爵士篇 (虾米首页推荐)

【爵士•融合爵士】爵士布鲁斯•爵士摇滚 • 布鲁斯摇滚爵士

【爵士•钢琴摇滚爵士】Amazing Piano Rock Jazz(Instrumental)

【爵士林荫大道1】Jazz Boulevard:Groove & Swing (虾米首页推荐)

【爵士林荫大道2】Jazz Boulevard: B-bop & Big Band Swing

【爵士林荫大道4】My Jazz Boulevard, Jazz Me on the Boulevard

【爵士•酸爵士】Acid Jazz ——放克、神游、迷幻、酷毙...... (虾米首页推荐)

【爵士•灵魂•放克】Funky Stuff ~ Funky Music ^_^ (虾米首页推荐)

【爵士•美酒•夜色】Jazzy & Groovy@JZ Club广州

【爵士•美酒•香色】美酒香色一抹墙@Anna's Wine Bar

【爵士•咖啡•香色】咖啡香色一抹墙@Anna's Café Plus

【爵士•迷幻•性感】Jazz Lounge:groovy, dreamy & sexy

【爵士•慵懒•性感】欧美经典歌曲爵士风(1):熟悉的曲儿,性感的调儿 (虾米首页推荐)


【影视爵士配乐精选】Jazz, Keep It Rollin'


【欧美经典典藏1】动感、动听、动人,每首动听的歌曲都有动人的故事...... (虾米首页推荐)

【欧美经典典藏2】 欧美经典男声

【欧美经典典藏3】 欧美经典女声

【欧美经典典藏4】那些不会老去的老男人老女人...... (虾米首页推荐)

【欧美经典典藏5】神曲前奏,每一首都摄魂夺魄、隽永魅力 (虾米首页推荐)

【欧美经典典藏6】钢琴摇滚 Piano Rock:GodDamn Beautiful! ( 虾米首页推荐)

【欧美经典典藏7】摇滚篇(I) My World of Rock: Rock My World


【欧美经典典藏9】动感的城市风景线 § City Vibe: Tempo and Upbeat



【欧美经典典藏12】布鲁斯摇滚 Blues Rock(Vocal)

【欧美经典典藏13】乡村摇滚Country Rock

【欧美经典典藏14】人声爵士经典 Classic Vocal Jazz (虾米首页推荐)


【欧美经典典藏16】视听盛宴:好听的Songs,好看的MVs (虾米首页推荐)

【欧美经典典藏17】欧美经典歌曲爵士风(1):熟悉的曲儿,性感的调儿 (虾米首页推荐)



# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 開幕 -intro- asitaka. 01:35
02 What Is Jazz
It's a pretty damn funky acid jazzy piece, isn't it? It gotta be, man... ☺ It's just way too American style,and I'm loving it! :D
Club des Belugas 05:16
03 Diabolique
Raphaël Beau 01:38
04 Cartoon
还是这法式怪异曲风,超有感吧?有种冲动想拿起刀叉筷子什么的舞动起来......Woops, Sorry, 有点失控了.......
Raphaël Beau 01:46
05 Groove Me
该来点日式的酸性爵士味道了, 略缺点法式幽默,但也够味......
小沼ようすけ 04:23
06 Groove Me
还是美国的酸爵士最能Groove Me! 哈哈
King Floyd 03:04
07 Groover
这个酸爵士乐带有种氛围迷幻感,好酷毙耶!Acid Jazz is really a groover that grooves me!
Funki Porcini 05:05
08 12 Points off Your Licence
老留声机phonograph出问题了啦, 耳机出问题啦?哈哈......是精灵古怪的酸爵士acid jazz在作怪!或许是你的驾照12分被扣光的感觉吧,呵呵.......
Funki Porcini 06:54
09 Purrfect
又是Funki Porcini 的那种氛围迷幻感的酸爵士乐,很有味道,Purr-fect, Perfect, or Paw-fect like a pussycat Purr-ing .......
Funki Porcini 07:55
10 Son de Mozart
来点心荡神怡的拉丁爵士风味的酸性爵士吧,随着拉丁/古巴风骚的节奏和敲打乐,想来一起摇摆起来吧? :D
Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion 04:27
11 Pink Panther
这个Pink Panther是我最喜欢的版本,我的几个相关的精选集都要把它塞在里面,没办法,因为个人太喜欢了,那浓浓的电音爵士味、酸爵士味,还有那俏皮风骚! 瞧,时尚的粉红豹,散发着迷人的Coco Mademoiselle香气,脚蹬着粉色高跟鞋,鼻梁上架着一副Chanel黑色大墨镜,头顶戴一副粉色大耳机,随着耳机里的wigwag 爵士节奏,摇摆着风骚舞步走在都市街头......好酷毙吧?
Crazy Frog 02:34
12 Pink Panther
不知道这个同名“粉红豹”饶舌酸爵士同著名的爵士乐"Pink Panther"有毛关系,不过饶舌和节奏酸爵士味十足,听听感觉一下吧......
Funky DL 04:09
13 7 Seconds
非常非常酸性的曲风,是坂本龍一教授的作品,你能相信吗?这首曲子作词和Rap均为J-Me Smith,他们是在纽约合作完成的,里面有种很悠长的乐器,那是低音单簧管,真酷毙了。
坂本龍一 03:34
14 Regret
还是音乐全才坂本龍一教授的酸爵士,让人你吃惊了吗?这位日本音乐大家无所不能啊,什么音乐风格他都可以,新世纪、古典、爵士、酸爵士、流行....... 这两首曲子出自坂本龍一教授1994年发行的专辑《Sweet Revenge》, 是在纽约与美国爵士和Rap歌手合作完成的,专辑曲目涵盖多种音乐元素,主要是爵士和酸爵士风格。 Drum Programming – Syunji Moriwaki Guitar – Amedeo Pace Leader [String Section Led By] – David Nadien Vocals – Latasha Natasha Diggs Vocals, Lyrics By – J-Me
坂本龍一 05:39
15 Jazz Music (Strings)
Jazz. jazz. jazz ... When we swing to the bass and thin, she's in a nother place and time; Muis style drives her wild, but the feelings so sublime....Yeah, I like that...
De-Phazz 03:33
16 In All The Wrong Places(vocal mix)
what? r u kidding me? we are now funking it "in all the wrong places"? what do ya say? bullshit ...?
Kero One 07:45
17 Skip
日本钢琴爵士玩家 菅野よう子的这首酸爵士态酷毙了......
菅野よう子 01:38
18 バンバンバン
Nu jazz in the Japanese style sounds a bit funny, huh? They make so many strange but funny noises... hehe...
菅野よう子 02:41
19 Milk Tooth
Rjd2是美国地下说唱 Underground Hip Hop, 另类嘻哈 Left-Field Hip-Hop乐队,他们把hip-hop融合到爵士味的音乐里,是典型的jazz hip-hop
Rjd2 03:56
20 Behold, Numbers!
Rjd2 04:33
21 Her Majesty's Socialist Request
Rjd2 03:45
22 Plastic Love Memory (No.Nine)
De-Phazz 04:36
23 Old Light
Shake it up... bring it up..., we don' t follow the format! This is another typical American style of jazz hip-hop, jazz rap ... This is the party you are invited to take part in... pretty damn cool, right?
Pase Rock 04:27
24 The One-Tet
Shake it up... bring it up..., we don' t follow the format! This is another typical American style of jazz hip-hop, jazz rap ... This is the party you are invited to take part in... pretty damn cool, right?
Jazzanova 06:24
25 Get The Funk Out Of My Face
放克、嬉蹦、饶舌、神游、迷幻、酷毙....... Yeah, you get it all here, right? You know why? It's the jazzy big band Quincy Jones ft the funky rapper Snoop Dogg! No wonder...
Quincy Jones 03:11
26 Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)
Funky, funky, how about a big band, now? Groovy, jazzy, funky, bouncing, dancing... ....
Us3 04:37
27 Puttin' on the Ritz (Club des Belugas Remix)
an acid jazz version of the popular English oldie, pretty cool!
Club des Belugas 04:07
28 The Mirror Conspiracy
Thievery Corporation 03:45
29 Piano Objective 3
DJ Matsuoka 03:11
30 South Side
It's such a cool jazz fusion piece for a cool drive along the express way or fast lane in the city! But what? South Side? Nope, I mostly drive on the east side of my city Guangzhou. hehe ... Yeah, it's a sunny day today, and right now I'm driving to the east side ...
Moby 03:49
31 Breezin'
It's such beautiful day.I'm feeling a bit high,with the blue sky shining and the cool wind breezin' ....
Al Jarreau 05:39
32 Boogie Woogie Waltz
I'm feelin' high, like gust of wind breezin'. I'm gliding my "white stallion"(Yoyato Camry) along the fast lane, like I'm doing dancing Boogie Woogie Waltz! So funky and cool ....
Weather Report 13:06
33 Amor Porteño Gotan Project 05:08
34 Telepathy 小沼ようすけ 04:57
35 Let's Elopz Koop 03:14
36 Dedication to Bambaataa Justice System 05:45
37 This Ain't The Way To Live Funki Porcini 04:53
38 Takes You Back [Unexpected Dub] Jazzanova 05:36
39 Shawn Escoffery - Let It Go (Jazzanova Remix) Jazzanova 08:38
40 The Whip Dr. Lonnie Smith 05:40
41 Saint Augustine In Hell 小沼ようすけ 06:46
42 Luv Sic Shing02 04:48
43 One Nation Under a Groove Funkadelic 07:28
44 Don't Even Try It Funky DL 04:52
45 We Gettin' Down (Live) Jamiroquai 09:33
46 Cloud Nine The Temptations 03:32
47 I Got My Mind Made Up Instant Funk 05:13
48 It Ain't Reggae (But It Sho Is Funky) Instant Funk 03:50
49 Mutual Slump DJ Shadow 04:04
50 Supahero Rjd2 04:11
51 La Fiesta (Blu-Swing -Jazz Bossa mix) Blu-Swing 04:46
52 Intro The Sound Providers 00:55
53 I'm a Ram Roy Buchanan 03:28
54 So What! (Tuff 'N' Smooth Mix) Ronny Jordan 05:12
55 Get into My Groove Incognito 04:59
56 Night Rhythms Lee Ritenour 05:58
57 Wouldn't You Rather Get Down LMT Connection 03:04
58 Luv (sic.)pt3 Shing02 05:36
59 Lookinglast Ben Neill 06:40
60 Milla’s Dream Parov Stelar 03:44
61 Kisskiss Parov Stelar 05:27
62 Dark Jazz Parov Stelar 03:22
63 Jazzhole Free the Robots 03:44
64 Me & My Bass Guitar Victor Wooten 05:16
65 Razzamatazz Quincy Jones 04:16
66 Cantaloupe Island Herbie Hancock 05:31
67 Swinging in the Rain Nicolas Repac 04:59
68 Freedom Jazz Dance Jazzhop 06:21
69 The Nu-Jazz Lover Sergeant Jay 04:59
70 We've Only Just Begun Grant Green 05:12
71 Fickle Funk Chick Corea 05:00
72 Play That Funky Music Wild Cherry 05:01
73 Brown Funk (For Ray) Ray Brown 09:26
74 On An Inconsequential Afternoon Funki Porcini 02:26
75 The Invisible Girl Parov Stelar Trio 05:47
76 Mungbean Mash feat. Zhang Le The Shanghai Restoration Project 03:57
77 Bailemen Swing feat. Zhang Le The Shanghai Restoration Project 04:25
78 This Is Acid Minus 8 06:47
79 Stop!
该收手(耳)了,可是收不住啊,这第一辑就此打住了,第二辑继续收,呵呵!Gotta stop here! If ya wanna listen to acid jazz more, plz move on to 【酸爵士2】or 《♬车载交响诗 ¶ 爵士篇》. Thanx loads! u got me?! :D
Ronny Jordan 05:16
80 閉幕 -outro-
没办法,收不住,闭不了幕了😂 干脆把原来的《酸爵士2》合并进来,让这个歌单无限加长吧......😄
asitaka. 00:46
81 beautiful sky asitaka. 03:09
82 La Clé 三宅純 07:27
83 Lo-Fi Nu Jazz, No. 11 - Rubin Steiner Various Artists 04:25
84 Funky J 小沼ようすけ 06:09
85 Keep On Looking (Kenny Dope Remix) Sharon Jones 05:31
86 Coffee Please 小沼ようすけ 06:18
87 Jelly Galore Club des Belugas 05:43
88 My Funk Candy Dulfer 04:57
89 Tokyo Jazz Freak 45 a.k.a. SWING-O 04:31
90 Fagettaboutit (feat Youngs) 45 a.k.a. SWING-O 03:55
91 Big Pimpin' Big Pimpin' Delemond Big Pimpin' Delemond 03:59
92 Weep Lusrica 03:42
93 Jazz Note II Various Artists 08:10
94 Dim's Jazz (Latin's In The House) Dimitri from Paris 04:44
95 Mozambik Jazz Various Artists 03:28
96 Chameleon Herbie Hancock 15:43
97 Freeway Jam Jeff Beck 04:58
98 Virtual Insanity Jamiroquai 03:49
99 The Blues Afefe Iku 05:58
100 Burning Luv Patrícia Marx 03:29
101 Jazzin' Tito Puente 05:31
102 She Jami Soul 03:10
103 Sultan's Boogie Scott Henderson 07:27
104 This Is This Weather Report 07:08
105 Sing Sing Sing G-Swing 03:09
106 Cubic Rhythm 水月陵 03:08
107 Okamochi & Jersey 佐藤直紀 01:17
108 Nu-Swing! Various Artists 07:12
109 TheLatin Protocol Modaji 05:01
110 ボレロ LEMS 03:52
111 Hold the Night Lyre le Temps 04:20
112 Time for Tea 11 Acorn Lane 03:34
113 100% Trevira Yonderboi 02:52
114 Sea of cloud
Jazz Hip-hop
Nujabes 03:01
115 Luv(sic.) Part 2 (Instrumental) Nujabes 04:31
116 July Ljones 04:02
117 May Freddie Joachim 03:02
118 Play That Funky Music Wild Cherry 03:18
119 Plan B Dennis Chambers 04:31
120 Music is mine Nujabes 04:20
121 Winter Lane 日本群星 05:11
122 Sucka 4 Luv FrostyC 02:31
123 Watermelon Man Poncho Sanchez 03:46
124 Good Morning, Good Evening Sam Ock 03:46
125 Number Jazz DJ Sonny 00:56
126 Crazy MBT Mez 03:01
127 I Miss You (Remix) 白天不亮 04:32
128 ♡beat StrawberryPapa 03:28
129 Awesome XV 03:50
130 Jazzmatic Bop Alloy 02:56
131 Rapid Tide Sinitus Tempo 02:59
132 No Song Unsung Master Class 04:14
133 Tom's Dinner DJ Deckstream 03:54
134 Brave Shine Aimer 01:37
135 Pussycat On A Leash Oceana 03:39
136 Dreamland 14? 04:36
137 Jetpack Shit Sucka Free CJ 03:28
138 Self Reflection Landon Wordswell 02:46
139 Luv (sic) Pt.2 (DJ Zaatic Remix) Shing02 03:50
140 Destiny, Luck & Karma Evan Awake 01:47
141 A Night in New York CAFÉ DE LUX 05:16
142 You Miagma 06:25
143 Making Chit Chat with a Stranger at a Dinner Party Michael Seyer 05:20
144 Jazzy Joint José James 04:08
145 Bugfunk Ben Neill 05:34
146 Lost In Paris GoldLink 03:14
147 Life in Mono Mono 04:46
148 Diggin' On You TLC 04:13
149 Perspectives Pat D & Lady Paradox 04:02
150 Keep in Touch CAFÉ DE LUX 04:57
151 So Strange CAFÉ DE LUX 05:27
152 Club Tropicana Bossasonic 03:51
153 Ludic' 三宅純 05:17
154 Chiquito 三宅純 04:18
155 Mêm' pas peur! 三宅純 05:34
156 Funky for My Heart Eric Faria 06:34
157 Phoebus David Mayer 08:17
158 The Inner Spartacus (SIS Remix) Wareika 11:35
159 Just Music CL-ljud 07:35
160 Still Kickin' Asher D 05:39
161 Drop That Music Marcel 03:39
162 Moment of Hesitatio Flying Lotus 02:18
163 いい時間 EvisBeats 05:37
164 Drifting In A Daydream SoulChef 03:58
165 Know You Well Beshken 03:29
166 Decor VEE 03:21
167 I Walk Alone Billa Qause 03:42
168 Tonight Tamala 04:41
169 toccatina mouse on the keys 03:23
170 waltz for lilly 3nd 04:25
171 BUS Rega 04:56
172 seiren mouse on the keys 04:25
173 Because I Hear You toe 04:41
174 Greatest Blue fox capture plan 06:10
175 Siki LEMS 04:50
176 Sakura Waltz (CodemRemix) LEMS 04:47
177 Knife 三宅純 03:02
178 蛍雪 三宅純 02:23
179 Slip Away Various Artists 07:24
180 Bluebird Story (feat. Jumelles) DJ OKAWARI 03:19
181 Flower Dance DJ OKAWARI 04:23
182 Luv Shxt The Deli 03:37
183 Milkshake Jazzinuf 03:36
184 Chameleon (Instrumentals) Slowy 02:15
185 Vanilla emune 01:27
186 Cocktails Limes 01:49
187 black coffee elijah who 01:14
188 Street Scene (4 Shazz) St. Germain 07:06
189 Catgroove Parov Stelar 03:56
190 Dark Skies (Mr. Moods Rainy Mix) Erik Jackson 02:59
191 Syrup Stwo 02:59
192 Butterfly Kiss ROMANTIC PRODUCTION 04:05
193 what for? sAr 03:31
194 The Long And Winding Street Robert de Boron 04:01
195 Start Raujika 03:57
196 Mist Michita 03:53
197 Polynity fox capture plan 01:42
198 NINGEN GRINDER 首もとの小さなホクロ と 鉄を削る香り NINGEN OK 04:09
199 False Flag Dub Thievery Corporation 03:04
200 Aruarian Dance Nujabes 04:09
201 Summer Moby 05:57
202 Winter Lane Nujabes 04:29
203 Re:bolero 日本群星 04:04
204 Funk The Rich (Original) Malente 03:25
205 Lamp Haruka Nakamura 06:40
206 A Day By The Sea Telemakus 02:25
207 Perfect Blue DJ OKAWARI 05:10
208 Shall We Dance Thievery Corporation 02:37
209 The Outsider Mono 05:09
210 When I Blow Up (Instrumental) DJ Jazz 04:26
211 Jazzer organic_kid 02:32
212 Fall In Love too fast GRiZ 04:20
213 Homeward Journey (Original) Uyama Hiroto 05:31
214 I Gotta Feeling The Black Eyed Peas 04:48
215 Juiced organic_kid 02:02
216 Day Jaga Jazzist 03:07
217 The Creator Has A Master Plan Brooklyn Funk Essentials 03:19