# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
Scions of Ha Nachash (Spectre of the Burning Valley)
来自加拿大,阿尔伯塔省/安大略省的Antediluvian,成立于2006活跃至今。 绝对的混沌,绝对的邪恶,绝对称得上最好的战争黑专辑之一! Nuclear War Now! |
Antediluvian | 03:37 |
02 |
Preaching for Mass Suicide
来自黎巴嫩的港口城市,贝鲁特,成立于2004年现Split-up。 唯一的一张2007年的Demo完美的表达了队名Damaar,在阿拉伯语中意思为毁灭,destruction Nuclear War Now! |
Damaar | 05:09 |
03 |
Vengeance Absolute
来自加拿大阿尔伯塔的Revenge!!战争黑的鼻祖之一!成立于2000年活跃至今! 歼灭!军事撒旦主义!Fcuk Christianity!Fcuk Humanity! Season of Mist Underground Activists |
Revenge | 05:01 |
04 |
Scum Defection (Outsider Neutralized)
中指 |
Revenge | 03:55 |
05 |
Underground Church
来自美国内华达州的Goatlord!!1985年成立,现乐队已分开。 亵渎神明!!低沉缓慢的嘶吼,骤雨般的鼓点!!SCRIFICE! Nuclear War Now! |
Goatlord | 04:34 |
06 |
War Cult Supremacy
加拿大维多利亚1996年就成立的Conqueror,在经历了多从分分合合之后,终于还是分开了... Apocalypse!War!Anti-Christianity!!!!!这张专辑有它很好的地方,比如重大的历史意义,但是也有它不好的一面,噪音噪音噪音!! Fifth Division |
Conqueror | 03:34 |
07 | Screaming Forth Endless Blasphemies and Emitting Foul Seed upon the Pitiful Face of Benevolence | Weregoat | 02:38 |
08 |
Flesh and Might
新西兰惠灵顿的Sabbatical Goat!!2011年成立至2014年,currently On Hold ChaosChaosChaos Vault of Dried Bones |
Sabbatic Goat | 04:04 |
09 |
Skullcrushed and Sodomized
来自美国的佛罗里达州,Caveman Cult 成立时间未知,活跃至今! 战争战争,纯粹的战争。同样褒贬不一的乐队,可以吹上天,也可以认为它噱头很足。你认为呢? Larval Productions |
Caveman Cult | 02:02 |
10 |
Shitlust Goatsperm
来自马来西亚槟榔屿的Goatlusting Chaos,2011年成立至今。 东南亚的尚武精神使得这片地区涌出了一群war metal!!!! |
Goatlusting Chaos | 03:43 |
11 |
Empire of the Fallen Angel
中指 |
Demoncy | 03:59 |
12 |
Bestial Sacrifice
中指 |
Antichrist | 03:35 |
13 |
Cursed Blood (Paradise Exit)
完美的将“优雅”和“混沌”融合在一起,我认为是 非常完美的体现了“极端金属”这个词语。chaoschaoschaos,beautybeautybeauty. 混沌是美丽的,人类的内在,是美丽而又去混乱的,极端的美丽是混沌与毁灭,而混沌和毁灭的最极端,是言语无法表达的美。 One of the personal favourite piece. |
The Inner Abyss | 06:51 |
14 |
Through Ages Wrought
中指 |
Allfather | 00:00 |
15 |
Devastation of the Earth
既可以算作黑敲,某个瞬间给我的感觉却又是浓厚的战争味道,如果作为战争黑来看,这个乐队可以尝试一下。 |
Perversor | 02:18 |
16 |
From the Depths of the Phlegethon
纯正,黑暗,混沌,这个乐队就是要搞事情。pray for wrath!不过这首歌中规中矩,一首非常标准的war metal,可以感受一下正儿八经好好搞的war metal是什么样子。 |
Wrathprayer | 05:38 |
17 |
Channeling the Bloodstorm
这首歌,严重受到blasphemy影响!!!标准的开头,不禁怀疑是blasphemy warship?总的来说,很棒的乐队很棒的专辑!chaos+chaos=sorghegard let the war begin! |
Sorghegard | 03:38 |
18 |
Ritual Desecration
中指 |
Nuclear Desecration | 04:14 |
19 |
Speed Metal
中指 |
Exterminator | 02:56 |
20 |
Blood Flower
cult级别的war metal神团!张张都是经典,融入了很多属于自己的小细节,个人认为还是蛮有辨识度的。 |
Blue Hummingbird on the Left | 02:54 |
21 |
Atomic Angel Assault
核天使进攻!!!Impiety可以算得上是war metal类别中数一数二的凶狠!新加坡能做出这样的音乐有些震惊!难道是尚武民族?!战争!反基督! |
Impiety | 05:06 |
22 |
Urine Injected In Cunt
黑敲?战争黑?无所谓!Sadomator 可以玩转这任意的风格!主题blasphemy,death,H.P. Lovecraft!跨度比较广的一个乐队,喜欢! |
Sadomator | 02:10 |
23 |
Serpent's Mark
中指 |
Embrace of Thorns | 02:26 |
24 |
鼓点的声音就像是终结者在敲我的档!这首两分半钟的歌豪不给人一秒的喘息,紧凑的编曲让我无时无刻提着心,拳头攥紧!fk yea! Adversarial!!!! |
Adversarial | 02:30 |
25 |
Black Altar
中指 |
Necroholocaust | 02:33 |
26 |
Total Fucking War (Tumult Cover)
中指 |
Necroholocaust | 02:44 |
27 |
Triumph of Impurity
中指 |
Nocturnal Blood | 04:38 |
28 |
Goat Semen
开篇宏大!黑嗓加盟!非常优秀的一张专辑,非常经典的一张专辑,也是很“精”典的一直乐队! |
Goat Semen | 02:38 |
29 |
Satan Alpha Omega
中指 |
Deiphago | 03:55 |
30 |
Evil Proclaimed
中指 |
Abominator | 03:45 |
31 |
The Third And Final War
中指 |
Nocturnal Blood | 02:57 |
32 |
Seed of Evil
中指 |
Anal Vomit | 05:05 |
33 |
Human Race Absolute End
中指 |
Deiphago | 03:39 |
34 |
Satan Rapes God
中指 |
Anal Blasphemy | 02:53 |
35 |
Ceremonial Bloodshed
中指 |
Bestial Raids | 04:01 |
36 |
Seven Chalices Of Vomit And Blood
中指 |
Teitanblood | 05:53 |
37 |
中指 |
Bestial Warlust | 04:47 |
38 |
Veneración de la Bestia Suprema
中指 |
Morbosidad | 02:59 |
39 |
Altars of Mayhem
中指 |
Proclamation | 03:23 |
40 |
Tormented in Afterlife
中指 |
Infernal Curse | 03:42 |
41 |
Conjuring the Expulsed
中指 |
Irkallian Oracle | 07:59 |
42 |
Incinerate the Kingdom ov Christ
中指 |
Goatlusting Chaos | 05:02 |
43 |
Metal Pussy Attack
中指 |
Vomit of Doom | 02:40 |
44 |
Deathless Bastards
中指 |
Deathless Bastards | 02:42 |
45 |
Elemental Crucifixion
中指 |
Irkallian Oracle | 08:55 |
46 |
Nocturnal Evil
中指 |
Beherit | 03:07 |
47 | Neocenturian Legion | Bestial Raids | 03:16 |
48 | As The Body Falls Away | Order from Chaos | 04:15 |
49 | Sacrament of Blood | Antichrist | 02:56 |
50 | Isaiah | The Royal Arch Blaspheme | 04:42 |
51 | Awakening the Dead | Embrace of Thorns | 00:49 |
52 | The Rite of Evil | Necroblood | 05:37 |
53 | Repudiated Faith | Abhorer | 04:30 |
54 | Black Nuclear Mists (Holocaustic Swarm) | Abominator | 03:51 |
55 | Bleeding the Leeches | Manticore | 03:29 |
56 | Disturb the Furthest Stars | Kerasphorus | 03:38 |
57 | The Architects of Extermination | Kommandant | 04:20 |
58 | Mass Graves for Christianity | Baphomets Horns | 00:00 |
59 | Nocturnal Asembly | Doombringer | 05:38 |
60 | The Exodus of All Life | A.M.S.G. | 09:32 |
61 | Flood of Damnation | Funeral Chant | 03:49 |
62 | For I Am His Slave | Armagedda | 05:19 |
63 | Impending Doom | Tumult | 00:59 |
64 | Black Mass Desecration | Necros Christos | 03:56 |
65 | Powers of Darkness | Gospel of the Horns | 04:19 |
66 | Απειρωτάν | Unholy Archangel | 03:53 |
67 | Messiah Of Darkness And Impurity | Proclamation | 03:53 |
68 | Spartan Justice | Blasphemous Noise Torment | 05:31 |
69 | Pisagua In Burning Down | Atomicide | 02:02 |
70 | Demonomantic Spiritual Dimension | Demonomancy | 05:25 |
71 | Antichrist Hammerfist | Diocletian | 03:01 |
72 | Terror | Doomsday Cult | 03:09 |
73 | Ekliptik Manifestation of Dominance | Energumen | 05:46 |
74 | Sado Liquidator | Goatblood | 02:42 |
75 | Ode to Suicide | Hammergoat | 04:54 |
76 | Hammergoat | Hammergoat | 03:13 |
77 | Biological Pandemic | Hammergoat | 05:02 |
78 | Redemption in Fire | I I | 02:45 |
79 | Transmission IV | Intolitarian | 04:45 |
80 | Jesus Bethlemitus Maledictus | Lustration | 05:14 |
81 | Anal Queen | Naked Whipper | 01:45 |
82 | Holohoax, the Fancy of Morons | Seges Findere | 00:00 |
83 | Ritual Vomiting | Serpents Athirst | 03:21 |
84 | Endless Darkness | Trepanation | 00:37 |
85 | Rite of Taghairm | Trepanation | 04:05 |
86 | For your Fatherland | Sturmtiger | 00:00 |
87 | Black Funeral Pyre | Truppensturm | 03:43 |
88 | Tormentum Aeturnum (Mystifier cover) | Vassafor | 04:28 |
89 | Elation Devout | Eggs of Gomorrh | 05:23 |
90 | Black Liturgy | Abysmal Lord | 03:43 |
91 | Mouth of Hell | Witchcraft | 05:02 |
92 | March to War | Purification Kommando | 04:13 |
93 | Sick of Humankind | The Satan's Scourge | 02:37 |
94 | Ceremonial Rituals of Demonic Chaos | Black Devotion | 03:16 |
95 | Superion Rising | Death Worship | 03:09 |
96 | Desolation Summoning | Death Worship | 03:27 |
97 | Abomination - Lucifer Master | Spiritual Desecration | 03:40 |
98 | W.Y.N.F.S. (Salvation I) | Blasphemous Vomit | 04:22 |
99 | Hellish Visions | Svartidauði | 06:44 |
100 | En la necrópolis del totalitarismo | Abatuar | 04:11 |
101 | Ceremony of the Impure | Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni | 04:57 |
102 | Towards Battlefields | Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni | 05:24 |
103 | Throne of Black Priest | Cumming Jehovah | 02:32 |
104 | Diabolical Possession | Infernal Goat | 03:35 |
105 | Beasts of the Temple of Satan | Crurifragium | 04:47 |
106 | War is the Father and King of All | War Possession | 04:02 |
107 | Chaotic Necrorapture | Peggod | 04:08 |
108 | Eradication ov Humanity | Hellfire Deathcult | 03:21 |
109 | Heathen Fire | Blasphmachine | 02:44 |
110 | Pandemonik Kaos | Istidraj | 04:35 |
111 | God Fukkin Sodomy | Istidraj | 03:40 |
112 | Conquerer Shadow | Antichrist Siege Machine | 01:39 |
113 | Wolves of Nuklear Impalement | Tetragrammacide | 04:03 |
114 | Six Eyes Open | Acualli | 02:37 |
115 | Ceremonial Worship of an Ancient God | Black Blood Invocation | 05:24 |
116 | The Occurrence of the Flashback Seizure | Sacramentary Abolishment | 05:51 |
117 | Ripping Flesh | Bestial Whore | 03:29 |
118 | Tears Of God (The Devil Attack) | Obeisance | 03:05 |
119 | Operation: Satanic Resistance | Nyogthaeblisz | 02:26 |
120 | Unleash My Wrath | Entasis | 02:29 |
121 | The Abyssal Sanhedrin | Kerasphorus | 05:30 |
122 | II-III | Grave Upheaval | 05:22 |
123 | Transgression 666 | Embalmed | 02:20 |
124 | Goat Warfare | Bone Chalice | 01:53 |
125 | Triumph Continuum | Ululatum Tollunt | 05:52 |
126 | Dark Era | Eskhaton | 07:28 |
127 | Unclean Liquid Blasphemy | Chalera | 03:00 |
128 | Humanity Diseased | Katechon | 06:18 |
129 | Introductory Venom / Heralding Ceremonial Mass Obliteration | Serpents Athirst | 04:40 |
130 | Execution Ritual | Subduer | 04:38 |
131 | Sin of Iblis | Infernal Curse | 03:24 |
132 | Anti-kosmic Discord (Meaningless Self-Sacrifice) | Pig's Blood | 04:23 |
133 | Étendu parmi les obus | Complot! | 02:14 |
134 | Craving For Flesh | Violent Hammer | 03:15 |
135 | The Final Blood Orgy | Blasphamagoatachrist | 02:28 |
136 | Antichrist Victory! | Primitive Warfare | 05:04 |
137 | Hail to Infernal Power | Freezing Blood | 02:32 |
138 | Suffer No More | 回收站 | 03:35 |
139 | Början | Mylingar | 06:21 |
140 | Reign of the Ancient Miscreant One | Ygarokk | 03:11 |
141 | Charnel Rift | Black Curse | 05:05 |