nothing will change it-
东拼西凑 左抄右抄
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
收藏这张专辑的各位请移步网易云。账号Sayloulou -要献给那些知道我不完美,却依然爱我的人- -献给虾米献给爱与自由- “文学音乐(Literal Music)”高质感气氛 这个歌单有多少年 我就喜欢它多少年 |
The Bilinda Butchers | 05:12 |
02 |
Day Tripper
你的猫说想你了 我也是 |
She Her Her Hers | 04:22 |
03 | Whatever You Call It, I Need It Out Of My Head | a l e x | 03:15 |
04 |
Love Like You Care
在广袤的空间和无限的时间中 能与你共享同一颗行星和同一段时光是我的荣幸 |
Perlo | 03:13 |
05 |
Sparkly Eyes
嘿 被封面骗了 |
Quelle Rox | 02:45 |
06 | Every Time Around | Vansire | 03:36 |
07 |
人类不快乐的唯一原因是他不知道如何安静地呆在他的房间里。 |
vietra | 02:11 |
08 |
Could You Drive Me Home
少女时代的忧郁是对整个宇宙的傲慢。 |
Preparation 500 | 03:12 |
09 |
Baby I don't feel so good.
记于2020.10.21 06:44 请不要相信我的美丽 也不要相信我的爱情 在涂满了油彩的面容之下 我有的是颗戏子的心 |
KendricKnight | 03:18 |
10 |
Heartbreak at Dawn
世上佳人,唯独他好。 |
mabanua | 05:17 |
11 |
Lonely Holiday
荒诞低俗再搭配点诗意 好像就是生活的感觉 |
Alex Siegel | 03:47 |
12 |
Solitude (Felsmann + Tiley Reinterpretation)
【失眠曲】 用刀尖入水 用显微镜看雪 就算反复如此 还是忍不住问一问 你数过天上的星星吗 它们和小鸟一样 总在我胸口跳伞 |
Felsmann + Tiley | 03:42 |
13 |
年少时代的忧郁是对整个宇宙的骄傲 |
kennytheking | 04:08 |
14 |
The Day I Wanted To Die
你们还好吗 这是我最近特别喜欢的一首歌 |
Michael Seyer | 05:40 |
15 |
Chemical Face
旧爱你好,我是你的新欢。 |
Else | 04:02 |
16 | Thinking Of | Tricky | 02:11 |
17 |
“撑过去一天,再撑过去另一天,这究竟算什么样的人生?” “很多人的人生。” |
JORDANN | 03:46 |
18 |
What'cha Need
冬天從這裡奪取的 春天會交還與你 |
Jeff Bernat | 04:35 |
19 |
我慢慢明白了为什么我不快乐,因为我总是期待一个结果。 |
haircuts for men | 06:07 |
20 |
do u remember?
我没资格将你置顶,但其实你永远是第一。 |
ΛIRWAV | 02:27 |
21 | Pink & Blue | Valentine | 02:00 |
22 |
Benny Boy
为你,千千万万遍 -nothing will change it- 这是我的本命精选集了 希望大家能感受到我的用心 绝对不会滥竽充数 东拼西凑 左抄右抄🙃 |
Dreams We've Had | 06:14 |
23 |
Holding On
一直保持温热感是一件很了不起的事。 |
Cannons | 03:46 |
24 | You and I | Jakob Ogawa | 02:42 |
25 | Tiger (Tayrell Remix) | Tora | 03:02 |
26 |
In Treatment feat. Louis Scott
与一只大象漫步🐘 |
Kirk Spencer | 04:01 |
27 | Norton Commander (All We Need) | Men I Trust | 03:26 |
28 | Columbus | Snowmine | 04:07 |
29 |
🍋 |
Dreams We've Had | 04:46 |
30 |
世界上孤獨的人都害怕邁出第一步 谢谢你们在虾米长时间审核不通过的情况下 你们还能一如既往的喜欢 |
NADINE | 04:26 |
31 |
Moon Watcher
星河在上 波光在下 |
Ishi | 04:54 |
32 | Little Love | Maddie Jay | 03:19 |
33 |
A New Error (Live)
錯誤的人什麼都沒有留下 只教會了我們懲罰對的人的方法 |
Moderat | 06:18 |
34 | White Morning | • Seoul • | 03:34 |
35 | Us Against The Wall | Join The Riot | 05:01 |
36 |
决定放弃了的事 就请放弃得干干净净 那些决定再也不见面的人 就真的不要见面了 请不要让我再做背叛自己的事了 如果要爱别人 就请先好好爱自己❤️ |
Bahari | 03:08 |
37 | Polly | Whitney | 03:26 |
38 | The Hills | Dropwizz | 04:00 |
39 |
谢谢你们在这个流量时代对小众的坚持 虾米不通过也好被各种充斥所谓迷幻音乐也好 我坚持做自己喜欢的 在虾米七年多了 对收藏的朋友说一声 谢谢你们 你们真 ~品味 😉 |
Jungle | 03:54 |
40 |
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 谢谢你的收听 |
Mr. Little Jeans | 04:20 |
41 |
我努力試著找回以前的感覺 |
Ten Fé | 05:47 |
42 |
Looking Over Shoulders
不安於當前事務 卻傾心於現世光色 對於一切成例與觀念皆十分懷疑 卻常常為人生遠景而凝眸 |
Yumi Zouma | 03:28 |
43 |
自從我們相遇的那一刻 你是我白天黑夜不落的星 萊蒙托夫《烏黑的眼睛》 |
Ten Sleep | 03:51 |
44 |
Lostfound (Matthew Herbert's Let Yoursef Go Mix)
只有在你檢視內心深處時 你的視野才會變得清晰 向外探究的人只是在做夢 朝內挖掘的人終將開悟 |
Francis Harris | 07:58 |
45 |
人 間 放 逐 |
Rosie Carney | 04:29 |
46 |
Love, French, Better
L’amour doit être renouvelé, pousser, créer |
Gold Zebra | 06:46 |
47 | Swerve | Oliver Tank | 03:37 |
48 | Let It Be | Veela | 06:03 |
49 |
Chante Désespérément
一直以為我跟他不一樣 原來寂寞的時候 所有的人都一樣 |
The Saxophones | 03:26 |
50 | Kill Me | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | 03:58 |
51 |
拉麵館 凌晨5:57 |
Movement | 03:56 |
52 |
No Scrubs
如果一個人稱贊你 你會覺得客套 可如果一個人罵你 你會覺得那是他真心的 仔細想想 這就是你不快樂的原因 |
CAPPA | 03:34 |
53 |
over u
人間的苦難見得多了 就沒有辦法再輕飄飄地對人說出「活該」兩個字 哪怕是做錯了事的人 |
keshi | 02:59 |
54 |
Oracle Heart
生活啊 不僅平庸 而且是難以說清楚的 |
Direct | 04:35 |
55 |
Slow dancing in the dark
也許畢生的倉惶時刻 無一例外都將獻給你 但假裝不在意這事上 我只服我自己 |
Joji | 03:37 |
56 |
每一個人 身上都拖著一個世界 由他所見過、愛過的一切所組成的世界 |
here†heycome | 03:21 |
57 | Dana | Horsebeach | 04:28 |
58 |
Enemies (Mathbonus Remix)
人類的一個大麻煩 在於我們無法擁有說一不二的感情 敵人身上總有讓我們喜歡的地方 我們的愛人身上總會有讓我們討厭之處 |
Hannah Georgas | 04:44 |
59 |
It's You
你是你自己 一生的情人 |
Triathalon | 03:43 |
60 |
You're so Cool
But remember There are always some people in the world who hate peaches |
Nicole Dollanganger | 04:15 |
61 | Italo Disco | Last Dinosaurs | 03:46 |
62 |
愛是鮮明的。 我從不要蒼白的那一種。 愛是用盡全力。 我從不要稀釋的那一種。 我從不躲避愛的巨大,但我渾然不知愛可以像太陽一般可靠。 日常升起的愛。 |
Mvnto | 04:12 |
63 |
dancin closer to the edge
愛你的時候 錯的也是對的 愛你的時候 只有我願意 沒有不可以 |
johnny goth | 03:28 |
64 | On The Run | Postiljonen | 04:00 |
65 |
Has to Be Better
般配是愛情的成就 而不是前提 |
Goldmyth | 03:54 |
66 |
Losing You
正是過去的自己 造就了現在的你 |
Dead Ceremony | 03:49 |
67 |
“爱对想象的需求超过了经历。” |
Orchid Mantis | 03:00 |
68 |
能怎麼辦 連呼吸都是痛的 因為一想到你 |
keshi | 02:19 |
69 |
有的時候我真覺得全世界都像海上撞沈了船 最要緊的還是救出自己 |
dalebotbeats | 02:57 |
70 |
The Best Thing
最美好的事 是你收聽了我的精選 還記得你說世界美好事情真的特別多 只是很容易擦肩而過 |
Electric Youth | 03:55 |
71 |
Take My Breath Away
不要妄想變成另一個人 裝不會的 還不如做自己。 |
Tashaki Miyaki | 04:36 |
72 |
闭上眼睛🌹 我要开始变魔法了 |
Paperwhite | 03:57 |
73 |
因為這首歌 我知 日後 路上或沒有更美的邂逅 |
Hjördis-Britt Åström | 02:28 |
74 | 夜班车.(summer night in nanning) | allenvave | 03:14 |
75 |
永远在你生活之上保留一片天空。 |
Maggie Rogers | 03:08 |
76 |
Please & Thank You
谢谢你,慵懒到家了 我在沙发上躺着手举高在空中划拨 |
Wildcat! Wildcat! | 04:39 |
77 |
Sad Machine
小清新与大叔的既视感,听着有种依赖感,舒服的电子。 |
Porter Robinson | 05:52 |
78 | Always, X | Ben Stevenson | 03:25 |
79 | Dream | Dan San | 03:18 |
80 |
沉迷 |
Seawaves | 06:09 |
81 |
shot an angel
每個人的背後都藏著不為人知的傷口 在人世間沒有找到天堂的人們 在天上也不會找到它 因為天使就住在我們的隔壁 不管我們往哪兒搬家 |
Drones | 02:59 |
82 |
Kinky Love
“梦里梦见的人,醒来就应该去见他。” |
Pale Saints | 04:02 |
83 |
You're On (Louis The Child Remix)
人一天天老下去,奢望也一天天消失。 |
Louis The Child | 03:22 |
84 |
這是一個港口 我在這裡愛你 |
ODD PALMER | 01:36 |
85 |
我們都會成為我們裝扮的樣子 所以裝扮的時候 一定要小心 |
midst | 07:00 |
86 | Worst Part | STACEY | 04:03 |
87 |
this is for my girl.
所有的瞬間都有你 愛過的瞬間,痛苦的瞬間,離別的瞬間 你是我的世界 是我所有的瞬間 如果沒有你 我或許就無法解釋我目前為止的人生了 |
Shiloh Dynasty | 03:22 |
88 |
Idea Bubble #20
很多時候懷念過去 並不是因為過去的日子比現在好多少 而是至少當時的自己 並不知道現在依然會過得不好 還有青春 還有期盼 還有不切實際的白日夢 |
Mr. Twin Sister | 03:41 |
89 |
ты любил её ?!
戀愛說到底,就是游刃有餘的人才能幹的事 |
dalebotbeats | 04:05 |
90 | Light | San Holo | 04:00 |
91 |
成天想著自己是不是快樂 是通往抑鬱的捷徑 所以你們一定要快樂呀 |
Tender | 02:41 |
92 |
Do You Go Up (Madnap Remix)
今天啃芒果的時候想到 水果都是果心最甜果皮最苦 人正好相反 人都是心裡最苦臉上最甜 |
KHAI | 03:28 |
93 | Straight to the Top | Wildcat! Wildcat! | 03:49 |
94 |
Sunset Junction
你知道嗎?如果我明天就死掉的話 我會因為今天見到你 而覺得無憾 from 《不再讓你孤單》 |
Work Drugs | 03:18 |
95 |
Hurt Me
常规歌曲来一发 |
Låpsley | 03:51 |
96 |
愛是想觸碰又收回手 from 塞林格《破碎故事之心》 |
Barcelona | 04:27 |
97 |
很高興見到你 還是去你家玩吧 |
Mount Dreams | 04:36 |
98 |
Destroy Everything You Touch
餘生縱使很長 我也不願用來等你成長 |
Ladytron | 04:38 |
99 | Homecoming | Makeup and Vanity Set | 05:29 |
100 |
Echo (Nicita Remix)
時光馴服一切,我與往事之間 像回聲 再怎麼千回百轉 終究消失在山谷 |
VÉRITÉ | 03:22 |
101 |
Shell Suite
当时在捧着温暖的尸体这部青春丧尸电影,音乐响起少女心也飞了出来,仿佛心爱的男孩就在你身旁,载着我远离城市,在空旷的马路上疾驰。自由着,也不知道终点在哪。 |
Chad Valley | 04:22 |
102 | Good for Me | Julian Maverick | 05:20 |
103 | Acid Test | River Tiber | 05:13 |
104 | Umbrella | Ember Island | 03:57 |
105 | Deep End (Matoma Remix) | Matoma | 03:28 |
106 | Ghost of a Chance | Young & Sick | 03:46 |
107 | Sinister | midnight | 03:08 |
108 |
Stay With Us
人一經長大,那一切就成為身外之物 不必讓種種記憶永遠和自己同在 就讓它留在它所形成的地方吧 |
• Seoul • | 03:58 |
109 | We Try but We Don't Fit In | Day Wave | 03:38 |
110 | Jennifer | Fazerdaze | 04:00 |
111 | Zen | Eves The Behavior | 03:10 |
112 | Painted in Gold | Strange Talk | 03:47 |
113 | Something About You (ODESZA Remix) | Hayden James | 05:39 |
114 | Foreign Coast | Alfred Hall | 04:24 |
115 | Sleep On The Floor, Dream About Me | Ruddyp | 03:36 |
116 | Out of Touch | Brothertiger | 04:00 |
117 | Leave a Trace (Goldroom Remix) | CHVRCHES | 04:59 |
118 | About You | Saje | 03:29 |
119 | Magic Pie (Stage Rockers Remix) | KAZAKY | 04:04 |
120 | Last Train | Dawn Golden | 03:42 |
121 | Another One | Mac DeMarco | 02:40 |
122 | Ellie (Ark Patrol Remix) | Ark Patrol | 04:22 |
123 | Levitation (That's Nice Remix) | Marz Léon | 04:21 |
124 | Without You | Caius | 03:32 |
125 | Generation Blue | Niia | 03:08 |
126 | Softly | Kye Kye | 04:50 |
127 | Trndsttr (Lucian Remix) | Black Coast | 02:59 |
128 | Beautiful Object | Glass Candy | 06:08 |
129 | Here with Me | Robot Koch | 03:59 |
130 | Queen of France | Imad Royal | 03:50 |
131 | All That's Left | Manila Killa | 03:38 |
132 | Broken Record (Tarro Remix) | Krewella | 03:01 |
133 | Sideswiped | Astronauts | 04:24 |
134 | Warm on a Cold Night | HONNE | 04:19 |
135 | Make Them Wheels Roll | SAFIA | 04:05 |
136 | Swim Deeper | Astronomyy | 03:53 |
137 | The Wandering Songstress | The Shanghai Restoration Project | 03:36 |
138 | Until We Shine feat. Yvy | David August | 05:25 |
139 | Wildfire | YEAH BOY | 03:48 |
140 | Fire | Gypsy & The Cat | 03:28 |
141 | Young | Vallis Alps | 05:24 |
142 | Anchorless Ship | The fin. | 05:37 |
143 | Need U | Oceaán | 03:12 |
144 | A.R.G.O. | Ruede Hagelstein | 03:09 |
145 | Broken Record (Chaz Jackson Remix) | Krewella | 02:57 |
146 | Candy Walls | TR/ST | 04:37 |
147 | Stayin' Alive | Say Lou Lou | 03:36 |
148 | Middle of Things, Beautiful Wife | Sango | 03:42 |
149 | Poison | deebs | 03:42 |
150 |
开口飞系列 |
Ana Zimmer | 03:05 |
151 | Colors (Sam Feldt Remix) | Halsey | 04:46 |
152 | Skin | Carmody | 04:01 |
153 | Knife | Grizzly Bear | 05:14 |
154 | Aydin | Discodeine | 03:27 |
155 | Marilyn Monroe | SEVDALIZA | 03:29 |
156 |
Indian Summer
第三空间。 |
Jai Wolf | 04:08 |
157 | Time For A Dreamer | Summer Heart | 04:16 |
158 | On & on & On | Sunny Levine | 04:14 |
159 | Your Girl | Violet Days | 03:52 |
160 | Music Sounds Better With You (Giraffage Remix) | Stardust | 03:44 |
161 | Lies | Audiobot | 03:44 |
162 | No Sunshine | Graves | 02:58 |
163 | From Gold (Nebbra Remix) | Novo Amor | 03:30 |
164 |
这首比较主流了 |
Usher | 04:03 |
165 | Fears | MTNS | 04:17 |
166 | Shalala | Moses Gunn Collective | 03:55 |
167 | Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby | Cigarettes After Sex | 04:46 |
168 | Love Song | Late Night Alumni | 03:36 |
169 | Marvin's Room (Drake Rework) | St. South | 03:26 |
170 | Big Cat | Wild Beasts | 03:07 |
171 | My Jinji | 落日飞车 | 06:40 |
172 | Aloha | Møme | 03:38 |
173 |
东京,东京。蒸汽波无法拒绝。 |
YUNG BAE | 02:06 |
174 | That's So Us | Allie X | 03:35 |
175 | Hideaway (Original Mix) | WRLD | 03:25 |
176 | Chemistry | Astronauts | 03:28 |
177 | Sulk | TR/ST | 06:17 |
178 | Sleep Apnea | Beach Fossils | 02:24 |
179 | I Hope Time Doesn't Change Him | The Drums | 04:43 |
180 | Ontario Gothic | Foxes in Fiction | 05:25 |
181 | Your Shirt | Chelsea Cutler | 03:52 |
182 | Oracle | Chymes | 02:53 |
183 | Hole In the Wall | Moses Gunn Collective | 03:39 |
184 | In My Head | PRXZM | 03:42 |
185 | i'll be alright (tonight) | Mura Masa | 03:50 |
186 | Know You Well | Beshken | 03:29 |
187 | Crystalfilm | Little Dragon | 04:49 |
188 | No One Wants It to Happen to You | Small Black | 03:55 |
189 | Wait | Nicole Millar | 03:05 |
190 | Öræfajökull | Mikaali Karlsson | 06:58 |
191 | Don't Matter | Cherokee | 05:08 |
192 | Down In Flames | Ella Vos | 03:07 |
193 | Wait | M83 | 05:43 |
194 | Sinking | Feverkin | 03:57 |
195 | No Sleep for the Dreamer | Boy | 04:42 |
196 | Waiting All Nite | Louis La Roche | 04:33 |
197 | Say Goodbye | The Masks | 04:02 |
198 | Endora | Malory | 05:35 |
199 | After All (Else Remix) | Charlotte Day Wilson | 04:14 |
200 | Sway | Anton Borin | 04:06 |
201 | Girl | Jamie xx | 04:05 |
202 | Don't Delete the Kisses | Wolf Alice | 04:35 |
203 | Before It's Too Late | Timmies | 02:34 |
204 | summertime sadness. | calfana dreams. | 04:57 |
205 | Daydream | Milk & Bone | 03:53 |
206 | Cheapest Flight | PREP | 04:28 |
207 | blah blah blah | Denitia & Sene | 03:30 |
208 | Herefore (Her Remix) | Parcels | 03:52 |
209 | Ache | FKA twigs | 05:00 |
210 | Jesus Christ | Luna Shadows | 04:46 |
211 | Somebody to Die For | Hurts | 04:35 |
212 | april | hello paris | 03:21 |
213 | Lo Que Siento | cuco | 05:12 |
214 | Oh Honey (Poolside Edit) | Poolside | 05:25 |
215 | Little Dark Age | MGMT | 04:59 |
216 | Usher Surfing | Triathalon | 04:08 |
217 | Icarus | White Hinterland | 03:46 |
218 | Signs (Original Mix) | Project 46 | 03:16 |
219 | Pretty Thoughts (Original Mix) | Alina Baraz | 03:31 |
220 | Backstage Hoe | Nomak | 04:02 |
221 | Won't Leave You | tomppabeats | 01:00 |
222 | Love Come Down | Noah Slee | 04:33 |
223 | Piel Canela (cover) | cuco | 01:17 |
224 | Paris In The Rain | HYE SUNG | 03:19 |
225 | 千 山 萬 水 總 是 情 | 少女抛尸案 | 04:10 |
226 | Intimacy | FiFi Rong | 03:37 |
227 | pure imagination | future james | 04:30 |
228 | The Only One | Allure | 04:06 |
229 | Psychic Chasms (Anoraak Remix) | Neon Indian | 04:45 |
230 | Fractals | Keep Shelly in Athens | 04:30 |
231 | Out Like A Light | The Honeysticks | 04:16 |
232 | my.❤. | purpan. | 02:16 |
233 | Protectionspell | Prince Of Denmark | 08:08 |
234 | In My Mind (Frankie Goes Deep Remix) | 5 Reasons | 07:04 |
235 | Ready For It | RAC | 02:47 |
236 | Each Time You Fall In Love | Cigarettes After Sex | 04:50 |
237 | Falling Apart | Timecop1983 | 05:46 |
238 | Heavy Little Lights | Naomi | 09:39 |
239 |
Sleep Forever
好像什么事也没有做 夏天就快过完了哈 |
Dreams We've Had | 06:01 |
240 | Agoraphobia | Movie Brain | 03:39 |
241 | Sister, I | JBM | 04:05 |
242 | Numb | Men I Trust | 03:39 |
243 | White Christma$ | Mac DeMarco | 02:35 |
244 | Fast Lovers | Lemâitre | 02:54 |
245 | Proof | Pastel | 03:06 |
246 | you and i | barnes blvd. | 02:45 |
247 | Ms. Gravystone | Yung Gravy | 03:04 |
248 | Bossa No Sé | Jean Carter | 03:21 |
249 | Great Expectations | Johnny Aries | 04:02 |
250 | ...Baby One More Time | The Marías | 02:05 |
251 | Your Wings Make You Fly | Winterlight | 06:00 |
252 | Don't Pull Away | Milosh | 04:01 |
253 | New York (Oliver Nelson Remix) | Urban Cone | 05:44 |
254 | Lose My Mind | Daniela Andrade | 02:41 |
255 | Casin | g l u e 7 0 | 01:46 |
256 | Addicted | Jon Vinyl | 02:18 |
257 | all over again | waterfront dining | 05:15 |
258 | Lately | Dreams We've Had | 05:28 |
259 | Come Further | The fin. | 04:46 |
260 | Tell Me That You Feel It Too | Lyves | 03:41 |
261 | Young Hearts | NoMBe | 03:38 |
262 | White Jeans | SALES | 03:48 |
263 | 7 rings (Remix) | Ariana Grande | 03:39 |
264 | Breathless | Electric Youth | 04:31 |
265 | Anotha Love | HUMNKND | 03:13 |
266 | Rose | Sublab | 03:00 |
267 | Younger | The Hails | 03:46 |
268 | Embrace (Color K Remix) | Goldroom | 04:28 |
269 | Purple Fog | City Flanker | 04:11 |
270 | Bonus. If You Love Me | Night Tempo | 03:31 |
271 | You're the Only Good Thing In My Life | Cigarettes After Sex | 04:35 |
272 | Control Myself | LEISURE | 03:12 |
273 | Slip | Elliot Moss | 04:58 |
274 | Back Home | shindigs | 02:19 |
275 | magazine | Kozy Pop | 04:04 |
276 | KW | Vansire | 03:16 |
277 | Trust | Sin Cos Tan | 04:06 |
278 | Crave | Ruby Haunt | 04:53 |
279 | You | TCTS | 02:40 |
280 | Nothing in This Town | The Dig | 04:34 |
281 | Everybody's Lonely | Goldroom | 05:09 |
282 | Demolition | stolensnares | 04:13 |
283 | Groovin' | Poolside | 05:01 |
284 | The Process | Lakey Inspired | 03:43 |
285 | Next to Me | SYRE | 04:02 |
286 | Lover Is A Day | cuco | 07:36 |
287 | 薄荷夏日 | 完美倒立 | 04:15 |
288 | Dream With You | BLVMENKIND | 04:16 |
289 | Thinking Of | Tricky | 02:11 |
290 | When You’re Dreaming | Kaskade | 02:53 |
291 | Slip'n | Triathalon | 07:07 |
292 | Comfortable | Pictured Resort | 04:40 |
293 | Forever | Sam Ock | 04:09 |
294 | Rush | Please Wait | 04:29 |
295 | Lucky Sue | Men I Trust | 03:40 |
296 | Like It's Over (feat. MNDR) | MNDR | 05:18 |
297 | Moscato | Kurosuke | 04:01 |
298 | Slipping Away | LEISURE | 03:55 |
299 | Mean | Fabich | 03:45 |
300 | Blood Flow | Postiljonen | 04:35 |
301 | Summer Nights - uma noite de verão - | Laura Ribeiro | 02:41 |
302 | About Us | daste. | 03:31 |
303 | On My Head | Perlo | 02:50 |
304 | No More | ARIEL DAYS | 02:01 |
305 | Ring Around The Rosie | Michael Seyer | 02:40 |
306 | Tear me | Chrysalism | 03:36 |
307 | 夏夜晚风 | Layton Wu | 03:28 |