制作人:FunkyAnna @虾米音乐 /
FunkyAnna_Xiami @网易云音乐/
FunkyAnna_Xiami @QQ音乐
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
What Is Jazz
【酸爵士Acid Jazz】Isn't it a pretty damn funky acid jazzy piece. Yeah, it's gonna be, man... ☺ It's just way too American style, and I'm loving it! :D |
Club des Belugas | 05:16 |
02 |
Soul Bossa Nova
【大乐队摇摆爵士Big Band Swing, 波萨诺瓦爵士Bossa Nova Jazz】好一个美式的Bossa Nova Jazz! Quincy Jones不愧是美国老牌摇摆爵士大乐团(Big Band, swing jazz),听这个大牌爵士大乐团演奏的Bossa Nova,有木有感觉大碗美国佬的另类波萨诺瓦味啊?一队大块头家伙,大大咧咧摇摆着,跟人家正宗巴西式的隽永美丽、慵懒悠闲、勾人魂魄的Bossa Nova就是不一样吧,呵呵..... |
Quincy Jones | 02:47 |
03 |
Boogie Woogie Waltz
【酸爵士Acid Jazz】又一个美国味十足的布吉乌吉酸爵士,开车听这种音乐特带感,恨不能让车也跟着一起摇摆起来!呵呵...... |
Weather Report | 13:06 |
04 |
【酸爵士Acid Jazz, 融合爵士Jazz Fusion】这是Weather Report 的一首很著名的现代融合爵士曲目,非常酸爽的爵士,呵呵....... so acid & cool! It's been one of my mostly played jazz pieces when I'm driving, listening to jazz. What a nice feeling for a nice, smooth, fast drive along the street, the road or the Express way ... |
Weather Report | 05:56 |
05 |
【大乐队爵士Big Band Jazz】《爆裂鼓手》OST,典型的Big Band Swing大乐队爵士,气势,励志,够劲! 最让人听得激动不已、心潮澎湃就是大乐队爵士那特有的超级燃的鼓点, 曲子挺长,将近10分钟,但喜欢爵士鼓的乐友一定会听下去的,最燃的地方就是solo drum, 从4’35’’开始一直到8’35”! Drum, drum, drum......,在我们的繁忙且无奈的生活中,我们太需要《爆裂鼓手》般的鼓点,动力、激情、兴奋、疯狂、癫狂、忘我 ....... |
Justin Hurwitz | 09:15 |
06 |
Tobi Ilu
【硬波普Hard Bop】Hard Bop代表人物鼓手Art Blakey的Tobi Ilu,天崩地裂。我很喜欢这首的,绝对2013年Top 10,耐心听,不要黑他。| 曲目及推荐语自@十万马力吐槽机: 一碗爵士饭【No.1-No.50】 || wow,这硬波普爵士鼓敲得猛啊,比前面那首《爆裂鼓手》Caravan的鼓敲得更狠啊,敲得我根本就坐不住了,搞得我六神无主,不知该干些啥了,听得太嗨了,一连听了几遍停不下来啊,呵呵...... “黑他”?为啥?I'm loving it! This is what a great Hard Bop musician is all about, and what a real exciting Hard Bop jazz is all about: drum, drum, drum......Yeah,I'm really loving it! |
Art Blakey | 05:58 |
07 |
Chambermaid Swing
【电音器乐酸爵士Techno Nu-jazz】超级动感好听的电子器乐nu-jazz酸爵士!好喜欢这个酸爵士风格,也就是说,本人更喜欢融合其他更现代音乐元素的爵士乐,不同于倾向于更传统的爵士乐迷。这个曲子的发现还是来自精选集《一碗爵士饭【No.51-No.100】》@十万马力吐槽机,制作人对此曲推荐语如下:【器乐爵士】我是很讨厌电子乐,大家应该都知道。所以我如果推一首电子韵味很强的nu-jazz,说明我是真的蛮喜欢的。今天推荐这首Parov Stelar的Chambermaid Swing(女仆摇摆),旋律很不错,我特别喜欢里面那几个做旧的有丝丝噪音的仿黑胶片段。如果你受不了一开始电子气氛特别强的“咚咚咚”那段,等一等小号声音出来就好了。 |
Parov Stelar | 05:46 |
08 |
Pink Panther
【电音器乐爵士Techno Jazz】超级喜欢疯狂小青蛙的电子器乐爵士《粉红豹》,这是Henry Mancini 的著名传统爵士曲,爵士乐风格演奏的版本有n个,但这是本人最喜欢听起来最带劲的一个版本!无论你是行走在闹市区里,还是驾车行驶在市区车道上,你的眼前都会非常形象地看到都市这一靓丽风景线:时尚的粉红豹,散发着迷人的Coco Mademoiselle香气,脚蹬着粉色高跟鞋,鼻梁上架着一副Chanel黑色大墨镜,头顶戴一副粉色大耳机,随着耳机里的wigwag 爵士节奏,摇摆着风骚舞步走在都市街头......酷毙了! 【粉红豹爵士乐背景】"The Pink Panther Theme" is an instrumental composition by Henry Mancini written as the theme for the 1963 film ''The Pink Panther (1963 ) which was subsequently nominated for the 1964 Oscar Academy Award for Best Original Score. The tune was included on the film's The Pink Panther soundtrack album and issued as a single (music)in the United States in 1964; the single reached the Top 10 on the U.S. Billboard chart[in the category of Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks] and won three Grammy Awards. |
Crazy Frog | 02:34 |
09 |
Nuevo Tango
【电音器乐爵士Techno Jazz, 融合爵士Jazz Fusion】这个电音器乐爵士太燃了,让人如此沉醉、迷情 ......听着这首迷幻电音舞曲, 有木有想舞动起来跳探戈的冲动啊?再看看这音乐专辑封面,有木有另外一种贵族的感觉:黄金假面 ,拼贴花纹的拜占庭服装,缠金丝的罗马式高跟鞋 ...... 哇塞....... |
Daksha | 06:25 |
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Tu Vuo' Fa' l'Americano
【融合爵士Jazz Fusion】这支轻快愉悦的爵士乐极具南欧风骚调情韵味,看看这个专辑封面超有感喔:甲壳虫遇到小摩托,那个高挑个儿长发飘洒戴着太阳镜的女生(me), 向那个开着甲壳虫的短发男生(you)招手说Hi ,就像早晨去上班,我们在街头相遇了,停下车来打个招呼问声好。好有情调的cover,好美好的day!☼ ☺ |
Quadro Nuevo | 03:57 |
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La Cumparsita
【器乐爵士】韩国的爵士作品,La Ventana的这首La Cumparsita(化装舞会),不知道该说这是一首带有Tango风格的爵士还是一首带有爵士风格的Tango,既然专辑风格也写的是跨界爵士,那不妨就叫Tango Jazz Fusion吧。|推荐语自@十万马力吐槽机 |
La Ventana | 04:43 |
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La Cumparsita
【器乐爵士】又一个好喜欢的这首La Cumparsita(化装舞会)爵士乐版本,同上首一样会让你听得心潮澎湃,“蠢蠢欲动”想舞起来喔。 再看看专辑封面,你难道不为之动......动容......动手或脚吗,哈哈..... just kidding! But the album cover is pretty vibrant带感, provoking撩人 ,sexy(这个就不附上中文了,呵呵), huh? |
Various Artists | 02:48 |
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Fatass Joint
【酸爵士Acid Jazz】舞蹈纪录影片《Pina》(2011)的一段舞蹈配乐,酸爵士放克味道十分浓烈,好听。 |
Thomas Hanreich | 05:44 |
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【器乐爵士】Libertango(自由探戈),这个曲子编排的非常有趣,前奏是非常低沉的cello旋律,足足长达1分36秒,到了1'37''才激情突起,真正转入“花枝招展”的Libertango(自由探戈)。非常美妙,韵味无穷! ||About Libertango: It is a composition by tango composer Astor Piazolla,recorded and published in 1974 in Milan.The title is a merging "Liberty" and "Tango", symbolizing Piazzolla's break from Classical Tango to Tango Nuevo.Libertango has been played worldwide by many renowned musicians, including the cellist, YoYo Ma in his 1997 album 《Soul of the Tango:The Music of Astor Piazzolla》. |
Astor Piazzolla | 05:23 |
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【器乐爵士】Libertango(自由探戈)最常听到的版本一般是由手风琴(accordion)或者大提琴(cello)演奏的,皮亚佐拉(Astor Piazzolla)的手风琴或者马友友的大提琴,今天推荐一首颤音琴大师Gary Burton演奏的Libertango,听起来是不是把原本气势满满的曲子搞得很有萌点。|推荐语改编自@十万马力吐槽机 |
Gary Burton | 04:37 |
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【融合爵士Jazz Fusion】拉威尔《波莱罗》( Ravel - Boléro),古典和现代的交融, 有钢琴爵士元素, 独树一帜的风格, 鼓点、钢琴、还有Tango舞曲激情! Michael Allen Harrison的音乐风格广泛,涉及orchestra,ballet,jazz,new age,adult contemporary and chill, fusion,等等。 |
Michael Allen Harrison | 04:25 |
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【融合爵士Jazz Fusion】久石让的这首曲子改编自拉威尔《波莱罗》( Ravel - Boléro),但这个曲子的曲风融合了多种元素,难以给予一个明确的界定,全曲前段有新世纪音乐风格,中段有更多的音乐元素,后段有融合爵士(jazz fusion)、酸爵士(acid jazz)、钢琴爵士(piano jazz)等元素,超赞的一首《波莱罗》演绎,特别喜欢万变的《波莱罗》之不变的鼓点,骚耳挠心,魅力无比! |
久石譲 | 06:41 |
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For Mom
【电吉他器乐爵士, 融合爵士】 Love Buckethead's blues rock/jazz! (Buckethead “桶头”,给咱中国人这么翻译的,真难听)! |
Buckethead | 05:09 |
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Wayfairing Pilgrim
【融合爵士Jazz Fusion,吉他布鲁斯摇滚爵士Blues Rock Jazz】Roy Buchanan's guitar blues-rock jazz, so bluesy, rocky, and jazzy... |
Roy Buchanan | 05:02 |
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En Aranjuez con Tu Amor
【融合爵士Jazz Fusion, 爵士摇滚Jazz Rock】改编自西班牙《阿兰胡埃斯吉他协奏曲》(Concierto de Aranjuez) "Concierto de Aranjuez” is the most popular music of the 20th century, composed by Joaquín Rodrigo. Concierto de Aranjuez is considered one of the pinnacles of Spanish music and of the guitar. 《阿兰胡埃斯协奏曲》(Concierto de Aranjuez),亦称《阿兰胡埃斯之恋》(En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor,Aranjuez, Mon Amour),是西班牙盲人作曲家华金·罗德里戈(Joaquin Rodrigo)饮誉世界的吉他名曲。作品完成于1939年,正式初演于1940年11月9日,随即风靡了整个世界。这部作品以吉它为主奏乐器,管弦乐队伴奏的形式是十分罕见的,整个乐曲充满一种西班牙式的忧伤,优美难以言喻的旋律,以及随处所散发的浪漫色彩与奔放活力。~编自百度百科 |
Carlos | 06:07 |
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South Side
【酸爵士,融合爵士】Another cool jazz fusion piece(blues rock,blues jazz) for a cool drive along the express way or fast lane in the city! But what? South Side?... or west side? Nope, I most drive on the east side of Guangzhou. hehe ... Yeah, it's a sunny day, I'm driving to the east side ...” |
Moby | 03:49 |
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Temperamental (Featuring Phonte Coleman)
【酸爵士Acid Jazz, 融合爵士Jazz Fusion】I'm loving Rjd2's jazzy hip-hop in the techno, downtempo style. |
Rjd2 | 03:27 |
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【酸爵士Acid Jazz】wow, 这么酷的acid jazz 出自专辑《米兰时装秀音乐系列Milano Fashion》 Vol. 6!意大利米兰,全球流行文化的前站,品味追寻者永不遗漏的焦点。一年四季从未止息的服装发布会,争奇斗艳的模特儿,原来音乐的律动正牵引着这一切的节奏,成为隐隐主宰于幕后的灵魂!”Milano Fashion”就是这么一张为时尚而生的音乐特辑,所有曾在 Armani,Gucci,D&G,Donna Karen 秀中现身的美妙旋律,一网打尽地收录在这几张专辑之中,自第一辑发行便造成时尚男女的抢购!想找一张时装秀专辑吗!这绝对是百分之百的切题,别无分号的选择!“A bit of Jazz, A bit of Soul, A bit of Easy listening, all tied into one Great CD. A must have!” ~@专辑介绍 |
Free the Robots | 03:44 |
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Funking Foxes
【酸爵士Acid Jazz,Jazz Funk, Nu-jazz】wow,it's jazz funk composed by Fox Amoore, the British Modern Classical musician! 一直非常喜欢他的当代古典音乐,没想到无意中听到这首酸爵士味实足的爵士乐, 眼前顿时一亮,Oh My!!!!!! 这个发现实在让我欣喜若狂啊!太酷毙了!!! 曲目出自专辑《Fly》2010. |
Fox Amoore | 03:25 |
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【器乐爵士】日本钢琴家菅野よう子的這张《坂道上的阿波罗》爵士风格原声大碟超极棒!The English title on the album cover is 《Kids on the Slope》. How vivid this could be: do you see the kids skipping and jumping happily on the slope or the piano keyboad? Amazing little jazz piece! |
菅野よう子 | 01:38 |
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Chick's Diner
【器乐爵士】日本动漫游戏(Japanese ACG)配乐,动感的爵士乐!日本爵士乐玩家的这首现代爵士乐曲,节奏轻快、旋律诙谐......开着车听这首爵士乐必定会心情舒畅的;或当你行走在动感的城市林荫大道上或绿色田野旁的乡间小道上,带着耳机听着这曲funky jazz,,你的脚步必须是欢快飞舞的!必须的! You can't really WALK! You've gotta virtually GROOVE! Ya know what I mean?! :D |
菅野よう子 | 02:02 |
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Moanin' copy (mono mix)
日本爵士钢琴家太棒了!他们用现代钢琴爵士风格演绎了这首经典波普爵士曲Moanin',取名为Moanin' copy! 他们让动漫与音乐完美结合,创作出如此舒适又悦耳的钢琴爵士乐!动画里那些随性的、动感的演奏会让你痴迷钢琴爵士的! Moanin' is a famous jazz piece from the album 《Moanin'》by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messagers'(爵士传教士). It is a classic album, a major influence on hard bop(硬波普爵士), including some famous Bop jazz pieces "Moanin' ","Blues March," "Along Came Betty," "Are You Real," and "The Drum Thunder Suite" . The album's title jazz piece "Moanin'" by funky pianist Bobby Timmons' became the Messengers' first real hit. 整张唱片是硬波普爵士的曲风,其中的“Moanin'”和“Blue March”都已成为爵士传教士的代表作。标题曲“Moanin'”是逖蒙斯(Bobby Timmons)的曲子,他先以Funk节奏的钢琴起头,接着摩根以极为巧妙的手法,将慢板节奏吹得火热无比,抑扬顿挫间拿捏的恰到好处。这个曲子收入在我的精选集【爵士林荫大道2】中:http://www.xiami.com/collect/30339664 |
菅野よう子 | 01:34 |
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【酸爵士Acid Jazz, 融合爵士Jazz Fusion】法国式的电音玩家的古怪酸爵士乐!感到你的耳朵里四面八方洒落着七零八落的敲击声音,很有趣,这个酸爵士乐也能考验耳机系统的定位能力,每种乐器或声响都有各自非常明显的位置,用心(耳)听喔...... 放大音量听这法式怪异曲风,超有感,有木有种冲动想拿起什么易碎的东西扔扔看......Woops, Sorry, 有点失控了....... |
Raphaël Beau | 01:38 |
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【电音器乐爵士】Strickly speaking, it's techno music, but I sense the jazzy elements in this nice piece. It's very nice for a smooth driving in the evening or late at night when there's light traffic in the city. |
Cantoma | 06:22 |
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Tramontana (Jaleo)
【融合爵士Jazz Fussion,爵士钢琴Jazz Piano】2017-1-16: 是虾小米每日推荐歌单里的, 整张专辑洋溢着西班牙风情吉他、小提琴和钢琴乐,超赞!这首西班牙Flamenco佛莱明戈风情爵士,让人美醉了 ╮(╯_╰)╭ |
Manolo Carrasco | 03:51 |
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Son de Mozart
【拉丁/古巴爵士】莫扎特颂歌, 出自Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion专辑“Mozart Meets Cuba"《莫扎特与古巴相遇》,他们邀请著名歌手卢贝加客串,唱出了一曲“莫扎特颂歌 |
Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion | 04:27 |
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【流行爵士Smooth Jazz, 电音器乐爵士Techno Jazz】听这个极其流畅柔顺的爵士乐,飙车最爽快不过的了......But be careful: there's a quite psychedelic and sexy voice whispering in the middle! Don't get distracted by that voice; just stay focused and drive on, hehe ...... |
River | 05:24 |
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Dark Jazz
【流行爵士Smooth Jazz, 电音器乐酸爵士Techno Nu-jazz】Very dark, very acid, very funky! And "very strange"(the voice murmuring) too! Someone is calling Alice in the dark! Very spooky too! hehe... |
Parov Stelar | 03:22 |
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Rude Boys
【流行爵士Smooth Jazz, 电音器乐酸爵士Techno Nu-jazz】Hey, boys, don't get too high and don't be too rude, ok? Behave, and be a gentleman! :D |
Parov Stelar | 05:11 |
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Voices In My Head
【流行爵士Smooth Jazz, 电音器乐酸爵士Techno Nu-jazz】I hear the voice in my head: "To elevate yourself to the next level of funk, please press 1 now." :D What voice do you hear in your head? It should go like this: "To elevate yourself to the next level of funk, please press 51 now." :D |
Chris Standring | 04:17 |
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Kiss Me Twice
【酸爵士Jazz Funk,迷幻爵士Psychedelic Jazz】 It's very sexy and psychedelic! "Kiss me once or kiss me twice. Kiss me sweet but kiss me nice ... " . Then look at the album cover: what does that suggest to ya?! LOL |
Parov Stelar | 04:44 |
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Karn Evil 9: 2nd Impression
【摇滚爵士Rock Jazz】超级棒的经典摇滚爵士曲! |
Emerson, Lake & Palmer | 07:07 |
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Peach Tree
【美国Bossa Nova】Brazzaville,一支美国洛杉矶的乐队,他们的歌主要是独立流行(Indie Pop)曲风,但夹杂着很多其它音乐元素, 如Bossa Nova 。Brazzaville的音乐是那么悠闲,玩味生活,随意调侃,宛如这来自洛杉矶之东的清风一样沁人心脾。听这首波萨诺瓦, 有木有感觉到一个慵懒的美国男人,脚拖着一双大拖鞋,身穿着一条大花裤衩,嘴巴叼着烟吐着烟圈(puffs of smoke),时儿躺在桃树下,时而躺在阳光下,时而在伊斯兰布尔街头到处闲逛啊? 呵呵......|出自我的精选集:【波萨诺瓦经典】醉迷于慵懒销魂的异国风情Bossa Nova世界...... |
Brazzaville | 02:28 |
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Theme from M*A*S*H (Suicide Is Painless)
【器乐爵士】这首歌原是电影《风流军医俏护士》的一首插曲,这部电影是黑色幽默的经典之作,记忆最深刻的就是两个女护士一边闲聊一边走进病房,一个护士取下一名受伤士兵输完液的空瓶子,另一个取下另一名受伤士兵导尿满了的瓶子,两人闲聊中熟练地交换了一下手里的瓶子,又装了上去。这首曲子之后被几位爵士音乐家改编成了爵士的版本,这里推荐的是Ahmad Jamal的jazz funk版本的Suicide Is Painless,另外,Bill Evans也曾演奏过一版,收录在他过世之前录制的最后一张专辑You Must Believe in Spring中,想听的请点Suicide Is Painless。|曲目及推荐语自@十万马力吐槽机,精选集:一碗爵士饭【No.101-No.150】 |
Ahmad Jamal | 02:50 |
40 |
A Few Good Men
【大乐队爵士Big Band Jazz】爵士大乐团特有的气场和鼓点,特带劲...... |
Gordon Goodwin | 05:35 |
41 |
【器乐爵士】又一首非常有韵味的tango舞曲爵士乐, 竖琴harp加萨克斯sax很奇特的组合!感谢乐友推荐分享,很好的圣诞礼物!@飞熊 |
Mulo Francel | 03:18 |
42 |
Winter Lane
【电音器乐酸爵士Techno Nu-jazz】很流畅的感觉,适合开车时听。晚上市区路面车流量小的时候, 听着这个音乐, 开车在快车道顺畅滑行, 感觉特棒! |
日本群星 | 05:11 |
43 |
New York Tango
【器乐爵士】又一首挺有味道的tango舞曲爵士乐,是虾小米每日推荐歌单里的,看来虾小米都主要到我越来越喜欢tango舞曲风格的爵士摇摆乐了!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ |
Richard Galliano | 04:07 |
44 |
【融合爵士Jazz Fussion,爵士钢琴Jazz Piano】2017-1-16:是虾小米每日推荐歌单里的, 西班牙Libertango自由探戈风情爵士,美醉╮(╯_╰)╭...... |
Manolo Carrasco | 03:03 |
45 |
Quien Sera
【波萨诺瓦爵士Bossa Nova Jazz】 |
Various Artists | 04:41 |
46 |
2016-12-13 【虾米音乐今日推荐歌单(30首)】处于暂时留着听听,咀嚼消化阶段...... |
Bill Bruford | 06:25 |
47 | Don't Even Try It | Funky DL | 04:52 |
48 | Down the Road | C2C | 03:25 |
49 | L'Eté Indien 1:28 | Pascal Comelade | 01:32 |
50 | Miss D.D. | Mary Lou Williams | 02:31 |
51 | The Night of the Dancing Flame | Gilles Peterson | 03:15 |
52 | Snip & Lick | Funki Porcini | 01:48 |
53 | Bullet | Jamiroquai | 04:20 |
54 | The Nu-Jazz Lover | Sergeant Jay | 04:59 |
55 | LOST DUB | 日本群星 | 08:39 |
56 | Dogon A.D. | Vijay Iyer | 09:19 |
57 | Bossa Nova U.S.A. | Dave Brubeck | 02:32 |
58 | Vuelvo al sur | Gotan Project | 06:02 |
59 |
The Chicken
2017-1-27 今夜除夕夜,17鸡年即至!"The Chicken"... ... Happy New Year of Rooster or Chicken! ^_^ |
Brian Bromberg | 03:44 |
60 |
The Chicken
2017-1-28 今天大年初一,祝大家鸡年大吉!特地选了三首爵士乐,标题为"The Chicken"! 好酷的爵士版鸡年新春寄语喔!Happy New Year of Rooster or Chicken! hehe ...... ^_^ |
Nils Landgren Funk Unit | 06:21 |
61 | Libertango | Astor Piazzolla | 02:46 |
62 | Hercab WDR Bigband (Tape Five remix) | Tape Five | 03:22 |
63 | Circles | Anne Paceo | 04:45 |
64 | Bailemen Swing feat. Zhang Le | The Shanghai Restoration Project | 04:25 |
65 | Mungbean Mash feat. Zhang Le | The Shanghai Restoration Project | 03:57 |
66 | Duke's Evening Blues | Duke Robillard | 05:20 |
67 | Jazz Music | De-Phazz | 03:33 |
68 | Booty Swing | Parov Stelar | 03:17 |
69 | Nomak-Timeless Moment | Nomak | 04:00 |
70 | merry widow | 三宅純 | 05:41 |
71 | Winter Lane | Nujabes | 04:29 |
72 | El Norte | Gotan Project | 04:33 |
73 | Scatterfunk | Chris Standring | 05:08 |
74 | Plastic Love Memory (No.Nine) | De-Phazz | 04:36 |
75 | Jazz Me | River | 04:56 |
76 | Like This, Like That | Chris Standring | 04:38 |
77 | Qu'est-ce Que Tu Fais? | Chris Standring | 04:36 |
78 | Soul Express | Chris Standring | 04:39 |
79 | Cubano Chant | Cal Tjader | 03:49 |
80 | Tumbao | Cal Tjader | 04:45 |
81 | Sneakin' Out The Front Door | Chris Standring | 03:55 |
82 | Good Advice | Good Co | 01:53 |
83 | Jazz At The Cove | The Sound Providers | 05:28 |
84 | Vengeance Rhythm (KOAN Sound Remix) | Two Fingers | 03:45 |
85 | The Invisible Girl | Parov Stelar Trio | 05:47 |
86 | Body Drum | Dazz Band | 04:15 |
87 | Cafe Con Leche | CAFÉ DE LUX | 05:01 |
88 | Jazz Code | River | 05:38 |
89 | 'Round About Midnight | Antenna | 01:08 |
90 | Tonight (Nicola Conte New Jazz Version) | Koop | 06:13 |
91 | Easysteps | DJ Sonny | 03:36 |
92 | Intended Jazz | DJ Sonny | 04:16 |
93 |
51 Division
酷毙的柔顺爵士风景线,动感的车载交响诗!🎷🎵 |
Four80East | 04:42 |
94 |
Drive Time
It’s drive time, baby! Let’s get the wheels rolling...🚗 |
Four80East | 03:54 |
95 |
On the Strip
【流行爵士Smooth Jazz】On the Strip, on the Road, on the Express Way......for a fast ride! |
Four80East | 05:12 |
96 |
Rolling on the strip, shaking down the fast lane... oh yeah, so cool!😎 |
Four80East | 05:04 |
97 | Last Flight to L.A. | Four80East | 06:10 |
98 | Lost in Angels | Chris Standring | 05:15 |
99 | Over The Rainbow (Remix) | 白天不亮 | 04:42 |
100 | I Miss You (Remix) | 白天不亮 | 04:32 |
101 | waltz for lilly | 3nd | 04:25 |
102 | Breezin' | Relativity | 05:31 |
103 | Tequila | David Sanborn | 05:39 |
104 | Trippin' Rhythm | Paul Hardcastle | 03:39 |
105 | Return of the Rainman | Paul Hardcastle | 08:51 |
106 | Mysterious Traveller | Jeff Lorber Fusion | 03:57 |
107 | Las Rosas | Jeff Lorber Fusion | 03:07 |
108 | Urban Jazz Decay | Aandra | 03:15 |
109 |
Follow You, Follow Me
Tony Anderson, the Modern Classical musician! 一直非常喜欢他的当代古典音乐,没想到无意中听到这首爵士味实足的曲子! |
Tony Anderson | 02:43 |
110 | Joanna | Tony Anderson | 03:54 |
111 |
Del Mar
当代古典音乐和迷幻电子乐的Mythos也玩流行爵士啊,如此“跨界”!:D |
Mythos | 03:42 |
112 | Sky High | Chris Standring | 05:19 |
113 | Métropolitain | Stéphane Pompougnac | 03:17 |
114 | Gravity Pole | Soul Ballet | 05:50 |
115 | Madison Square | Lettuce | 04:16 |
116 | Chicken | Jaco Pastorius | 05:51 |
117 | A Night In Torino | Parov Stelar | 05:55 |
118 | Nowhere | Parov Stelar | 03:44 |
119 | Overture | Chris Standring | 08:06 |
120 | Soul Symphony | Chris Standring | 04:22 |
121 | Blue Bolero | Chris Standring | 05:12 |
122 | Ooh Bop | Chris Standring | 05:35 |
123 | Smiling Faces - Bossa Nova Brasil (Brazilian Jazz) | Various Artists | 03:11 |
124 | Jazz Mèditerranèe | Various Artists | 03:09 |
125 | Ruffneck Jazz | Greyboy | 04:47 |
126 | Third Wind | Pat Metheny Group | 08:37 |
127 | Follow Me | Pat Metheny Group | 05:56 |
128 | Smooth Vegas | Soul Ballet | 03:49 |
129 | Yahoo | Yellowjackets | 04:53 |
130 | Cosmic Underground | Adam Nitti | 06:34 |
131 | Feel Like Making Love | Bob James | 06:39 |
132 | Between the Sheets | Fourplay | 06:46 |
133 | Sexual Healing | Fourplay | 05:28 |
134 | Ain't No Sunshine | Boney James | 03:58 |
135 | Midnight Creeper | Bobby Lyle | 04:50 |
136 | Sweetest Taboo | Bobby Lyle | 04:57 |
137 | Exhale (Shoop Shoop) | Kirk Whalum | 04:44 |
138 | Don't Know Why | Kenny G | 04:34 |
139 | Silver Falls | Shakatak | 04:46 |
140 | Blue Savannah | Shakatak | 05:20 |
141 | Human Nature | Bob Baldwin | 06:21 |
142 | Funkin' for Jamaica | Bob Baldwin | 05:42 |
143 | Unconditional | Pamela Williams | 04:48 |
144 | Speakeasy | James Vargas | 05:55 |
145 | VOCALISE~ヴォカリーズ | tsunenori a.k.a Marukabis | 04:56 |
146 | All Night | Parov Stelar | 02:46 |
147 | Everything's Gonna Change | Kool & the Gang | 03:56 |
148 | Room 335 | Larry Carlton | 05:40 |
149 | Stay With Me | Michael Lington | 03:28 |
150 | The Way You Feel | Boney James | 04:51 |
151 | On the Move | Paul Taylor | 04:24 |
152 | R 'N' B Bump | Paul Brown | 04:29 |
153 | Shine | Paul Hardcastle | 05:05 |
154 | First Light | Paul Hardcastle | 04:57 |
155 | Save the Last Dance | Mindi Abair | 03:58 |
156 | Lady in Red | Sam Levine | 04:21 |
157 | Fiesta Loca | Kenny G | 04:10 |
158 | Between the Sheets | Smooth Jazz All Stars | 04:12 |
159 | Jessy's Blues | Jessy J | 03:41 |
160 | Somewhere in a Dream | Jessy J | 04:16 |
161 | Long Ride Home | Mindi Abair | 04:22 |
162 | Who? | Richard Elliot | 04:17 |
163 | Summer Madness | Richard Elliot | 04:08 |
164 | Naked As We Came Jazz | Riley Richmond | 03:01 |
165 | Fish Fare | Jeff Golub | 04:59 |
166 | On the Beach | Jeff Golub | 05:00 |
167 | Midnight Drive | Tommy Emmanuel | 04:08 |
168 | Goodbye To Yesterday | Mo Brandis | 04:19 |
169 | To Love Her | Marion Meadows | 05:21 |
170 | L'Invitation Au Mystere | Thierry David | 05:47 |
171 | Theme from Dying Young | James Newton Howard | 04:03 |
172 | Feel Like Makin Love | Bob James | 06:40 |
173 | War of the S.U.V.'s | David Benoit | 04:46 |
174 | Together Again | Gil Parris | 05:12 |
175 | Let's Party | Various Artists | 03:46 |
176 | Road to Cartagena | The Nighthawks | 06:06 |
177 | Casino | The Nighthawks | 06:31 |
178 | Sepulveda Blvd. | The Nighthawks | 06:46 |
179 | Last Call for Passenger W. | The Nighthawks | 05:22 |
180 | Hard Nights Day | The Nighthawks | 06:44 |
181 | Haute Couture | Bloomfield | 04:05 |
182 | Desire | Blake Aaron | 05:03 |
183 | Venus Valley | Back to Earth | 05:52 |
184 | Friday's Child | Will Young | 04:04 |
185 | Receptions in Brazil | Nighthawks | 05:15 |
186 | This Must Be for Real | Euge Groove | 05:15 |
187 | Careless Whisper | Various Artists | 05:51 |
188 | July | Ljones | 04:02 |
189 | China Blue | Rick Braun | 04:48 |
190 | Another Paradise | 齋藤昇 | 03:55 |
191 | Smooth Jazz Is Bumpin | Paul Hardcastle | 04:12 |
192 | Desire | Paul Hardcastle | 04:24 |
193 | Mind Games | Bob James | 04:38 |
194 | Tell Me About It | Richard Elliot | 04:08 |
195 | Tears Of Joy | Sam Levine | 04:32 |
196 | Jasmine Flower | Kenny G | 04:39 |
197 | She | Jami Soul | 03:10 |
198 | Moods | Jojo Effect | 04:28 |
199 | Long Life To You My Freind | Bliss | 05:39 |
200 | Duo-Creatics | 渡辺貞夫 | 06:55 |
201 | Charisma | Tom Browne | 03:45 |
202 | Bossa Blue | Chris Standring | 04:41 |
203 | Fast Train to Everywhere | Chris Standring | 04:26 |
204 | Englishman in New York | Arturo Sandoval | 04:22 |
205 | Slow Motion | Deco | 04:30 |
206 | Keep On | Schwarz | 05:49 |
207 | Rosa | Ikon | 03:39 |
208 | Play Lady Play | Fourplay | 04:38 |
209 | Exploring the Deep | Paul Hardcastle | 05:45 |
210 | Sands of Time - Next Evidence | Various Artists | 05:21 |
211 | Amarcord Jazz | Bebo Best | 05:10 |
212 | Mystic Diversions | Various Artists | 04:03 |
213 | Its All over now, Baby Blue | Various Artists | 04:37 |
214 | Chet's Chat | Gare du Nord | 04:15 |
215 | Manhattan | Jim Adkins | 04:33 |
216 | Manhattan Nights | Jaared | 05:31 |
217 | East Side Jive | Jon Mark | 06:33 |
218 | Feels Like Home | Super Weapon Dance Party | 04:40 |
219 | Squit | Lounge Beat | 05:22 |
220 | Rose | Lounge Beat | 04:54 |
221 | My bossa chill | Guby Project | 04:15 |
222 | Cubism | Chris Botti | 05:34 |
223 | Shine | Parov Stelar | 03:37 |
224 | On Broadway | George Benson | 06:12 |
225 | Beautiful Day | Gare du Nord | 03:42 |
226 | Space Camel | Tribal Tech | 05:28 |
227 | I Got The Rhythm (Hip Hop Mix) | Beautiful People | 04:34 |
228 | Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get | John Scofield | 05:53 |
229 | My Boyfriend is a Pilot | 石川晶とカウントバッファロー | 03:33 |
230 | Table for Two | Four80East | 05:22 |
231 | K-Town | Four80East | 05:02 |
232 | Noodle Soup | Four80East | 04:14 |
233 | Buzz | Four80East | 05:21 |
234 | Hong Kong Suit | Duke Robillard | 04:46 |
235 | Blue Jazz Rock | Mickey Baker | 03:06 |
236 | American Tango | Weather Report | 03:42 |
237 | Piscean Dance | Jon Christensen | 04:16 |
238 | Afric Pepperbird | Jan Garbarek | 07:58 |
239 | Terminal 7 | Tomasz Stanko | 05:30 |
240 | The Wizard's Song | John Surman | 08:51 |
241 | Ligotage | Nils Petter Molvær | 06:43 |
242 | California | Nils | 04:13 |
243 | Baja California | Nils | 03:54 |
244 | Fiesta Dinner Music | Various Artists | 04:34 |
245 | La Solitudine | Fausto Papetti | 03:43 |
246 | Midnight Landing | 10 Ft. Ganja Plant | 03:49 |
247 | Minimal Jazz | DJ Mibor | 04:55 |
248 | Oda Al Vino | Candy Dulfer | 02:47 |
249 | Ricochet | Richard Elliot | 04:01 |
250 | Sax-A-Go-Go | Candy Dulfer | 03:59 |
251 | Sookie Sookie | Richard Elliot | 03:38 |
252 | Lost in Manhattan | David Arkenstone | 04:31 |
253 | Manhattan Island | Herbie Hancock | 03:56 |
254 | Epode | John Zorn | 05:47 |
255 | Charmy | Various Artists | 03:10 |
256 | Bossa Nova Nights | Jack Jezzro | 04:35 |
257 | Ellen's Song | Cyrus Chestnut | 04:23 |
258 | City Groove | Nils | 03:59 |
259 | Soul Bossa Nova | Quincy Jones | 02:43 |
260 | Firefly | Smooth Jazz | 03:32 |
261 | Hero | Brian Bromberg | 05:00 |
262 | Human | Brian Bromberg | 04:37 |
263 | Bass Face | Brian Bromberg | 05:16 |
264 | Bliss | A-La-Carte | 05:30 |
265 | Are You Going with Me | Pat Metheny Group | 08:49 |
266 | Are You Going with Me? | Pat Metheny Group | 08:51 |
267 | You Make Me Feel Brand New | Richard Elliot | 04:34 |
268 | Time And Place | Shakatak | 04:16 |
269 | Parchman Blues | Tangle Eye | 05:24 |
270 | Sassy Samba | Pat Metheny | 07:57 |
271 | I Wanna Know | Kirk Whalum | 05:13 |
272 | Love Will Keep Us Together | James Taylor Quartet | 06:08 |
273 | This Is Not America (Instrumental) | Pat Metheny Group | 03:53 |
274 | Lisa | Chris Botti | 05:10 |
275 | Irresistible Bliss | Chris Botti | 05:00 |
276 | Nananananana | Brian Bromberg | 05:30 |
277 | So Sax | Bar Music Chillout Café | 03:40 |
278 | Bossa Scousa | Bar Music Chillout Café | 03:53 |
279 | Web of Deception | Thievery Corporation | 04:33 |
280 | I Can See Your House from Here | Pat Metheny | 07:47 |
281 | Theme from Passaggio Per Il Paradiso | Pat Metheny | 03:08 |
282 | Europa | Ed Calle | 06:03 |
283 | Se va la murga | Black Coffee | 06:40 |
284 | Sick French (Ac-c-coustic) | Avail | 05:23 |
285 | Ensenada Madness | Bob James | 07:25 |
286 | Barcarole | Pat Metheny Group | 03:18 |
287 | Ballade | Piero Piccioni | 02:12 |
288 | Reflejo de Luna | Alacran | 04:14 |
289 | Bosa Nova | Various Artists | 03:30 |
290 | Annabel | John Zorn | 03:31 |
291 | End Of The Road | Uyama Hiroto | 04:10 |
292 | One Day | Uyama Hiroto | 04:30 |