● Nu-Disco 新式迪斯科電子 ● 曲目收錄 / 遵循Nu-Disco新式迪斯科概念標準 / 以20世紀後新音色新鼓擊新編曲或新技術有別于Old School Disco老式迪斯科 / 其中收錄具有舞曲化的Funky House時髦放克豪室舞曲 / 與Disco迪斯科編曲特性及具有Funk音樂元素的Pop流行歌曲
Disco迪斯科 / 来自法语的Discothèque / 意指那些播放录制好的跳舞音乐的舞厅 / Disco是Discotheque的简称 / 原意为唱片舞会 / 迪斯科是70‘s年代初兴起的一种舞曲风格 / 具有强劲的节拍和强烈的动感 / 60’s年代中叶 / Disco迪斯科传入美国 / 最初只是在纽约的一些黑人俱乐部里流传 / 70‘s年代逐渐发展成具有全国影响的一种音乐形式 / 并于70's年代中叶其后风靡世界 / Disco迪斯科 / 早期人声多以黑人灵魂乐 / 后期伴随此音乐类型风靡全球并大量流行歌手为迎合主流商业音乐市场 / 人声多以糅合时下流行音乐元素 / 个别作品为凸显个性化也会加入其他流行音乐元素 / 如Rock摇滚乐等 / 并强调旋律化及律动性 / 很多流行歌曲加以Disco迪斯科编曲风格Remix混音而成也可称作(Dance-Pop流行舞曲 / Synth pop流行电子合成器 / Electro Pop流行电子乐)等
80’s年代广为流传的流行Disco迪斯科经典歌曲来自德国组合的Modern Talking / Brother Louie
Nu新式(新派 / 新兴)其指20世纪以后 / 其使用新设备技术及新音色加以重新Remix混音 / 或重新编曲创造的Disco都可以称为Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 / 大多作品去除早期Disco真实演奏管弦乐器演奏手法 / 与Disco迪斯科相比较 / 加入大量新科技电子合成器音色及新模拟鼓击 / 节奏特点Breakbeat碎拍切分音 / 糅合House豪室舞曲节奏特点 / 强调4/4首拍重拍 / 人声部分与80's Disco迪斯科相同 / 可以是黑人灵魂乐人声 / 也可糅合其他音乐风格人声
法国Daft Punk蠢朋克 / 2001年推出相比较80‘s年代Disco迪斯科 / 大量使用新技术 / 创作更具未来感的Disco迪斯科Daft Punk / Discovery
法国领军人物2010年EP单曲将Nu-Disco新式迪斯科完美复兴Breakbot / Baby I'm Yours
加拿大Chromeo2014推出White Women专辑 / 将Nu-Disco新式迪斯歌曲在北美国家掀起复兴高潮Chromeo / White Women
Disco迪斯科与House豪室舞曲 / 在并不细分电子音乐风格及相对粗糙制作的电子舞曲时代初期 / 且相辅相成 / House起源于80‘s年代中叶美国芝加哥地区 / 当时的DJ会将两个唱盘机的音乐重叠在一起 / 也称为Mix / 一张唱盘混入黑人灵魂乐 / 另一张唱盘则混入德国电子乐团体Kraftwerk的电子音乐 / 及使用电子鼓编出4/4 拍节奏mix在一起 / 形成了早期House豪室舞曲的基本风格 / 受到大多数人欢迎 / 80‘s年代Disco迪斯科舞曲风格当道 / 虽Disco迪斯科也会使用电子合成元素等 / 但Disco大多偏向歌曲化取向 / Disco与House未明确界定的早期 / 诞生了相对于20世纪以后比较Old School老派 / 的Funky House时尚豪室舞曲的名词 / 时光流逝 / Disco迪斯科从主流舞曲渐入重回地下小众 / 伴随热爱Disco迪斯科舞曲风格的下一辈DJ电子音乐人 / 它可以是Synthesizer合成器Disco或Electro Disco电气迪斯科 / 再次结合时下新科技及创新元素或音色 / 重新定义DIsco迪斯科 / 因此诞生了国际称位名词Nu-Disco新式迪斯科
80’s年代 / 堪比Michael Jackson迈克尔·杰克逊 / 一代先锋唱作俱佳的流行音乐人 / Funk放克糅合Rock摇滚Prince / Sexy Dancer
Copyright © 氵Chao. All Rights Reserved.
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
Love Never Felt So Good
只因Michael Jackson所放表1曲 / 此曲并无过多修改 / 由于此曲年代久远设备及科技有限 / 原版Disco伴奏并不会如此清脆厚重听觉质感保真 / 重新以新设备及科技合成器Remix混音 / 重释经典 |
Michael Jackson | 03:55 |
02 |
Something About Us
法国Daft Punk / 虽此曲及专辑诞2001年作品 / 但相较80’s年代Disco迪斯科编曲大量使用新音色及Synthesizer电子合成器音效也为创新之作 |
Daft Punk | 03:51 |
03 |
Baby I'm Yours
法国Nu-Disco新式迪斯领军人物Breakbot / 2010年推出EP / Baby I'm Yours / 将Nu-Disco新式迪斯完美复兴 |
Breakbot | 03:35 |
04 |
Old 45S
加拿大Chromeo2014推出White Women专辑 / 将Nu-Disco新式迪斯歌曲在北美国家掀起复兴高潮 个人很欣赏他们拍摄的MV / 导演抓住了Disco迪斯科音乐灵魂 / 极致酷诙谐 |
Chromeo | 03:47 |
05 |
I'm Coming Over
Funky House时髦放克豪室Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Steed Lord | 04:38 |
06 |
Electro House电气豪室 / 结合新式Midi / Complextro 2 Step / 具有Disco音乐元素 / Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
The Noisy Freaks | 04:30 |
07 |
Let's Groove
加入新音色及鼓击Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Teen Daze | 03:17 |
08 |
Eyes Like The Ocean
Midi音效Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Futurecop! | 04:51 |
09 |
Bruno Mars / 引领Disco迪斯科回归商业主流大众流行 / Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Bruno Mars | 02:58 |
10 |
Glitch hop失误毛刺Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Ra Cailum | 03:00 |
11 |
合成器及新音色与新鼓击Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Tear Council | 03:38 |
12 |
This Space
Funky House时髦放克豪室Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Woolfy vs Projections | 06:06 |
13 |
Not Going Home
新音色新鼓击Electro Pop流行电子Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Great Good Fine Ok | 03:33 |
14 |
The Motion
强调更加舞曲化 / 糅合House豪室舞曲 / Super Cute极度可爱Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Duck Sauce | 04:48 |
15 |
人声加入hip-Hop嘻哈 / Rap说唱音乐元素Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
✿ MACROSS 82-99 ✿ | 02:43 |
16 |
Shades of Funk
Kill Paris自定义风格标签Future Funk未来放克 / 不过此曲也糅合了Disco音乐元素及结合当下新技术 / Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Kill Paris | 02:42 |
17 |
Juicy Fruit (Original Mix)
强调沉醉舞曲化 / 糅合Deep House深邃豪室舞曲Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Adana Twins | 07:02 |
18 |
Body (Peaking Lights Disco Dub)
Hypnagogic致幻 / Disco Dub回响迪斯科Nu-Disco新式迪斯科 |
Young Galaxy | 06:00 |
19 | Safe & Sound (DiscoTech Rmx) | Capital Cities | 04:33 |
20 | Atlantis 1997 (P.A.F.F.'s Hipstercop Remix) | Futurecop! | 03:35 |
21 | セクシーな女神 | スーパーセックス永遠にSUPERSEX420 | 03:35 |
22 | Ain't It Fun (Dutch Uncles Remix) | Paramore | 04:57 |
23 | Your Style (Radio Mix) | Lenno | 03:09 |
24 | Youth Gone | Toro y Moi | 04:10 |
25 | Summerman (Reprise) | Moullinex | 03:59 |
26 | Midnight Blue | Mr. Flash | 04:55 |
27 | Baby (Breakbot Remix) | Pnau | 03:56 |
28 | Magic | DCUP | 04:07 |
29 | Come On Dance | Retro Culture | 03:16 |
30 | Wait | Lemâitre | 04:03 |
31 | C O O L (Lane 8 Remix) | Le Youth | 04:57 |
32 | Old Skool | Televisor | 05:17 |
33 | You're the One For Me | Great Good Fine Ok | 03:51 |
34 | Suede | Vanilla | 03:33 |
35 | Be Brave | Louis La Roche | 03:45 |
36 | Sweet | Toro y Moi | 02:34 |
37 | I Got U (Bondax Remix) | Duke Dumont | 04:20 |
38 | We Have Love | Panama | 03:53 |
39 | Minimal (DJ Koze Remix) | Matias Aguayo | 06:08 |
40 | Party in Me | Duck Sauce | 03:38 |
41 | Theme X | Plump DJs | 03:35 |
42 | Tunisia Bambaataa | DJ Mehdi | 03:53 |
43 | Que Veux-Tu (Madeon Remix) | Yelle | 03:58 |
44 | Time to Realize | Lemâitre | 03:30 |
45 | Garota '92 | Shook | 03:20 |
46 | So Much to Me | FKJ | 06:19 |
47 | WOWTOWN | Aira Mitsuki | 03:37 |
48 | Banana Ripple | Junior Boys | 09:14 |
49 | All The Time | Strip Steve | 03:47 |
50 | New Touch | Jimmy Edgar | 04:15 |
51 | Yes Game(Original Mix) | Pat Lok | 08:36 |
52 | White Knuckle Ride | Jamiroquai | 03:35 |
53 | Nightdrive With You (Jupiter Remix) | Anoraak | 04:04 |
54 | Saké | Jupiter | 05:05 |
55 | Saturdays | Cut Copy | 03:38 |
56 | Off My Mind (Original Mix) | Moon Boots | 04:33 |
57 | Darkness | Du Tonc | 03:37 |
58 | This Song (Breakbot Remix) | Busy P | 04:35 |
59 | Teenage Fantasy | Gibbz | 05:04 |
60 | Can't Shake This Feeling | Grum | 03:58 |
61 | Waiting For Love (Tundran Remix) | Avicii | 03:40 |
62 | Afro Nuts (Dcup Remix) | Yolanda Be Cool | 04:16 |
63 | Get On Down | Retro Culture | 04:26 |
64 | A Mile Away | Breakbot | 03:45 |
65 | Love Robot | The Noisy Freaks | 03:14 |
66 | Emergency (Ghassemi Remix) | Icona Pop | 04:30 |
67 | 1st week (she got the move) | Roux Spana | 03:59 |
68 | Hold My Breath | Holy Ghost! | 03:57 |
69 | Love Ting | Anna Lunoe | 05:06 |
70 | Someone Told Me (La Felix Remix) | DCUP | 04:10 |
71 | You Shine On Me | Dax Riders | 05:48 |
72 | Take Control | Louis La Roche | 03:18 |
73 | The Receiver (Blende Remix) | Louis La Roche | 05:05 |
74 | Love For You | Shook | 03:55 |
75 | Holidays | Miami Horror | 04:27 |
76 | Mainline | Louis La Roche | 03:47 |
77 | Time Runners | Shook | 04:21 |
78 | Summer Is Over (Rework) | Anoraak | 06:56 |
79 | Strut | Televisor | 03:44 |
80 | La Fique (Original Mix) | Robosonic | 07:21 |
81 | Don't Matter (Cherokee Shore Version) | Cherokee | 04:08 |
82 | Without You | Great Good Fine Ok | 04:06 |
83 | Go | Echo Park | 03:06 |
84 | Delorean Dynamite (Disco Mix) | Todd Terje | 06:40 |
85 | Better Than Love (Jamaica Remix) | Hurts | 04:17 |
86 | When It Feels so Good | Strange Talk | 03:52 |
87 | Lanzarote | Todd Terje | 08:39 |
88 | Robot Love | Mayer Hawthorne | 03:27 |
89 | Get Things Done | Little Boots | 03:27 |
90 | Dance On Glass Mix 03 | Breakbot | 26:05 |
91 | aNYway | Duck Sauce | 05:02 |
92 | Runaway Man | Tesla Boy | 06:00 |
93 | Keyboards & Synths | Tesla Boy | 04:14 |
94 | Bonafied Lovin (Tough Guys) | Chromeo | 04:32 |
95 | Dance With Me | Le Youth | 02:58 |
96 | Elevation | Para One | 04:11 |
97 | When The Night (Breakbot Remix) | Para One | 05:15 |
98 | Playing Telefon | Echo Park | 02:56 |
99 | Stutter | Steed Lord | 03:10 |
100 | Curtain Call | Steed Lord | 04:00 |
101 | Jenny | The Bird And The Bee | 03:08 |
102 | Perfect Morning | Vinnie Who | 05:20 |
103 | Truth | Yuksek | 04:28 |
104 | Off the Wall (Cubic Zirconia Remix) | Yuksek | 05:11 |
105 | The Deepest Blue | Kristine | 04:37 |
106 | LOVIN' | Mr. Oizo | 02:35 |
107 | Deux | Tobtok | 05:04 |
108 | Lipstick & Lace | Benoit & Sergio | 06:02 |
109 | D.A.N.C.E. [Radio Edit] | Justice | 03:30 |
110 | ABOUT U | ✿ MACROSS 82-99 ✿ | 01:42 |
111 | Zero (Keljet Remix) | Chela | 05:14 |
112 | Full Moon | Chela | 04:25 |
113 | Lina | Toro y Moi | 04:30 |
114 | Happy House | Shindu | 03:30 |
115 | No More Lies (Remix) | Håkan Lidbo | 04:00 |
116 | Belong | Washed Out | 02:54 |
117 | Virgin Mary | Salem Al Fakir | 03:28 |
118 | Street Hawk I | Futurecop! | 03:29 |
119 | Sunflare | Moullinex | 03:54 |
120 | Hide And Seek (Liv Spencer - House Of House - Dub) | Mirrors | 07:52 |
121 | Crystallize | Kylie Minogue | 03:10 |
122 | One More Life (Original Mix) | Grafton Primary | 03:54 |
123 | Right Here, Right Now | Giorgio Moroder | 03:30 |
124 | Classic | The Knocks | 03:39 |
125 | Don't stop the music - Yoshinori Sunahara Remix | 森高千里 | 05:15 |
126 | Dark Sun | Priest | 03:17 |
127 | Without you | Great Good Fine Ok | 04:06 |
128 | Slumlord | Neon Indian | 05:15 |
129 | I Can't Tell You Why (DJ-KiCKS) | Chromeo | 03:36 |
130 | Bonafied Lovin' (Riot In Belgium & Ooh Ee Remix) | Chromeo | 04:57 |
131 | Center Stage | Capital Cities | 04:02 |
132 | Dreamers | Scavenger Hunt | 04:02 |
133 | Funk U Betta feat. Fingazz | Dogg Master | 05:03 |
134 | Bedroom Dance (Electro Funk Remix) | Dogg Master | 03:20 |
135 | Be Thankful For What You Got (FKJ Remix) | FKJ | 06:18 |
136 | Nothing Can Come Between Us (Pomo Edit) | Sade | 03:56 |
137 | Take Care Of You | Cherokee | 05:49 |
138 | Lights | Kartell | 03:45 |
139 | On My Mind | Pomo | 02:28 |
140 | La Jeunesse Retrouvée | Kartell | 04:37 |
141 | You Are My High (Kartell Remix) | Kartell | 04:37 |
142 | Get Myself Together | Towa Tei | 03:57 |
143 | Pretty Lovers | Client Liaison | 04:02 |
144 | Free Of Fear | Client Liaison | 04:14 |
145 | When We Break | Total Giovanni | 04:44 |
146 | Can't Control My Love | Total Giovanni | 04:44 |
147 | Accelerate | Dooqu | 04:27 |
148 | Simple (Dooqu Remix) | Stereocool | 03:57 |
149 | Fantasy | Breakbot | 03:14 |
150 | The Sound Of Music (Moon Boots Edit) | Dayton | 06:36 |
151 | Shae | Harrison | 01:14 |
152 | Heads | Harrison | 03:29 |
153 | Dreamer | Harrison | 02:56 |
154 | Colourblind | Les Loups | 04:05 |
155 | Stay | Les Loups | 04:10 |
156 | Out of Sight | Les Loups | 05:00 |
157 | Perfect Situation | Les Loups | 04:35 |
158 | Good Friends | Les Loups | 06:27 |
159 | Warm Memories | Groovy Godzilla | 03:16 |
160 | Till Next Year | Groovy Godzilla | 03:07 |
161 | Don't Ever Want To Lose You | Groovy Godzilla | 02:56 |
162 | Chillin' In The Mystery Machine | Groovy Godzilla | 02:20 |
163 | Cartoon Re-Runs | Groovy Godzilla | 03:00 |
164 | L.O.V.E. (DJ-Kicks) | Motor City Drum Ensemble | 05:56 |
165 | Cut The Rope | Semma | 03:48 |
166 | Morning Sun (Funk Leblanc Remix) | Neptune Safari | 05:10 |
167 | Space Cowboy (Neptune Safari Remix) | Jamiroquai | 04:09 |
168 | Mirage 84 (Neptune Safari remix) | Oxford | 04:04 |
169 | Nebula | Neptune Safari | 04:47 |
170 | Adeline is in a water drop | Neptune Safari | 03:38 |
171 | E=MC2 (Remastered) | Giorgio Moroder | 04:34 |
172 | News From the Sun (Live Bootleg) | Neon Indian | 03:52 |
173 | The Beat | Robots With Rayguns | 04:34 |
174 | Swim In The Night (Chrome Canyon Remix) | Soft Touch | 05:50 |
175 | Same Old Scene (Original Mix) | Cicada | 03:25 |
176 | Can't Get Enough (Sam Padrul Remix) | YEAH BOY | 04:13 |
177 | Hideaway (Mitch Murder Remix) | Kiesza | 03:50 |
178 | The Touch (LIFELIKE Remix) | Mitch Murder | 07:29 |
179 | Just till Midnight | Mitch Murder | 04:53 |
180 | Better in the Morning (WITHOUT Remix) | Little Boots | 03:26 |
181 | The Time | Louis La Roche | 04:25 |
182 | Deya (Osmo Remix) | Televisor | 05:00 |
183 | Collect My Love (Lenno Remix) | The Knocks | 03:57 |
184 | Fallin' (Live Cut) | Maceo Plex | 03:31 |
185 | You | David Guetta | 03:24 |
186 | Iceberg Slim | FKJ | 06:20 |
187 | Parage | Justus Köhncke | 08:41 |
188 | Bounce Is Back | Skylar Spence | 03:30 |
189 | Fiona Coyne | Skylar Spence | 04:09 |
190 | Prom King | Skylar Spence | 04:14 |
191 | Hey Mister | Kiki Doll | 03:29 |
192 | Shadows (David Rubato Remix) | Midnight Juggernauts | 04:19 |
193 | Running | Blende | 04:45 |
194 | Call The Police | Astrocowboys | 03:35 |
195 | Daniel | Astrocowboys | 03:31 |
196 | What's In Your Bag | Ronika | 03:01 |
197 | cooling off | ID Cℎίℯƒ | 02:46 |
198 | Running | Autograf | 03:56 |
199 | Rollercoaster (Extended Version) | Skream | 05:40 |
200 | You.Me.Here.Now | Detroit Swindle | 04:53 |
201 | Do You Remember | Trevor Something | 04:06 |
202 | Be my woman girl [i'll be your man] | P.e.o | 06:50 |
203 | Wild Heart | Kristine | 03:50 |
204 | All Cried Out (Oliver Nelson Remix) | Alex Newell | 05:26 |
205 | Fantasy Park | Anoraak | 03:44 |
206 | Feelin' (Johnny Pow! Mix) | Flight Facilities | 05:13 |
207 | 「聴きたかったダンスミュージック、リキッドルームに」 | サカナクション | 04:00 |
208 | Weekend (Oliver Nelson Remix) | Priory | 05:32 |
209 | Fresh Static Snow (Last Island Remix) | Porter Robinson | 03:12 |
210 | Lights | Hurts | 03:29 |
211 | Back For More | Breakbot | 04:15 |
212 | Jealousy (Greg Wilson & Derek Kaye Remix) | Róisín Murphy | 08:36 |
213 | When It Feels So Good | Strange Talk | 03:53 |
214 | I Want Your Love | YUNG BAE | 02:00 |
215 | Night By Night | Chromeo | 03:44 |
216 | Summer Dem (Alex Metric Remix) | Basement Jaxx | 05:38 |
217 | Simion | Lost | 06:10 |
218 | So Good | Beat Connection | 04:15 |
219 | Dreamer | FM Attack | 06:16 |
220 | Some Days | Mogul | 05:06 |
221 | Friends | Sneaky Sound System | 06:21 |
222 | Got Somebody (Original Mix) | Moon Boots | 05:26 |
223 | Cloud Nine | The Temptations | 04:04 |
224 | Commence | Moi Je | 04:53 |
225 | The Ransom | Catey Shaw | 03:56 |
226 | Speed Of Sound (Original Mix) | Wolfgang Gartner | 04:48 |
227 | I Remember | Groovy Godzilla | 03:46 |
228 | Holiday (Mogul Remix) | Mogul | 03:41 |
229 | Control | Oliver | 05:34 |
230 | Bye Bye | Chordashian | 03:34 |
231 | So Much It Hurts | Niki & The Dove | 03:47 |
232 | I'm With You (STRFKR Remix) | STRFKR | 04:49 |
233 | Aria | Oxford | 03:46 |
234 | Hide (Undo Remix) | Miss Kittin | 04:59 |
235 | Don't Stop Me | Fibre | 02:47 |
236 | Be Mine | Kruzader | 04:24 |
237 | You Put A Smell On Me (Breakbot Remix) | Matthew Dear | 03:39 |
238 | Rush Hour | Pomrad | 03:45 |
239 | No Cash | Digitalism | 05:51 |
240 | All I Need (The Noisy Freaks Remix) | The Noisy Freaks | 03:27 |
241 | Already Love | Great Good Fine Ok | 03:34 |
242 | Apollo-Gize (Fred Falke Rmx) | Digitalism | 06:10 |
243 | Lone Wolf | Louis La Roche | 04:57 |
244 | Good Thing (Re-Edit) | Lenno | 04:44 |
245 | Control | Gigamesh | 04:24 |
246 | Giving It All Away | DVAS | 04:36 |
247 | Latch (The Noisy Freaks Remix) | The Noisy Freaks | 04:05 |
248 | Face To Face (Original Version) | Daft Punk | 04:00 |
249 | Be with You | Louis La Roche | 04:31 |
250 | Odile | Various Artists | 04:38 |
251 | Night Emotions | Hunter | 04:52 |
252 | Corcega | Various Artists | 04:51 |
253 | Bellevue | Miami Horror | 02:49 |
254 | Ms-Dos | Various Artists | 04:44 |
255 | Too Funky in Here (Nu Disco Remix) | Various Artists | 07:01 |
256 | need[ur]love | Various Artists | 02:18 |
257 | Odyssey (Original Mix) | Televisor | 04:12 |
258 | Green Light | Lee Foss | 05:21 |
259 | Juice (Purple Disco Machine Remix) | Chromeo | 07:29 |
260 | Must've Been (feat. DRAM) | DRAM | 03:30 |