男声漫听系列2 http://www.xiami.com/collect/222787321
男声漫听系列3 http://www.xiami.com/collect/243222290
男声漫听系列4 http://www.xiami.com/collect/249331640
男声漫听系列5 http://www.xiami.com/collect/254896999
男声漫听系列6 http://www.xiami.com/collect/271536700
男声漫听系列7 http://www.xiami.com/collect/274339704
男声漫听系列8 http://www.xiami.com/collect/276840158
男声漫听系列9 http://www.xiami.com/collect/279992892
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男声漫听系列11 黑夜太温柔 星星太耀眼
男声漫听系列 12 无论何时 只做愉悦之事
男声漫听系列13 火箭把天空给了她 https://www.xiami.com/collect/352642871
Too young too simple,就这样一人。
听歌容易动情,也容易翻脸。心情不好,听觉没打开的时候,之前觉得好听的歌曲 也会忽然麻木无感 所以在条件允许的时候 一定要记录下来感动 证明:爱过……
还有,你知道我这个人 就是静不下来。 一个人听歌,总能从冷冷清清里给听闹腾了。
(4月26傍晚:迷路 手里还拿着subway 最喜欢巴黎的蓝天和经典欧式建筑)
每次做选集的开始 都是心情很飘忽迷离的。。随着听觉的成功打开,选曲的风格也会跟着明朗强烈起来。
在虾米这么久 认识很多好玩温暖的人 真的很感激 我知道always together是不可能的 但是偶尔想到 会心一笑 听到一首歌 总能想到某个人 “如果能和他们一起听多好啊“ 这种想法经常冒出来
能这样已经非常幸福 生活还在继续 音乐一直在播放 虾米这个地方 我还舍不得离开。
最后说一句 想熊熊 我们都加油 六月见
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
2014ー2019 【这是我的本命精选集,欢迎收听收藏,顺序从旧到新,歌曲类型:我最喜欢的英伦摇滚,独立摇滚,另类摇滚,还有其他荡漾、深情、旋律美、嗓音超赞、节奏带感的各种欧美男声 由于不同时期的听歌风格会有演变,建议分集收听(地址见评论),由新到旧,还可以看到我听每首歌的碎碎念(谁要看啊哈哈哈哈)】 又是下雨天 ~混着孩子放学喧嚣和汽车喇叭声的清冷秋天里独自一人盘坐在沙发上想着要买多少本书享受孤独和清闲 |
Editors | 05:02 |
02 | All My Heart | Above the Golden State | 04:01 |
03 |
Nothing in Common (Piano Version)
因为标签问题不想修改选集介绍了 这回想熊不知道啥时候见了 ps昨天回了趟学校~像神龙见到黄金(好中二)忽然勇敢起来。告诉自己我很优秀,不要畏惧,不要忧虑,这有何难。 2015-8-7 |
Christopher | 04:19 |
04 |
Whatever You're Doing (Something Heavenly)
福音 安神舒服温柔的男声 |
Sanctus Real | 04:11 |
05 |
这种畅快 是躲在屋里听疾风骤雨 不是在外面顶着一把小破伞 可是 亲爱的 走过了暴风雨 才能享受那来之不易的香甜 |
Quarter | 03:31 |
06 |
唯美温柔 多种风格融合的大神 |
Amos Lee | 02:40 |
07 | Side by Side | Sleeping at Last | 03:23 |
08 |
I Don't Do Surprises
封面这个男人好帅。眼睛的颜色让人觉得4不4狼族混血啊(奇幻片看多了吧啊 |
Axle Whitehead | 03:14 |
09 |
By an Ion
这节奏太舒服 |
Raised By Swans | 03:21 |
10 | Feel Good Sunshine | Tim Myers | 02:53 |
11 |
Silver Lining
每次看到hurts的这个封面 再听声音 觉得真是黑暗忧伤的情绪波涛汹涌般地涌来 |
Hurts | 04:58 |
12 |
Three White Horses
funny fact about Andrew Bird: 名校西北大学bachelor学位,最擅长小提琴。早期风格偏爵士和布鲁斯。有次被邀请演出小伙伴都没空,自己就默默去gig alone了(好喜欢gig这个词哈哈),没想到solo concert居然意外地成功。 22岁的时候曾说觉得独立摇滚之类的好无聊 现在开始有点懂了→_→ |
Andrew Bird | 03:13 |
13 |
Happy Now
找到旋律和声音完全符合口味的歌曲并不是件很容易的事情 对于歌手 找到最适合他演绎 最能体现优势的歌曲也是一件幸事 Luckily,如果我们足够努力,那么奇迹就会发生。 |
Will Young | 03:30 |
14 |
There Will Always Be A Way
今天和某同学讨论 车到山前必有路 不管在一起有多少艰难险阻 只要我们彼此真诚相待 互相支持爱护 总会能实现愿望的 就像歌名和歌里唱到的那样 There will always be a way |
The Autumn Defense | 04:15 |
15 | Sundance Kid | Kent | 05:09 |
16 |
Bring Out Your Best
We the kings绝对是心头好。正能量的流行朋克。 这张专辑有特殊的意义。因为是我发布的呀。啊哈哈。 虽然审核通过久到我都把链接从个人介绍里删除了。可是最后,强迫症还是发了。 发了就发了,不要谦虚。 你看后面小伙子们唱得欢快的不同声部 弄得我以为同时开了两页播放器 |
We the Kings | 03:57 |
17 |
Is This the Day? 2.0 (Bonus special track)
有点灰暗忧伤的情绪 我最喜欢音乐的一点 就是忧伤偏偏总是唱得那么美 让人觉得一段经历 即便不是顺心顺意 却也丰富了装点了人生 |
Hoobastank | 04:32 |
18 |
Funny Fact: 美国摇滚乐队主唱有很多歌写了不能乐队唱。就弄了这个acoustic project。 总觉得封面用鹿角有一种温柔的特立独行 这首歌的演绎得毫不逊色于名贵的鹿茸呀 17.10.10 哈哈哈哈今天重听忽然发现是anberlin主唱的side project 确实比较acoustic 不适合anberlin唱 |
Anchor & Braille | 04:17 |
19 |
Make It or Not
发专辑 怎么能不用里面的歌曲装点门面?——打酱油的某笑 |
We the Kings | 03:13 |
20 |
Who You Gonna Run To
虽然封面像痴呆版的希特勒 但是听到这种慢慢mounting的节奏 还是不得不赞哟。❤ |
Matt Willis | 04:03 |
21 | Golden Skans | Klaxons | 02:45 |
22 | To Begin Again | Adam Watts | 03:39 |
23 | She Tears It Out of Me (Bonus Track) | Greg Laswell | 04:07 |
24 |
Bloodbuzz Ohio
沉厚的声线透着不羁的情绪 大有骑着马去闯荡江湖的豪气 |
Theme Park | 03:40 |
25 |
画面纯净美好声音华丽高亢 如童话般浪漫美丽 |
Sleeping at Last | 04:25 |
26 |
Straight to Video
非常喜欢的激情四射 能将情绪都释放 |
Mindless Self Indulgence | 03:44 |
27 |
Still Young
这首歌得到草草宝贝的表扬。说听着就一扫阴霾满是阳光。 |
Shirock | 03:53 |
28 |
Erste Wahl
小语种帅哥瘦削俊朗有型歌俏不过专辑穿个木匠背带裤0 0 听歌有个坏习惯 心情不好 听觉没打开的时候 之前觉得好听的歌曲 也会忽然麻木无感 所以在条件允许的时候 一定要记录下来感动 证明:爱过 这首 喜欢后面某个旋律 太赞 太稀罕 |
Johannes Oerding | 03:17 |
29 |
Twenty Years
乍暖还寒的天气 微凉的指尖 虚幻的幸福 易感的心 和名字里的时间不同 这是绵亘于时间轴上永不苍老的旋律和声音 每当伤感和无措涌上心头 总想有这样一支安慰剂 让我安然让我淡定 从天朝出来已经快两年了 目前签合同签到了10月底 不知道什么时候回家 不知道什么时候可以见到你 我们上次见面是什么时候了 你的记性总是比我好 你的存在让我感觉到了时间的距离 时间的痕迹 想马上就见到你 每天都见到你 You're the truth Not I就是这种感觉吧 |
Placebo | 04:19 |
30 |
Allow Me
You know where to find, the things we left behind. Allow me to run. 追忆似水年华 请允许我在时光里奔跑 |
The Autumn Defense | 04:21 |
31 |
来自德国的音乐 据说这种风格啊 它叫暗潮 光听风格的名头 就可以高端文艺一把了昂 |
Nebelung | 03:53 |
32 | Long Long Way to Go | Def Leppard | 04:38 |
33 | I Like You | Ben Rector | 02:18 |
34 | Bare Feet | Vydamo | 04:11 |
35 | Lay Your Weight | The Guggenheim Grotto | 03:32 |
36 | Sleeping Citizens | Paloalto | 03:22 |
37 | Rich Young Ruler | Derek Webb | 03:53 |
38 | Flying | Anathema | 06:27 |
39 | Mateo | Romantica | 08:53 |
40 | Act Natural | Buchanan | 03:49 |
41 | The Ghost | Noughts & Exes | 04:09 |
42 | She's Got the Rhythm | The Summer Set | 02:43 |
43 |
Dress Me Like a Clown
小小的伤感也会堆积 整好的房间坚持不了几天 世界上的烦恼无穷无尽 听一首歌 享片刻安宁 |
Margot & the Nuclear So and So's | 04:37 |
44 | Heart Beats | Hey Marseilles | 04:11 |
45 |
Little Man
舒服好听 非常特别 |
Nik Freitas | 04:27 |
46 | Until The End (Acoustic Bonus) | Quietdrive | 04:40 |
47 | I Am All She Has | Zanko | 03:09 |
48 | Just Yesterday | Great White | 04:40 |
49 | Done Stealin' | Carolina Liar | 03:38 |
50 | Can't Stop Thinking About You | Tobias Jesso Jr. | 03:53 |
51 | What We Hope | Elenowen | 04:35 |
52 | Opportunity | Pete Murray | 03:37 |
53 | Song for Zula | Phosphorescent | 06:10 |
54 | Old Friend | Kites And Komets | 03:01 |
55 | Break Every Chain | Will Reagan | 07:08 |
56 | Stolen | Dashboard Confessional | 03:53 |
57 | Things You've Never Done | Passenger | 04:33 |
58 | (All Afternoon) In Love | The Vaccines | 03:54 |
59 |
干脆定个规定 下雨天听到喜欢的歌才能加? |
Jont | 04:07 |
60 | Boats And Trains | Stornoway | 04:21 |
61 | Back Again | 16 Frames | 03:59 |
62 | Silver & Gold | Eskobar | 03:52 |
63 | I Will Survive | Cake | 05:10 |
64 | When It Rains | The Real People | 03:41 |
65 | Someday | Moto Boy | 03:42 |
66 | Nerve | Half Moon Run | 03:17 |
67 | Imagine | A Perfect Circle | 04:47 |
68 | Chains | Lawrence Taylor | 03:42 |
69 | Stay (Demo Version) | Mikky Ekko | 04:04 |
70 | Rose | The Feeling | 04:16 |
71 | The Long Goodbye | Ronan Keating | 04:43 |
72 | Catch & Release | Matt Simons | 04:00 |
73 | Leaning Towers | Matt Woods | 03:58 |
74 | My All in Thee | Young Oceans | 05:00 |
75 | What A Scene | Long Story Short | 04:39 |
76 | Losing Me | Isak Danielson | 04:19 |
77 | Angel In Blue Jeans | Train | 03:26 |
78 | It Is What It Is | Lifehouse | 03:21 |
79 | Not Quite A Home | The Panics | 03:55 |
80 | Not Alone | Seabird | 03:38 |
81 | July | Dan Storm | 04:03 |
82 | Burning Out | Thomston | 03:29 |
83 | Coming My Way | Walking On Cars | 03:12 |
84 | This Is Where We Are For Now | Maurice | 03:41 |
85 | You Don't Know | Milow | 03:00 |
86 | Birds on a Wire | The Hawk In Paris | 03:23 |
87 | Carousels | Mark Daumail | 02:59 |
88 | Sway | Voxtrot | 04:54 |
89 | Fever | Starsailor | 04:01 |
90 | Falling in Love (Will Kill You) | WRØNGCHILDE | 04:09 |
91 | Citadel | Write This Down | 03:57 |
92 | The World Outside | Paloalto | 04:23 |
93 | Sleep | Poets of the Fall | 04:59 |
94 | Two Doors Down | Mystery Jets | 03:36 |
95 | Wide Awake | Josh Record | 04:32 |
96 | This Night | Black Lab | 03:29 |
97 | The Hunting Bird | Polar | 03:44 |
98 | Illuminate the Sky | Martin Halla | 04:06 |
99 | Carolyn | Swiss Lips | 03:34 |
100 | Lethargy | Bastille | 03:24 |
101 | Automatic love | 49 Swimming Pools | 04:21 |
102 | You | Future of Forestry | 04:26 |
103 | Apple Blossom | The White Stripes | 02:13 |
104 | Broken Arm | Winterpills | 02:44 |
105 | If Then | Bad Veins | 04:40 |
106 | Lead Me | Sanctus Real | 03:48 |
107 | Let It Go | Joshua Hyslop | 03:29 |
108 | Power Over Men | Jamie T | 03:38 |
109 | Love Is Only A Heartbeat Away | Jamie T | 02:33 |
110 | fugitive | Sam Reynolds | 03:53 |
111 | Chou Wasabi (Radio Edit) | Julien Doré | 04:07 |
112 | Sailed Away | Saving Abel | 04:18 |
113 | Farther Along | Josh Garrels | 05:04 |
114 | Books from Boxes | Maxïmo Park | 03:28 |
115 | Beautiful Rainbow | The Elected | 02:17 |
116 | Maria de las nieves | Destroyer | 04:50 |
117 | Don't Wait | Jon Bryant | 04:09 |
118 | Questions | Jon McLaughlin | 05:04 |
119 | Agony Of Lafitte (Spoon) | Nada Surf | 03:50 |
120 | The House She Lived In | The Veils | 03:47 |
121 | Read My Mind | The Killers | 04:07 |
122 | October: Written in the Stars | Tim Myers | 03:27 |
123 | Goodbye Kiss | Kasabian | 04:36 |
124 | Can't Let Go | Caught a Ghost | 02:58 |
125 | Time of Our Lives | Tyrone Wells | 04:06 |
126 | It Was Good | Les Enfants | 03:42 |
127 | What Your Mother Taught You | Kingsfoil | 03:53 |
128 | In the Moonlight (Do You) | Dylan | 03:02 |
129 | Stuck In The Middle | MIKA | 04:09 |
130 | To Have and to Hold | Colin Hay | 03:29 |
131 | Got To Belong | Natas Loves You | 03:01 |
132 | Save You | Turin Brakes | 03:32 |
133 | Ghost In Your Mind | Black Lab | 03:43 |
134 |
【第三集】———————————————————— |
Glass Animals | 03:50 |
135 | Bad Boyfriend | Spector | 03:04 |
136 | I Became a Prostitute | The Twilight Sad | 05:20 |
137 | Gunga Din | The Libertines | 02:58 |
138 | Block After Block | Matt & Kim | 02:55 |
139 | La gloire à mes genoux | Various Artists | 02:46 |
140 | Perfect World | Kodaline | 02:55 |
141 | Bad Habit | The Kooks | 03:41 |
142 | Careful What You Wish For | Bell X1 | 04:33 |
143 | Handshake | Two Door Cinema Club | 03:31 |
144 | Parachute | Kaiser Chiefs | 03:52 |
145 | Good Clean Fun | Kaiser Chiefs | 05:08 |
146 | Some Minds | Flume | 04:23 |
147 | Baby (Hope You Understand) | Until June | 02:54 |
148 | Easy | Ooberman | 03:35 |
149 | East Harlem | Beirut | 03:58 |
150 | Across The Paper | Math and Physics Club | 03:08 |
151 | Let Me Kiss You (live) | Morrissey | 03:36 |
152 | Mr. Jones | Counting Crows | 04:33 |
153 | Night of My Life | Damien Leith | 03:37 |
154 | On the Other Side | Phillip LaRue | 03:25 |
155 | Coffee Girl | The Tragically Hip | 03:46 |
156 | Be As You Are | Mike Posner | 03:53 |
157 | For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti | Sufjan Stevens | 03:57 |
158 | Mysteries of the Kingdom | Aaron J Robinson | 04:44 |
159 | Beginning To See | Carl Barât | 03:47 |
160 | For Eternity | Ash | 04:11 |
161 | Vertigo | Mini Mansions | 04:57 |
162 | I Will Follow You Into The Dark | Death Cab for Cutie | 03:09 |
163 | The Winner Takes It All | The Vaccines | 04:24 |
164 | One Lazy Morning | Brett Anderson | 03:21 |
165 | Myth | Beach House | 04:18 |
166 | All the Sad Young Men | Spector | 04:40 |
167 | Space Song | Beach House | 05:20 |
168 | Railroad Track | Willy Moon | 02:25 |
169 | Hero | Family of the Year | 01:55 |
170 | On/Off | Barcelona | 04:10 |
171 | The Milkman's Horse | The Libertines | 03:23 |
172 | Transatlanticism | Death Cab for Cutie | 07:55 |
173 | The Rabbit Hole (Disillusioned Youth) | The Seasons | 03:08 |
174 | Age/Sex/Race | Cairo | 03:11 |
175 | Mystery Colors | Astronauts, etc. | 03:57 |
176 | Red Lines | SOHN | 03:56 |
177 | Komorebi | Craft Spells | 04:23 |
178 | The River | Jordan Feliz | 03:14 |
179 | The Death of You And Me | Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds | 03:43 |
180 |
Superhuman Touch (Live at Union Chapel)
【第四集】—————————————————— |
Athlete | 04:41 |
181 | Daisy | Goodbye June | 03:05 |
182 | Highway | Bleeker | 03:21 |
183 | Eye For Love | The Stone Foxes | 03:16 |
184 | Set On Fire | Magic Giant | 03:36 |
185 | Ophelia | The Lumineers | 02:39 |
186 | Soft Animal | The Hotelier | 04:04 |
187 | Life Itself | Glass Animals | 04:41 |
188 | Dani California | Red Hot Chili Peppers | 04:41 |
189 | Incidental | Two Gallants | 02:28 |
190 | I Am a Nightmare | Brand New | 03:20 |
191 | Fell In Love With A Girl | The White Stripes | 01:50 |
192 | Hands Down | Dashboard Confessional | 03:08 |
193 | Day Is Gonna Come | Royal Deluxe | 03:20 |
194 | Angel | Gene | 04:34 |
195 | She Still Loves Me (Acoustic 2010) | SOJA | 04:30 |
196 | Shine a Light | BANNERS | 03:45 |
197 | My Sad Captains | Elbow | 06:00 |
198 | Farewell to the Fairground | White Lies | 04:19 |
199 | Hero | Wildcat! Wildcat! | 03:25 |
200 | NewYorkSoul | Jon Bellion | 02:40 |
201 | Oceans | Twiceyoung | 03:45 |
202 | Chasin' Honey | Wild Party | 03:10 |
203 | Propinquity | The Elwins | 03:32 |
204 | Irish Blood, English Heart | Morrissey | 02:37 |
205 | The Giving Tree | Plain White T's | 03:01 |
206 | Line in the Sand | Neal Carpenter | 02:31 |
207 | Line of Fire | Junip | 05:39 |
208 | Make a Little Money | Royal Deluxe | 03:39 |
209 | Breathe Life | Jack Garratt | 04:22 |
210 | Chemical Sweat | Elliot Root | 03:39 |
211 | Last Post on the Bugle | The Libertines | 02:35 |
212 | Sleep by Rivers | Kyle Lionhart | 04:01 |
213 | Say It | Griffin Peterson | 04:04 |
214 | Mind Frame | Twin Peaks | 02:08 |
215 | Icarus | Tom West | 03:24 |
216 | Wonderwall | Ryan Adams | 04:08 |
217 | Livewire | Fyfe Dangerfield | 04:20 |
218 | Blinded | The Bots | 02:55 |
219 | Sea Fog | Keane | 03:25 |
220 | Put a Record On | Unkle Bob | 03:43 |
221 | I Will Never Die for You | Roman Fischer | 03:47 |
222 | Emoticons | The Wombats | 04:19 |
223 | Year 3000 | Jonas Brothers | 03:24 |
224 |
Seeing Red
【第五集】———————————————————— |
Andrew Wyatt | 03:34 |
225 | Overdose | Kye Sones | 03:42 |
226 | Headbanging in the Mirror | Ducktails | 03:33 |
227 | Passive | A Perfect Circle | 04:10 |
228 | Old Yellow Bricks | Arctic Monkeys | 03:11 |
229 | Float On | Modest Mouse | 03:30 |
230 | Shut You Down | Casey Stratton | 04:30 |
231 | Embrace Me | Greg Laswell | 03:28 |
232 | Lake Michigan | Rogue Wave | 03:48 |
233 | Crossfire | Brandon Flowers | 04:16 |
234 | Post Break-Up Sex | The Vaccines | 02:54 |
235 | Men's Needs | The Cribs | 03:18 |
236 | Fluorescent Adolescent | Arctic Monkeys | 02:57 |
237 | Comforting Sounds | Mew | 08:46 |
238 | I Can Talk | Two Door Cinema Club | 02:57 |
239 | Feels Like We Only Go Backwards | Tame Impala | 03:13 |
240 | Starlight | Muse | 04:01 |
241 | This Old Dark Machine | James Vincent McMorrow | 04:14 |
242 | Les Filles de 1973 Ont Trente Ans | Vincent Delerm | 04:52 |
243 | Between the Bars | Chris Garneau | 03:05 |
244 | Spark | Fitz and The Tantrums | 03:22 |
245 | Promiseland | MIKA | 02:59 |
246 | Further Away | Budapest | 05:06 |
247 | All Over | CRUISR | 03:02 |
248 | Step Into My World | Hurricane #1 | 04:58 |
249 | Take Over The World | The Courteeners | 03:44 |
250 | I Need Him | At Swim Two Birds | 04:03 |
251 | Annabel Lee | Peter Adams | 03:03 |
252 | Blue Veins | The Raconteurs | 03:52 |
253 | From Now On | Bleeker | 03:29 |
254 | Drive | Adelitas Way | 03:38 |
255 | One Year, Six Months | Yellowcard | 03:28 |
256 | All Things Must Pass | The Jesus and Mary Chain | 04:27 |
257 | One Life | Hedley | 03:33 |
258 | Face Down (Acoustic) | The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus | 03:09 |
259 | Lose The Feeling | Sundara Karma | 04:13 |
260 | Loveblood | Sundara Karma | 03:48 |
261 | The Fall | Brendan James | 04:24 |
262 | Minute After Minute | Eskobar | 02:49 |
263 | Johnny And Mary | Bryan Ferry | 06:47 |
264 | Let It Go | Gabriel Ríos | 03:30 |
265 | Block It Out | Chamberlin | 02:49 |
266 | Grey Lynn Park | The Veils | 02:41 |
267 | Low on air | 77 Bombay Street | 04:15 |
268 | Ulysses | Franz Ferdinand | 02:51 |
269 |
We Don't Know
【第六集】———————————————————— |
Propellers | 04:03 |
270 | Liquefy | The Servant | 03:39 |
271 | Crossroads | Dead by April | 02:56 |
272 | Ocean Spray | Manic Street Preachers | 04:12 |
273 | Stupid Mistake (Radio Mix) | Darren Hayes | 03:33 |
274 | Black Out the Sun | Darren Hayes | 04:10 |
275 | You Deserve Better | Nasri | 04:36 |
276 | Information | Wiretree | 03:48 |
277 | Prison Song | Graham Nash | 03:13 |
278 | Hold On | The Real People | 03:23 |
279 | Six Bottles | Kelley James | 04:06 |
280 | You Know I'm No Good (Amy Winehouse) | Arctic Monkeys | 03:40 |
281 | Hidden Ground | David's Lyre | 03:48 |
282 | I'm Not Scared | Youth In Revolt | 03:17 |
283 | New Tomorrow | A Friend In London | 03:04 |
284 | Glorious | Sixteen Cities | 03:35 |
285 | Falling Apart | Emile Haynie | 04:53 |
286 | Everytime | Shane Filan | 03:31 |
287 | All I Want | Kodaline | 05:07 |
288 | Mary Jane | The Click Five | 03:50 |
289 | “Everybody Knows It’s Gonna Happen Only Not Tonight” | The Go Find | 05:37 |
290 | I Was Wrong | Surfer Blood | 03:43 |
291 | You Only Live Once | The Strokes | 03:07 |
292 | Lights Go Out | Scene Writers | 04:08 |
293 | Overcome | Brett Blondell | 04:40 |
294 | Way To Me | Daniel Kirkley | 03:07 |
295 | Room To Breathe (Radio Edit) | You Me At Six | 03:35 |
296 | Sink or Swim | Livingston | 03:32 |
297 | No Measure | Jeff Anderson | 04:54 |
298 | Junk of the Heart (Happy) | The Kooks | 03:08 |
299 | Knee Socks | Arctic Monkeys | 04:17 |
300 | A Certain Romance | Arctic Monkeys | 05:24 |
301 | Arabella | Arctic Monkeys | 03:27 |
302 | Snap Out Of It | Arctic Monkeys | 03:12 |
303 | Crying Lightning | Arctic Monkeys | 03:43 |
304 | One For The Road (Live) | Arctic Monkeys | 03:28 |
305 | Breakeven | The Script | 04:02 |
306 | Indian Summer | Stereophonics | 04:27 |
307 | Poisonous Kiss | Eskobar | 03:20 |
308 | Right Here | Heyhihello | 03:29 |
309 | Torn to Pieces | Pop Evil | 03:16 |
310 | Hearts Go Crazy | Parachute | 03:35 |
311 | Same Ol' | The Heavy | 04:00 |
312 | Coal Makes Diamonds | Blue October | 05:04 |
313 | When We Were Young | Take That | 04:35 |
314 | Let the Love Back In | The Orange Lights | 05:07 |
315 | July on the Sound | JBM | 06:22 |
316 | For the First Time | The Script | 04:12 |
317 |
You Bled
【第七集】———————————————————— |
Rend Collective | 05:28 |
318 | With the New Crowd | Freedom Fry | 03:40 |
319 | Sweetness | Hey Monea! | 02:54 |
320 | Tryna Be | Romes | 03:08 |
321 | La misère de Paris | Alexandre Poulin | 03:31 |
322 | Paradise | James Blunt | 03:32 |
323 | The Note | Kevin Hammond | 03:34 |
324 | Simple Life | Carolina Liar | 03:31 |
325 | In a Heartbeat | Besides Daniel | 04:31 |
326 | Hard Sleep | Peter Bjorn and John | 03:14 |
327 | Run to You | Clear Skies | 02:39 |
328 | Watching The Sun | Tokenview | 03:33 |
329 | Shadows | Samestate | 04:09 |
330 | Eclipse (이클립스) | Patrick Joseph | 04:57 |
331 | Total Eclipse of the Heart | Sleeping at Last | 04:04 |
332 | Forever Faithful | MIKESCHAIR | 03:13 |
333 | Like In the Movies | Dominik Büchele | 03:18 |
334 | Leaders of the Free World | Elbow | 06:11 |
335 | Ordinary World | Duran Duran | 04:21 |
336 | Come Undone | Duran Duran | 04:18 |
337 | Write Them Down | The Wooden Sky | 03:02 |
338 | Cold Blue Rain | Milky Chance | 04:57 |
339 | Believe | Romes | 03:00 |
340 | Break The Spell | All Mankind | 03:14 |
341 | Caved In (Album Version) | Long Story Short | 03:04 |
342 | I Would Never Hurt You | Until June | 02:56 |
343 | The Heart Of Me | Miike Snow | 03:59 |
344 | Creep | Korn | 03:51 |
345 | Fall Like Rain | The Feeling | 04:35 |
346 | Nothing Can Hurt Me | Spencer Sutherland | 03:43 |
347 | Overtheyears | Never Shout Never | 02:55 |
348 | Animal | Miike Snow | 06:30 |
349 | Lose My Number | James Blunt | 03:28 |
350 | Someone Singing Along | James Blunt | 03:33 |
351 | Fields | Still Parade | 04:13 |
352 | Plasters | Will And The People | 03:41 |
353 | Nantes | Beirut | 03:50 |
354 | Brother | Jorge Ben Jor | 02:54 |
355 | Remind Me | The Unisex | 04:31 |
356 | High | Sir Sly | 03:51 |
357 | Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) | Billy Joel | 03:26 |
358 | Fireworks | The Whitest Boy Alive | 03:06 |
359 | Bartholomew | The Silent Comedy | 03:06 |
360 |
Cabin Down Below
第八集———————————————————————— |
The Royal Concept | 03:13 |
361 | Lucifer | XOV | 03:08 |
362 | Only The Young | Brandon Flowers | 04:19 |
363 | Through the Dark | The Mowgli's | 03:04 |
364 | Glory | Bastille | 04:41 |
365 | Forever And Always | Parachute | 04:09 |
366 | I Remember You | Tom Chaplin | 03:46 |
367 | Kisser | Step Rockets | 03:51 |
368 | Whatever Gets You By | The Features | 01:16 |
369 | Lions | The Features | 03:36 |
370 | The Drugs | Mother Mother | 03:13 |
371 | Oldest Trick | Chris Velan | 04:30 |
372 | Young Bride | Midlake | 04:56 |
373 | Versailles | Leo Kalyan | 03:45 |
374 | Hungry Heart | Loïc Nottet | 03:12 |
375 | Million Eyes | Loïc Nottet | 04:13 |
376 | Edge of My Life | Manafest | 03:33 |
377 | Control | Jarle Bernhoft | 03:34 |
378 | Special | Six60 | 03:25 |
379 | Hot Thoughts | Spoon | 03:48 |
380 | Heard Somebody Say | Devendra Banhart | 03:22 |
381 | Ghostboy | Gabriel Ríos | 03:14 |
382 | Strawberry Hill | Bronze Radio Return | 03:57 |
383 | Lost Youth / Lost You | How to Dress Well | 05:39 |
384 | Mud Blood | Loïc Nottet | 03:04 |
385 | Unrock | Gabriel Ríos | 04:19 |
386 | Run | AWOLNATION | 04:01 |
387 | Little Superstitions | The Rakes | 03:51 |
388 | Run and Hide | This Century | 03:38 |
389 | Doing Good | Milky Chance | 04:10 |
390 | Forgive Me | Maher Zain | 03:33 |
391 | Worried About Ray (Live) | The Hoosiers | 03:41 |
392 | If My Heart Is Broken | Black Kids | 04:11 |
393 | Parade Rain | Hedley | 03:40 |
394 | Sketch Plane | Cam Kelley | 03:45 |
395 | Waiting On the Light to Change | Matthew Perryman Jones | 03:30 |
396 | Kids in the Dark | All Time Low | 03:36 |
397 | Born to Do | Steven Cooper | 03:49 |
398 | Fallinlove2nite | Prince | 03:12 |
399 | Breathe | Thomas Fiss | 03:58 |
400 | Hopin' You Were Lookin' | Rascal Flatts | 02:55 |
401 | Every Night | Brock Zanrosso | 03:33 |
402 | Soul Meets Body | Death Cab for Cutie | 03:27 |
403 | Legendary | Welshly Arms | 03:50 |
404 |
The Other Side of Paradise
————————第9集--————————————— |
Glass Animals | 05:20 |
405 | Emily | San Fermin | 03:44 |
406 | Headspace | Thomston | 03:50 |
407 | Too Much | PALE | 03:38 |
408 | How Many Loves | DJ Bazooka | 03:49 |
409 | So Tied Up | Bishop Briggs | 03:09 |
410 | Where Does This Door Go | Mayer Hawthorne | 04:18 |
411 | Better Man Than He | Sivu | 03:15 |
412 | Skeleton Boy | Friendly Fires | 03:33 |
413 | When I'm Away | The Colourist | 03:24 |
414 | Man Must Dance | Johnossi | 02:35 |
415 | Change For You | The Midway State | 03:31 |
416 | You're a Wolf | Sea Wolf | 03:35 |
417 | Never Stop | Urban Rescue | 03:58 |
418 | Collapse | Vancouver Sleep Clinic | 03:41 |
419 | Be Good or Be Gone | Fionn Regan | 03:19 |
420 | Stand Up | The Cab | 04:23 |
421 | Work In the Mould | Dappled Cities | 04:03 |
422 | The Moss | Cosmo Sheldrake | 04:02 |
423 | 100 Million Miles | BNQT | 05:33 |
424 | Failing at Feeling | BNQT | 04:28 |
425 | Toxic Girl | Kings of Convenience | 03:10 |
426 | Happy being Miserable | New Found Glory | 03:00 |
427 | Stand By Me | Playing For Change | 05:10 |
428 | Don’t You Know You’re Beautiful | Seabird | 03:31 |
429 | Cruisin' | Sioen | 03:56 |
430 | For Real | Okkervil River | 04:42 |
431 | D.T.M. | Simon Curtis | 03:17 |
432 | Afternoon | Tender | 03:08 |
433 | You're Not There | Lukas Graham | 03:21 |
434 | Numbers | The Cab | 04:09 |
435 | Brother | Kodaline | 03:22 |
436 | Feel Something | Jaymes Young | 03:37 |
437 | The Usual Chords | Slow Runner | 03:22 |
438 | My Personal Song | The Bosshoss | 03:45 |
439 | The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness | The National | 03:56 |
440 | There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes | 03:19 |
441 | At The Same Time | The Coronas | 03:12 |
442 | It's a Trip | Joywave | 03:03 |
443 | Morning In America | Jon Bellion | 04:26 |
444 | Strobes Pt. 2 | Lemâitre | 03:50 |
445 | Beauty | Wolf Colony | 03:22 |
446 | So schön kaputt | SDP | 03:15 |
447 | Something Just Like This | The Chainsmokers | 04:07 |
448 | Feel It Still | Portugal. The Man | 02:43 |
449 | You Really Got Me | The Kinks | 02:14 |
450 | The Golden Throne | Temples | 04:10 |
451 | Grin and Bear It | The Strypes | 03:13 |
452 | Weak | AJR | 03:22 |
453 |
onze —————————————————————— |
Neulore | 03:44 |
454 | Boy You're a Pretty Girl | The Kin | 03:16 |
455 | The First of Many Dreams About Monsters | Spring Offensive | 04:09 |
456 | Sugar City | Old Man Canyon | 06:38 |
457 | (I Want to Be Your) Mirror | Temples | 04:46 |
458 | Fickle Game | Amber Run | 04:23 |
459 | Dark Bloom | Amber Run | 04:22 |
460 | Carry It On | Racing Glaciers | 04:58 |
461 | Sertraline | Racing Glaciers | 04:24 |
462 | Naked We Rise | Racing Glaciers | 04:16 |
463 | Stranger | Amber Run | 03:34 |
464 | In Time | Talos | 04:35 |
465 | A Stutter and a Start | Spring Offensive | 03:40 |
466 | Oh No | Andrew Bird | 04:20 |
467 | Cut You | Cloud Nothings | 03:16 |
468 | Obligatory Drugs | Black Kids | 04:39 |
469 | Speak | Wild Cub | 03:54 |
470 | Sorry Eyes | Aliocha | 03:20 |
471 | Boum Boum Boum | MIKA | 03:42 |
472 | Hanging over You | Wind In Sails | 04:46 |
473 | Michelle | Imaginary Future | 02:19 |
474 | Pioneers | The Lighthouse and The Whaler | 03:18 |
475 | Against The Grain | Sons Of Rico | 03:40 |
476 | Meteorite | Years & Years | 03:25 |
477 | For The Glory | Ian Brown | 03:09 |
478 |
Drop Everything
十二集————————————————————— |
Capital Cities | 03:12 |
479 | Monkey Tree | Mother Mother | 03:21 |
480 | My Hallelujah | Autoheart | 04:11 |
481 | Girls Like Me | Will Joseph Cook | 03:15 |
482 | Sweet Sweet Silent | Sivu | 03:00 |
483 | Human | Rag'N'Bone Man | 03:19 |
484 | Always Love | Old Man Canyon | 04:11 |
485 | Just Another Girl | The Killers | 04:22 |
486 | River Full of Liquor | Leon Else | 04:56 |
487 | Leave You | Sir Sly | 03:13 |
488 | Heavydirtysoul | Twenty One Pilots | 03:54 |
489 | Guns for Hands | Twenty One Pilots | 04:37 |
490 | Lock Me Up | The Cab | 03:31 |
491 | Glitter & Gold | Barns Courtney | 02:56 |
492 | Ending | Isak Danielson | 04:08 |
493 | If You Love Her | To Be Frank | 04:06 |
494 | Forget Me Forgotten | Hollow Wood | 03:20 |
495 | Birdsong | To Be Frank | 04:06 |
496 | It Takes a Lot to Know a Man | Damien Rice | 09:33 |
497 | I Won't Tell | Tate Maris | 03:44 |
498 | Look Over Your Shoulder | Kwabs | 03:02 |
499 | Bulls | The Cat Empire | 03:26 |
500 | Dollar | Donkeyboy | 03:16 |
501 | Magic | Flor | 03:33 |
502 | Let Me In | Snowmine | 03:39 |
503 | Unstoppable | The Score | 03:10 |
504 | Tokyo | Vinyl Theatre | 03:06 |
505 | My Bark Is Your Bite | Blaenavon | 03:35 |
506 | Sorry | Nothing But Thieves | 03:34 |
507 | Sometimes | Kyan | 03:40 |
508 | Calling Out | Penguin Prison | 03:58 |
509 | I Wanna Boi | PWR BTTM | 02:03 |
510 | Speeding Cars | Walking On Cars | 04:02 |
511 | Oh Brother | Saint Raymond | 03:12 |
512 | Carry On | Young Rising Sons | 03:29 |
513 | Ghost | Sir Sly | 03:38 |
514 |
Yes Yes
很好奇这个集子到底有啥min gan 信息 |
The Colourist | 02:56 |
515 |
十三集 ————————————————— 火箭把天空给了她 |
The Score | 03:45 |
516 | White Lies | Mr Hudson | 03:11 |
517 | Everything | SMNM | 04:20 |
518 | Soap | FRND | 04:03 |
519 | I Have Forgiven Jesus | Morrissey | 03:41 |
520 | The Wrong Turning | Magnetic Morning | 04:29 |
521 | Miracle | The Score | 03:25 |
522 | What the Hell Did I Say | Dierks Bentley | 03:27 |
523 | Devil's in the Backseat | Lostboycrow | 04:03 |
524 | Be Afraid | So Much Light | 03:32 |
525 | Long Gone | Hinder | 03:48 |
526 | Burn It Down | Hinder | 03:37 |
527 | I Don’t Wanna Dance | Coin | 03:00 |
528 | Make Up Your Mind | Final State | 03:17 |
529 | Stellify | Ian Brown | 04:56 |
530 | Rocket Gave the Sky to Her | Donkeyboy | 03:12 |
531 | Nicotine | Panic! At The Disco | 03:06 |
532 | Rain (Saga WhiteBlack Remix) | The Script | 03:38 |
533 | Don't Look Back Into The Sun | The Libertines | 03:00 |
534 | Crazy | Gnarls Barkley | 02:59 |
535 | Down on the Ground | British Sea Power | 04:23 |
536 | Scorpio Rising | Death in Vegas | 05:39 |
537 | Somebody Told Me | The Killers | 03:17 |
538 | Too Much to Think | 311 | 03:54 |
539 | Alfred's Lovesong /album version/ | The Unbending Trees | 02:53 |
540 | Heroine | Sleeping with Sirens | 03:35 |
541 | No-use Man | Sam Reynolds | 03:58 |
542 | Build It Better | Aron Wright | 03:50 |
543 | Apartment | Young the Giant | 03:55 |
544 | TV Shows | BOYO | 02:50 |
545 | The Meadows | Dear Seattle | 02:44 |
546 | Day Is Done | Nick Drake | 02:28 |
547 | Shiny & New | Mayer Hawthorne | 02:56 |
548 | Build a Fire | Sailmaker | 04:15 |
549 | Baby's Coming Back to Me | Jarvis Cocker | 04:11 |
550 | A City Winter | Moi Caprice | 04:34 |
551 | Friend | FRND | 04:52 |
552 |
发现这张选集像是黑洞一样再也无法编辑了呜呜 |
The Afters | 03:47 |
553 | The Load | Barbarossa | 04:05 |
554 | Hold on to Me | Matt Wertz | 03:55 |
555 | Basket Case | Bastille | 02:33 |
556 | Si Seulement Je Pouvais Lui Manquer | Calogero | 03:20 |
557 | Better Days | Hedley | 03:43 |
558 | Love Hurts | Incubus | 03:57 |
559 | More | Tyrone Wells | 03:39 |
560 | A Toi | Joe Dassin | 02:53 |
561 | My Body (Two Door Cinema Club Remix) | Young the Giant | 05:01 |
562 | Take Care | Deerhunter | 04:12 |
563 | Pish | The Brian Jonestown Massacre | 04:58 |
564 |
Dancing In The Sky
第14集——————————————————— 只要荡漾就能治愈 |
Shawn Hook | 03:39 |
565 | Vagabonds | Grizfolk | 03:19 |
566 | Until I Found You | Kurtis John | 03:25 |
567 | Stay Awhile | Ryan Star | 03:38 |
568 | Fire | Barns Courtney | 03:17 |
569 | Into the Light | J.Views | 04:31 |
570 | Dive | Coast Modern | 03:28 |
571 | Driver | Billy Raffoul | 02:56 |
572 | Things Are Changin' (Live) (Solo Acoustic) | Gary Clark Jr. | 04:31 |
573 | Light of the World | Starfield | 04:30 |
574 | Ordinary | Michael Paynter | 03:23 |
575 | Maker Of The Stars | Robert Pierre | 03:59 |
576 | One On One | Daniel Rinaldi | 03:39 |
577 |
Like an Ocean
庆祝这张男声合集又好了 yeah 果然还是最喜欢装在这张里呀! |
Blake Aaron Guthrie | 05:17 |
578 | In the Shadows | Foreign Air | 03:54 |
579 | All Night | The Vamps | 03:17 |
580 | She (For Liz) | Parachute | 03:08 |
581 | Watching Me | Barcelona | 03:33 |
582 | Yellow Lines | Brendan James | 03:32 |
583 | Phantoms | Daniel Ellsworth | 03:02 |
584 | Grey Shirt & Tie | Spector | 03:21 |
585 | Seventeen | Dead Ceremony | 03:23 |
586 | Look What You Made Me Do | Tyler Ward | 02:07 |
587 | Unique | Eskobar | 02:51 |
588 | No Glamour for Willi | Television | 05:00 |
589 | What You Waiting For | The Rushes | 03:12 |
590 | Ready To Go | Hurts | 02:45 |
591 | Silhouette (Radio Edit) | Tom Odell | 03:52 |
592 | Sinking Ships | Josiah James | 03:01 |
593 |
Trip Switch
第15集 像这入秋的天气———————————————————————— |
Nothing But Thieves | 03:01 |
594 | Honey Whiskey | Nothing But Thieves | 03:11 |
595 | Counting | Autre Ne Veut | 03:43 |
596 | See Me Now | Ryan Keen | 03:26 |
597 | Cry Cry Cry | Scott Helman | 03:18 |
598 | Follow You (Live) | Bring Me the Horizon | 03:53 |
599 | Spotlight | Leagues | 03:23 |
600 | Skin | Kjetil Mørland | 04:04 |
601 | Bloodshot | Albin Lee Meldau | 02:52 |
602 | Sleep | Little India | 02:57 |
603 | Club Manhattan | Jesse Winchester | 03:44 |
604 | No Firewall | Kjetil Mørland | 03:40 |
605 | Clownfeet | Kjetil Mørland | 03:43 |
606 | The South Will Rise Again | The Auteurs | 02:26 |
607 | I Saw A Ghost | The Slow Readers Club | 03:31 |
608 | Destiny | Luminate | 04:55 |
609 | She Said | The Shutes | 03:19 |
610 | My Best Theory | Jimmy Eat World | 03:23 |
611 | Talk to Me | Thomas Azier | 03:58 |
612 | Don't Speak For Me (True) | Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness | 03:24 |
613 | Static | Tom Adams | 05:02 |
614 | Falling with You | Tom Adams | 04:36 |
615 | Cape of Diamonds | Fionn Regan | 03:54 |
616 | Numb | Toploader | 05:01 |
617 | I Want to Know | Kongos | 03:55 |
618 | Disenchanted | My Chemical Romance | 04:55 |
619 | Float | Pacific Air | 03:19 |
620 | Book Of Revelation | The Drums | 03:30 |
621 | Come to Us O Lord | Young Oceans | 05:24 |
622 | Annie You Save Me | Graffiti 6 | 03:42 |
623 | Lose That Gun | Alfred Hall | 03:33 |
624 | Winter Night | Sweet Thing | 03:00 |
625 | How To Disappear | Thomas Azier | 03:58 |
626 | En Värld I Brand | Ditt Inre | 03:37 |
627 | A Happy Christmas Baby | The Boy Least Likely To | 03:31 |
628 | Back Into It | Islands | 03:20 |
629 | Erase Me | Ben Folds Five | 05:15 |
630 | Lampshades On Fire | Modest Mouse | 03:07 |
631 | In Bloom | Neck Deep | 03:40 |
632 | On Your Way Out | The Windupdeads | 04:37 |
633 | Whirlpool | Sea Wolf | 03:52 |
634 |
第十六集——————————————— |
Hot Hot Heat | 03:48 |
635 | Brighter Than The Sun | Kyle Andrews | 02:55 |
636 | In My Arms | FrYars | 03:47 |
637 | Jaki | Mazes | 03:50 |
638 | Backstreet Lovers | The Crookes | 02:50 |
639 | Animals | Coast Modern | 03:34 |
640 | Bring It On | Alex Lloyd | 03:28 |
641 | Bad Days | The Charlatans | 03:25 |
642 | All the English Devils | Luke Haines | 03:40 |
643 | LAIDBACK | Rat Boy | 03:33 |
644 | Ain't The Future So Bright | Richard Ashcroft | 04:47 |
645 | Johnny Marble | Dirt Farmer | 03:14 |
646 | Varsity | Smith Westerns | 04:00 |
647 | Yes Yes We're Magicians | The Crookes | 03:06 |
648 | Who Said Anything (About Falling In Love) | The Hoosiers | 03:05 |
649 | Heavy Feet | Local Natives | 04:06 |
650 | Yoko (Ukulele Version) | Pegasus Bridge | 03:20 |
651 | Hole In the Wall | Moses Gunn Collective | 03:39 |
652 | The Afterman | Coheed and Cambria | 03:11 |
653 | Badminton | Sweet Baboo | 03:46 |
654 | Swallows | Sweet Baboo | 03:45 |
655 | A Collier's Wife | The Crookes | 02:24 |
656 | Two Drifters - Crookes & Little Glitches | The Crookes | 03:45 |
657 | Sucker Punched | Mazes | 03:49 |
658 | Never Ending Story | Theme Park | 04:11 |
659 | Running with the Wasters | The Takeover UK | 04:22 |
660 | Let It Die | Fight The Bear | 04:14 |
661 |
第17集 对人类充满好奇心——————————— |
Little Comets | 02:43 |
662 | Believe | Spector | 03:57 |
663 | When You Know | Puggy | 02:52 |
664 | Ava | Famy | 03:58 |
665 | The Sky Is A Neighborhood | Foo Fighters | 04:04 |
666 | Boy | Ra Ra Riot | 03:10 |
667 | When They Fight, They Fight | Generationals | 03:20 |
668 | Isabella | Isaac Delusion | 05:13 |
669 | Weighed Down | The Horrors | 06:31 |
670 | Chinese Fountain | The Growlers | 04:05 |
671 | Black Lemon | Generationals | 03:54 |
672 | Thunder Clatter | Wild Cub | 04:31 |
673 | The Sinner | Isaac Delusion | 04:23 |
674 | Something To Remember Me By | The Horrors | 06:40 |
675 | Point of No Reply | The Horrors | 04:59 |
676 | Who Needs Love? | Razorlight | 03:32 |
677 | Reeperbahn | Spector | 02:11 |
678 | Bang | Empires | 03:30 |
679 | Frozen Pines | Lord Huron | 03:57 |
680 | Bad Boy | Dan Croll | 03:28 |
681 | Enola Gay | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | 03:34 |
682 | Kiss Bang | grandson | 02:53 |
683 | The Otherside | Wolf Colony | 03:38 |
684 | Someone to Love | Fountains of Wayne | 03:51 |
685 | The Truth | Dr. Dog | 04:25 |
686 | Ivory Tower | Everything Everything | 03:53 |
687 | Finally | Cherry Ghost | 06:42 |
688 | Love Is Only Affection | Digits | 02:46 |
689 | Last Trip | Digits | 04:19 |
690 | Say Goodbye | Digits | 03:58 |
691 | Want You So Bad | The Vaccines | 04:18 |
692 | Maybe I Could Hold You | The Vaccines | 03:10 |
693 | Dream Lover Reimagined (Malcolm Zillion Edit) | The Vaccines | 03:57 |
694 | Forever & a Day | Wire | 04:06 |
695 | I Don't Think You Hurt | Jyrojets | 04:08 |
696 | Precious | British India | 03:22 |
697 | Just Sing Like Everyboddy Else | British India | 04:52 |
698 | My Love | British India | 03:44 |
699 | You're Not The Future | British India | 04:11 |
700 | I Was Looking Back At You To See You Looking Back At Me | British India | 04:42 |
701 | Own Up | The History of Panic | 04:05 |
702 | This Time | Wire | 04:16 |
703 | Happy | Fischerspooner | 04:00 |
704 | Brio | Wire | 03:37 |
705 | Paralysed | A Silent Film | 03:36 |
706 | Dreaming | Smallpools | 03:36 |
707 | Breaking Down | Lunatics On Pogosticks | 03:13 |
708 | Okay | Holy Ghost! | 04:34 |
709 | Never Far Away | End of Fashion | 03:31 |
710 | A Mysterious Disappearance | Grasscut | 04:36 |
711 | The Catbird Seat | The Silent League | 03:25 |
712 | Winning | The Sound | 04:18 |
713 | Oh My | Boo Seeka | 03:16 |
714 | Born Again | Saint Motel | 03:27 |
715 | What Katie Did | The Libertines | 03:49 |
716 | Electricity | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | 03:33 |
717 | Valentine | DIIV | 03:17 |
718 | Confidence | Brett | 04:02 |
719 | Apples | Efterklang | 04:16 |
720 | Perfectly Still | Mirrors | 03:46 |
721 | Another Girl, Another Planet | The Only Ones | 03:02 |
722 | Everything's so wrong (Part 2) | The Holydrug Couple | 04:11 |
723 | Burial | Miike Snow | 04:20 |
724 | Holding On | Fyfe | 03:50 |
725 | Anna Freud | The National | 03:07 |
726 | Rearrange | Miles Kane | 03:29 |
727 | Good as Gold | The Apache Relay | 03:42 |
728 | Last Night All My Dreams Came True | Wild Beasts | 03:22 |
729 | Hey! Ya, You | The Elwins | 03:02 |
730 | Balance | Opus Orange | 02:45 |
731 | Undeniable | Better Than Ezra | 03:25 |
732 | I Want to Feel Alive | The Lighthouse and The Whaler | 03:04 |
733 | Favorite Song | Matt Singer | 03:48 |
734 | Wall of Arms | The Maccabees | 03:38 |
735 | Two By Two | Animal Kingdom | 03:53 |
736 | The Leftovers | AaRON | 05:24 |
737 | Fresh to Death Pigs | Casinos | 02:44 |
738 | Colours | The Chevin | 04:00 |
739 | Boredom and Joy | Jets Overhead | 02:45 |
740 | Ready to Change | Kodaline | 03:56 |
741 | Blood and Bones | Kodaline | 03:52 |
742 | Don't Give Up | Miles | 03:09 |
743 | Don't Look Backwards | East India Youth | 04:57 |
744 | Shades of Blue | AaRON | 03:59 |
745 | Oh Mandy | Spinto Band | 03:35 |
746 | Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't 've) | Buzzcocks | 02:42 |
747 | Hollows | Franky Flowers | 04:59 |
748 | Only One | The Score | 03:47 |
749 | Million Bucks | Smallpools | 03:59 |
750 | People Free | Inner Wave | 03:19 |
751 | I Win | Starflyer 59 | 03:03 |
752 | Cordelia | Gaoler's Daughter | 03:01 |
753 | One of Us | New Politics | 04:20 |
754 | Alrighty Aphrodite | Peach Pit | 03:27 |
755 | Money | Simian Ghost | 03:27 |
756 | U N I R All We Need | S K Y T O N E | 04:33 |
757 | Wish I Knew You | The Revivalists | 04:12 |
758 | Suit and Jacket | Judah & the Lion | 03:42 |
759 | Believe | Romes | 03:00 |
760 | Spend the Night | Romes | 03:26 |
761 | City of the Dead | The Charlatans | 04:02 |
762 | The Crack Up | Johnny Marr | 03:52 |
763 | For Your Entertainment | The Charlatans | 03:58 |
764 | Jetstream | Doves | 05:31 |
765 | Weight | Mikal Cronin | 03:50 |
766 | Am I Wrong | Mikal Cronin | 02:33 |
767 | See It My Way | Mikal Cronin | 03:52 |
768 | I Know It's Over (Demo) | The Smiths | 05:48 |
769 | We Bros | Wu Lyf | 06:26 |
770 | Money | Mystery Skulls | 03:38 |
771 | Love My Way | The Psychedelic Furs | 03:34 |
772 | Bizarre Love Triangle | New Order | 04:22 |
773 | I'm a Realist | The Cribs | 03:05 |
774 | Oceans | Chuck | 02:41 |
775 | Happy Birthday | Chuck | 05:11 |
776 | Humbug | Loney, Dear | 03:25 |
777 | Hulls | Loney, Dear | 04:03 |
778 | Harbours / Harbors | Loney, Dear | 04:35 |
779 | Have Fun Tonight | Fischerspooner | 04:20 |
780 | Up Again | Chad Valley | 03:11 |
781 | Only You | Sean Nicholas Savage | 03:36 |
782 | Come Back To Me | Pony Pony Run Run | 03:08 |
783 | NEVER CARED | DRAINING | 04:22 |
784 | Blood on the Tightrope | Lunatic Soul | 07:20 |
785 | Anymore | Lunatic Soul | 04:37 |
786 | Red Light Escape | Lunatic Soul | 05:44 |
787 | Brazil | Declan Mckenna | 04:12 |
788 | One Foot | Walk The Moon | 04:21 |
789 | The Blackout | U2 | 04:45 |
790 | The Whisperers | The The | 03:20 |
791 | Dark Necessities | Red Hot Chili Peppers | 05:02 |
792 | I Can't Wait | Cocoon | 02:56 |
793 | Blood | Editors | 03:29 |
794 | (73) the Nearness of You | Loud Harp | 05:42 |
795 | White Shadow | The Names | 05:15 |
796 | My Rush | #1 Dads | 03:57 |
797 | Trouble | Citizens! | 03:46 |
798 | Inside of Love | Nada Surf | 05:22 |
799 | Someone To You | BANNERS | 03:39 |
800 | Lunatic | The Slow Readers Club | 03:33 |
801 | Sets Me Free | The Apache Relay | 03:31 |
802 | False Start | Uniform Motion | 02:52 |
803 | A Simple Beautiful Truth | Wild Beasts | 02:36 |
804 | Lemon To A Knife Fight | The Wombats | 03:22 |
805 | Bone Marrow | Mellowdrone | 03:49 |
806 | Solace | Fyfe | 03:59 |
807 | Keep It Together | Fyfe | 03:29 |
808 | Bad Ritual | Timber Timbre | 03:07 |
809 | Level | The Raconteurs | 02:21 |
810 | If I Can't Have You | Kubb | 03:24 |
811 | Bow | Kasabian | 04:26 |
812 | Carolina Drama | The Raconteurs | 05:55 |
813 | Kiss Off | Violent Femmes | 02:57 |
814 | Miles Away | Municipality | 00:00 |
815 | Hearts That Never | East India Youth | 06:46 |
816 | The English Ruse | Gaz Coombes | 04:43 |
817 | Ocean of Madness | Nai Harvest | 04:52 |
818 | Alligator Years | Twinsmith | 02:48 |
819 | Home Is Not Places | The Apache Relay | 03:20 |
820 | Bringing It Home | Barenaked Ladies | 03:04 |
821 | Degausser | Brand New | 05:32 |
822 | Watching Dust Fall | The Sonic Dawn | 00:00 |
823 | Taipei (All at Once) | Kyte | 04:50 |
824 | Cringe | Matt Maeson | 03:36 |
825 | Painkiller | DREAMERS | 03:22 |
826 | All This Could be Yours | Cold War Kids | 03:08 |
827 | I Wish I Was James Bond | Scouting for Girls | 03:17 |
828 | Mad Mary Jones | The Vacant Lots | 04:13 |
829 | Candy Wrappers | Summer Salt | 03:14 |
830 | Rent | Pet Shop Boys | 05:08 |
831 | So Now You Know | The Horrors | 05:02 |
832 | Arrow | The Irrepressibles | 04:48 |
833 | She's Everywhere | Strangelove | 05:06 |
834 | I Need Air (Demo) | Nothing But Thieves | 03:12 |
835 | Stuck On You (Demo) | Nothing But Thieves | 04:07 |
836 | I Like the Way You Talk (A.R. Kane Mix) | The Veldt | 05:47 |
837 | Blood | Patterns | 04:34 |
838 | So Lonely Was the Ballad | Jamie T | 03:50 |
839 | Breaking the Angle Against the Tide | Craft Spells | 03:49 |
840 | Black River Killer | Blitzen Trapper | 03:28 |
841 | High Moon | Django Django | 04:43 |
842 | Made Concrete | The Republic Tigers | 03:52 |
843 | This Dead Town | French Films | 03:54 |
844 | Friends | British India | 03:26 |
845 | Drowning in Clouds | British India | 04:50 |
846 | Born In The EU | Spector | 03:12 |
847 | Into The Night | Blaenavon | 03:54 |
848 | Why Try? | Dumbo Gets Mad | 04:52 |
849 | Xmas Japan | Citizens! | 04:12 |
850 | Thief | Mating Ritual | 03:40 |
851 | Run-Away | Super Furry Animals | 02:53 |
852 | Goodbye, Staircase Whirling | Self Party | 05:13 |
853 | Way It Goes | Hippo Campus | 04:05 |
854 | Eyes On You | Hey Marseilles | 02:56 |
855 | A 1000 Times | ROSTAM | 04:08 |
856 | Summertime | Scouting for Girls | 03:25 |
857 | Nightcrawling | Saint Raymond | 03:51 |
858 | Mothersun | Diastereomer | 06:42 |
859 | Sunset Off The Coastline | the HIATUS | 03:57 |
860 | Cameo | Childhood | 04:13 |
861 | Sheepdog | Mando Diao | 05:08 |
862 | Control | Citizen | 03:56 |
863 | Won't Be Long | The Hives | 03:46 |
864 | A Forest (live unplugged version) | The Cure | 04:52 |
865 | Thought I Told You | The Academic | 03:31 |
866 | One You Love | Rufus Wainwright | 03:44 |
867 | My Billie Jean | Work Drugs | 03:18 |
868 | I Talk Too Much | Just Jack | 04:16 |
869 | Pyramids | Man Man | 03:54 |
870 | Row Your Boat | Yelawolf | 04:15 |
871 | Betamax | Big Black Delta | 04:34 |
872 | Foreign Time | Glass Towers | 04:13 |
873 | Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You | Arctic Monkeys | 03:08 |
874 | Darkness in Our Hearts | Miles Kane | 03:41 |
875 | So Sad (So Sad) | Martha | 06:46 |
876 | Hold On I'm Coming | Welshly Arms | 03:53 |
877 | Thief | Can | 05:06 |
878 | I'll Give You Sympathy | The Rascals | 03:25 |
879 | Double Darkness | Big Scary | 04:36 |
880 | Jungle Floor | Brothertiger | 04:22 |
881 | Heat Dies Down | Kaiser Chiefs | 03:57 |
882 | Little Motel | Modest Mouse | 04:44 |
883 | Let the Drummer Kick | Citizen Cope | 04:17 |
884 | Follow | Telegram | 04:24 |
885 | Texia | Blossoms | 03:28 |
886 | Trippin' Like I Do | Mystic Braves | 03:06 |
887 | Riding on the Equator | Felt | 08:40 |
888 | So It Goes | Opus Orange | 02:39 |
889 | Pitch Black Dark | Okta Logue | 04:33 |
890 | In Exile | The Pineapple Thief | 05:10 |
891 | Elephant Days | Outfit | 04:35 |
892 | Sunstroke | Younghusband | 03:08 |
893 | Turn it off | Froth | 03:59 |
894 | Resurrection Girls | Bunny Lake | 03:42 |
895 | Reptile | The Church | 04:56 |
896 | What She Came For | Franz Ferdinand | 03:33 |
897 | Through Glass | Stone Sour | 04:43 |
898 | Swamp Thing | The Chameleons | 05:57 |
899 | While My Guitar Gently Weeps | Various Artists | 05:57 |
900 | Hurricane | Panic! At The Disco | 04:25 |
901 | Take on Me | A-ha | 03:49 |
902 | Mary, Mary So Contrary | Can | 06:22 |
903 | Monochrome | Our Ceasing Voice | 03:29 |
904 | Delusion of Love | Our Ceasing Voice | 03:52 |
905 | Everything We'll Ever Be | Our Ceasing Voice | 03:48 |
906 | Raoul And The Kings Of Spain | Tears For Fears | 05:17 |
907 | 666 Conducer | Black Rebel Motorcycle Club | 04:01 |
908 | Last Night (Vegas) | Breathe Carolina | 03:34 |
909 | I'm Bad at Life | Falling In Reverse | 03:55 |
910 | I Don't Mind | Falling In Reverse | 04:23 |
911 | Please Don´t Leave Me | Pretty Maids | 05:20 |
912 | Nothing But Adore You | Richard Walters | 03:10 |
913 | Paloma | We Are Wolves | 04:39 |
914 | New Shoes | Paolo Nutini | 03:21 |
915 | Bloodstream | Stateless | 05:14 |
916 | Kill the Messenger | Jack's Mannequin | 03:24 |
917 | I Am | Hands Like Houses | 04:19 |
918 | Burn Bright | My Chemical Romance | 04:17 |
919 | As We Open, So We Close | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | 03:03 |
920 | A Different Kind of Dynamite | Thousand Foot Krutch | 02:58 |
921 | Lit Me Up | Brand New | 06:17 |
922 | I Wanna Be Yours | Arctic Monkeys | 03:04 |
923 | DESTROYA | My Chemical Romance | 04:32 |
924 | Better Strange | James Supercave | 03:24 |
925 | Burn | James Supercave | 03:29 |
926 | Get Over Yourself | James Supercave | 03:36 |
927 | Alive, Dreaming | mellow fellow | 01:07 |
928 | Under The Gun | Electric Guest | 03:42 |
929 | Afraid | The Neighbourhood | 04:11 |
930 | Everybody's Watching Me(Uh Oh) | The Neighbourhood | 03:58 |
931 | Oscillate | SOHN | 03:30 |
932 | Mountain at My Gates | Foals | 04:04 |
933 | Roscoe | Midlake | 05:05 |
934 | The Edge of Tonight | All Time Low | 03:50 |
935 | Fall Into You | Night Terrors of 1927 | 04:03 |
936 | All On My Mind | Anderson East | 03:42 |
937 | Give Me Something To Love | Kid Runner | 03:16 |
938 | Robot Man | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | 02:59 |
939 | What Have We Done | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | 03:47 |
940 | Stories of Old | Depeche Mode | 03:14 |
941 | When I'm Dying | Blitzen Trapper | 03:04 |
942 | You Take the Dark out of Me | Mystic Braves | 03:51 |
943 | In the Past | Mystic Braves | 02:32 |
944 | Did You See Me Coming? (2017 Remastered Version) | Pet Shop Boys | 03:41 |
945 | More Than a Dream (2017 Remastered Version) | Pet Shop Boys | 04:56 |
946 | The Way It Used to Be (2017 Remastered Version) | Pet Shop Boys | 04:43 |
947 | 3-4 Eyes | Uniform Motion | 03:23 |
948 | Daisy | Brand New | 03:06 |
949 | Where the Light Gets In | Primal Scream | 03:47 |
950 | Let's Get Married | Bleachers | 03:06 |
951 | Catastrophize | Noah Kahan | 03:18 |
952 | Dancing With a Wolf | All Time Low | 03:35 |
953 | Cynical Skin | Get Scared | 03:09 |
954 | Six Shooter | Coyote Kisses | 03:39 |
955 | Deathbeds | Bring Me the Horizon | 04:57 |
956 | Lucid Dream | Owl City | 04:21 |
957 | Deadcrush (Spike Stent Mix) | Alt-J | 02:44 |
958 | And Run | Sir Sly | 03:46 |
959 | Fun | Sir Sly | 03:52 |
960 | Astronaut | Sir Sly | 03:44 |
961 | Disguise | Canopy Red | 03:19 |
962 | I Need You | Sanctus Real | 03:30 |
963 | Promises | Sanctus Real | 03:22 |
964 | Night Time | Stanfour | 03:05 |
965 | Scarred | Jamestown Story | 04:15 |
966 | StormEye | Uniform Motion | 04:16 |
967 | Dirty Boots (He Don't) | Holopaw | 03:13 |
968 | Breathless | Dan Wilson | 03:53 |
969 | Compass | The Neighbourhood | 02:49 |
970 | Bye-Bye Darling | BØRNS | 04:59 |
971 | Relax And Breathe | Black Swan Lane | 05:37 |
972 | Home | Black Swan Lane | 06:41 |
973 | Far Beyond | You Walk Through Walls | 04:14 |
974 | On My Way | You Walk Through Walls | 03:37 |
975 | Fortune | Felt | 03:37 |
976 | Now You See Everything | Stephen Steinbrink | 02:55 |
977 | Miss Your Face | Too Close To Touch | 03:44 |
978 | Same Logic/Teeth | Brand New | 05:34 |
979 | All the Wars | The Pineapple Thief | 03:47 |
980 | Turn On The Light | Jamie T | 04:26 |
981 | Feel the Effect | Tokyo Police Club | 03:42 |
982 | Give It Up | Useless ID | 03:31 |
983 | Got You on a Ride | Old Man Canyon | 04:04 |
984 | Fall Back into My Life | Amber Pacific | 03:29 |
985 | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man | Anti-Flag | 02:43 |
986 | Gonna Be Ready | Tokyo Police Club | 02:53 |
987 | Beaches | Tokyo Police Club | 03:20 |
988 | Toy Guns | Tokyo Police Club | 03:11 |
989 | Pre Evergreen | Braid | 03:42 |
990 | Man In the Corner | Club De Lay | 04:30 |
991 | 137 | Brand New | 05:01 |
992 | Mourning Sound | Grizzly Bear | 04:22 |
993 | I'll Come Running | Brian Eno | 03:51 |
994 | Dead Finks Don't Talk | Brian Eno | 04:19 |
995 | Junkie | James | 04:56 |
996 | Heard the World | O.A.R. | 05:01 |
997 | I Got Mine | The Black Keys | 03:59 |
998 | Very Little Glory | Opposition | 07:25 |
999 | Independent Girl | The Boys | 03:54 |
1000 | Salvation | QTY | 04:26 |
1001 | Raindrops | The Amazons | 04:46 |
1002 | The Adventure (Acoustic) | Angels & Airwaves | 04:49 |
1003 | Tightrope | Don Broco | 03:33 |
1004 | Y | Don Broco | 03:32 |
1005 | baseball | Hippo Campus | 03:18 |
1006 | Take Care | Blaenavon | 03:28 |
1007 | Longevity | Yeasayer | 03:10 |
1008 | Tremors | SOHN | 03:29 |
1009 | Disconnected | Keane | 03:30 |
1010 | Lose Yr Frown | The Electric Soft Parade | 02:57 |
1011 | Puzzle Pieces | Saint Motel | 03:51 |
1012 | No Attention for Solved Puzzles | A Lot Like Birds | 03:27 |
1013 | Creepy Cool | The Jungle Giants | 04:20 |
1014 | No Need to Cry | British Sea Power | 03:43 |
1015 | Honest Mistake | Handsome Ghost | 03:42 |
1016 | Here's To Endings | Handsome Ghost | 04:12 |
1017 | Creatures | Handsome Ghost | 03:50 |
1018 | Not All Heroes Wear Capes | Owl City | 03:46 |
1019 | Flags of the Old Regime | Peter Doherty | 03:07 |
1020 | Fucky Funky Music | > | 03:55 |
1021 | In Between | Sage | 03:41 |
1022 | Talk | Kodaline | 04:32 |
1023 | Echoes | Klaxons | 03:45 |
1024 | Undercover Martyn | Two Door Cinema Club | 02:48 |
1025 | Brazil | Declan Mckenna | 04:14 |
1026 | Blow | Blossoms | 03:36 |
1027 | Forget it's a Dream | Communions | 06:22 |
1028 | Sign On | Rat Boy | 02:54 |
1029 | Clouds | BØRNS | 03:10 |
1030 | Plastic Hearts | Dirty Pretty Things | 03:09 |
1031 | Hear It in the Rainfall | fronteers | 03:21 |
1032 | Mr. Maker | The Kooks | 02:59 |
1033 | Monte Carlo | Girl Friend | 03:37 |
1034 | After You | Pulp | 05:35 |
1035 | California Sun | Baby Strange | 02:52 |
1036 | You | The Floodgates | 03:50 |
1037 | Hangin' Around | Public Access TV | 04:31 |
1038 | Carsick Cars | Man Made | 02:37 |
1039 | Flame | Sundara Karma | 03:46 |
1040 | The Road I Know | Azure Blue | 06:07 |
1041 | My Happiness | Powderfinger | 04:37 |
1042 | Famous Blue Anorak | Bubblegum Lemonade | 02:53 |
1043 | Somebody New | Matt Wertz | 04:46 |
1044 | Slippin | Taylor Thrash | 02:59 |
1045 | Homely Feeling | Hockey Dad | 02:20 |
1046 | Running Out | Hockey Dad | 04:15 |
1047 | Where I Came From | Hockey Dad | 03:41 |
1048 | Your Sex Is A Dream | Trevor Something | 05:17 |
1049 | All Summer Long | French Films | 03:32 |
1050 | Summer Nights | Juveniles | 03:39 |
1051 | Kaffeklubben | Camel Power Club | 03:42 |
1052 | Sankara | Camel Power Club | 03:52 |
1053 | Faces | Reuben Hollebon | 03:26 |
1054 | Leaving | Pet Shop Boys | 03:47 |
1055 | Red Shortbread | Jack Watts | 05:26 |
1056 | Thought Contagion | Muse | 03:26 |
1057 | Minor Flaws | Work Drugs | 03:52 |
1058 | Looks Like a Mess | Sunday's Best | 05:50 |
1059 | Butterscotch Goddam | Fischerspooner | 03:37 |
1060 | Home | Monster Movie | 04:21 |
1061 | I Won't Let You Down Again | Matthew Perryman Jones | 03:57 |
1062 | Franz | Camel Power Club | 03:40 |
1063 | My Soul Will Sing | Crossing | 06:12 |
1064 | Fix My Eyes | Crossing | 04:26 |
1065 | Astrology | Happy Hands Club | 04:03 |
1066 | Save Yourself | Lowgold | 03:45 |
1067 | Spanish Dance Troupe | Gorky's Zygotic Mynci | 03:16 |
1068 | A Light Above Descending | British Sea Power | 04:56 |
1069 | Sunlight Daze | Mimicking Birds | 03:09 |
1070 | An L.A. Night | The Memories | 02:58 |
1071 | Bonfire | The Hunna | 02:57 |
1072 | Crown the Pines | S. Carey | 03:30 |
1073 | Walls | Bon Jovi | 03:37 |
1074 | Rough Boy | Public Access TV | 03:22 |
1075 | Home Away from Home | Brett Dennen | 04:28 |
1076 | Good Vibration | Brett Dennen | 04:13 |
1077 | Breadwinner | Everything Everything | 03:15 |
1078 | Live My Life | Chappo | 03:38 |
1079 | Shotgun Vision | Islands | 03:08 |
1080 | Starship | Little Nemo | 04:01 |
1081 | Le dormeur du Val | Little Nemo | 03:28 |
1082 | Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia | Of Montreal | 07:15 |
1083 | Opia | Hibou | 03:51 |
1084 | Don't Try | Gerard Way | 05:06 |
1085 | Destroy | Shout Out Louds | 06:39 |
1086 | RE: Your Lungs | Barely Civil | 03:51 |
1087 | One Car Garage (Acoustic) | Emarosa | 04:07 |
1088 | D(r)iving | Pale Spectres | 03:18 |
1089 | Didn't Know Where To Go | Pale Spectres | 03:02 |
1090 | Elastic Tongue | The Map Room | 04:52 |
1091 | I Need Your Love | Tyler Burkum | 03:59 |
1092 | The Black | Asking Alexandria | 04:41 |
1093 | Over and Over | Skywave | 04:41 |
1094 | Sailboats | Sky Sailing | 04:19 |
1095 | Like Gold | Vance Joy | 03:44 |
1096 | Headlights | Jake Miller | 01:18 |
1097 | Be Alright | Jake Miller | 02:33 |
1098 | Cold | Editors | 03:38 |
1099 | Hallelujah (So Low) | Editors | 03:55 |
1100 | No Sound but the Wind | Editors | 04:27 |
1101 | Counting Spooks | Editors | 05:43 |
1102 | Magazine | Editors | 03:55 |
1103 | Belong | Editors | 06:12 |
1104 | A Simple Beautiful Truth | Wild Beasts | 02:36 |
1105 | Reflections | The Neighbourhood | 04:04 |
1106 | I Hope You're Happy | Blue October | 03:52 |
1107 | Welcome Home | Blessthefall | 03:41 |
1108 | Rapture | Underoath | 03:35 |
1109 | Mojave | Taylor Phelan | 03:48 |
1110 | Sky | Wildways | 03:08 |
1111 | Puzzle | Wildways | 03:30 |
1112 | Skint Kids Disco | No Hot Ashes | 03:42 |
1113 | One Match | Until the Ribbon Breaks | 00:00 |
1114 | Shotgun | George Ezra | 03:21 |
1115 | Slippin' | The Magic Gang | 02:47 |
1116 | Your Love | The Magic Gang | 03:05 |
1117 | Take Care | The Magic Gang | 04:00 |
1118 | Eden | NoMBe | 04:02 |
1119 | Drama | NoMBe | 03:38 |
1120 | Milk & Coffee | NoMBe | 03:55 |
1121 | Hurt You | The Weeknd | 03:50 |
1122 | I Was Never There | The Weeknd | 04:01 |
1123 | A Means To An End | Garden City Movement | 02:56 |
1124 | Foreign Affair | Garden City Movement | 02:38 |
1125 | Bleed For Me | Escape the Fate | 03:17 |
1126 | Do You Love Me? | Escape the Fate | 03:06 |
1127 | If Only | Escape the Fate | 03:10 |
1128 | Let Me Be | Escape the Fate | 03:34 |
1129 | Light You Up (Live) | Blue October | 04:58 |
1130 | The Getting Over It Part (Live) | Blue October | 06:07 |
1131 | Emergency Contraception Blues | Bombay Bicycle Club | 01:27 |
1132 | Lamplight | Bombay Bicycle Club | 03:45 |
1133 | Evening / Morning | Bombay Bicycle Club | 02:55 |
1134 | Dust On The Ground | Bombay Bicycle Club | 04:24 |
1135 | Always Like This | Bombay Bicycle Club | 04:06 |
1136 | Magnet | Bombay Bicycle Club | 04:50 |
1137 | Cancel On Me | Bombay Bicycle Club | 05:28 |
1138 | Autumn | Bombay Bicycle Club | 03:33 |
1139 | The Hill | Bombay Bicycle Club | 03:57 |
1140 | What If | Bombay Bicycle Club | 04:08 |
1141 | Ride | ISLAND | 03:53 |
1142 | Try | ISLAND | 04:05 |
1143 | The Day I Die | ISLAND | 03:22 |
1144 | Something Perfect | ISLAND | 03:10 |
1145 | Interlude | ISLAND | 02:18 |
1146 | Horizon | ISLAND | 03:13 |
1147 | Moth | ISLAND | 03:41 |
1148 | We Can Go Anywhere | ISLAND | 06:15 |
1149 | God Forgive | ISLAND | 04:38 |
1150 | Feels Like Air | ISLAND | 05:42 |
1151 | Lilyflower | ISLAND | 03:22 |
1152 | Jesus Saves | Royal Tusk | 03:51 |
1153 | Shadow of Love | Royal Tusk | 03:20 |
1154 | Engine | Royal Tusk | 03:44 |
1155 | Smoke Rings | Royal Tusk | 03:29 |
1156 | Believe (Alternative Version) | Normandie | 03:31 |
1157 | Skipping School | Amen Dunes | 05:28 |
1158 | Disappear | Trevor Something | 05:12 |
1159 | Leave | Jade TV | 03:45 |
1160 | Dream | Jade TV | 03:56 |
1161 | Everything And Nothing | Jade TV | 04:16 |
1162 | Essence | Jade TV | 06:39 |
1163 | Pyramid of Bones | The Voidz | 04:28 |
1164 | Sur Mon Cou | Raphaël | 04:17 |
1165 | Saint-Etienne | Raphaël | 03:05 |
1166 | Dreaming Of | ISLAND | 03:43 |
1167 | Pull | The Amazing | 07:39 |
1168 | For No One | The Amazing | 03:25 |
1169 | Asleep | The Amazing | 04:38 |
1170 | Seagull | Aquilo | 04:04 |
1171 | Joan, I'm Disappearing | City Calm Down | 03:41 |
1172 | Distraction/Losing Sleep | City Calm Down | 03:07 |
1173 | Blame | City Calm Down | 04:28 |
1174 | Pride | City Calm Down | 04:06 |
1175 | Light Year | Lo-Fang | 03:59 |
1176 | Icons | The Kooks | 03:42 |
1177 | Backstabber | The Kooks | 04:08 |
1178 | Hooray For Henry | The Kooks | 03:46 |
1179 | Better | nothing,nowhere. | 03:25 |
1180 | True Romatics | Lebanon Hanover | 03:35 |
1181 | You | Phillip LaRue | 03:04 |
1182 | Horizon | Bye Bye Badman | 04:19 |
1183 | Shallow City | Handsome Ghost | 04:11 |
1184 | Life or Death | DJ Bazooka | 04:59 |
1185 | Melt the Key | DJ Bazooka | 04:33 |
1186 | From the Ground Up (Bonanza) | Ryan Stevenson | 03:37 |
1187 | I Need You | Phil King | 03:40 |
1188 | My Heart Alone | Phil King | 04:40 |
1189 | Fool for Loving You | Mark Elliott | 02:34 |
1190 | Dancing on the Sun | VITAMIN | 03:18 |
1191 | Sweet Disaster | DREAMERS | 03:25 |
1192 | Stranger Still | Blossoms | 03:34 |
1193 | Our Friends | Number Station | 04:00 |
1194 | Motorcycling At Night | Lo Noom | 03:12 |
1195 | DLZ | TV on the Radio | 03:48 |
1196 | Straight Down The Line | Hawthorne Heights | 02:51 |
1197 | Touch | Haux | 03:30 |
1198 | Mercury | YATES | 03:47 |
1199 | Shout It Out | Steaming Satellites | 04:18 |
1200 | Electrify | Steaming Satellites | 03:42 |
1201 | Ocean Of Noise | Escapists | 04:09 |
1202 | Call Me Whatever | Steaming Satellites | 03:56 |
1203 | Pink Pussy | Pool | 02:37 |
1204 | World Without You | Hudson Taylor | 03:45 |
1205 | Mountain at My Gates | Foals | 04:04 |
1206 | Paper Cages | Franz Ferdinand | 03:40 |
1207 | Glimpse of Love | Franz Ferdinand | 03:12 |
1208 | The Loneliest Star | Thirteen Senses | 03:48 |
1209 | We Won't Sleep | Handsome Ghost | 03:04 |
1210 | Steps | Handsome Ghost | 03:29 |
1211 | Weight Of It All | Handsome Ghost | 03:25 |
1212 | Believers | Handsome Ghost | 03:53 |
1213 | Bloodshot | Handsome Ghost | 04:24 |
1214 | Blood Stutter | Handsome Ghost | 03:31 |
1215 | Reckless Lover | Handsome Ghost | 04:10 |
1216 | Fool | Handsome Ghost | 03:18 |
1217 | Better Off | Handsome Ghost | 03:44 |
1218 | Not the One For You | Handsome Ghost | 03:09 |
1219 | Indian Summer | Handsome Ghost | 03:29 |
1220 | Beauty / Bends: | Handsome Ghost | 03:46 |
1221 | See You When I See You | Handsome Ghost | 03:54 |
1222 | Put It Down | Steaming Satellites | 04:13 |
1223 | Back From Space | Steaming Satellites | 03:33 |
1224 | Major Crime | Steaming Satellites | 03:24 |
1225 | Tiny Monster | Steaming Satellites | 03:44 |
1226 | Silver Lining | Steaming Satellites | 04:00 |
1227 | To Make It Through | Steaming Satellites | 01:38 |
1228 | Back To The Roots | Steaming Satellites | 04:46 |
1229 | There’s a Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls) | Blossoms | 03:42 |
1230 | I Can’t Stand It | Blossoms | 02:57 |
1231 | Cool Like You | Blossoms | 03:05 |
1232 | Unfaithful | Blossoms | 02:59 |
1233 | How Long Will This Last? | Blossoms | 03:20 |
1234 | Between the Eyes | Blossoms | 03:23 |
1235 | I Just Imagined You | Blossoms | 02:58 |
1236 | Giving Up the Ghost | Blossoms | 03:21 |
1237 | Lying Again | Blossoms | 03:42 |
1238 | Love Talk | Blossoms | 03:48 |
1239 | There's A Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls) (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:41 |
1240 | I Can't Stand It (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:22 |
1241 | Cool Like You (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:07 |
1242 | Unfaithful (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:02 |
1243 | Stranger Still (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:26 |
1244 | How Long Will This Last? (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:27 |
1245 | Between The Eyes (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:22 |
1246 | I Just Imagined You (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:04 |
1247 | Giving Up The Ghost (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:25 |
1248 | Lying Again (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:15 |
1249 | Love Talk (Acoustic) | Blossoms | 03:13 |
1250 | Quarter Past Midnight | Bastille | 03:21 |
1251 | Need A Friend | EL VY | 03:20 |
1252 | Happy Man | Jungle | 03:10 |
1253 | Kill Your Conscience | Shinedown | 03:52 |
1254 | Hallelujah | Reuben And The Dark | 03:05 |
1255 | Dreaming | Reuben And The Dark | 03:14 |
1256 | Heart In Two | Reuben And The Dark | 03:40 |
1257 | Arms Of A Dream | Reuben And The Dark | 04:50 |
1258 | All Or Nothing | Reuben And The Dark | 03:15 |
1259 | Hurricane | Reuben And The Dark | 03:43 |
1260 | Castaway | Reuben And The Dark | 03:50 |
1261 | Woke Up A Rebel | Reuben And The Dark | 03:28 |
1262 | End of the World Everyday | Wildcat! Wildcat! | 03:10 |
1263 | Yet | Switchfoot | 03:53 |
1264 | Let Go | BANNERS | 03:15 |
1265 | Sensitive Kid | Cold War Kids | 03:33 |
1266 | One Point Perspective | Arctic Monkeys | 03:28 |
1267 | Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino | Arctic Monkeys | 03:32 |
1268 | Four Out Of Five | Arctic Monkeys | 05:12 |
1269 | She Looks Like Fun | Arctic Monkeys | 03:02 |
1270 | Star Treatment | Arctic Monkeys | 05:54 |
1271 | Be Still | The Killers | 04:33 |
1272 | Thought I Told You (Live) | The Academic | 04:19 |
1273 | Don't Know Where It Is | DYGL | 04:28 |
1274 | 7 Days til Sunday | TV Girl | 03:35 |
1275 | Sailing | Leisure Cruise | 03:20 |
1276 | Shakespeare & Heartbreak | Jesper Munk | 03:51 |
1277 | Call Me Up | Knox Hamilton | 03:05 |
1278 | Blood On The Surface | Mikky Ekko | 03:56 |
1279 | Total Recall | The Sound | 04:31 |
1280 | Middle Finger | Bohnes | 03:49 |
1281 | Forty-Nine Thirty | Redeem/Revive | 04:15 |
1282 | Meds | Placebo | 05:23 |
1283 | Piledriver Waltz | Arctic Monkeys | 03:23 |
1284 | Fade Out | James Bay | 03:52 |
1285 | Like New Year's Day | The Summer Kills | 07:24 |
1286 | Bunker | Balthazar | 04:51 |
1287 | Uptown (Calvin Harris Remix) | Calvin Harris | 03:56 |
1288 | Keep Dreaming | Mikey Wax | 03:25 |
1289 | Baby Don't You Lie to Me! | The Fratellis | 03:47 |
1290 | Hold Me Down | Family of the Year | 03:17 |
1291 | Shine | Dream On, Dreamer | 03:23 |
1292 | Paper Thin | Dream On, Dreamer | 03:46 |
1293 | Sorry | Renegade Five | 02:38 |
1294 | Worthy Of You | PLESTED | 03:10 |
1295 | Loaded | Miles Kane | 03:18 |
1296 | Abandoned Buick | Charles Watson | 04:26 |
1297 | Oola | Little India | 03:37 |
1298 | The Coast | Family of the Year | 04:58 |
1299 | Raw Honey | Family of the Year | 04:16 |
1300 | Indestructible | Welshly Arms | 03:46 |
1301 | Locked | Welshly Arms | 03:59 |
1302 | Hammer | Welshly Arms | 04:26 |
1303 | X | Welshly Arms | 03:46 |
1304 | Unspoken | Welshly Arms | 03:41 |
1305 | Forest Eyes | Logh | 04:25 |
1306 | Big Coat | Wiretree | 03:37 |
1307 | Hand In Hand | Walking On Cars | 03:48 |
1308 | Don't Mind Me | Walking On Cars | 04:06 |
1309 | Way Down We Go | Kaleo | 03:39 |
1310 | No Good (Live) | Kaleo | 03:58 |
1311 | I Can't Go On Without You | Kaleo | 06:17 |
1312 | Chills | Bad//Dreems | 02:31 |
1313 | Wolves | One Night Only | 03:54 |
1314 | Take Me to the Riot | Stars | 03:48 |
1315 | Let It Sway | DYGL | 02:52 |
1316 | Mexican Jackpot | Flagship | 04:02 |
1317 | Pumpin' Blood | NONONO | 03:37 |
1318 | Villain | Mating Ritual | 04:15 |
1319 | A Little While | Yellow Days | 05:17 |
1320 | Night Swim | Josef Salvat | 05:05 |
1321 | Moving | Travis | 04:32 |
1322 | Punks and Poets | Elliot Root | 04:03 |
1323 | No Man | House Of Hats | 02:59 |
1324 | Bad Crowd | No Hot Ashes | 04:14 |
1325 | Drunk | Mating Ritual | 06:21 |
1326 | All The Time | DYGL | 03:23 |
1327 | Swim | Mating Ritual | 05:13 |
1328 | Born for This | Royal Deluxe | 03:33 |
1329 | Back to the Start | Old Man Canyon | 03:58 |
1330 | On The Rise | Brett | 04:51 |
1331 | Closer | Josef Salvat | 03:10 |
1332 | Motley Crew | Thomston | 03:42 |
1333 | Many Clouds | Tim Burgess | 03:46 |
1334 | Breakin' Point | Peter Bjorn and John | 03:29 |
1335 | Eliot St. | Quilt | 04:33 |
1336 | Center of Attention | Jackson Waters | 04:41 |
1337 | We Lost The Race | Ourlives | 04:26 |
1338 | Paralyzed | NF | 04:30 |
1339 | Fire in My Heart | Pompeya | 03:29 |
1340 | Sinking Ships | Milburn | 02:54 |
1341 | Come Away with Me | Milburn | 03:29 |
1342 | Is Nowhere | Mayday Parade | 03:51 |
1343 | Satellite | Mayday Parade | 04:03 |
1344 | Looks Red, Tastes Blue | Mayday Parade | 04:13 |
1345 | Showroom | Milburn | 03:15 |
1346 | Send in the Boys | Milburn | 02:44 |
1347 | Storm in a Teacup | Milburn | 03:33 |
1348 | Murder In The Dark | Hatcham Social | 02:53 |
1349 | Superman | Hatcham Social | 02:18 |
1350 | In My Opinion | Hatcham Social | 03:12 |
1351 | Give Me The Gift | Hatcham Social | 04:20 |
1352 | Put You in Your Place | The Sunshine Underground | 03:14 |
1353 | Commercial Breakdown | The Sunshine Underground | 03:50 |
1354 | Panic Attack | The Sunshine Underground | 03:44 |
1355 | I Am the Changer | Cotton Jones | 06:34 |
1356 | To the Waterfall | The Enemy | 04:22 |
1357 | Everybody Needs Someone | The Enemy | 03:46 |
1358 | Some Things | The Enemy | 03:45 |
1359 | Please Haunt Me | 1908 | 06:07 |
1360 | And When The Sky Opened… | 1908 | 04:33 |
1361 | And Then There Were None | 1908 | 06:43 |
1362 | Sleepwalking | The Orange Lights | 05:22 |
1363 | More | 5 Seconds of Summer | 03:14 |
1364 | Harvest | K.S. Rhoads | 03:57 |
1365 | Taffeta | David Poe | 03:48 |
1366 | Ciphers | Thousand Yard Stare | 03:38 |
1367 | Lollipop Girl | Gentle Brent | 01:55 |
1368 | A Twinkle Of Your Eye | Gentle Brent | 02:52 |
1369 | No Foolin' | Gentle Brent | 02:32 |
1370 | At The Bazaar | Gentle Brent | 02:39 |
1371 | Always | Favored Nations | 03:31 |
1372 | Expanded Gong | Favored Nations | 03:16 |
1373 | That's Not Who We Are | Favored Nations | 03:34 |
1374 | Regular Pussy | Favored Nations | 03:48 |
1375 | Get My Bang | Wild Beasts | 03:32 |
1376 | Always the One | Sleeperstar | 03:37 |
1377 | The Very Last Time | Bullet for My Valentine | 03:57 |
1378 | Echo | Black Rebel Motorcycle Club | 05:13 |
1379 | Receiver | Firestations | 03:43 |
1380 | Touch | MAALA | 03:35 |
1381 | Inner city dream | Buddy Holliday | 03:03 |
1382 | D.A.D. | Ben Browning | 04:07 |
1383 | Back to the Start | Ben Browning | 03:52 |
1384 | California Speedball | CULTURE ABUSE | 03:39 |
1385 | In Need | Gert Taberner | 03:39 |
1386 | In Your Crosshairs | Knuckle Puck | 04:27 |
1387 | Coke & Smoke | House of Fools | 03:22 |
1388 | Sundance | Super Kidd | 03:53 |
1389 | I Don't Know | Paul McCartney | 04:26 |
1390 | Under Again | Bullet for My Valentine | 04:10 |
1391 | Fever | The Black Keys | 04:06 |
1392 | XO | Nightly | 03:05 |
1393 | The Rat | The Walkmen | 04:27 |
1394 | More Than Ever | Bedhead | 04:18 |
1395 | Freaking Out the Neighborhood | Mac DeMarco | 02:54 |
1396 | Inhaler | Foals | 04:52 |
1397 | Sudden Feeling | HalfNoise | 03:21 |
1398 | Animals | Ben Hobbs | 04:23 |
1399 | The Artist in the Ambulance | Thrice | 03:39 |
1400 | Art Is Hard | Cursive | 02:46 |
1401 | Invite Me To Your Party | Tyler Ward | 03:02 |
1402 | The Hardest Thing | Tyler Ward | 03:20 |
1403 | One Dance (Acoustic) | Tyler Ward | 02:02 |
1404 | Harvey | Her's | 03:31 |
1405 | Wake Up | Two Door Cinema Club | 03:46 |
1406 | Phantom | Nightly | 03:21 |
1407 | Letting Go | Wild Nothing | 03:41 |
1408 | Barbed Wire | Tom Grennan | 03:05 |
1409 | Sober | Tom Grennan | 03:43 |
1410 | Secret Lover | Tom Grennan | 03:58 |
1411 | Sweet Hallelujah | Tom Grennan | 03:47 |
1412 | Anything I Want | Weathers | 03:38 |
1413 | I Feel Like I'm Drowning | Two Feet | 03:06 |
1414 | Simplify | Young the Giant | 03:31 |
1415 | Paid in Full | The Plot In You | 03:46 |
1416 | Down To the River | Welshly Arms | 04:16 |
1417 | Jumpsuit | Twenty One Pilots | 03:58 |
1418 | Nico and the Niners | Twenty One Pilots | 03:47 |
1419 | Venus & River | Capital Cities | 03:05 |
1420 | Magnetic Form | Foemen | 03:45 |
1421 | Hair Too Long | The Vamps | 03:26 |
1422 | My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days | Current Joys | 06:08 |
1423 | Waiting For Your Arrival | The Jealous Sound | 04:38 |
1424 | Self-Doubt | Doodle | 05:57 |
1425 | 10 Lovers | The Black Keys | 03:33 |
1426 | Magic | MAALA | 03:30 |
1427 | Last Orders | Nothing But Thieves | 04:00 |
1428 | Kitchen Sink | Twenty One Pilots | 05:34 |
1429 | Be Concerned | Twenty One Pilots | 04:08 |
1430 | Clear | Twenty One Pilots | 03:39 |
1431 | Car Radio | Twenty One Pilots | 04:28 |
1432 | Semi-Automatic | Twenty One Pilots | 04:14 |
1433 | Make It | Ishi | 04:40 |
1434 | Leave This Behind | Lovelier Other | 05:00 |
1435 | Hidden Shelters | Lovelier Other | 04:18 |
1436 | That I Miss You | Vansire | 02:20 |
1437 | Pretenders | Join The Riot | 04:00 |
1438 | Velvet | Tropics | 03:12 |
1439 | Dream#1 | Boys In The Kitchen | 03:30 |
1440 | The Dancer | Boys In The Kitchen | 04:03 |
1441 | The Shore | Chapel Club | 06:03 |
1442 | Local Long Distance Relationship (LA2NY) | Saint Motel | 03:21 |
1443 | Runner | Cub Sport | 03:21 |
1444 | Just Say When | Capital Cities | 03:11 |
1445 | Say (Alt Version) | Kingsfoil | 03:24 |
1446 | Daydreaming Symphony | Rebuild & Rebound | 05:29 |
1447 | Hot Summer Days | Shining Bird | 04:43 |
1448 | Come on Mess Me Up | Cub Sport | 03:23 |
1449 | What Happened to Ya, Pt. 2 | Ian Brown | 05:39 |
1450 | Stalemate | YOUR ROMANCE | 03:38 |
1451 | Drift | Brothertiger | 04:14 |
1452 | How Can We Go On | You Walk Through Walls | 03:57 |
1453 | Living | The View | 03:14 |
1454 | Black | Dierks Bentley | 03:30 |
1455 | For The Life Of Me | This Beautiful Republic | 03:39 |
1456 | Skim Milk | Flasher | 03:44 |
1457 | Moving on Up | Vougal | 03:29 |
1458 | Gone | Bazzi | 02:12 |
1459 | One of Us | slenderbodies | 02:19 |
1460 | Shared Spaces | The Love Language | 03:46 |
1461 | Starfall | The Symposium | 03:58 |
1462 | Bad Directions | The Symposium | 03:14 |
1463 | Morning Sickness | Envy & Other Sins | 03:14 |
1464 | Mercy | Silver Screen | 04:52 |
1465 | Killing The Joke | Miles Kane | 03:16 |
1466 | Symphony of Skin | I the Mighty | 03:44 |
1467 | There's Plenty of Fish in the Sea (Too Bad You're Not a Fish) | Hail The Sun | 04:25 |
1468 | Catapult | Arctic Monkeys | 03:29 |
1469 | I Can Sleep Tonight | Circa Waves | 03:32 |
1470 | All My Friends | The Revivalists | 03:39 |
1471 | Ease Yourself and Glide | Ulrika Spacek | 03:30 |
1472 | The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap | Arctic Monkeys | 03:24 |
1473 | Blackwater | Apparat | 04:54 |
1474 | Disconnect | Shy Boys | 01:52 |
1475 | Fossils | Circa Waves | 02:47 |
1476 | Your Hurricane | Death Cab for Cutie | 03:18 |
1477 | Depths Unseen | Heartbreak Club | 03:30 |
1478 | Meet Me On The Corner | Jamie T | 03:49 |
1479 | Pour Me Love | Virgin Suicide | 03:25 |
1480 | Red Rose in the Cold Winter Ground | The Dig | 05:22 |
1481 | Police Car | The Dig | 03:53 |
1482 | Drawing a Line in the Sand | Brandtson | 02:57 |
1483 | Over and Out | Brandtson | 03:59 |
1484 | Problematic | EURINGER | 04:49 |
1485 | Trouble | Tender | 04:38 |
1486 | The End Where We Start | The Black Queen | 04:02 |
1487 | Speak My Mind | Vinyl Theatre | 04:24 |
1488 | 31st Street | Lume | 04:22 |
1489 | Knock Knock | Vinyl Theatre | 04:00 |
1490 | Devotee | Thumpers | 03:35 |
1491 | Bad Attraction | Brad Sucks | 03:16 |
1492 | Dropping out of School | Brad Sucks | 03:43 |
1493 | Echo Chamber | Spring King | 03:39 |
1494 | Us Vs Them | Spring King | 03:42 |
1495 | Crave | Waterparks | 03:39 |
1496 | Territory | Waterparks | 03:03 |
1497 | Pink | Waterparks | 03:35 |
1498 | Falling On Deaf Ears | Hail The Sun | 05:17 |
1499 | Most Days | Everything In Slow Motion | 04:27 |
1500 | Half As Good As You | Alice Merton | 03:30 |
1501 | Heart To Love (Live from a Rooftop in Manhattan Ny) | Passenger | 03:16 |
1502 | Architecture of Amnesia | Gruff Rhys | 04:41 |
1503 | We Are Inextricable | Devon Church | 05:04 |
1504 | Hammock | Soundtrack | 02:57 |
1505 | Never Said I Was The Only One | The Slow Readers Club | 03:09 |
1506 | Caldey | Manic Street Preachers | 03:48 |
1507 | Good Thing | Barns Courtney | 03:37 |
1508 | Cut Throat | The Ocean Party | 02:45 |
1509 | Fright of Thee | Milagres | 03:08 |
1510 | Our Song | Vinyl Theatre | 04:36 |
1511 | We Make the Music | Vinyl Theatre | 04:46 |
1512 | Dream of Me | Vinyl Theatre | 03:42 |
1513 | Concrete And Steel | Leif Erikson | 04:25 |
1514 | Looking For Signs | Leif Erikson | 04:53 |
1515 | Total Breakdown | Brad Sucks | 02:19 |
1516 | Over Reacting | Brad Sucks | 03:34 |
1517 | Talk to Me | 60 Ft. Dolls | 02:56 |
1518 | The Echo Of The World | Cloud Nothings | 03:56 |
1519 | Distanced | The Black Queen | 04:45 |
1520 | That Death Cannot Touch | The Black Queen | 03:50 |
1521 | Lovesong | The Cure | 03:28 |
1522 | The Lakes | RHODES | 04:12 |
1523 | Rogue Machine (Full Version) | The Daylights | 04:48 |
1524 | She Said | Everfound | 03:57 |
1525 | Lullaby | Dark Mean | 04:29 |
1526 | The Same Deep Water as Me | I Am Kloot | 04:08 |
1527 | Light up the Sky | The Dunwells | 03:39 |
1528 | Windmills | Jordan Lander | 04:10 |
1529 | Weeping Willow | Sebastien Schuller | 05:29 |
1530 | Gimme Shelter | The Rolling Stones | 04:36 |
1531 | Drop the Guillotine (Audiotree Live Version) | Peach Pit | 03:45 |
1532 | Being so Normal (Audiotree Live Version) | Peach Pit | 03:22 |
1533 | Alrighty Aphrodite (Audiotree Live Version) | Peach Pit | 03:25 |
1534 | Peach Pit (Audiotree Live Version) | Peach Pit | 04:18 |
1535 | stones (again) ((and again)) | ManDancing | 03:03 |
1536 | reprised (ocean) | ManDancing | 04:08 |
1537 | humor (hah) | ManDancing | 02:53 |
1538 | (beer) cases | ManDancing | 02:44 |
1539 | (the) words | ManDancing | 03:05 |
1540 | Sorry | Slowly Slowly | 04:02 |
1541 | Smile Lines | Slowly Slowly | 04:19 |
1542 | Aliens | Slowly Slowly | 03:21 |
1543 | Battle Lines | Bob Moses | 04:14 |
1544 | Back Down | Bob Moses | 04:10 |
1545 | Eye for an Eye | Bob Moses | 04:01 |
1546 | Nothing but You | Bob Moses | 03:39 |
1547 | Twisted Heart | Teleman | 03:38 |
1548 | Sea of Wine | Teleman | 04:50 |
1549 | Fun Destruction | Teleman | 02:57 |
1550 | Starlight | Teleman | 06:39 |
1551 | O.K., Mom | Marietta | 03:46 |
1552 | Eyes | The New Division | 04:05 |
1553 | England's Dreaming | Boston Manor | 03:37 |
1554 | Bad Machine | Boston Manor | 03:08 |
1555 | If You Have Ghosts | Grey Hairs | 03:39 |
1556 | Fear | Keep It Quiet | 04:32 |
1557 | This Won't End | Keep It Quiet | 03:16 |
1558 | Too Far Away from Me | Keep It Quiet | 03:53 |
1559 | Brave New World | Noyce TM | 05:45 |
1560 | 1999 | Neøv | 05:33 |
1561 | Tokyo | California Wives | 04:05 |
1562 | Bring Your Pistol | Electro Spectre | 03:53 |
1563 | Make You Love Me | Electro Spectre | 04:08 |
1564 | Endorce the Beauty | Electro Spectre | 03:08 |
1565 | Cold Cold Night | Ceremony | 03:54 |
1566 | Weightless | Washed Out | 04:55 |
1567 | I Am Made Of You | Alice Cooper | 05:32 |
1568 | Forever End | The Holydrug Couple | 04:00 |
1569 | Don't Give Up | Washed Out | 03:54 |
1570 | Eyes Be Closed | Washed Out | 04:47 |
1571 | Fever | Night Panther | 04:00 |
1572 | 4AM In London | Benjamin Francis Leftwich | 03:08 |
1573 | Tranz | Gorillaz | 02:42 |
1574 | Drive Me Crazy | HATE DRUGS | 04:20 |
1575 | Dirty Little War | Shawn Hook | 03:52 |
1576 | Demons | johnny goth | 03:32 |
1577 | Land of the Evil | johnny goth | 03:09 |
1578 | Stars | Future Generations | 03:53 |
1579 | Rain | Future Generations | 03:51 |
1580 | 60 Seconds | Future Generations | 04:12 |
1581 | The Caterpillar Song | Vega4 | 05:19 |
1582 | My First Step | Echoes of Giants | 05:40 |
1583 | Walls I Build | Echoes of Giants | 08:39 |
1584 | Six Blade Knife | Dire Straits | 04:10 |
1585 | Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out | John Lennon | 05:03 |
1586 | Limite Malade | Automelodi | 04:58 |
1587 | Love Will Come Through | Travis | 03:39 |
1588 | Send Me Away | Truslow | 04:24 |
1589 | Ghost Town | Tilian | 04:03 |
1590 | Drunken Conversations | Tilian | 03:49 |
1591 | Telepathic (Not Your Dope Remix) | Starset | 03:37 |
1592 | Rise | The Word Alive | 03:12 |
1593 | Young Stars | The Struts | 03:23 |
1594 | Sexy National Anthem | Cheekface | 03:01 |
1595 | Bright Lines | yOya | 03:28 |
1596 | One Trick Ponies | Kurt Vile | 05:21 |
1597 | Suddenly | Future Generations | 03:35 |
1598 | Take Me There | Future Generations | 04:49 |
1599 | I Never Knew I Was Lonely | Future Generations | 03:37 |
1600 | Incomplete | Future Generations | 03:40 |
1601 | Hold On | Tilian | 03:09 |
1602 | Right Side | Tilian | 03:49 |
1603 | The Stranger in Our Pictures | Hail The Sun | 04:01 |
1604 | Risk/Reward | Hail The Sun | 02:20 |
1605 | Crawl | James Emmett Band | 03:42 |
1606 | Bed Bugs | Fred Thomas | 05:04 |
1607 | Angel | Poets of the Fall | 04:22 |
1608 | You Say | Two Feet | 02:39 |
1609 | Back Of My Mind | Two Feet | 03:06 |
1610 | Works Every Time | Mini Mansions | 04:36 |
1611 | The Monolith | The Daysleepers | 04:46 |
1612 | All My Friends Are Scientists | Tom West | 03:41 |
1613 | Straight To My Head | You Me At Six | 03:37 |
1614 | Miracle In the Mourning | You Me At Six | 03:15 |
1615 | Pray for Me | You Me At Six | 03:05 |
1616 | Predictable | You Me At Six | 03:56 |
1617 | Danger | You Me At Six | 03:11 |
1618 | In Sight | Berndsen | 04:10 |
1619 | The Perfect Human | Berndsen | 03:58 |
1620 | Loading Zones | Kurt Vile | 03:23 |
1621 | Just My Type (Acoustic) | The Vamps | 03:47 |
1622 | Sick | Hands Like Houses | 03:35 |
1623 | Catch it | Iceage | 05:45 |
1624 | Superposition | Young the Giant | 03:51 |
1625 | Tempo | Husky Loops | 02:46 |
1626 | Nightmares | Easy Life | 03:27 |
1627 | Cigarette Lighter | Mellah | 04:23 |
1628 | Can’t You See | FIDLAR | 02:58 |
1629 | Lavender Bay | Trophy Eyes | 02:59 |
1630 | Piece of Me | EURINGER | 03:06 |
1631 | White Flag | Normandie | 03:45 |
1632 | Enough | Normandie | 03:33 |
1633 | The Hurt | Brother Sundance | 03:32 |
1634 | Heartbreaker | Boys of Fall | 03:08 |
1635 | Deep Water | American Authors | 03:18 |
1636 | Monsters | Brother Sundance | 04:06 |
1637 | Handmade Ego | Tender | 05:09 |
1638 | Glory | Young the Giant | 03:18 |
1639 | Hold On | Richard Ashcroft | 05:40 |
1640 | Teenage Rockstars | Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness | 04:53 |
1641 | These Days | Aaron Taos | 03:01 |
1642 | High Hopes | Panic! At The Disco | 03:10 |
1643 | Third Coast Dreaming | Bass Drum of Death | 02:46 |
1644 | Heavy | Bass Drum of Death | 02:15 |
1645 | All Fall Down | Fangclub | 03:07 |
1646 | Rolling With the Punches | The Blue Stones | 03:20 |
1647 | North Star | Hit the Switch | 02:50 |
1648 | Torn | Neck Deep | 04:04 |
1649 | Here Tonight | Oh, Weatherly | 03:19 |
1650 | Ride the Nuclear Wave | The Oranges Band | 03:07 |
1651 | Say We'll Make It | Vacation Manor | 03:01 |
1652 | Move On | Vacation Manor | 03:52 |
1653 | Don't Say It's Over | Vacation Manor | 05:13 |
1654 | Garands At Normande | Young the Giant | 03:12 |
1655 | Shake My Hand | Young the Giant | 03:56 |
1656 | No Devotion | Tender | 03:27 |
1657 | Ubu | Methyl Ethel | 05:02 |
1658 | Careless | NEFFEX | 04:56 |
1659 | (Don't) Need You | Normandie | 04:01 |
1660 | Your Father's House | Devon Church | 04:46 |
1661 | We Are Inextricable | Devon Church | 05:05 |
1662 | Groundswell | Methyl Ethel | 03:31 |
1663 | Chlorine | Twenty One Pilots | 05:24 |
1664 | Neon Gravestones | Twenty One Pilots | 04:00 |
1665 | Pet Cheetah | Twenty One Pilots | 03:18 |
1666 | Judy | Castlecomer | 03:10 |
1667 | Favourite | Castlecomer | 03:59 |
1668 | She Knows | Castlecomer | 03:28 |
1669 | Pink Gallo | Smidley | 02:54 |
1670 | Under The Table | Smidley | 03:33 |
1671 | Moth | Normandie | 03:38 |
1672 | Chasing California | Oh, Weatherly | 03:10 |
1673 | I Think I Want You | Oh, Weatherly | 03:20 |
1674 | Keep On Listening | Oh, Weatherly | 03:43 |
1675 | Dark of the Night | Oh, Weatherly | 03:03 |
1676 | Fear of Falling Asleep | Tender | 04:10 |
1677 | Midnight In Tokyo | Mini Mansions | 03:52 |
1678 | Pick Up the Pieces | Cursive | 03:24 |
1679 | Dead Feelings | SHADED | 03:16 |
1680 | The Fix Up | State Champs | 03:27 |
1681 | Time Machine | State Champs | 03:29 |
1682 | El eléctrico romance de Lev Termen y la Diva del Éter | Pumuky | 04:03 |
1683 | Remember the Bad Things | Man Without Country | 03:32 |
1684 | Máscaras de Porcelana | Trinity Nova | 04:06 |
1685 | Social Climb | I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME | 02:56 |
1686 | The Dark | Thrice | 03:49 |
1687 | Live Fast Die Young | Hollywood Undead | 03:41 |
1688 | Life of the Party | All Time Low | 03:25 |
1689 | Good At Loving You | Mother Mother | 02:38 |
1690 | Apocalypse Now (& Later) | Laura Jane Grace & the Devouring Mothers | 02:15 |
1691 | R.I.P. | Mikky Ekko | 05:00 |
1692 | Ice Wharf | Work Drugs | 03:14 |
1693 | All In White (Live In Brighton) | The Vaccines | 04:42 |
1694 | Still Hungry | Adelitas Way | 03:10 |
1695 | Get It On | Adelitas Way | 02:52 |
1696 | Black Diamond | Adelitas Way | 03:46 |
1697 | Strangers | Nightseason | 03:15 |
1698 | Wicked Heart | Sublime with Rome | 03:18 |
1699 | Talking Straight | Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever | 03:44 |
1700 | Pink Lemonade | James Bay | 04:12 |
1701 | Disillusioned | A Perfect Circle | 05:53 |
1702 | Doubt | Joywave | 03:45 |
1703 | Loneliest | Incubus | 03:37 |
1704 | Severed | The Decemberists | 04:03 |
1705 | &Run (K.Flay Remix) | Sir Sly | 03:36 |
1706 | Do I Have to Talk You Into It | Spoon | 04:20 |
1707 | I Love You, Will You Marry Me | YUNGBLUD | 02:57 |
1708 | The Gold | Manchester Orchestra | 04:33 |
1709 | Something About Us | Daft Punk | 03:51 |
1710 | Bulletproof Baby | The Struts | 03:13 |
1711 | Champion | Barns Courtney | 03:10 |
1712 | Weapons | The Daylights | 05:14 |
1713 | Lafayette | Man Without Country | 05:55 |
1714 | Jaws of Life | Man Without Country | 03:51 |
1715 | Alcohol & Adrenaline - Re-Imagined | Man Without Country | 04:23 |
1716 | Flying Zambo | Work Drugs | 03:49 |
1717 | Fever Dream | Grayscale | 03:25 |
1718 | Movement | Hozier | 03:57 |
1719 | Something About Us | Daft Punk | 03:51 |
1720 | Magic City Hippies | Magic City Hippies | 02:57 |
1721 | Tightrope | Young the Giant | 03:58 |
1722 | Believe It | White Lies | 03:29 |
1723 | Rose | Allan Rayman | 03:29 |
1724 | Winter Is Coming | Radical Face | 04:23 |
1725 | Mrs. Cold | Kings of Convenience | 03:06 |
1726 | Satellite | Tilian | 03:22 |
1727 | Between the Lines | Old Man Canyon | 04:19 |
1728 | Fuck U | Archive | 05:11 |
1729 | Unheavenly Creatures | Coheed and Cambria | 04:13 |
1730 | Someone You Loved | Lewis Capaldi | 03:02 |
1731 | That Sound | Sam Fender | 03:25 |
1732 | Monster | Walking On Cars | 03:04 |
1733 | What's It Like Now | Mikky Ekko | 03:28 |
1734 | Bottled Up | Tender | 04:46 |
1735 | Breathe | The Comfort | 04:39 |
1736 | Seeds of Gold | Closure in Moscow | 03:41 |
1737 | People | Leoniden | 03:16 |
1738 | Outrunning Karma | Alec Benjamin | 03:08 |
1739 | Sure | Emarosa | 03:54 |
1740 | Kill Yourself (Part III) | $uicideboy$ | 02:25 |
1741 | Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic | Sleeping at Last | 03:16 |
1742 | The Safety Dance | Sleeping at Last | 03:26 |
1743 | In My Head | Peter Manos | 03:34 |
1744 | Bitter-Sweet | Bryan Ferry | 03:57 |
1745 | Blue Vacation | Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness | 03:57 |
1746 | Ecstasy | Soviet Soviet | 03:48 |
1747 | Let's Go | Stuck In The Sound | 03:31 |
1748 | Boy in the Bubble | Alec Benjamin | 03:01 |
1749 | Let Me Down Slowly | Alec Benjamin | 02:49 |
1750 | Gold | Chet Faker | 03:59 |
1751 | Tenner | Spector | 04:49 |
1752 | George And Andrew | The Boy Least Likely To | 03:49 |
1753 | The Moment | Skinshape | 03:56 |
1754 | Rainy Corner | Wiretree | 03:54 |
1755 | Shadows | The Midnight | 06:27 |
1756 | The Recluse | Cursive | 03:03 |
1757 | Broke Love | Hotel Books | 04:14 |
1758 | Holla | Lanks | 04:17 |
1759 | Lioness | Envy on the Coast | 03:47 |
1760 | Million (feat. Compulsive) | SMNM | 05:11 |
1761 | Real | MAJIK | 03:43 |
1762 | Dying In The Heat | Nightseason | 02:58 |
1763 | I Took A Pill In Ibiza | Jamie Cullum | 04:29 |
1764 | Shape Of You | Jamie Cullum | 04:01 |
1765 | Now That You're Gone | The Raconteurs | 03:56 |
1766 | Sugarcane | Hazlett | 03:41 |
1767 | Dreamer | Kaptan | 03:49 |
1768 | Always Done What You Say | Aquilo | 03:41 |
1769 | Human | Aquilo | 03:59 |
1770 | What’s Up Danger | Black Caviar | 03:42 |
1771 | Scared of the Dark | Lil Wayne | 03:53 |
1772 | Ghost Lager | Of Methodist | 03:13 |
1773 | Like Incense | Of Methodist | 03:17 |
1774 | Into the Night | Beacon | 03:41 |
1775 | Submission | Delphic | 05:34 |
1776 | The Lock, The Door, The Key | Nightseason | 03:10 |
1777 | Colder Heavens | Blanco White | 04:33 |
1778 | Criminal | The Revivalists | 05:12 |
1779 | Love | Finding Hope | 04:16 |
1780 | Lost The Game | Two Feet | 02:51 |
1781 | No Fun | The Magic Gang | 03:53 |
1782 | Call Me Call Me | Steve Conte | 05:19 |
1783 | BIRTH CERTIFICATE | VANT | 02:51 |
1784 | I Heard It Through the Grapevine | Creedence Clearwater Revival | 03:53 |
1785 | In My Mind | The Amazons | 03:47 |
1786 | Fire That Burns | Circa Waves | 03:50 |
1787 | Mallory | Gengahr | 03:19 |
1788 | Darkness In Our Hearts | Miles Kane | 04:43 |
1789 | Whatchu Doin' | Balthazar | 03:44 |
1790 | I'm Never Gonna Let You Down Again | Balthazar | 03:37 |
1791 | Voices | Switchfoot | 02:58 |
1792 | Shinjū | Young Medicine | 03:22 |
1793 | Time Is Not an Option | Awaken I Am | 04:17 |
1794 | Dive | Sunsleep | 03:57 |
1795 | Elevate | Papa Roach | 03:11 |
1796 | Violet City | Mansionair | 03:33 |
1797 | Terminal | Wait for the Day | 03:45 |
1798 | Medicine | Nervus | 03:18 |
1799 | Beautiful for the Last Time | Seeming | 03:45 |
1800 | A Beautiful Day to Die | Glamour of the Kill | 04:09 |
1801 | Waving Past Nirvana | Wives | 05:10 |
1802 | Holy Roller | The Amazons | 03:56 |
1803 | Valentine | The Get Up Kids | 04:19 |
1804 | Islands | courtship. | 03:26 |
1805 | Exhale | Rarity | 04:17 |
1806 | Unfair | 6LACK | 04:48 |
1807 | Style | Death In Rome | 04:16 |
1808 | i-75 | Drip-133 | 01:38 |
1809 | Somewhere in the Middle | Dishwalla | 03:42 |
1810 | Somewhere | Yuck | 05:43 |
1811 | Drive | Rialto | 04:12 |
1812 | Right Where It Belongs V.2 | Nine Inch Nails | 05:00 |
1813 | When They Come For You | Tender | 03:39 |
1814 | Tainted | Tender | 04:00 |
1815 | Joy Invincible | Switchfoot | 03:42 |
1816 | I Want to Be Buried in Your Backyard | Nightmare of You | 04:05 |
1817 | Muted Colours | Chain Wallet | 02:47 |
1818 | Faded Fight | Chain Wallet | 03:14 |
1819 | Billie Jean | Weezer | 04:54 |
1820 | Anxiety | Blood Red Shoes | 03:05 |
1821 | Vertigo | Blood Red Shoes | 03:07 |
1822 | Changes | Balthazar | 03:46 |
1823 | Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others | Lillies and Remains | 03:04 |
1824 | The Ruling Class | Lillies and Remains | 02:42 |
1825 | Damaged Goods | Lillies and Remains | 03:25 |
1826 | Remember | Strange Ranger | 04:54 |
1827 | What Are You Doing Here | Casey Breves | 03:57 |
1828 | Wicket Youth | Sego | 03:15 |
1829 | Fool Around | Sego | 02:52 |
1830 | Obscene Dream | Sego | 03:51 |
1831 | False Currency | Sego | 03:07 |
1832 | Whatever Forever | Sego | 03:12 |
1833 | Shame | Sego | 03:20 |
1834 | Five Walls | Say Yes | 03:21 |
1835 | Remorse Is in the Flames | Say Yes | 03:09 |
1836 | Make It for Me | Say Yes | 03:34 |
1837 | Chaos | Bazart | 03:18 |
1838 | Open | Bazart | 03:47 |
1839 | Ademnood | Bazart | 04:26 |
1840 | i'm so tired... | Lauv | 02:42 |
1841 | Snowdonia | Surfer Blood | 07:45 |
1842 | Younger | The Mountain Goats | 05:52 |
1843 | Can I Sleep in Your Brain | Ezra Furman | 03:57 |
1844 | En Livredd Mann | Kjetil Mørland | 02:58 |
1845 | The Way It Was | The Killers | 03:51 |