

#民谣流行 Folk Pop #根源唱作人 Singer/Songwriter #轻摇滚 Soft Rock #流行摇滚 Pop Rock #原声摇滚 Acoustic Rock


Jack Johnson是一位来自美国夏威夷的歌手、影片制作人和音乐创作者,同时也是冲浪好手。他的音乐在商业方面获得巨大成功,在发行了第一张专辑《Brushfire Fairytales》之后就全心投入音乐创作与演唱。至今已发行了多张EP与专辑,并是轻柔摇滚乐的代表人物之一。

“Jack Johnson擅长创作清新而自然的音乐,简单的空心吉他搭配他温煦柔和的嗓音,让人感觉轻松而舒适,感觉像他的家乡夏威夷的阳光和沙滩一样……”权威音乐网站AMG这样推崇他的音乐风格。往返夏威夷与洛杉矶两地,Jack Johnson于2005年录制完成最新专辑《In Between Dreams》,有着大海般的歌声加上纯熟的吉他弹奏,创作出一首接一首轻松惬意、混融民谣、蓝调、雷鬼和Bossa Nova的清新作品。简单却完美的专辑创作,在没有商业广告的加持下,《In Between Dreams》却在美国发行首周,以23万张的惊人销售空降全美告示牌专辑榜第2名,在乐评、乐迷、以及电台DJ的热情支持下,《In Between Dreams》在不到2个月的发行后在全球默默卖出200万张。Radiohead的主唱曾对Jack Johnson说:“你真是天生的人型节奏组(human drum set),嘴巴就像钹,打开了就有切分音”;美国权威杂志评论杰克的歌词创作:是“21世纪的Bob Dylan”。Jack Johnson特殊的魅力,让世界上任何浪高于4英尺的地方,就有冲浪客聚集着聆听他的专辑;他的音乐会出现在伦敦顶级的时尚bar里,也会出现在曼谷的盗版摊上。但对杰克来说,他只是个冲浪家、喜欢电影、跟会唱歌的人,他不叫魔术Johnson,他是Jack Johnson。


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Never Know Jack Johnson 03:33
02 Better Together Jack Johnson 03:27
03 Angel Jack Johnson 02:02
04 I Got You Jack Johnson 02:59
05 Better Together Jack Johnson 03:27
06 Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Jack Johnson 03:03
07 Do You Remember Jack Johnson 02:24
08 Banana Pancakes Jack Johnson 03:12
09 Cocoon Jack Johnson 04:11
10 Gone Jack Johnson 02:10
11 You and Your Heart Jack Johnson 03:12
12 Washing Dishes Jack Johnson 03:23
13 Shot Reverse Shot Jack Johnson 03:10
14 Country Road Jack Johnson 02:34
15 Never Fade Jack Johnson 04:02
16 Good People Jack Johnson 03:28
17 Better Together Jack Johnson 03:29
18 Tape Deck Jack Johnson 03:21
19 Breakdown Jack Johnson 03:32
20 Don't Believe a Thing I Say Jack Johnson 03:14
21 As I Was Saying Jack Johnson 03:45
22 Sleep Through the Static Jack Johnson 03:43
23 What You Thought You Need (Live From Yokohama) Jack Johnson 04:16
24 You Remind Me of You Jack Johnson 02:24
25 Home Jack Johnson 03:01
26 Radiate Jack Johnson 04:15
27 Ones and Zeros Jack Johnson 04:27
28 Traffic in the Sky Jack Johnson 02:50
29 All at Once Jack Johnson 03:37
30 Change Jack Johnson 03:14
31 In the Morning Jack Johnson 03:13
32 Constellations Jack Johnson 03:21
33 Upside Down Jack Johnson 03:28
34 You And Your Heart Jack Johnson 03:16
35 Crying Shame Jack Johnson 03:06
36 Good People Jack Johnson 03:28
37 Belle Jack Johnson 01:43
38 No Other Way Jack Johnson 03:09
39 Situations Jack Johnson 01:17
40 The 3 R's Jack Johnson 02:54
41 Only the Ocean Jack Johnson 03:42
42 No Good with Faces Jack Johnson 03:31
43 If I Could Jack Johnson 02:25
44 Questions Jack Johnson 04:09
45 If I Had Eyes Jack Johnson 04:01
46 Times Like These Jack Johnson 02:22
47 Imagine Jack Johnson 03:40
48 Constellations (Demo from the Mango Tree) Jack Johnson 03:32
49 Staple It Together Jack Johnson 03:16
50 Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Live from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon) Jack Johnson 02:19