# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 |
I Am the Black Wizards
帝王,交响黑的鼻祖,帝王的厉害在于其实并没有多少管弦乐器缺能营造出如此的交响的意境和氛围,帝王的前两张专辑也堪称交响黑金属的范本。 |
Emperor | 06:00 |
02 |
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
Dimmu Borgir,个人最爱的交响黑,虽然很多人吐槽商业化以及不够黑不够畜,但个人却认为这是一支把黑金属和交响乐结合的最完美的乐队,他们的歌,大气磅礴,气势恢宏,这是在听交响歌剧还是在看好莱坞大片? |
Dimmu Borgir | 05:18 |
03 |
Mare Nostrum
这是一支意大利的乐队,多年前初次听到Stormlord,就被震撼到,可以说之后再无这样的感觉,那鼓点,那速度,交替的残暴的黑死嗓,欧式的交响氛围,男女声的运用,很完美,有交响元素并不意味着让黑金属软化! |
Stormlord | 06:47 |
04 |
In Your Midnight Orchad
芬兰式的旋律+原始黑金属+交响的元素,这是一支让人欲罢不能的乐队,太优美了,听完后自己问了句:这还是黑金属吗? |
Alghazanth | 09:19 |
05 |
Land of the Dead
这个大家都很熟悉,很有底蕴 |
Summoning | 12:50 |
06 |
The Shining
法国的团,狂躁爆裂,暴风骤雨一般,但很久没动静了 |
Anorexia Nervosa | 05:29 |
07 |
摇篮的歌还是很值得一听的,主唱的嗓子还是很牛的,这首的女声也很喜欢,Leaves'Eyes的主唱。 |
Cradle of Filth | 05:01 |
08 |
In Abhorrence Dementia
地狱边陲的艺术,好好感受这份艺术,残暴、高速、黑暗、优美! |
Limbonic Art | 07:25 |
09 |
Voice of Steel
乌克兰的瑰宝,民谣异教交响黑金,好听,有味道! |
Nokturnal Mortum | 09:54 |
10 |
Two Worlds Collide
感受来自匈牙利的长号交响黑! |
Sear Bliss | 04:07 |
11 |
芬兰的乐队,后期转型交响黑,长篇的史诗歌曲,就像在诉说着一个故事。 |
Shade Empire | 08:03 |
12 |
An Angels Funeral
德国无弱团,旋律很流畅,很好听! |
Agathodaimon | 04:35 |
13 |
Two Faced Beast
意大利的乐队,很喜欢的一个团,元素丰富。 |
Dark End | 07:31 |
14 |
Eyes of Noctum
凯奇儿子的乐队,交响黑玩的还是很不错的! |
Eyes Of Noctum | 04:13 |
15 |
The Curse of Woe
美国能有这样的团,有点小意外! |
Dragonlord | 05:39 |
16 |
Midnight Deathcult Phenomena
美国老团,不像一般的交响黑玩花哨! |
Ceremonial Castings | 07:00 |
17 | Invisible Kingdom | Vesperian Sorrow | 07:32 |
18 | A Semblance of Life | Abigail Williams | 02:06 |
19 |
以色列的团,试试看,很惊喜! |
Dagor Dagorath | 06:02 |
20 |
The Fall of Angelic Dominion
超爱的一个以色列的团! |
Winterhorde | 06:19 |
21 |
Eyes Gaze to a Future Foreseen
同样来自以色列! |
Bishop Of Hexen | 06:37 |
22 | Overwrite the Archetype | Ethereal | 05:47 |
23 | Invocations Beyond the Outer-World Night | Bal Sagoth | 05:25 |
24 | Viy | Stigmatic Chorus | 06:05 |
25 | Запетный Плод | Sinful | 05:29 |
26 | Возрождённый… | Grey Heaven Fall | 05:40 |
27 | Фаэтон | Astel Oscora | 09:41 |
28 | Arcane Grail | Arcane Grail | 05:00 |
29 | A Mirror's Game | Winterburst | 07:02 |
30 | Pandemonium 1.1 | Deathcode Society | 07:15 |
31 | Sanguinolentus Kali | Blazing War Machine | 04:18 |
32 | Punishment from Hell | Suffering Souls | 06:37 |
33 | The Bethorian Shrine | Obsidian Gate | 09:15 |
34 | ChaosWorm | Twilight Ophera | 05:46 |
35 | Insidious Dream Of Inhuman Fear | Thyrane | 04:23 |
36 | The Rise of the Great Beast | Gloomy Grim | 04:54 |
37 |
Two Sides Of The Same Coin
一个很喜欢的格鲁吉亚的团! |
Signs | 05:34 |
38 |
Edge of TIme
白俄罗斯的团! |
Nightside Glance | 07:39 |
39 | Darkness Scars My Soul | Misteltein | 05:40 |
40 |
A Coming Storm
比利时的一个很喜欢的团,旋律很好! |
Lemuria | 06:32 |
41 | Invocation Of Baphomet | Elderblood | 07:30 |
42 | Fall Down | Grave Declaration | 06:50 |
43 |
And A Colder Breed
看到挪威的黑金属,都想试试看! |
Kråke | 05:10 |
44 | The Omnipotence Of The Judges | Erevos | 03:21 |
45 | Marduke's Mazemerising | Vesania | 04:39 |
46 | Devotion in Sin | Luna Ad Noctum | 04:36 |
47 | Hairesis | Hermh | 05:24 |
48 | Rex Inferni | Devilish Impressions | 07:14 |
49 | Nebula | Riul Doamnei | 05:23 |
50 | Slaves Of Darkness | Nefertum | 04:29 |
51 | Snap Up the Raw of Existence | Grand Alchemist | 03:36 |
52 | Awe and Terror | In Lingua Mortua | 08:07 |
53 | Veils of Wintersorrow | Obtained Enslavement | 06:08 |
54 | Usurping the Obsidian God | Empyrean Throne | 07:21 |
55 | Tyranny in the Name of God | Blasphemium | 06:28 |
56 |
台湾的团,很不错! |
Anthelion | 05:53 |
57 | Deathbringer | Gothmog | 05:15 |