

#英式摇滚 Britpop #华丽摇滚 Glam Rock #另类摇滚Alternative rock



中 文 名 山羊皮乐队

外 文 名 SUEDE

国 籍 英国

职 业 摇滚乐队

代表作品 《Everything Will Flow》、《Beautiful Ones》

主要成就 1993Mercury音乐奖 开创了英伦摇滚的第二次革命

唱片公司 哥伦比亚唱片、SONY唱片

风 格 英伦摇滚、另类摇滚

活跃年代 1989年—2003年、2010年至今


Suede作为一只20世纪90年代颇具影响力的英国乐队,对英伦独立摇滚音乐的壮大和发展做出了杰出的贡献。在英国,Suede仍被认为是继Roxy Music和The Smiths之后最伟大的乐队之一。Suede这支著名的来自英国伦敦的乐队由主唱Brett Anderson、吉他手Richard Oakes(第一任吉他手是Bernard Butler,94年离队)、贝斯手Mat Osman、鼓手Simon Gilbert及键盘乐器手Neil Codling所组成。乐队成立至今已有24年历史,Suede从刚成立时倍受怀疑发展至现在成为大不列颠最受欢迎的乐队之一。2013年开展了新一轮巡演。


Brett,Mat 生长于距离伦敦四十里外的Haywards Heath,早在1989年时这两位多年好友就曾组过乐团。后来他们透过在「NME」杂志上刊登广告的方式,找到前来应征的吉他手Bernard Butler。三个人先组成了一支没有 鼓手,而依靠机器设定来填补鼓点的乐团。又过了一段日子,他们结识了曾经在伦敦ULU兜售小型演唱表演票卷的鼓手 Gilbert,在相谈甚欢的情况下,三人决定邀Gilbert加入阵容。最后入团的是第二吉他手Justine Frischmann,乐团至此,终于正式成立,属于该团的故事也才开始。

Suede 在成军之初,当时的报章杂志、同乡同胞、经纪人、唱片公司都对他们没什么好印象。他们觉得 Suede 的表演乏善可陈,毫无魅力可言,风格走向也极端的无聊。他们的公开演出,票房更是惨不忍睹,并非他们的表演欠缺水准,而是观众的反应并不捧场。他们的音乐不被了解,即使是在发了一张风格奇特的单曲「Be My God / Art」之后,也只是引起短暂的好感罢了,也许这就是他们不受注意的理由。


1992年起,全球流行乐界掀起了另一股风潮(此时第二吉他手Justin 已离团)。Suede的现场表演忽然引起广泛的回响,就在他们于 Nude 唱片公司的首张专辑「The Drowners」发行的前一个月(五月),他们登上了「Melody Maker」杂志的封面,并被该杂志评为「大不列颠最棒的新进团体」。纵然这样子的情势逆转充满了神奇色彩,Suede 瞬间成为家喻户晓的乐团却是不争的事实。报章媒体纷纷报导他们是“最大胆、神秘、诡谲、性感、热闹、狂妄、流行”的乐团;在乐团参加了英国最受欢迎的流行音乐电视节目「Top Of The Pops」之后,主唱Brett卓越精致的创作功力和唱功,立刻引来众家乐评的一片叫好声,并为该节目创下收视高峰。支持Suede的乐迷不断地增加,当他们回到家乡伦敦再次举办演唱会的时候,Brett的衬衫被极度疯狂的歌迷撕裂三次。这般受欢迎的场面和昔日比较起来,确实有天壤之别。

1993年3月 Suede 发行同名专辑「Suede」,乐团开始声名大噪,被褒奖为「自从『性手枪(The Sex Pistols)』的 「Never Mind The Bolloks」专辑之后,最令人延颈企盼的专辑。」这张专辑果然不负众望,各界好评蜂拥而来。专辑唱片销售量更是一举抢攻下冠军宝座,远远超过第二顺位的对手 Depeche Mode合唱团足足有4倍之多。也因此该张专辑成为自从 1984年 Frankie Goes To Hollywood 合唱团的「Welcome To The Pleasure Dome」专辑以来,销售速度最快的专辑:专辑发行后第二天即成为金唱片。随后在该年,最令人兴奋的事,莫过于赢得 1993 的 Mercury 音乐奖了。

之后到年底之前,Suede均忙于巡回欧洲、美国还有日本的演唱会行程、在 Glastonbury 的音乐节担任首席嘉宾,以及在英国境内一连串门票皆被销售一空的演唱会。1994年2月14日情人节当天,他们发行了单曲唱片「Stay Together」,创作意念完整,共分四节,全长8分钟,是张内容多变绚烂的经典唱片,不禁让人质疑,他们的下一张作品和这张唱片相较之下,是否会相形失色。这首单曲轻易地受到「NME」杂志及「Melody Maker」杂志的青睐,获选为当周最佳单曲;「NME」杂志认为这首单曲「充满强烈的企图心、多变的风格及令人难以抗拒的魅力,这些都让其它的歌曲受到的注意彷佛昙花一现般地短暂。就像所有的伟大事物一样,美得让人屏息。」「Stay Together」登上排行榜第三名,也使 Suede正式迈向新的里程碑。

两个月后,Suede回到 Master Rock 录音室,与制作人 Ed Buller 合作,开始灌录他们的第二张专辑「Dog Man Star犬人星」;这张专辑被誉为十年来最优的专辑之一。这张旷世巨作,不仅完全打破既有的创作模式,它也持续地感动了众人的心灵。

在「Dog Man Star」这张专辑完成的同时,Suede正式和吉他手Bernard Butler分道扬镳,他们吸收了另一位年仅17岁的吉他手Richard Oakes---来自英格兰南方「多塞特郡」(Dreset)的 Poole地区。和报导Bernard Butler的离团一样,音乐杂志也纷纷告知Suede有新人加入的消息。之后Suede在欧洲、美国、日本展开了一连串的演唱会,和新任吉他手Richard Oakes的配合默契十分良好。

96年出炉的专辑名称是「Coming Up呼之欲出」,这张由十首歌曲组成的专辑是Suede成军以来最棒的专辑。第一首单曲「Trash」全长四分钟,可说是流行乐的经典之作;他们百分之百的浪漫,批判狂热度也是绝无仅有的。Suede 从没有像现今这般受欢迎,这么名气响亮,表现得如此优秀,受到如此为数众多的推崇。或许他们的音乐有点奇怪,然而不可否认地,他们受到大家的爱戴。

Suede的「Coming Up」专辑的录制时间,从1995年12月,一直到1996年5月才结束。专辑由 Ed Buller 制作,录制地点分布于伦敦周围的数间录音室,最后的混音工程则在Dave Bascombe手中,于 Whitfield Street录音间完成。在发行了「Suede」及「Dog Man Star」两张水准之上的专辑后,Suede 能获得如此高的评价,并不难想象(「Guardian 」杂志曾经评选出有史以来100张最佳专辑,其中90年代只有4张专辑入榜,「Dog Man Star 」就是其中之一),而他们在「Coming Up」专辑中的杰出表现也是倍受赞扬,在全英专辑榜雄踞亚军席次。Richard Oakes如今已是一名杰出的艺人,而 Brett Anderson 的才华,无人可及。这张产生了五首全英Top 10歌曲的专辑「Coming Up」已臻完美之境,它成为流行乐界试图超越的新标竿。

1997年入秋之际,Suede为等待他们新作品许久的歌迷们先行暖身发行了一套两张的CD,这套名为「Sci-FiLullabies」(科幻摇篮曲-B-SIDE作品精选)的专辑,其中汇集了Suede mania心目中经典抒情曲之一的「My Insatiable One」...27首所有Suede mania均耳熟能详的乐章,每一首作品都是出自Suede团员手笔的完美佳构,绝对没有滥竽充数的粗劣作品。

经过一年半的养精蓄锐,Suede自1998年中开始为新专辑「Head Music」进行录制工作。在这张该团的第四张完整长度专辑里,Suede开展出与之前不同的合作关系,他们这次不再和一向的共同制作Ed Buller共事,转而与Perfecto的核心主脑、早期Happy Mondays经典作品的大功臣Steve Osborne合作。主唱Brett Anderson表示,在「Coming Up」专辑之后,他想要做一张感情成份比较不那么重的专辑,就某种角度来说,也就是比较诚实而直接的作品,因为有时候感情用事会使得事实的某些部份被掩盖掉。不过不要误以为这是一张晦涩难懂的专辑,「Head Music」里的音乐会火热地烧入你的脑际;当然,比起「Coming Up」专辑来,本张专辑显得较为冷静,但它呈现出更具渴求感、更为忿忿不平的感觉,它呈现出1999年的现代摇滚乐团所该有的声音:一种炽热燃烧、绝对不会在地球上的另一处角落、另一个时间所制造出来的声音? 贝斯手Mat Osman曾说过Suede的成员是在「Coming Up」专辑录制完成后,才真正地成为一个团体。照这样的说法,「Head Music」专辑就可说是Suede以新阵容重新出发后的首张佳作,是一张乐团至今最难以归类的专辑,但也可能是进入千禧年前你能听到的最具现代感的专辑。这张专辑首周进榜即获全英季军,足见它也获得了大众的认同。「这就像现代艺术,」Brett如此说道。「一幅很棒的现代艺术作品通常都是出自由极少笔划即勾勒出整幅作品的画家之手。这就是我想要做到的。用最不矫饰的低调手法表达我的感受。」

虽然「Head Music」成为一张冠军专辑而缔造Suede的另一生涯高峰,但接踵而至的种种事件却让Suede的未来显得是那么地不确定,阵中深受乐迷喜爱的键盘手Neil Codling因过度劳累离开乐队,乐团与专属会计师对簿公堂,对已灌录好的整张专辑感到厌恶而舍弃重头来过…;最终Suede仍旧历时一年闭关完成2002年的最新作品「A New Morning」(清新早晨)。灵魂人物Brett Anderson表示专辑之所以命名为「A New Morning」,亦象征着此作正是乐团的另一个全新开始。

除了乐团编制经过小幅更动而网罗前Britpop乐团Strangelove成员Alex Lee入替Neil Codling之外,更重要的是「A New Morning」在Stephen Street(Blur、The Smiths)这位Britpop全盛时期金牌监制主力制作下,不仅贝斯手Mat形容此作是更为温暖与简单(专辑曾一度命名为「Instant Sunshine」),同时也已让人预料到「A New Morning」会重拾Suede昔日吉他流行曲基本步而舍弃Head Music的电气化实验风格。

Suede是20世纪90年代英国乐坛Britpop大不列颠新流行和Glum Rock华丽摇滚复兴运动的代表人物。Suede的成功主要是因为他们有一位才华与美型兼具的主唱--BRETT ANDERSON!近几年无论国内还是欧美的权威音乐杂志评选的最"Cool"最"In"的人物当中,BRETT铁定榜上有名。这个纤细白皙的伦敦男子,无论是杂志封面,还是Video或者Live,都是一张千年不变的凌波扑克脸,身上除了黑白绝对不会再穿别的颜色,加上他那独有的一边留着长长刘海的发型……迷倒一片!当然,如果他只是长的好看那就和什么"视觉系"差不多了,BRETT的才气更多的体现在他的演唱风格和词曲创作上,他的演唱可以用"病态的妖艳和嚣张的凄美"来形容,绝对不夸张!漂亮的真假声转换,华丽而独特。

Suede当中除了Brett,其他队员也不错。高高的贝司手MAT和BRETT中学时就是死党,所以配合无间;安静的鼓手SIMON技术出众;另外SUEDE原来还有一个天才吉他手BERNARD,这个人不简单,一手吉他弹的出神入化,在SUEDE发第二张片《DOG MAN STAR》的时候,BERNARD因为和BRETT在创作理念上的差异,愤然离开了suede。后来他发行了个人唱片,销量也很好;Bernard离开后,取代他的是当时年仅17岁的Richard Oakes。事实证明,年纪轻轻的Richard Oakes的吉他技术同样令人震惊;后来,simon的表弟Neil Codling也在一次偶然的机会加入了suede,成为了suede的键盘手。Neil的加入同时也标志着suede音乐风格的转变。




2015年9月7日,他们宣布新专辑《Night Thoughts》将会在2016年2月发行。

Suede are an English alternative rock band, formed in London in 1989 and currently consists of singer Brett Anderson, guitarist Richard Oakes, bass player Mat Osman, drummer Simon Gilbert and keyboardist/rhythm guitarist Neil Codling. Having split up in 2003, the Coming Up/Head Music line-up of the band reformed in 2010. The band's original guitarist Bernard Butler left the band in 1994.

In 1992, Suede were described as "The Best New Band in Britain",and attracted much attention from the British music press. The following year their debut album Suede, went to the top of the charts by becoming the fastest-selling debut album in almost ten years. It won the Mercury Music Prize and helped foster Britpop as a musical genre. However, the band's follow-up, Dog Man Star (1994), showed Suede distancing themselves from their Britpop peers. The recording sessions for Dog Man Star were fraught with difficulty, and ended with Butler departing the band after confrontations with the rest of the band. The album was completed without Butler, with the band touring the album with new recruit Richard Oakes. Although a commercial disappointment at the time, the album was met with a generally enthusiastic reception on release and has, over time been lauded with universal acclaim from critics.Suede would become a component of the Britpop "big four", along with Oasis, Blur and Pulp.

In 1996, following the further recruitment of keyboard player Neil Codling along with Oakes, Suede went on to greater commercial success with Coming Up. The album reached number one in the UK, producing five top ten singles and becoming Suede's biggest-selling album worldwide. In 1997, Anderson became addicted to crack and heroin. Despite problems within the band, Suede's fourth album Head Music (1999) was a British chart-topper. The album was promoted heavily with the band receiving considerable press coverage on its release, however the response from fans and critics was less enthusiastic than for previous records. Codling left the band in 2001, citing chronic fatigue syndrome and was replaced by Alex Lee. The band's fifth album, A New Morning (2002), the first following the collapse of Nude Records, was a commercial disappointment, and the group disbanded the following year. After much speculation Suede reformed in 2010 for a series of concerts. Three years on from their reunion gigs, Suede released their sixth album, Bloodsports. It was well received by critics and returned the band to the top ten in the UK. Night Thoughts (2016) was an even greater critical and commercial success than its predecessor.

In late January 2014, Anderson announced that Suede were working on a new album, he estimated the album would be released in 2015 as the band are in the writing stage for the album.On 7 September 2015, the band announced that their new album, Night Thoughts, was to be released on 22 January 2016, alongside a feature film directed by photographer Roger Sargent.The album was released as a standalone CD issue, as a doublepack with the movie on DVD and as a limited numbered issue with CD, DVD and book. As with Bloodsports, Night Thoughts was very well received by both fans and critics alike and became their highest charting album since Head Music in 1999. A series of concert dates in the UK and Europe to support the release followed. The first half of each show consisted of the band playing the album tracks in sequence, while onstage behind a gauze screen with the movie projected onto it. The second half consisted of a mix of back catalogue material, including a number of b-sides and obscure songs. The band also did a number of instore acoustic appearances in HMV stores to promote the release, including Q&A sessions and movie screenings.


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Trash Suede 04:06
02 Filmstar Suede 03:25
03 Lazy Suede 03:17
04 By the Sea Suede 04:18
05 She Suede 03:38
06 Starcrazy Suede 03:33
07 Picnic by the Motorway Suede 04:45
08 The Chemistry Between Us Suede 07:04
09 Saturday Night Suede 04:41
10 Europe Is Our Playground (Sci-Fi Lullabies Version) Suede 05:37
11 Trash (Singles Version) Suede 03:48
12 Europe Is Our Playground Suede 04:39
13 Have You Ever Been This Low? Suede 03:55
14 Another No One Suede 03:52
15 Every Monday Morning Comes Suede 04:28
16 Sound of the Streets Suede 05:01
17 Young Men Suede 04:36
18 Sam Suede 03:37
19 Money Suede 04:06
20 This Time Suede 05:46
21 Wsd Suede 04:40
22 Jumble Sale Mums Suede 04:16
23 These Are the Sad Songs Suede 06:22
24 Feel Suede 05:05
25 Sadie Suede 05:25
26 Digging a Hole Suede 03:25
27 Graffiti Women Suede 04:51
28 Duchess Suede 03:51
29 Trash (Early Take) Suede 04:58
30 Filmstar (Monitor Mix) Suede 03:23
31 Lazy (First Demo) Suede 03:07
32 By the Sea (Studio Demo) Suede 03:34
33 She (Early Monitor Mix) Suede 03:23
34 Beatuiful Ones (Early Monitor Mix) Suede 03:52
35 Starcrazy (First Demo) Suede 03:18
36 Picnic by the Motorway (Demo) Suede 03:40
37 The Chemistry Between Us (Different Version) Suede 06:44
38 Saturday Night (Monitor Mix 2) Suede 04:35
39 Electric Cakes (Together) [Demo 4] Suede 04:38
40 Wedgie (This Time) [Demo 2] Suede 03:16
41 Waltz Suede 03:45
42 Sombre Bongos (Europe Is Our Playground) [Demo] Suede 03:22
43 Owly (The Sound of the Streets) [Rehearsal] Suede 03:10
44 Every Monday Morning Comes (Demo) Suede 02:42
45 Soundgarden (Have You Ever Been This Low) [Different Version] Suede 04:14
46 She (Strings) Suede 04:31
47 The Chemistry Between Us (Strings) Suede 06:55
48 Intro: 'She' Strings (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 02:00
49 Filmstar (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 03:30
50 Trash (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 04:25
51 Heroine (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 03:09
52 She (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 04:43
53 Lazy (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 03:12
54 By the Sea (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 05:01
55 Starcrazy (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 03:14
56 Animal Nitrate (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 03:31
57 The Wild Ones (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 05:07
58 Saturday Night (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 04:59
59 So Young (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 04:00
60 New Generation (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 05:04
61 Europe Is Our Playground (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam, 20th October '96) Suede 05:50