

#新古典 #新古典新世纪 #新民谣/新世纪/极简主义/世界融合/暗潮/后摇/异域




John Reinhard Weguelin - Lesbia (1878). 英国画家约翰·雷因哈德·韦格林(1849-1927), 新古典主义风格肖像画作品


"A thing of beauty is a joy forever". ~ John Keats

【Genres & Styles】

当代古典Modern Classical、新古典新世纪Neoclassical New Age、极简主义Minimalism、世界融合乐World Fusion、新世纪New Age、新民谣Neo Folk、暗潮Darkwave (but I'm focusing on the brighter side of the Darkwave style) ......





【Anna's Music Box ~ 情感笔记八音盒系列】

Anna's Music Box(I) ~ Kinky Love, Quirky Stories,Guilty Pleasures ...... (虾小米首页推荐)

Anna's Music Box(II) ~ The Bitter Sweet Memories......

Anna's Music Box(IV) ~ The Soul-stirring ......

Anna's Music Box(V) ~ 缅怀精选集:逝去的美丽童话 2017.4.5.

Anna's Music Box(VI) ~ 戴上耳机,自赏致幻、扑朔迷离

【2016-11-12 Note】

This collection has just been establised today, with a goal of keeping a record of my thoughts, emotions, feelings, imaginations, etc. in my spiritual music travel. The selected music is among my favorite types, or my cup of tea. If it's also your "cup of tea", welcome to my tea table, and let's partake and embark on the wonderful spiritual music travel together. I've been very selective in this collection of music, and personally I enjoy all my music so much.Whenever I'm listening to them, I just feel that my whole body and soul are transported into another space far away from this reality. And somehow I just feel that "My Soul Can Fly" in my world of fantasy......

【关于专辑封面油画】这是英国画家约翰·威廉姆·沃特豪斯(John William Waterhouse)油画《夏洛特小姐》 ( The Lady of Shalott,1888)油画作品,这幅作品的灵感来自Tennyson讲述亚瑟王传说的诗,画作是对这个华丽而悲伤的的传说至非常传神之诠释。白俄罗斯新古典暗潮乐团Arisk Priest牧师乐队把这幅油画用作专辑《哀泣的柳树》( О чем плачут ивы)封面,听着专辑的乐曲看着这幅油画,给予我们一种音画联觉或叫做艺术通感,我们的脑海里栩栩如生看到这一幕:夏洛特小姐这个被诅咒的姑娘怀着对爱人的美好憧憬躺进船中顺水漂向黑暗荒凉,漂向生命的尽头,永恒的湮灭 。(精选集第12、13首)

【2016-12-10 Note】

今天非常吃惊地发现本精选集突然被虾小米推荐首页了,尽管我本人并没有投稿,原本只是想汇集我个人最喜欢的instrumental music和最能表现我个人心灵音乐之旅的每日必听音乐,当然也希望趣味相仿的乐友与我一起享受这美好心灵音乐之旅。感谢虾小米发现了这张“私藏”的美丽精选集,让更多乐友与我一同走上这美妙音乐之旅。我希望这个精选集将会是个人最钟爱的精选集之一,所选曲目会不断更新,被更好更震撼心灵的曲目替换,同时我也会不断写上个人听音乐的感想。

或许是因为昨天下午在广州太古汇的比利时Godiva巧克力专卖店里,吃了美味的Godiva(戈黛娃)巧克力和巧克力蛋糕,喝了Godiva cappuccino, 这不,今天是美丽漂亮的周六,上午睡了个大懒觉,起来就发现小虾米也让我和大家一起开开心心分享这个精选集呀,就如让我同大家一起分享美味的Godiva巧克力似的,呵呵。希望大家喜欢。

同样一副油画,出自两个专辑的封面:白俄罗斯新古典暗潮乐团Arisk Priest牧师乐队的专辑《Troy》(精选集第10、14首);《TAS: The Absolute Sound 2011》绝对的声音TAS2011

【关于专辑封面油画】英国画家约翰•柯里尔(1850 – 1934)油画作品《马背上的戈黛娃夫人》John Maler Collier - Lady Godiva,1898。柯里尔绘画风格上承拉斐尔前派,擅长肖像绘画,也热衷于一些中古传说。马背上的Godiva夫人,英国考文垂博物馆著名油画,是城市名片。英统治者Leofric伯爵为筹军费,决定征收重税。善良的伯爵夫人Godiva向丈夫请求减税,伯爵说,若她裸体围城走一圈,就同意减税。第二天夫人真一丝不挂,骑马上。居民为尊重夫人,当天全关门闭户,街上空无一人。



1. 【新世纪New Age】旋律清纯温润,令人宁静致远……

2. 【Stage & Screen/BGM】场景/背景音乐:音轨大气磅礴,画卷壮观销魂

3. 【OST~大片配乐精选】Soundtrack/Film Score that vividly unfolds the movie scenes in your mind...

4. 【欧美经典典藏】动感、动听、动人,每首动听的歌曲都有动人的故事

5. 【迷幻电音1】醉人的、骚耳的、静心的、幻想的、自赏的......

6.【波萨诺瓦经典】醉迷于慵懒销魂的异国风情Bossa Nova世界......

7.【古典遇上爵士:古典音乐爵士风】Jazz Renditions: Swinging the Greatest Classical Masterpieces!

8.【古典遇上爵士: 爵士钢琴/钢琴爵士】 Classical music in modern jazz piano/piano jazz style

9.【钢琴爵士】Piano Jazz/Jazz Piano: classy, jazzy n groovy

10.【爵士林荫大道1】Jazz Boulevard:Groove & Swing

11.【超有感的煲耳机养耳朵美妙音乐大杂烩】Melody & Medley:音乐控一听不可收拾、欲罢不能的煲耳机杂曲

12.❤️Johnny Depp,the Weirdo❤️约翰尼·德普电影音乐精选集:角色怪异奇葩、配乐怪诞精彩

分享几张本人个人很喜欢的精选集(没有太多文字编辑),主要是收集曲目“私藏”,纯粹聆听欣赏自我陶醉,希望你也和我同醉! ☺

13.【新世纪New Age 2】新世纪天籁之声:梦幻仙境,神游异域


15.【后摇✿新民谣✿暗潮 】窗外后花园:空灵阴冷、幽美迷幻、暗流涌动


16.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 跨年狂想篇:再见2016,你好2017 (虾小米首页推荐)

(如果你喜欢这个【当代古典✲新古典✲新世纪 】精选集,你会喜欢【狂想篇】的,力荐!)

17.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 气势篇

18.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 爵士篇 (虾小米首页推荐)

19.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 欧美摇滚篇

20.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 大片配乐篇

21.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 布鲁斯摇滚篇 (虾小米首页推荐)

22.♬车载交响诗 ¶ 异域神游篇

23.♬美酒咖啡加音乐,酣醇迷人醉人生 (虾小米首页推荐)

❤With love for music and music lovers❤


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Sense of the Light
日本音乐大师久石让的当代古典、极简主义作品 —— 钢琴、小提琴、大提琴协奏曲:优美舒缓的前段,激情突起的中段,至美宁静的后段,给人以希望之光(Sense of the Light)的感觉和渴望 专辑封面油画:《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(Girl with a Pearl Earring,1665),17世纪荷兰黄金时代绘画大师约翰内斯·维米尔Johannes Vermeer的作品 *本精选集封面油画《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(2019.1.1. 更新) *本精选集精华曲目在100首之后,侧重极简主义、氛围钢琴,歌单将不断更新加长。
久石譲 04:19
02 Prelude of Dreams
What a beautiful piece of neoclasscal BGM to start this all up as a wonderful prelude to the upcoming dreams, be they good or bad, sweet dreams or nightmares. Only the daring people venture to dream ...... I'd rather die with dreams than live without dreams! Would you ... ?
AudioMachine 01:53
03 We Meet In Dreams (Main)
Yes, let's meet in dreams. May we have sweet dreams, and may we not fear bad ones......
Gothic Storm 02:50
04 Hoping She Would Be There
Sure, she would be there in the beautiful and fascinating fairytale dreamland ...
Steve Barakatt 04:25
05 The Awakening (Main)
Awakening to what? Not to the reality yet, cos we've just embarked on our dreams. Let's wander off or fly away in our dreamland ...
Gothic Storm 02:38
06 We Can Fly (With Bells)
Just keep flying and keep up our hopes, never give up, and we can fly and chase our dreams.
Two Steps From Hell 01:27
07 Secret Places
Keep flying away... to the secret places...
Nick Phoenix 01:42
08 Key from a secret of genetics of the sun
Or flying away to the secret places to find the key from a secret of the sun? :D With the dark wave music together with the soul-stirring painting on the album cover, we are brought to the Medieval Ages. We can see in our mind's eyes and feel in our hearts the beautiful legend about the brave and pretty Lady Godiva .... ||专辑封面油画:英国画家约翰•柯里尔John Maler Collier - Lady Godiva(1898, 马背上的戈黛娃夫人), 这幅名画表达了中古世纪的一个美丽,勇气与哀怨传说,专辑谱写了一个永恒不朽长达10个世纪的歌咏......”
Arisk Priest 01:59
09 Nolitus
Now we're being guided with the ancient map "Piri Reis" designed by Cartographer(制图师,专辑名) or St.Jerome (油画中圣者), and marching to the exotic land ... somewhere out there on this planet, maybe in Africa. Are you ready to explore the exotic land now,with the Neoclassical New Age music playing in our ears and the mysterious exotic voice chanting in our heads ...? ||此曲出自E.S.Posthumus专辑《Cartographer》, 专辑封面油画: 米意大利画家米开朗基罗•梅里西•卡拉瓦乔 Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - St. Jerome (1605)
E.S. Posthumus 04:30
10 Fiery arch
Or go on moving forward in the dark waves with the brave and pretty Lady Godiva on the horse ....
Arisk Priest 06:11
11 Time Lapse
It's like I'm running in a time lapse, from the present to the past, from one land to another ...
Ludovico Einaudi 05:31
12 With a warmth inside, I walk into the dark
With a warmth inside, I have walked into the dark waves, and now I'm walking into ...
The Echelon Effect 23:23
13 Marunae Piri Reis
And now I'm walking into the exotic lands ... 神游异域
E.S. Posthumus 04:53
14 Mysterious Lands
Or I'm walking into the mysterious lands...神游神秘国度
Christopher Caouette 04:09
15 The Secret Chamber
...exploring the secret chamber(密室)in the exotic lands far far away ... Istanbel, Abrabia, Egypt...? Just use your imagination and get lost in the mysterious exotic places ...
Diane Arkenstone 14:44
16 Ethereal
I'm lost in the beautiful world of the Ethereal:神游神秘、缥缈、仙音之境地...
Amethystium 04:21
17 Nebelland
I'm lost in such a beautiful and tranquil land, an Ethereal, a Nebelland(or Neverland?)...神游神秘、缥缈、虚无之地
Neun Welten 05:18
18 The Voyage
I’m countinuing down on the spiritual voyage to the Ethereal or the Neverland...
The Mountaineering Club Orchestra 03:28
19 Exodus
... taking the Exodus to the exotic and mysterious lands far far away ...
Mythos 04:39
20 Goyescas (Fragment)
And now here on this exotic land, I'm walking through the vast and beautiful desert ... 哇塞,沙漠即视感超强!
Various Artists 04:22
21 Recuerdos de la Alhambra
... or let us walk through this beautiful Arabic land and get carried away into a dreamland, recollecting some far distant memories ...... 魂牵梦绕的阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆 【改编自《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》,西班牙文名:Recuerdos de la Alhambra; 英文名:Memories of the Alhambra】 Recuerdos de la Alhambra is a classical guitar piece composed in 1896 in Granada by Spanish composer and guitarist Francisco Tárrega. It uses the classical guitar tremolo technique often performed by advanced players.Recuerdos de la Alhambra means Memories of the Alhambra. The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex in Granada, Spain. 著名的西班牙古典吉他独奏曲《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》,是达到近代古典吉他音乐最高峰的西班牙吉他大师弗朗西斯科·塔雷加,兼有作曲与演奏的秉赋。他的作品多达四百首以上,其中不乏经典之作,《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》更是一首吉它世界中的“名曲之名曲”。《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》是1896年的作品,是一支特别适于夜间聆听的古典吉他曲,在古典吉他独奏曲中,它独树一帜,有“名曲中的名曲”之美誉。《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》由于全曲采用轮指技巧长达3、4分钟,给人以“珠落玉盘”的感觉,所以也有人称之为珍珠曲。乐曲的副标题为《祈祷》。 【创作背景】阿尔罕布拉宫是中世纪时由北非侵入西班牙的摩尔人所建立的格拉那达王国的一座宫殿。15世纪时,西班牙人开展复国运动,把侵略者赶出了国境,于是格拉那达王国的这所废宫遗址给后人留下了很多回忆。据传说,某一天的黄昏时刻,塔雷加来到了格拉那达,眺望着在夕阳西下背景衬托之下的这座昔日富丽堂皇的废旧宫殿,引起了他无限的感慨。当天夜里,他就将脑海中浮现的回忆主题用震音技法(即轮指技巧)来描述,写成了一首吉他独奏曲,并加上了《祈祷》的副标题。全曲由于运用了震音技巧,充分表现了作曲家迷蒙,回忆,幻想,憧憬,以及感慨万千的心绪。~改编自百度百科
Various Artists 04:15
22 En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
...or let me take you to Aranjuez, a beautiful place like an oasis among the desert, experiencing the exotic romance and tranquil beauty of Aranjuez, so soul-stirring ... 极其优美且忧伤的阿兰胡埃斯...... 【改编自西班牙《阿兰胡埃斯吉他协奏曲》(Concierto de Aranjuez)】 ‘’Concierto de Aranjuez” is the most popular music of the 20th century, composed by Joaquín Rodrigo. Concierto de Aranjuez is considered one of the pinnacles of Spanish music and of the guitar. 《阿兰胡埃斯协奏曲》(Concierto de Aranjuez),亦称《阿兰胡埃斯之恋》(En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor,Aranjuez, Mon Amour),是西班牙盲人作曲家华金·罗德里戈(Joaquin Rodrigo)饮誉世界的吉他名曲。作品完成于1939年,正式初演于1940年11月9日,随即风靡了整个世界。这部作品以吉它为主奏乐器,管弦乐队伴奏的形式是十分罕见的,整个乐曲充满一种西班牙式的忧伤,优美难以言喻的旋律,以及随处所散发的浪漫色彩与奔放活力。~改编自百度百科
Various Artists 04:56
23 Aranjuez
阿兰胡埃斯,西班牙的风景名胜之一,是距西班牙首都马德里南方约四十七公里之处的地名,该地区位于西班牙中央一个干燥的高原地带,唯有这个地方有茂密的森林,有如沙漠里的绿洲。 Aranjuez (also called the Royal Site of Aranjuez), is a city and municipality, capital of the Las Vegas comarca, in the southern part of the Community of Madrid, Spain. It is located at the confluence of the Tagus and Jarama rivers. It is the 17th largest city in Community of Madrid and the autonomous community's most populous and important urban center outside Greater Madrid Area.
John Herberman 06:03
24 The Lonely Shepherd
Should we explore the beauty on the exotic land together? Or should I simply explore and experience the exotic land as the lonely shepherd, so solitary and sentimental... 孤独的牧羊人--- 异域、 古远、空灵、忧伤、孤独、幽美...... Somewhere there's a broken heart Crying over love departed Every time she thinks of him she's sorry Someplace there's a long lost soul Who spills another tale of woe One more drink, he's last to leave the party Somebody's turning out the light After another empty night Nobody's there to hold them in the dark Where do the lost forgotten go The ones that nobody wants to know? Nobody's there to hold them in the dark Where do all the lonely go? Where do they go? For all the lonely You're not the only one tonight To all the lonely "I wandered lonely as a cloud,That floats on high o’er vales and hills ......with a bliss of solitude." ~ "The Daffodils" by William Wordswoth 【About The Lonely Shepherd(孤独的牧羊人)】The Lonely Shepherd is an instrumental piece by James Last, first released in a recording with the Romanian panflutist Gheorghe Zamfir. Originally, the title was planned for the album Filmusik ohne Filme[German], which was only to contain original compositions by James Last. This album was never released, so "The Lonely Shepherd " was published on Last's album Russland Erinnerungen (Memories of Russia).In the same year, it was also released as a single, which reached 22nd on the music charts in Germany. With this recording, Gheorghe Zamfir, who had already published a number of records, succeeded in an international breakthrough. Among other things, he accompanied James Last in his 1978 tour. "The Lonely Shepherd" has repeatedly been used as soundtrack. In 1984 in the Oscar-nominated animated short film "Paradise". In 2004, Quentin Tarantino used the recording as soundtrack in a scene and in the closing credits of his film Kill Bill: Volume 1. On the DVD, Gheorghe Zamfir is mistakenly credited as the title's producer. ~ Wikipedia
Gheorghe Zamfir 04:24
25 The Lonely Shepherd Gheorghe Zamfir 04:21
26 Cockeye's song
《美国往事》的六兄弟之一斜眼(Cockeye)手里总拿着排箫,吹着一曲神秘、飘忽的音乐...... 电影配乐大师埃尼奥·莫里康内选用了排萧等非常符合影片神秘、梦幻特色的乐器,以其或悠远呜咽、或梦幻飘忽的声音,使音乐表达了画面所无法表达的复杂情绪。 电影中反复出现的着支排箫乐,总让我立即联想到Kill Bill 里的那首著名排箫音乐The Lonely Shepherd, 虽不是同一曲,但两部电影中排箫的悠远哀怨、缠绵悱恻给人异曲同工之感!
Ennio Morricone 04:21
27 Together We Fly
I hope Together We Fly, instead of wandering on this earth as Lonely Shepherds ...
Darby Devon 04:31
28 Lost Horizon (Main)
Hope we don't lose our way in the Lost Horizon ...
Gothic Storm 02:44
29 Between Worlds
Hope we don't get confused and lose our way between worlds: 明暗交界的世界
Roger Subirana 05:09
30 Finding Beauty
Together we can always find beauty, whether in our dreams or in our realities.
Escala 03:18
31 Whisper Of Hope (Main)
Together we are united and won't lose our hearts, cos we can always hear Whispers of Hope.
Gothic Storm 02:33
32 Apollo's Kiss
There's always another new day, another new hope, since the sun always rises everyday. Apollo the God of light, the Phoebus, always caresses us with his loving and healing kisses, giving us hope. | Apollo, the God of Light, Prophecy, Music, Medicine, Poetry: 阿波罗(Apollo), 又名福玻斯(Phoebus),是希腊神话中的太阳神,是朱庇特与黑暗女神勒托(Leto)的儿子。阿波罗是光明之神,在阿波罗身上找不到黑暗,他从不说谎,光明磊落,所以他也被称为真理之神。阿波罗的典型形象是右手拿叫“里拉”(lyre)的竖琴,左手拿象征太阳的金球。他很擅长弹奏七弦琴,美妙的旋律有如天籁,所以也是音乐之神;阿波罗还掌管诗歌和医药,所以还是诗歌之神和医药之神。他是希腊神话中最多才多艺,也是最美最英俊的神祇,同时也象征着男性之美。
Fox Amoore 03:48
33 Swan Lake Cafe Del Mar
Let our spirits fly joyfully high up over the beauitufil Swan Lake, in a world of fantasy far far away... |新世纪电子乐Techno New Age,改编自柴可夫斯基《天鹅湖》,芭蕾剧中最为耳熟能详的美感鉅作,是俄国作曲家Tchaikovsky柴可夫斯基於1875年所写,取材自俄罗斯民间故事《天鹅公主》和德国作家莫采乌斯的童话《天鹅池》而成,首度使舞蹈作品拥有音乐灵魂的代表乐曲。
Various Artists 03:42
34 Vltava
Or with this beautiful piano music, can you feel your spirits flying over the beautiful long river? Can you visually see yourself soaring high, body and soul, over the fascinating scenery and landscapes of rivers, mountains, praries, fields along the long long river?! So vivid and soul-stirring! The Vltava is the longest river within the Czech Republic, commonly referred to as the Czech national river(捷克的母亲河). ||斯美塔那《我的祖国》钢琴四手联弹版(Classical Piano for Four Hands) | 斯美塔那:交响诗组曲《我的祖国》第二首《伏尔塔瓦河》(也叫摩尔道河),它细致而优美地描绘了源目波希米亚森林的一股清凉一股温暖的两股泉流,波动起伏着,潺潺而来,在晨光下汇合成宽阔的伏尔塔瓦河,时而汹涌,时而蜿蜒地继续流向下游,流经一处处山谷、村庄、牧场……乐曲中那个6/8节奏的极富涌动感的“伏尔塔瓦旋律”,欢爽而又安详,如今已是捷克曲调的象征了。沃尔塔瓦河的水源原是由两条小溪汇合而成。乐曲先是在弦乐、竖琴伴奏下,竖笛奏出了一个委婉曲折的音调,表现水源之一;再用单簧管奏出一个与长笛音调反向行进的音调,表现水源之二。然后,管弦乐的配器逐层加厚,音乐不断加强,表现出由涓涓细流逐渐汇合成滚滚的合川。接着,在潺潺水声的伴奏下,小提琴声部唱出了一个民歌风的优美旋律,宽阔而又舒展,它成为贯穿全曲的“沃尔塔瓦”的基本主题。啊,人生如长河! ~中文摘自虾米音乐周刊第二十四期精选集《古典畅想之音乐人生》
Bedřich Smetana 12:25
35 Orawa
当代古典:基拉尔《奥拉瓦》 Wojciech Kilar - Orawa 《奥拉瓦》是《塔特拉山》组曲的最后一段, 由波兰作曲家基拉尔作于1986年。 奥拉瓦Orawa是位于波兰和斯洛伐克之间的一个地域,也是流经此地的一条河流的名称。全曲由三段构成,节奏与和声错落有致,音乐的织体不断变幻,气势宏伟、激情飞扬的音乐犹如山岭发出的充满豪情的呐喊,给听者以强劲的动感、丰富的遐想。 感谢虾友分享@墨玄
Wojciech Kilar 09:49
36 森林狂想曲
新世纪氛围乐New Age Ambient |吴金黛是台湾知名女音乐制作人,作品《森林狂想曲》以大自然中录取的声音作为开篇,旋律即使是首次听到也仿佛在建议深处存在过般亲切。啊~这就是童年梦幻中森林的旋律...... ~摘自虾米音乐周刊二十八期精选集《自然之音》
吴金黛 04:38
37 Primavera
啊,或许这就是我们童年梦幻般美丽的春天(Primavera).....|这是Ludovico Einaudi 的新古典新世纪 Neoclassical New Age美妙音乐. 一首美好的音乐就是一幅美丽的画卷,听这首Primavera《春》,脑海里立即就看到了文艺复兴时期著名意大利画家波提切利同名油画《春》(英语:Primavera; 法语:Le Printemps)|【油画】Primavera(1482) by Alessandro Botticelli(1444-1510), an Italian Renaissance painter
Ludovico Einaudi 07:25
38 Like a Child
多么希望像孩子似的永远沉浸在这永恒的春天(Primavera)里、飞舞在这美丽如诗的旋律里..... || 这是一首无比震撼心灵的当代古典音乐,如诗如画,脑海里出现的画卷美的让人窒息:清晨绚丽的日出,晚霞飞舞的日落,春天的绿色田野,天际翱翔的海燕,星辰的浩瀚天空 ......
Tony Anderson 06:12
39 La Metamorphose
或许我们有时也会像这个法国电影的这个小女孩(la petite fille)丽莎那样,总是想随着那轻缓优美的旋律,像蝴蝶那样轻盈飞舞,畅快飘舞,如沐春风.......|| OST of the French movie "Le Paillion"(2002)
Nicolas Errèra 02:52
40 Butterflies in the Subway
Maybe we'd love to dance happily like butterflies down the road, like the little French girl(la petite fille dans la rue) ... || OST of You've Got Mail(1999), starring Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks.
George Fenton 02:09
41 The Lily and the Bee John Adorney 04:30
42 Sunsets
We know sun will set in the west at dusk, but we also know, no matter what happens to us, "The Sun Also Rises" (Hemingway海明威小说《太阳照样升起》)。||Soundtrack of The Lake House (2006), starring Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock
Rachel Portman 05:01
43 Sweet Escape
It's true life grooves most of the time, but life sucks sometimes. There are colorful dreams, but there are also broken dreams. Yet we can always try to remain a tranquil state of mind, by a "Sweet Escape" into our spritual world in this wonderful spiritual music travel, where “Music makes me forget myself, my actual position; it transports me into another state, not my natural one; under the influence of music it seems to me that I feel what I do not really feel, I understand what I do not really understand, that I can do what I can’t do.” ~ Leo Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata 音乐,是一种心灵启示 音乐,能催人奋发向上 音乐,能给人带来愉快和伤感 音乐,能给人带来心灵上洗涤。 当听到美丽动人的旋律时,人们会感到心潮澎拜、兴奋不已;它给予我们雄伟壮观的想象,放大夸张我们的所有感受,淹没我们日常生活中的平淡感觉。 让我们聆听音乐,热爱音乐,感受到绝妙但不可言的一种意境;让我们伴随着音乐声,在脑海中划动想象的翅膀;让我们在音乐中,灵魂得以猛烈碰撞,梦想得以展翅翱翔……
Paul Cardall 03:08
44 From The Window Of My Room
听完前花园里色彩斑斓、阳光明媚的50首曲子后,推开窗子,看看窗外后花园,眼前呈现出另一种景象:空灵阴冷、幽美迷幻、阴暗诡异、暗流涌动...... 来听听后摇、新民谣、暗潮为主的音乐(51-79),一起来感受一下后摇哀怨的吉他、愁肠低徊的小提琴,大提琴、梦牵魂绕的暗潮电音......
Dorena 06:57
45 Lady Magdalen Ophelia's Dream 06:57
46 Tears Ophelia's Dream 03:26
47 Fairy-Dance Ophelia's Dream 06:47
48 Arabesque Ophelia's Dream 05:46
49 Sakrileg sToa 02:57
50 Hommage sToa 02:05
51 Fragile Ashram 03:23
52 Erinnerung L'Âme Immortelle 02:49
53 Nothing Else Matters Apocalyptica 04:46
54 Walking Man Zoe Keating 06:30
55 Eilem A Est Morte Defile des Ames 03:25
56 Broken Wings Soundtrack 02:13
57 Entry Into Ashram Ashram 03:14
58 Tango El Caramel Khaled Mouzanar 02:25
59 The End of The Hunger Games Sam Cushion 02:45
60 you
新世纪New Age | 感谢乐友推荐分享 @ Gao
M.Graveyard 03:34
61 Flight of Fantasy Yanni 05:44
62 My World Capo Productions 02:27
63 Follow Your Dream Future World Music 02:48
64 Presence (Relaxing Mix) KoolSax 05:13
65 Musica Fantasia Rondó Veneziano 02:52
66 La Nascita di Venere Capitanata 17:08
67 Music from the Lake Surface Susumu Yokota 03:12
68 Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini - Lynda Cochrane, Royal Scottish National Orchestra John Barry 03:10
69 Theme From A Summer Place James Last 03:07
70 Theme From A Summer Place Percy Faith 02:45
71 Night Time Au Pere Lachaise (Viennese Waltz / 60 BPM) Various Artists 03:22
72 Dance II Philip Glass 05:43
73 Champs-Élysées' コトリンゴ 04:43
74 Tunnel This is the Kit 03:34
75 Toxic
Music can be so "toxic" to me, which is a wonderful thing! I'd love to get toxicated by music, and get intoxicated in music all my life...
Marc Enfroy 04:12
76 红场演播室
FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 2018俄罗斯世界杯央视CCTV5台《我爱世界杯》红场演播室背景音乐BGM 欢快、轻松、美好......小提琴、大提琴、手风琴、钢琴、口琴一起欢舞,优美极了! violin at 0:06, cello at 0:16 ... then starting to dance with each other at 0:40, simply beautiful! 2018世界杯早已结束,但美妙音乐仍在耳际萦绕。每当这音乐响起,眼前就看见央视红场演播室里的帅锅邵圣懿和靓女杨茗茗!❤️
陈吉浙 02:47
77 再见了,遥远的离人
当代古典弦乐协奏曲,好听!谢谢推荐 @吾有才
爱乐汇轻音乐团 05:37
78 Apollo's Lyre
Apollo‘s Lyre(阿波罗的里拉琴). In Greek Mythology, Apollo is the God of music,healing and light(also called Phoebus,福玻斯---希腊神话太阳神). Apollo is often depicted as holding in his hand a lyre which symbolizes the gift of music and the harmony of sounds. To have health and healing, there must be a harmonious ordering of all the vital forces within the organism; all the strings must be in tune. There's a deep therapeutic relationship between music and healing. Apollo is the ruler of nine muses, the celestrial sisters presiding over song, poetry, and the arts and sciences. @FunkyStuff 《Antiquus》专辑乐评:阿波罗的里拉琴与希腊神话
David Wahler 05:25
79 Timeless Spirit
The gracious lady in the cover painting is like my muse --- the celestrial goddness of fine arts in the Greek Mythology. Music is my muse, my healing power, my "Timeless Spirit": my spiritual music travel will be timelessly going on ...... 【Story of music, muse, Apollo】 Music and Muse. The word music derives from the Greek root "muse". Greek Mythology tells us that there are nine muses, the celestrial sisters presiding over song, poetry, and the arts and science. Thus, music is a child of divine love whose grace, beauty, and mysterious healing powers are intimately connected to heavenly order and the memory of our origin and destiny. Apollo, Music and Muse. Apollo is a solar deity(Phoebus), the god of archery, music and healing. He is also the ruler of nine muses, the celestrial sisters. Apollo personifies the active(Yang) path to healing through music, self betterment and physical culture. The solar principle he represents manifests in the body as the Vital Force. Called The Bright One, Apollo is an eternal youth, and the bringer of enlightenment and higher consciousness to all mankind. Advocating order, balance, harmony, personal discretion and conscious living, Apollo's two basic health mottos are: Know thyself, and Nothing in excess. So, by "know thyself", I know myself, that is, music is my muse, and Apollo is my light that guides me through healing art. It's my Timeless Spirit.
Tom Barabas 06:46
80 My Personal Paradise
This is "My Personal Paradise" of music. Thanks for your listening to my music, with all the warmth of my heart! ╮(╯▽╰)╭
Soundtrack 04:03
81 Bedknobs and Broomsticks_NC
AudioMachine 01:10
82 Stardust Lights & Motion 03:40
83 Wild Dexter Britain 05:46
84 Angel Wings Sounds Like Sander 04:01
85 Domestic Pressures Jóhann Jóhannsson 02:37
86 Spiriteaux Tony Anderson 03:54
87 Reverie Ludovico Einaudi 04:40
88 Night Ludovico Einaudi 05:30
89 Blanc Chauveau 02:23
90 Slow, Simple, Sad 3 Philip Glass 03:54
91 Amore 坂本龍一 05:19
92 Elements Ludovico Einaudi 06:06
93 Kamogawa Hauschka 05:50
94 Mount Hood Hauschka 04:15
95 Subconcious Hauschka 04:02
96 Cube Hauschka 03:26
97 Radar (Michael Mayer remix) Hauschka 08:22
98 Flicker Julia Kent 03:39
99 Tourbillon Julia Kent 03:16
100 Beginning Egor Grushin 02:59
101 Cirrostratus Thomas William Hill 04:26
102 Closing Rhyme Chad Lawson 03:47
103 Ginsterweg Hauschka 03:57
104 Rise Egor Grushin 04:14
105 Ritorno Egor Grushin 03:25
106 Tempelhof Yann Tiersen 06:08
107 Paper Shadows Chad Lawson 04:56
108 Pern Yann Tiersen 04:26
109 The Gift ONSOHO 02:44
110 Entangled Ed Carlsen 02:54
111 Sobre a brevidade da vida Andrei Machado 03:35
112 Armoire Nocturne Slow Meadow 04:17
113 Waves Sten Erland Hermundstad 02:30
114 The Night Keeps Coming In Dakota Suite 01:46
115 Organ Variation Hans Zimmer 04:51
116 Spiegel im Spiegel
Avro Pärt - Spiegel im Spiegel(1978) 阿沃·帕特《镜中镜》,钢琴与小提琴版 封面油画:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》Romeo and Juliet(1884), by Frank Dicksee(1853-1928) , British Romantic painter 《镜中境》呈现出来的多棱镜折射,对于听者来说,就是彩虹般的多种音乐体验。《镜中境》就像梦中之梦,镜中有镜,镜中的镜中还有镜,其大无外,其小无内。重重交织,相互映射。 这首钢琴与小提琴版《镜中镜》,钢琴邂逅小提琴,安宁又静谧,和谐而神秘。钢琴低回沉缓,小提琴呢喃悠长,小提琴始终围绕着钢琴若即若离,环游飘荡,显像成梦幻般的分离状态,内里却被一张无量的网紧密相连,如镜中之镜,彼此不断映出对方的影子。钢琴和小提琴好似两条冥想的河,时而分开时而相遇,终是交汇一起,总是灵犀相通。
Various Artists 08:29
117 Spiegel im Spiegel
Avro Pärt - Spiegel im Spiegel(1978) 阿沃·帕特《镜中镜》,钢琴与大提琴版 封面油画:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》Romeo & Juliet(1870), by Lucy Madox Brown Rossetti (1843 – 1894) ,British Pre-Raphaelite painter 《镜中镜》于我有着很强的画面感和疗愈性,这镜子在我意念中的大画布上涂抹着淡淡的色彩,缓慢转动着疗愈的经纶。空灵的弦音犹如清泉滋润灵魂深处,安谧独特的旋律与内心的寂静相遇,达到一种无限之美。我的内心和灵魂,从这美中生出一种极乐的喜悦:除了这种无限之美,一切都消失了,我似乎也不存在。
Various Artists 09:17
118 Spiegel Im Spiegel Sebastian Klinger 09:24
119 人間失格~メインテーマ~ 中島ノブユキ 04:09
120 人間失格~メインテーマ~ (Piano Solo Ver.) 中島ノブユキ 04:09
121 津軽路 中島ノブユキ 01:11
122 Invisible Zinovia 04:24
123 Fluttering Zinovia 03:51
124 Fluttering
“There is a life and there is a death, and there are beauty and melancholy between.”   Born in Athens, Greek composer Zinovia Arvanitidi is most widely remembered as one half of the duo Pill-Oh in Vanishing Mirror as well as her debut solo The Gift of Affliction. Zinovia returns with her first solo piano album titled Ivory. ~虾米艺人简介
Zinovia 03:51
125 White Angel Florian Bur 04:53
126 Lifelong Florian Bur 03:23
127 Freedom Florian Bur 02:13
128 No Name Florian Bur 03:16
129 Visions in a Dream_NC AudioMachine 01:17