

#Apocalyptic Folk #Neo-Folk #暗潮


在欧洲中世纪,人们活在各种迷信中,不仅医学上的癫痫症被手持《圣经》的神父认为是“被污鬼附着”(《马太福音》第五章),就是老百姓平时偶尔尖声嚎叫,或者语言离奇,动作剧烈都会被认为是“魔鬼”在作祟,那种到处在“驱魔”,践踏人权,烧人于火刑柱的事层出不穷,加上连年战争,黑死病,欧洲百姓苦不堪言,直到11世纪,采邑之地上多数居民还是农奴。与此同时,掌权者与教廷合谋垄断一切,政教合一,人们的思想被禁锢在牢笼里。魔鬼假上帝之口,肆意鱼肉搜刮百姓。中世纪是一个污秽,淫乱,虚伪做作,草菅人命的黑暗时代。心向上帝的虔诚、淳朴与这地上横行的鬼怪之狡诈形成鲜明的对比!谁是正教?谁是异教?直到路德教改时,人们才慢慢从黑暗,蒙昧中走出来,才有了人文主义……随着骑士时代的没落,贵族与教廷的败坏,相对隔离的民间世俗社会的欢愉,戏谑,物欲横流的风貌也尽染在其音乐之中,今天很多打着“中古”标签的流行音乐做得就是这样甜美,缥缈的音乐,它们非常好听,比如一些凯尔特人的音乐,把那个时代描绘得静谧,祥和,悠然自得。但,那只是中世纪的一个侧面,是天主教的改革者眼里的中世纪,不是康德、伏尔泰等启蒙者眼里的中世纪。本精选集要展现的就是中世纪的另一面,它恐怖,极权,饱食终日的统治者死抱权力,只晓得世袭罔替,一代不如一代。文化、科学全面停滞不前!一个个没有任何希望的漫漫长夜,一幕幕地狱般的景象直到21世纪仍然让人挥之不去,它警示着今天仍在索多玛城里自以为是,执迷于假象,动不动就给人定“思想罪”的人们。本精选集的特色:绝对偏重于天启民谣。没有仙乐,没有新古典,甚至连Neoclassical Dark Wave(新古典暗潮)、军工氛围都不多,黑潮就是黑潮么。喜欢繁复,爱听大量弦乐的人士请绕道


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Untitled The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud 01:35
02 Breath Of The Black Plague Dark Ages 04:58
03 Cantigas de Santa María, No. 29: Como Podem Per Sas Culpas Artefactum 03:45
04 Vox Sacra: Ancient Lies Backworld 08:04
05 The Eyes Of Deception Autumn Tears 03:25
06 My Brother Fire + Ice 03:18
07 Jesu benigne redemptor [Cantus sororum] (arr. H.L. Vuori and J. Korhonen) Vox Silentii 03:33
08 Untitled The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud 03:13
09 Intro: Мать Ветров Navjarmaahr 01:36
10 So Saith The Song Of Sigurd The Soil Bleeds Black 02:52
11 Lament For The Young English King The Soil Bleeds Black 04:00
12 My Lady In The Tomb Tombstone 04:32
13 The Torture Garden Death in June 06:16
14 Rain of Despair Death in June 04:24
15 Paques:Victimae Paschali Various Artists 01:26
16 A Scorpion Domain Moon Far Away 04:37
17 120 Days Of Sodom Dark Awake 02:59
18 Babylero Coil 00:51
19 Lapis Philosophorum The Soil Bleeds Black 03:04
20 Welcome Defile des Ames 03:22
21 Tourdion Arabica Triskilian 04:49
22 Merseburger Ougenweide 03:33
23 The Wind Fairy (Is Dead) Defile des Ames 02:56
24 Cultural Hell Luftwaffe 02:35
25 Cupid Amber Asylum 04:09
26 Semaine Sainte:Crux Fidelis Various Artists 05:06
27 Untitled The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud 06:21
28 Untitled The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud 05:14
29 Euphoria Halgrath 03:38
30 A Gothic Love Song (For N.) Current 93 04:07
31 Hexenring Apoptose 08:27
32 Till the Living Flesh Is Burned Death in June 03:57
33 Come Before Christ Ecodalia 03:42
34 Why Don't You Help Me? Medusa's Spell 05:31
35 The Coming Burzum 00:25
36 Black Friend In My Rosary 03:50
37 Hymn (Conditor alme siderum) / Lauda (Verbum caro factum est) Joel Cohen 02:51
38 All the Pretty Little Horses Current 93 02:35
39 St. Peter's Keys All Bloody Current 93 02:23
40 From Broken Cross, Locusts Current 93 06:12
41 Asmodeus Rise Hexentanz 03:06
42 Fael Inis Fire + Ice 05:05
43 Over the Stone Sonne Hagal 05:07
44 Gaze of the Proud Fire + Ice 04:11
45 The Wind That Shakes the Barley Fire + Ice 04:04
46 The Trigger Death in June 05:17
47 Black Sun Dead Can Dance 04:56
48 Satyr Sex Omnia 04:10
49 Close agnivolok 05:50
50 Theatrum Crudelitatum Dark Ages 04:00
51 My Soul Is Empty Now Albireon 03:42
52 The Song of the Sibyl Dead Can Dance 03:45
53 Angle Nurse with Wound 05:20
54 Oh Death Ougenweide 03:35
55 Tous Les Jardins Du Monde Werkraum 02:07
56 Mark Of The Witch Hexentanz 05:26
57 Scarlet Queen Chaostar 03:15
58 Office Monastique:Complies Cisterciennes Various Artists 14:18
59 Python's Advent Dismal 07:57
60 Tourdion Wolfenmond 05:02
61 Sacrilegious Moon Antekhrist 05:22
62 Devil's Mass Hexentanz 04:03
63 The Three Ravens Sonne Hagal 02:47
64 Emmeleia Dead Can Dance 02:04
65 Baltazar Parzival 04:13
66 God from the Machine Burzum 01:40
67 Nu Alrest Lebe Ich Mir Werde Ensemble Unicorn 05:39
68 Vengeance de Pan Stille Volk 04:22
69 No Smile From The Ghost In The Tower Tombstone 02:58
70 Blast of the Bough Christian Death 02:46