

#post-rock #后摇 #人声采样








约翰.肯尼迪;柯特. 柯本;格里高利.派克;查尔斯.曼森......









# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 III
【2012人声后摇之最,整张专辑都是极品。】 I read your note, and I know just what you want to hear. 读你留的便签,心中明了你想要的回答。 It hurts less over time, but I’m not getting stronger. I just leave pieces behind. 伤痛伴随时光渐渐迟钝,但是我无法复原,我早已支离破碎 I can only fall so many times before I’m broke, unrecognizable. 幻灭之前我只能承受如许崩落,(形神俱散)面目全非。 Now all I’ve left to give is the piece that still remains, and you bring the pieces back. 现在我交出残存的碎片,由你拼凑复原。 Love, it only reconstructs the pain. 吾爱,你重建的只有疼痛。 As time fails to elapse, I’m finding you were everything to me. 当时光(凝固)无以为继,我惊觉你是我唯一所有。 Now my future and my past are ending tragically the same. 现在我的后世前尘上演同一种悲哀。 【@暮木尘沉, 英文歌词是暮木扒下来的,还记得M 小姐有一天发话让人从网上扒一张专辑的歌词,我们两个一头一尾,一会儿就会师了。 这段译文改了十几次了,只要还在虾米,就有可能一直改下去。】
Athletics 06:10
02 In Ruins
这一首重点不是人声,听了就知道。 再啰嗦一句,这张专辑只有80收藏???没天理!!!
The Burning Paris 07:52
03 The Living Receiver
。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。 有没有好奇过开始那段对话是什么?今天凌晨,终于听清了。 听到Donnie那句:It is if everyone dies alone... 细想这几天发生的事情,哭了,你要赶快好起来。[2013/11/12] 这段对话出自《怵目驚魂28天》(Donnie Darko) I am happy is something i haven't said in a while. Everything i lost, i found it in you.
Arktika 04:01
04 Worked Hands
@黑暗的小天使,她在Loop里听见这个说你听的比我忧伤。 还好不是我忧伤,是歌~~~~【这一首,真是不一般的伤。。。 You left the leaves in my dirty coat Small recurrence that reminds me of home Tiny memory seeped in through this mind Older friends forgotten with crimes And I hated how you left me (Bandcamp 网页上是“ I Left me"...实际听起来是 “You left me" ) But I couldn't have kept sleep
Arrange 03:32
05 Facing Myself
这一首和第四首那个更苦一点儿,见仁见智了。 大半夜睡不着,恋无可恋,纯粹失心疯,听这个最合适。 I’m not trying to be hurtful I’m just trying to be truthful And when I say that I miss you I mean it ...
LO' THERE 07:54
06 Then But Now
I wonder ...then, but ,now, I'm fine... 。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。
The Weak Men 06:06
07 Star train
Modern Children 05:34
08 Lunar
I could never shine without you I'd just be dead stone in the sky 【那个别针脑袋的骨头,说这一首燃爆了。】
Withyouathome 07:36
09 Solar
Here I stand alone Watching you from afar Consumed by your beauty Here I stand alone Watching you form afar I can never reach to you One more stare I will go blind
Withyouathome 06:42
10 For Now I Am Winter
For now I am winter ,long step you . 【我正在严冬里,往你的方向前行。】
Ólafur Arnalds 05:05
11 A Stutter
一张专辑里选了三首,狠心删掉了其他的。 这张专辑就是那种可以整张一键下载的。
Ólafur Arnalds 05:09
12 Old Skin
Where the woods would wear the wafting sounds of sea Roves an oath, in search for something more to be "Still hard for me"
Ólafur Arnalds 04:08
13 Sea of Stars
@SEI 这飘渺纤细的男人嗓子 以前竟然是唱金属的 I long to see your face I long to feel your grace I long for you
Oceans Apart 13:04
14 Harmonium Song
Well, my friend... you know I loved you the best... And I remember love... I remember love... I remember love... I remember love...
There Will Be Fireworks 05:28
15 Stuart Drives A Comfortable Car
和虾友闲聊时说过,一些后摇乐队是用生命在磨音乐。 翻译的很仓促,但是至少没有曲解自己的意思,有没有曲解原作,反而不重要。 因为此刻听的人是我,我们,因为我们在,音乐才在。没有了耳朵,音乐就不在。
Phoenix And The Turtle 06:26
16 23[Demo Version]
给马上进入23岁的孩子们,不知谁内分泌失调消化不良定了一个晚婚的门槛? 刚刚迈出校门,人生还没开始啊!不要被年龄胁迫,不要被那些不敢生活的人胁迫。
Jimmy Eat World 07:07
17 The Threshold
Close your eyes I'll watch you
Immanu El 04:44
18 To Approach The Vivian Girls
Find someone to play without a doubt. I doubt, I doubt . Find someone to wait lay them down. I doubt , I ... Woo~~~
The Calm Blue Sea 05:48
19 Twenty-Ninth of April
I need to find a way to let it go …
Plastik Joy 05:58
20 Let It Be Morning
Let it be morning Let it be light
Shapes Stars Make 07:27
21 Memories
We Invented The Night 08:10
22 A Tailpiece
【8:00开始】 Stay where you are Don't let them move you That's where you're safe and home Stay where you are Don't let them move you That's where you're safe and home Stay where you are Stay where you are Stay where you are
Ef 14:03
23 Två
Nights are lonely Days are sad Hate these stars that keep coming back In your eyes fear through the night Stay with me now I can reach your heart Stay with me now I'll reach your heart Stay with me now I can haul higher And bad news tend to travel fast 【在0:40 处和9:09 处出现的人声采样】 The manifesto is : there‘s no manifesto ...
Ef 10:38
24 Курт Кобейн
【关键词:科特. 柯本, 涅槃乐队,最后遗言】 Kurt Donald Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994) 此曲中人声采样部分,理论上是涅槃乐队主唱柯本本人接受访谈的录音。 声音与网络上其他访谈的音质极其类似,只是尚未找到这个访谈的进一步背景资料。 从谈话内容看,应该是发生在1992年八月18日,他的女儿Frances Bean Cobain出生之后,和1994年四月之间。 春天是明媚温暖的季节,盛名,音乐,朋友,家庭没能阻止柯本选择独自前行。 柯本说话的声音比演唱时柔和,甚至有些羞涩语滞, 与涅槃那个愤怒的朋克天渊之别。 记录下他说的这段话,谨此纪念永远拒绝长大的少年。
Simple is Good 09:56
25 Trying Is the 1st Step Towards Failure
【关键词,前苏联,冷战,核不扩散条约,Thank You stanislav yevgrafovich,拯救世界的五分钟】
L'elan Vital 05:44
26 Blue 88
【关键词:二次世界大战,蓝色禁药,活死人】 二次世界大战中使用的神奇蓝色药丸,不是伟哥......作用是在士兵短缺的情况下,让受伤的士兵在72小时内重返前线。 文章中说,服药以后,他们完全麻木,眼神空洞,有时候会摔倒,面无表情,无视经过的人,所以不用和他们打招呼.... 有点像海地巫术制造的活死人奴隶,活死人 。 为了掩盖罪行,很多被僵尸化的士兵,失踪了,实际上是被秘密销毁。
we.own.the.sky 06:54
27 I Hope I Never See You Smile Again
【关键词:核弹,曼哈顿项目,二战,日本广岛长崎】 开头的那段人声采样是J. Robert Oppenheimer (22 April 1904 – 18 February 1967) 的一段话。 美国物理学家,曼哈顿项目的技术主任( scientific director ) Manhattan Project.——美国在二战期间的原子弹研究项目。 科学家本人于1960年访问日本,媒体提问他对于核弹轰炸的感受,他说: It's not that I don't feel bad about it. It's just that I don't feel worse today than what I felt yesterday. 并不是说我没有感到愧疚。 只是我今天的感觉并不比昨天更糟糕。 有兴趣可以看看这里:http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Robert_Oppenheimer 感觉这个曲名“ I hope I never see you smile again" 是针对发明核武器的人说的,那些自诩受命于天,充当死神的人们。
There Are No Words 10:12
28 yet we continue to build there, the structure
【关键词,查尔斯.曼森,邪教,音乐人,披头士,枪花】 把维基百科中文版的主要内容贴过来,给大家一些背景资料。相关链接在下面一条回复里面。 查尔斯·曼森(Charles Milles Manson,出生于1934年11月12日)是一名美国的罪犯。他在20世纪60年代末在加利福尼亚州领导着臭名昭著犯罪团伙——曼森家族。著名的Tate/LaBianca谋杀案也是由他的手下在其指示下犯下的。当有人犯罪时,其团体中的每位成员都会被指控有共谋罪,此为连坐制度。据此,他也被指控为杀人犯。 曼森信仰他从披头士的一首同名歌曲中自己造出的所谓的“Helter Skelter”。根据他对披头士这首歌曲的描述,曼森坚信即将发生一场种族战争。同时,他也认为他犯下的谋杀案能够促成那场战争。在曼森后来臭名远扬后,他和摇滚音乐的这一关系也将他和一种流行文化联系起来了。他最终成为了精神错乱、暴力血腥的象征。这一词语也被曼森的检举人Vincent Bugliosi用于他写的关于曼森杀人案的一本书的标题。 在曼森家族形成之初,曼森本人是一个失业者,由于犯罪,他已在惩教机构度过了大半的人生。谋杀案之前,他是一名歌手兼词作家,主要通过偶然的和海滩男孩的创始人和鼓手Dennis Wilson的联系,生活在洛杉矶音乐产业的边缘地带。在后来曼森被控犯罪后,他的原创歌曲专辑也随之发布。包括Guns N' Roses, White Zombie and Marilyn Manson在内的艺术家都引用了他的歌曲。 当加州最高法庭1972年的一份决议暂时废除了该州的死刑时,曼森的死刑自动被改判为无期徒刑。而曼森现被关押在科克伦州立监狱,因而即便加州的死刑再度恢复也并不会影响到曼森了。
Youth Pictures of Florence Henderson 07:11
29 Apollo
【关键词:登月】这段话出自于,约翰. 肯尼迪总统在1961年5月25日美国国会联席会议上的讲话。是关于登月计划的总动员吧。 全文在NASA 官网: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/space/features/jfk_speech_text.html
God Lives on the Sun 07:23
30 Lecture On Nothing
【关键词:宇宙,生命,存在的偶然性和必然性】 有时候觉得,有些东西,比如神迹,是存在的; 如果我们无法找到祂,祂于我们就不存在。 只有我在, 在这里见证祂的存在时, 祂就存在。 正如此刻你所见。 谢谢你,一直都在。 诵读部分: Here’s the point: if we consider the huge maze of possible universes, the vast majority will not have conditions hospitable to life, or at least to anything remotely akin to life as we know it. For drastic changes in familiar physics, it is clear, if our universe didn’t conform to the rules it does, life, as we know it, would not exist. Even rather conservative changes to physics would interfere with the formation of stars, for example, disrupting their ability to act as cosmic furnaces that synthesize complex life-supporting atoms, such as carbon and oxygen, that normally are spewed throughout the universe by supernova explosions. In the light of the sensitive dependence of life on the details of physics if we now ask, for instance, why the forces and particles of nature have the particular properties we observe, a possible answer emerges. Across the entire gamut of possibilities, these features vary widely. Properties could be different. What’s special about the particular combination of particle and force properties we observe is that clearly they allow life to form, and life, intelligent life in particular, is a prerequisite even to ask the question of why our universe has the properties it does. In plain language, things are the way they are because if they weren’t, we wouldn’t be here to notice. ***吟唱部分:*** If we weren’t here, there’d be no-one to see the lack of politics and factories. The gods at stake, the myopic view, halts suspicion that it just might be true. Your sense of awe, your sense of wonder, remains intact in the face of it all. Perhaps in time, someone will listen to this waste of breath, this lecture on nothing. 【Repeat thrice】 — Mt. - Lecture on Nothing (Teach Your Children How to Think, Not What to Think) 资料来源:http://ballmerpeak.tumblr.com/page/3
Mt. 07:44
31 Arrival at Sydney Harbour
【关键词:电影,杀死知更鸟,格里高利. 派克】 这段话是电影《To Kill a Mockingbird》中Atticus Finch 的一段独白。这部电影的男主角就是主演罗马假日的大帅哥格里高利. 派克。 此曲中的人声采样来自前半段。 同名小说原著作者是:Harper Lee
Port Blue 05:06
32 Break Away Sydney
【关键词:美国十九世纪煤矿工人生存状况】这里面为煤矿工人的福祉,大声疾呼的老爷子是出生在上上个世纪的美国人。任何一个社会的初级阶段.......嗨.......不说了,看看马克思的资本论也吧。 @后水 John Llewellyn Lewis (February 12, 1880 – June 11, 1969) was an American leader of organized labor who served as president of the United Mine Workers of America (UMW) from 1920 to 1960. 演说全文: http://www.speeches-usa.com/Transcripts/054_lewis.html John L. Lewis 背景资料: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_L._Lew
Aurore Rien 08:30
33 For a Friend
【关键词:电影,上个世纪预测的今日世界,2001: A Space Odyssey】 这部科幻电影拍摄于1968年,惊人地预测了2001年的世界。 电影背景资料链接:http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/2001:_A_Space_Odyssey_(film) 第一段人声采样是电影中Hal 的临终独白。 第二段关于火箭发射的人声采样很有趣,虾米上居然有这首歌,链接说明一切: http://www.xiami.com/song/1770367273?ref=ac-artist
The Allstar Project 11:04
34 A Forked Tongue Cuts Like A Knife
【关键词:电影,AFI top 100 Movie 】 这段人声采样出自1976年制作的电影 It is an Academy Award winning film and #66 on the AFI's 100 Movies list. Directed by Sidney Lumet. Written by Paddy Chayefsky. 背景资料:http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Network_(film)
Eyes Like Mirrors 09:48
35 Alone
【关键词: 电影,< There Will Be Blood>】 节选自Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) 的独白。 根据电影中的两段台词拼接而成,略有删节。 资料来源:http://homevideo.about.com/library/bl-movie-quotes-there-will-be-blood-a.htm @eatmonster 这位大神没有查找资料,居然把歌词全文写出来了。耳力不俗。
As the Stars Fall 03:33
36 Harm's Way (Driving Gracie)
与同一个集子里另外两首不同,这一首独特之处是在网络上遍寻不得背景资料,还是全文记出来。是一个女战士的独白。 这个集子另外两首@M小姐 都添加了详细资料。 4:47-6:05 【人声采样...记词未必准...这纯属闲的......
The Farewell Monument 14:59
37 Appendix
Ef 07:01
38 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
【关键词:电影, The Funeral (1996)】
As the Stars Fall 05:24
39 Sous le portique de Lhassa (in memory of Alexandra David Neel) Whispers of a Silent Shore 07:42
40 As Far As the Eye Can See
【关键词,电影,魔翼杀手 The Prophecy (1995)】 Some people lose their faith because heaven shows them too little, 一些人失去信仰,是因为上天对他们昭示的神迹微乎其微。 But how many people lose their faith because heaven shows them too much. 但是,有多少人失去信仰,是因为神为之展示了太多太多。
As the Stars Fall 06:45
41 Sleep Well
【关键词,电影,It's all about love】 这段人声采样是Sean Penn 的临终独白,出自电影《 It's all about love》 括弧中的部分是原著台词,在本曲目中被删节掉了。
The Best Pessimist 05:23
42 Sundown Song For R.Z.
【关键词:Bob Dylan】 Rap?我没听错吗?
Don't Look Back 06:44
43 Letters To Palestine Rumour Cubes 03:13
44 Painting a Void With Words of Hope
这里的那段人声采样,是根据笛卡尔的《沉思录》中《第二個沉思:論人的精神的本性以及精神比物體更容易認識》 中的片段删节改编的。 原文在这里:http://mind.ucsd.edu/syllabi/99_00/Empiricism/Readings/01_Meditation_II/Meditation_II.html 中文版维基百科:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E5%93%B2%E5%AD%B8%E6%B2%89%E6%80%9D%E9%9B%86 我的考据癖,是不是又严重了?”
Méon 16:48