

#沙发音乐 #Dance-Pop 舞曲 #Quiet Storm #Urban 都市音乐



如果你还记得06年在Hed Kandi的经典Chill House选辑Beach House之中的第一首Rise,那么你肯定不会忘记这个销魂的女声-Samantha James。没错,OM公司终于在近期将这名女将专辑制作完成并推到了大众的面前。

此张Samantha James的专辑首当其冲的收录了她的成名作Rise。去年在夏日炎炎时听到此歌给人以无限凉爽质感,而今却在萧瑟的秋季姗姗来迟却依然能温暖到你的感官,这就是一个优质Soundtoy所具备的魔力。此张专辑以Chill House作为制作标准,填充Trip Hop,Lounge,Downtempo的各种元素调配在一起,将旋律感十足的音乐完全交于Samantha James的优美声线,最终整张专辑呈现出一派温暖、幸福、精雕细琢的优雅质感。类同05年底Hed Kandi发售的Late Night Alumni专辑Empty Street。不同的是,Late Night Alumni是以Band形式出现的制作人功底House乐队,而Samantha James则是以流行Soundtoy面目示人。以声音代表一切实力。相信她的此张专辑一定会成为众多沙发音乐之中最为普通但又最令人回味的一张专辑。

Although Los Angeles singer/songwriter Samantha James claims 1980s cocktail-pop singers




as two of her primary influences, her debut album, Rise, sounds as if her true heart lies in that period in the mid-'90s when those singers' contemporaries

Everything But the Girl

lost their taste for twee U.K. indie guitar pop and jazzy torch songs and transformed themselves into a downtempo electronica act. It was a transformation that worked surprisingly well, not least because

Tracey Thorn

's smoky, wine-dark vocals and

Ben Watt

's knack for languid minor-key melodies both suited the style unexpectedly well. Samantha James is no

Tracey Thorn

, and her songwriting and production partner

Sebastian Arocha Morton

is no

Ben Watt

, but albums like

Walking Wounded

are no embarrassment as musical touchstones, and James doesn't embarrass herself in her re-creation of the style. The best songs, like the dreamy "Enchanted Life," the lushly tropical "Rain," and the bossa nova-influenced "I Found You," a duet with

Celso Fonseca

, are those that leave the dancefloor in favor of those dark, intimate banquettes in the quiet corners, where James' honeyed voice and the duo's fondness for mellow late-night atmospheres are best suited. On the more overtly dance-oriented tracks, like "Breathe You In" and "Living Without You," James sounds like just another anonymous dance club diva, and the '80s-throwback rhythm boxes don't help her cause.


# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Rise Samantha James 04:23
02 Enchanted Life Samantha James 05:30
03 Breathe You In Samantha James 05:18
04 Angel Love Samantha James 06:22
05 Come Through Samantha James 04:33
06 Living Without You Samantha James 05:45
07 I Found You Samantha James 04:30
08 Deep Surprise Samantha James 04:47
09 Send It Out to the Universe Samantha James 06:18
10 Rain Samantha James 03:54
11 Right Now Samantha James 04:27