Bindu是一位新世纪音乐吉他手,生于1951年丹麦的哥本哈根。从五十到六十年代初,由于受到了当时一股流行摇滚乐风浪潮的冲击下,加上成长过程中耳濡目染了当时影子乐队、滚石乐队、披头四及其它的一些R&B歌乐手的叱咤风云而后广成世人疯狂崇拜的偶像,年纪轻轻的他自幼就立下宏愿要弹好吉他,以期将来也能像这些巨星们一样发光发热,虽然后来曾参与过各不同乐团的演奏,他却从来不曾生念永驻在同一乐团,估计这可能和他的不羁个性和音乐理念有关。Bindu一直来都是丹麦发烧名厂Fonix Musik旗下的一员大将,作品风格一向舒缓写意,隐隐泛有田园原野的大自然气息,教人聆赏之余,气爽神清。Bindu比度的演奏,技巧超卓不凡,旋律优美,节奏柔扬,绝对不会考验你的耐性,也绝对不会沉闷。
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 | Natural Flow | Bindu | 04:42 |
02 | Blessed Love | Bindu | 05:30 |
03 | Old English | Bindu | 01:43 |
04 | Zenrise | Bindu | 08:03 |
05 | Samba Om | Bindu | 05:20 |
06 | Eastern Wind | Bindu | 07:45 |
07 | Not So Blue | Bindu | 08:21 |
08 | Blue Mountain Waltz | Bindu | 06:52 |
09 | Beyond the 7 Seas | Bindu | 08:50 |
10 | Lovelight | Bindu | 05:16 |
11 | Seagull | Bindu | 09:26 |
12 | Delicate But Strong | Bindu | 04:29 |
13 | Happy Little Flowers | Bindu | 04:49 |
14 | Roots and Wings | Bindu | 04:32 |
15 | Healing Circle | Bindu | 03:58 |
16 | Unworried Mind | Bindu | 02:39 |
17 | Childhood Rememberance | Bindu | 02:41 |
18 | Tango from a Dream | Bindu | 02:28 |
19 | Warm and Tender Nights | Bindu | 06:07 |
20 | Celtic Meadow | Bindu | 04:24 |
21 | Whatever Is Is | Bindu | 05:41 |
22 | Spring Comes | Bindu | 04:06 |
23 | Accepting with Grace | Bindu | 05:29 |
24 | Celtic Waltz | Bindu | 05:33 |
25 | Om Shanti | Bindu | 05:23 |
26 | Cicada | Bindu | 07:30 |
27 | Wings | Bindu | 04:30 |
28 | Hymn | Bindu | 04:29 |
29 | Planet of the Ages | Bindu | 04:00 |
30 | The Rhythm of Love | Bindu | 06:43 |
31 | There Is Light | Bindu | 04:51 |