

#后摇 #心灵后花园 #后摇滚








# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Peacon
风暴来临前的黄昏,独自一人走在环岛公路上,微风吹过,远方依稀飘来一阵喃喃呓语。迷糊间,吉他声惊艳响起,整个世界瞬时安静了。渐渐地,思绪在蔓延,步伐在加快,1分,2分钟,逆风,找寻躲避暴风雨的后花园……3分30秒起,吉他音墙一浪接一浪,排山倒海般呼啸而来……6分56秒,风停了,耳畔再度回响起喃喃呓语,一切归零。 《Peacon》——选自英伦后摇乐团The Workhouse 2003年发行的专辑《The end of the pier》。7分35秒时长,在后摇音乐里不长也不短,刚刚够让你的思绪来回一个起落。
The Workhouse 07:35
02 6 Jobs
现象师 06:25
03 The Rivers That Run Beneath This City
乐声随着夜风轻柔响起,闭上眼睛,人仿佛置身一叶弯舟,随波慢摇,摇啊摇,摇啊摇。。。1分,2分,3分钟,风越吹越大,浪越涌越高,小船越摇越晃。。。4分26秒,音墙如期而至,阵阵波澜翻涌而来。。。The Rivers That Run Beneath This City。渐渐地,风小了,可以喘口气了。8分6秒,风再起时,随波逐流到天涯。。。9分41秒,旅程结束,一切归零。——《The Rivers That Run Beneath This City》,选自The Calm Blue Sea 2008年同名专辑《The Calm Blue Sea》。
The Calm Blue Sea 09:41
04 花澪
时过夏末 09:25
05 Ashes In The Snow
日本国土狭小,资源有限,典型的地理小国家。偏偏,岛国上的大和民族却是心比天高,一直梦想着成为大国之民。如此矛盾的存在,映射出来的东瀛音乐,往往显得精致唯美但却无比悲壮。Mono的后摇音乐正是如此,开始的铺垫平淡典雅,如潺潺小溪,高潮部分却气势恢宏,如奔流大河。——《Ashes In The Snow》选自Mono 2009年发行专辑《Hymn to the Immortal Wind》。全长11分45秒,典型的后摇音乐长度。歌曲6分10秒进入所谓的“Mono模式”,一波高似一波的音墙让听者躲无所躲,大气磅礴的旋律将情绪带入莫名悲壮之中。有雪的地方必然北国。如若看过川端康成的《雪国》,或许能更好感受Mono这首后摇的“联想意识流”。
MONO 11:46
06 Lycoris
同样来自东瀛,Mono的后摇风格属于大气恢弘型,而Saisa的后摇风格则属于柔美空灵型。听Saisa的音乐,往往光听前面几秒钟前奏就足以让你的耳朵沦陷。乐团擅于营造空灵缥缈的音乐氛围,他们的后摇作品总能让你的想象空间无限扩大。——《Lycoris》,选自Saisa 2012年发行专辑《This Empty Space Returns Your Solitude》。音乐无国界,Saisa第一张全长唱片由中国北京独立厂牌拾柒贰肆唱片发行。
saisa 04:32
07 Farewell
花伦 07:42
08 The World Is Our ___
东方一位老人曾说过:世界是你们的,也是我们的,但归根结底是你们的。 《The World Is Our ___》,来自遥远西方美国德州的一道填空题,后摇乐队This Will Destroy You作品,选自2006年专辑《Young Mountain》。 大理曾推出过一部旅游宣传片,片中用了这首曲子。轻灵幻听的前奏,把人的思绪一下就带进了苍山洱海、风花雪月。
This Will Destroy You 07:12
09 Forever Lost
简洁明快的钢琴前奏,随着弦乐的缓慢加入,带出一曲长达6分22秒的宇宙之音。此音只缘天上有,来自上帝,来自迷惘的宇宙。如果让你选择迷失,你是希望迷失在广袤的宇宙里?还是迷失在永恒的时间里?此题此答,乐曲里上帝一个字都没说,但迷失的你听完不觉已是泪流满颊,forever lost。。。
God Is An Astronaut 06:22
10 You Walk Around... Shining Like the Sun Hammock 06:06
11 Tristia Hammock 05:46
12 You Lost the Starlight in Your Eyes Hammock 09:14
13 Sora Hammock 05:51
14 Five O' Clock
Away the ways 08:33
15 The Island Funeral
Inspirative 04:57
16 Sinking Inside Yourself
Hammock 06:01
17 All Is Dream and Everything Is Real
Hammock 05:59
18 Take My Hand
意境最美是后摇!!每次向人推介后摇,首先文字,其次音乐。对那些文字不感冒的人,我第一首推介的后摇就是这一曲《Take My Hand》,然后,这个世界又多了一个喜欢后摇的人类。
The Candlepark Stars 05:29
19 Constellations
Blurry Lights 04:11
20 Love Songs on the Radio
Mojave 3 05:48
21 Trading Estate The Workhouse 04:13
22 I Love You But In The End I Will Destroy You
Goonies Never Say Die 06:55
23 Drag Queen The Workhouse 07:03
24 Gazania Blossom
Mooncake 07:42
25 Anything You Synthesize The American Dollar 04:41
26 用生命写故事
晨曦光廊 09:26
27 彩虹山
文雀 07:59
28 Yes I Am
Do you like post-rock? Yes I Am。
pg.lost 06:22
29 The Spectacular Quiet
Lights & Motion 03:51
30 旭茉莉
昆虫白 02:32
31 Leaving The Plains
*shels 08:02
32 Reanimation
Lights & Motion 04:20
33 Atlas
Lights & Motion 03:01
34 Fragile God Is An Astronaut 04:34
35 正义的伙伴 晨曦光廊 07:20
36 Il sogno di Eleanor Il Giardino degli Specchi 06:31
37 Sweet Deliverance
God Is An Astronaut 04:36
38 I Love Lamp Kitchen 09:23
39 Tympanoplasty Pray For Sound 07:07
40 Stereophonic Pray For Sound 05:20
41 III Athletics 06:10
42 II Athletics 09:15
43 Welcome To The Second New Era Exilym 04:30
44 1911第一回 沼泽 15:38
45 Rainy Airport
oNEwAY 04:34
46 雪穗
时过夏末 03:41
47 崩坏根本
穿越稜镜 09:04
48 Hoppípolla
Sigur Rós 04:29
49 A Warm Room
envy 07:18
50 大雁
文雀 06:46
51 南方
文雀 05:13
52 Pu'er
oNEwAY 09:33
53 Rilkean Heart
Cocteau Twins 04:05
54 Theme For The Oddmory Philosophies
The Seven Mile Journey 04:15
55 We All Die But Not Tonight
Blurry Lights 04:33
56 Torn
Alison's Halo 06:23
57 1994
Moonlit Sailor 04:19
重返袖珍时光 08:31
59 You
Inspirative 08:45
60 You Are Beautiful and Amazing
The Candlepark Stars 04:53
61 Chalkboard Game Alison's Halo 07:05
62 Slowbleed Alison's Halo 07:32
63 我的青春还有178年 昴宿 08:52
64 寒心寺 文雀 06:14
65 Closer to Home The Severely Departed 06:04
66 All My Feeling Were Fake RQTN 08:42
67 The Sea Was Left Behind The Files & Fires 06:01
68 To Approach The Vivian Girls The Calm Blue Sea 05:48
69 december euphoria 03:24
70 I'm (Not) Dying Oak 08:22
71 Waltz Matilda Tokyo Shoegazer 06:24
72 You Build a House on my Back Pentatonic 05:31
73 迷夜 Pt.I Dopamine 07:05
74 入梦令 沼泽 06:12
75 Welcome to Utopia 惘闻 09:27
76 Coda God Is An Astronaut 05:05
77 Serpentskirt Cocteau Twins 04:00
78 Tishbite Cocteau Twins 03:54
79 Violaine Cocteau Twins 03:48
80 Slowdive Slowdive 05:14
81 Coathanger The Workhouse 03:48
82 Chancers The Workhouse 03:08
83 When You Say Goodbye Blurry Lights 07:12
84 Dream Odyssey MONO 08:10
85 Follow The Map MONO 03:55
86 KANATA MONO 03:22
87 Sabbath MONO 04:51
88 Legend MONO 11:57
89 Burial At Sea MONO 10:39
90 Vultures pg.lost 05:03
91 Crystalline pg.lost 10:10
92 The Kind Heart of Langion pg.lost 13:48
93 A Footprint Of Feelings Moonlit Sailor 03:23
94 Colors In Stereo Moonlit Sailor 03:39
95 All Is Violent, All Is Bright God Is An Astronaut 04:14
96 Golden Sky God Is An Astronaut 06:33
97 Lost Kingdom God Is An Astronaut 05:23
98 Post Mortem God Is An Astronaut 05:53
99 From Dust To The Beyond God Is An Astronaut 05:17
100 Remembrance Day God Is An Astronaut 04:16
101 Dust And Echoes God Is An Astronaut 04:14
102 Far From Refuge God Is An Astronaut 06:55
103 infinite horizons God Is An Astronaut 02:28
104 When Everything Dies God Is An Astronaut 10:00
105 Snowfall God Is An Astronaut 06:43
106 Helios Erebus God Is An Astronaut 08:31
107 Dark Rift God Is An Astronaut 05:07
108 Reverse World God Is An Astronaut 05:10
109 Shining Through God Is An Astronaut 06:25
110 The Last March God Is An Astronaut 04:43
111 Autumn Song
God Is An Astronaut 03:48
112 First Day Of Sun God Is An Astronaut 03:42
113 Agneya God Is An Astronaut 04:58
114 Shining Through God Is An Astronaut 05:08
115 Loss God Is An Astronaut 10:52
116 Ascend To Oblivion God Is An Astronaut 05:00
117 Grace Descending God Is An Astronaut 05:32
118 Fall From The Stars God Is An Astronaut 04:27
119 Twilight God Is An Astronaut 05:04
120 Weightless God Is An Astronaut 04:12
121 Obscura Somnia God Is An Astronaut 04:05
122 Strange Steps God Is An Astronaut 04:55
123 Prahanien pg.lost 08:15
124 Gomez pg.lost 12:04
125 Let Us Unfold Our Veils In The Wind The Files & Fires 08:12
126 Limits The Files & Fires 06:04
127 Beyond the Blue The Files & Fires 06:18
128 Fresh Air Blurry Lights 03:32
129 Our Destiny Blurry Lights 03:56
130 Interlude (Waiting) Blurry Lights 02:12
131 Anna Blurry Lights 05:56
132 Pretty Blurry Lights 05:14
133 知义里 晨曦光廊 09:11
134 风中的人 晨曦光廊 14:31
135 Forget 晨曦光廊 06:45
136 光合作用 晨曦光廊 09:43
137 倾斜 时过夏末 05:07
138 恋歌 时过夏末 08:16
139 我依然喜欢那片蓝天 时过夏末 07:43
140 Vision Quest *shels 05:16
141 The Conference of the Birds *shels 09:13
142 Where We Begin MONO 07:24
143 Quiet This Will Destroy You 04:53
144 A Three-Legged Workhorse This Will Destroy You 09:12
145 Leather Wings This Will Destroy You 03:30
146 The Only Moment We Were Alone Explosions In The Sky 10:14
147 Nostalgia MONO 12:03
148 Unseen Harbor MONO 14:02
149 Everlasting Light MONO 10:23
150 Apec Folk 花伦 02:40
151 海鸥 逆耳乐队 09:38
152 云男 现象师 07:08
153 Breath Symphony Under The Big Bright Yellow Sun 08:58
154 坚强的母亲 大波起司 06:54
155 Break the Cars 惘闻 09:36
156 小飞机 企鹅熊爱吃鸡肉球 06:22
157 水母 现象师 06:43
158 逝去之美 穿越稜镜 09:14
159 建立在一之上的信仰 穿越稜镜 11:40
160 一起上太空吧!! 昴宿 06:18
161 梦境之海 昴宿 05:26
162 简单其实很美 大波起司 05:24
163 看日出(DAWN) 企鹅熊爱吃鸡肉球 08:02
164 时速三百英哩的余灰 企鹅熊爱吃鸡肉球 11:53
165 3297 km 重返袖珍时光 07:50
166 KL Streets Inspirative 05:04
167 2 Moments Of Clarity Before You Fall Asleep I Am No Hero 09:41
168 雨天广场 Secrets of Young 08:20
169 The Long Winter Anatomy Of The Bear 09:46
170 Konturatu Yakuzi 09:27
171 Thunder In Everyone Of Us The Last Sighs Of The Wind 03:39
172 Stormen Bergmál 05:11
173 Deception Has a Way With Words I Hear Sirens 05:23
174 Eagle Tax Mogwai 03:22
175 Miss Woman 09:44
176 Accident By The Sea Saul 08:20
177 Home Lights & Motion 03:43
178 Aerials Lights & Motion 05:46
179 Fireflies Lights & Motion 05:26
180 Victory Rose Lights & Motion 05:03
181 Heartbeats Lights & Motion 05:44
182 As The World Goes Away Lights & Motion 04:35
183 Sparks Lights & Motion 04:12
184 宽恕 时过夏末 05:49
185 微笑 时过夏末 09:03
186 Your Hand In Mine Explosions In The Sky 08:16
187 Heart Tree saisa 05:57
188 Blessing the Circulation saisa 05:57
189 I've been waiting forever to hear your voice saisa 06:28
190 Walk In Regret I Am The Architect 04:07
191 Some Sort of Paradise Robin Guthrie 04:04
192 Dreamcatcher Sad Souls 02:30
193 Zaris Mooncake 05:15
194 X-33 Lights Out Asia 03:18
195 Autumn Leaves (Drawing The Endless Shore Remix) The Best Pessimist 05:00
196 Tongues (Sound sketch) Aural Method 06:20
197 Imminence Sleep Dealer 04:31
198 Dream Away Lights & Motion 05:40
199 0003 How Comes The Constellations Shine 06:37
200 Dreaming of You Blurry Lights 03:29
201 You Are Gold The Candlepark Stars 09:52
202 Shimmerglimmer The Candlepark Stars 05:35
203 All the Stars in the Sky Are Mine (Cinematic Joy Mix) The Candlepark Stars 09:32
204 15 Seconds Left to Live The Candlepark Stars 08:46
205 I Was Here The Candlepark Stars 06:22
206 southern skies The End Of The Ocean 05:14
207 Курт Кобейн Simple is Good 09:56
208 2The Iron Pillars The Files & Fires 04:41
209 Weary, We Fell Upon Land Ours to Alibi 10:36
210 Echoes of the Unmoved Mover Tunturia 06:35
211 Wisdom Comes With Winters The Half Open Sky Gives Us Hope 06:31
212 After Arbor My Cats A Stargazer 05:18
213 Take Care and Safe Home The Candlepark Stars 05:04
214 Felicity is Out There Inspirative 06:54
215 The Moments We Shared...I Miss Them Jacoo 04:20
216 Rumi’s Nation Whale Fall 06:29
217 The Slow Wait 1 The American Dollar 05:21
218 Twelve Days Awake The American Dollar 05:01
219 Call The American Dollar 05:25
220 Pouring Milk Out the Window Apricot Rail 03:25
221 Garden Highway The Echelon Effect 09:05
222 Tomorrow my friend... Ef 14:05
223 Crystalline (Piano Only) Lights & Motion 02:57
224 faint light Archaique Smile 08:03
225 Final Touch / Hidden agenda Ef 11:15
226 Searchlights Circadian Eyes 04:15
227 Taijin Kyofusho The Evpatoria Report 11:00
228 We Choose To Go To The Moon There's a Light 04:09
229 A Lovely Wedding - Snow and Sky Windsor Airlift 07:56
230 I Miss The Happy Times We Had As I Walked Alone On The Shoreline Armand Tanzarian 08:58
231 mi()ur drengur The Nikki Grace Experience 11:31
232 I Loved You On This Day April Rain 07:01
233 Home Part 2 Lights & Motion 04:41
234 Silver Lining Lights & Motion 04:00
235 This Explosion Within Lights & Motion 02:17
236 Album Preview: Chronicle Lights & Motion 08:11
237 Home Lights & Motion 03:26
238 All The Way Lights & Motion 03:46
239 Tympanoplasty Pray For Sound 07:25
240 Calm Rest 07:06
241 海船上的酒馆 莫非 09:37
242 Threads This Will Destroy You 05:41
243 I Believe in Your Victory This Will Destroy You 06:32
244 Happiness We're All in It Together This Will Destroy You 08:34
245 Reistu þig við, sólin er komin á loft... For a Minor Reflection 11:56
246 Fallegt útsýni For a Minor Reflection 12:54
247 Ókyrrð For a Minor Reflection 11:52
248 Rain In The Ashtray Mooncake 05:57
249 Like a Child Tony Anderson 06:12
250 Contrails Glowworm 04:21
251 Sunny days I Am No Hero 07:38
252 Under Your Wings I'll Hide Immanu El 10:44
253 A Deafening Distance God Is An Astronaut 03:49
254 Suicide By Star God Is An Astronaut 04:38
255 Remembrance God Is An Astronaut 04:20
256 The Ship The Workhouse 01:30
257 宿醉之星 琥珀 07:41
258 24/7 花伦 04:02
259 星岛湖 怪人房间 07:00
260 Lonely God 惘闻 09:30
261 雨巷 逆耳乐队 07:37
262 那下午她在新居砸电视 Monster KaR 04:53
263 最后一回春雷 (Demo) 昴宿 05:53
264 白日梦(Demo) 小巫师Little wizard 06:16
265 无力之王 逆耳乐队 06:48
266 Little Prince Saul 07:55
267 谁也别管谁 文雀 06:15
268 时间是富翁 文雀 05:06
269 guilin Miss Woman 08:36
270 Farewell To Arms Komas Mida 08:56
271 地球 阿飞西雅 06:00
272 The Movie Jeremiad Always Twinge HuaBai 01:11
273 Their Voices In The Rafters Epic45 05:25
274 IV Athletics 05:59
275 You Are Not Machines, You Are Men Across The Waves 07:40
276 摩天轮 miu 蜜柚 04:13
277 Mooncake Mooncake 03:20
278 Rain In The Ashtray Mooncake 05:55
279 Nine Billion Names... (to A.Clarke) Mooncake 06:12
280 Butterflies on Luci's Way *shels 09:04
281 The Highest Bliss Somniaferum 06:00
282 Release All Light De La Mancha 05:08
283 Wander Kitchen 08:17
284 Holding Your Absence Hammock 05:42
285 Behind The River 阿飞西雅 07:35
286 Trek in the void 逆耳乐队 06:40
287 De Stella Nova Ancients 06:41
288 Arcturus Ancients 03:47
289 Cassiopeia Ancients 23:58
290 Constellations Ancients 06:06
291 Satellites Ancients 05:59
292 Goodbye, Dear Friend To Destroy A City 07:02
293 Letting Go Elskavon 05:31
294 How Visions of a Dreamer Resound Seas of Years 03:43
295 All the Stars in the Sky Are Mine (Cinematic Joy Mix) The Candlepark Stars 09:32
296 落木 沼泽 07:15
297 如果我失去了青春 沼泽 07:27
298 沼泽 06:29
299 South of the Cloud oNEwAY 07:25
300 When I was very very young oNEwAY 08:02
301 Bíum Bíum Bambaló Sigur Rós 06:52
302 One More Step Before The End Exilym 05:54
303 Ikaros pg.lost 08:34
304 Desperdicio (part I) pg.lost 09:33
305 Versus pg.lost 08:07
306 Monophonic Pray For Sound 07:49
307 23​:​55 Pray For Sound 05:35
308 Sleeper Pray For Sound 05:31
309 Once One Begins, There Are Only Endings Pray For Sound 05:23
310 Why do you wake up so soon ? Arsiesys 05:24
311 Come Back Quicker Please April Rain 06:55
312 The Light Illuminates My Heart Ovum 11:54
313 This Day On Our Side Sky Architects 05:42
314 Young & Old/Divine Longing Red Sparowes 07:32
315 1911第四回 沼泽 23:19
316 子时 孑影舞 沼泽 05:01
317 寅时 稚儿笑 沼泽 04:00
318 远山 Deep Mountains 05:46
319 Letters to the Metro Mogwai 04:40
320 I Say Loro's 06:17
321 Intolerance Inherent L'elan Vital 06:10
322 Matacabras Transit 08:18
323 Halcyon (Beautiful Days) MONO 09:18
324 Bideri Pertegò 06:34
325 Waterwall Moonlit Sailor 04:27
326 Of Lives Once Lost Our Ceasing Voice 08:05
327 The Battle To Heaven MONO 12:51
328 Play Off Antennas to Heaven 04:16
329 Now Run Tides From Nebula 05:34
330 Revelation Ranges 08:52
331 Ten Thousand Years Won't Save Your Life Hammock 06:27
332 If I Were The Devil Ranges 05:54
333 Dri:merz Path / Way Crows in the Rain 07:51
334 It Starts with a Beginning In Transmission 08:46
335 Of Embers Bitcrush 08:06
336 Long Drive Through The Desert Coastlands 08:13
337 Narcotic Sea (Boy is Fiction remix) To Destroy A City 06:01
338 Dust Is the Devil’s Snow Hammock 06:43
339 The Backward Step Hammock 04:58
340 Breathturn Hammock 06:00
341 The World We Knew As Children Hammock 05:39
342 I will stare at the cold of your eyes Il Giardino degli Specchi 07:57
343 Oltremare Il Giardino degli Specchi 06:24
344 Floating Away in Every Direction (2016 Remaster) Hammock 06:45
345 November The Summer Kills 05:09
346 Always Wishing You Were Somewhere Else Hammock 03:02
347 We Could Have Been Beautiful Again Hammock 06:39
348 Burning Down the Fascination Hammock 03:33
349 The Half-World The Best Pessimist 08:05
350 04 - You Are My Best Friend The Best Pessimist 06:54
351 Dust Is the Devil's Snow Hammock 06:43
352 Still Secrets Remaining Hammock 07:23
353 Verse for Forgiveness (Instrumental) Hammock 07:08
354 Dissonance Hammock 03:17
355 We Were So Young Hammock 05:34
356 I just wanted to make you something beautiful Industries Of The Blind 13:02
357 Colors awake - Perception BLAK 10:10
358 KL Streets Inspirative 05:09
359 Felicity Is Out There Inspirative 06:54
360 ระฆังลม Inspirative 06:25
361 Why Inspirative 08:00
362 The Lost Moment Inspirative 06:28
363 Why (old school version) Inspirative 06:05
364 Together Alone Hammock 07:08
365 Artificial Paradises Hammock 05:20
366 Pathos Hammock 06:46
367 Dark Circles Hammock 06:14
368 Hiding But Nobody Missed You Hammock 05:06
369 We Could Die Chasing This Feeling Hammock 06:24
370 (Leaving) The House Where We Grew Up Hammock 05:59
371 Psiu! Puxa! Lights Out Asia 05:32
372 Schmetterling Litro 05:00
373 (U)Running the Circles U-Run 07:37
374 Manitoba Random Forest 03:22
375 Parkers Chapel Hammock 07:05
376 From the Dust​.​.​. We Ran to Greet the Dawn Hammock 06:24
377 Always Wishing You Were Somewhere Else Hammock 03:04
378 Sinking Inside Yourself Hammock 06:03
379 Dawn Anatomy Of The Bear 05:25
380 Rua Anatomy Of The Bear 07:40
381 Stars Above The Cave Anatomy Of The Bear 06:38
382 We Are More Than We Are Hammock 04:34
383 Thirst Hammock 06:27
384 Monument Goodbye, Titan 09:11
385 Dimension of Miracles Mooncake 11:35
386 Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo Hammock 05:02
387 Verse for Forgiveness (Featuring timEbandit Powles of The Church) Hammock 05:01
388 From a Hill in the Dark in the South The Summer Kills 04:23
389 The Mountain The Polar Dream 05:58
390 YOS Spoiwo 08:19
391 Waiting For Sunrise April Rain 07:27
392 Flowers Say It All The Best Pessimist 06:05
393 File: Earth All You've Seen 11:47
394 Night Of The Sun All You've Seen 11:22
395 Texas Lights & Motion 09:21
396 Novembre Herskin 07:11
397 Mirage Oh Hiroshima 09:33
398 Somehow (Sound sketch) Aural Method 05:44
399 The Lifter Tides From Nebula 06:00
400 The Man At The Window Go! Save The Hostages! 08:52
401 3mwy (Of Hope) Echotide 05:36
402 This Empty Space Returns Your Solitude saisa 05:15
403 Our Eternity Rest 09:28
404 We Shall Meet In the Place Where There Is No Darkness Semblance 08:05
405 My dream in your drawer Mahùt 06:19
406 When We Meet The Sleep Design 06:41
407 A Gallant Gentleman We Lost The Sea 06:04
408 The Poet U137 04:36
409 Lift Up Your Telescope Show Me A Dinosaur 06:33
410 1 Minus 1 Do Not Be Surprised What Is Happening 04:28
411 Scalar Fields Final Days Society 08:02
412 Discovery Tunturia 08:14
413 Until I Reach L.A. Wedge 07:06
414 Niche Rain Catalogue 04:23
415 They're Coming Lost in Kiev 08:30
416 Traversée Year of No Light 09:00
417 Clouds Mistaken For Smoke Islands 10:41
418 Gone In Bloom and Bough Caspian 10:24
419 The Flood Shekinah 07:57
420 Fear Not The Cycle Of Life Signals To Vega 09:59
421 Separation Anxiety L'Astronaut 08:42
422 Untitled #4 (Njósnavélin) Sigur Rós 07:33
423 One Day You Will Teach Me To Let Go Of My Fears Sleepmakeswaves 06:21
424 On our own September Malevolence 06:46
425 Halcyon MONO 08:19
426 Like doves we fly Dvalà 05:22
427 A Swarm Red Sparowes 07:10
428 Congratulations, You’re Officially My White Whale L'Astronaut 07:52
429 Chroma L'Astronaut 06:10
430 Double Rainbow L'Astronaut 08:07
431 Mechanisms Richard Parker 05:29
432 Rainy Day Jia Pa Bor Sue 04:36
433 Jessamine If Anything Happens To The Cat 07:45
434 中环留念 Nerve Passenger 08:03
435 宇宙尽头的餐馆 仙童(XianTong) 05:58
436 无名英雄 仙童(XianTong) 06:46
437 The Woman The Sleep Design 06:58
438 世界悲 Chinese Football 06:26
439 鸟鸟 Nerve Passenger 04:53
440 海洋之心 惘闻 10:53
441 Store øyne, men uten gevir Spurv 07:43
442 Satellites Tunturia 07:32
443 nine Ours to Alibi 06:20
444 Lunar Withyouathome 07:36
445 You Are Never Alone Here Withyouathome 06:35
446 The Inevitable Fall Our Ceasing Voice 09:34
447 These Dreams Haunt & Capture The Sleep Design 07:43
448 With Glowing Hearts Kontakte 08:09
449 Solar Withyouathome 06:42
450 Our Lives Are All Very Forgettable Events In The Universe Withyouathome 07:00
451 If It Makes You Happy Withyouathome 06:50
452 Scaffolding The Skyline Withyouathome 05:16
453 Lunar (Instrumental version) Withyouathome 07:44
454 หรือไม่ใช่ Inspirative 09:00
455 方尼梦 晨曦光廊 03:05
456 If I Die, I Wish You A Horrible Death Lights Out Asia 02:08