封面图片来自KangHee Kim,侵删
# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
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Night Lights [1963 Version]
Night Lights由上低音萨克斯(Baritone Saxophone)吹奏者、作曲家、编曲家格里·穆里根(Gerry Mulligan,1927 – 1996)创作于1963年。20世纪50年代中期,Mulligan组织了一系列减少了钢琴演奏成分的爵士乐团。其中最有名的是与小号手Chet Baker组成的四重奏乐团。值得一提的是,和长号手兼作曲家Bob Brookmeyer组成的六重奏也备受人们喜爱。从某种程度来说,没有钢琴的爵士和声更为清晰透明,并且强调音乐家们的共同聆听与演奏。人们形容Mulligan的音乐为“像牛油与奶油一样顺滑、丰富的声音(butter and cream, rich sound)”。 【乐手信息】 上低音萨克斯、钢琴:Gerry Mulligan; 柔音号:[美]Art Farmer; 阀门长号:[美]Bob Brookmeyer; 背景吉他:[美]Jim Hall; 贝斯:[美]Bill Crow; 鼓:[美]Dave Bailey . 资料来源: NPR; https://www.npr.org/2011/06/20/4193005/gerry-mulligan-night-lights |
Gerry Mulligan | 04:55 |
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Love Me Tonight: Love Me Tonight: Isn't It Romantic
由于多年来备受欢迎,"Isn't It Romantic?”已被收录到《伟大的美国歌本》(The Great American Songbook,也被称为“American Standards”),是20世纪初最重要、最具影响力的美国流行歌曲和爵士乐权威的经典音乐集。 这首歌由理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers,1902 – 1979)作曲,劳伦兹·哈特(Lorenz Hart,1895 – 1943)填词,有A-B-A-C式的32段副歌。演员莫里斯·舍瓦利耶(Maurice Chevalier, 1888 -1972)和让内特·麦克唐纳 (Jeanette MacDonald,1937 - 1965)在派拉蒙影业(Paramount)1932年出品的电影《公主艳史(Love Me Tonight)》中首次演绎了这支经典名曲。自此之后,这首浪漫的曲子被不同的音乐人以自己的方式进行了多达130次有歌词或纯音乐的诠释,更被数不胜数的电影引用,地位可见一斑。 资料来源: Wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isn%27t_It_Romantic%3F |
Various Artists | 03:20 |
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Isn't It Romantic?
说到"Isn't It Romantic?”,你不可能忽视这个由艾拉·菲兹杰拉德演绎的版本。关于艾拉此处亦不多说,中文资料可见于https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%89%BE%E6%8B%89%C2%B7%E8%B2%BB%E8%8C%B2%E6%BD%94%E6%8B%89。艾拉唱罗杰&哈特歌曲辑(Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Rodgers and Hart Songbook)是1956年美国爵士女歌手艾拉·费兹杰拉与由巴迪·布雷格曼(Buddy Bregman)指挥的室内管弦乐团合作录制的专辑,演唱由理查·劳杰斯作曲,劳伦兹·哈特作词的作品。这张专辑于1999年被收录至格莱美名人堂(Grammy Hall of Fame)。 source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Fitzgerald_Sings_the_Rodgers_%26_Hart_Song_Book |
Ella Fitzgerald | 03:04 |
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Isn't It Romantic?
这个版本由著名的美籍比利时爵士音乐家托兹席尔曼(Jean-Baptiste Frédéric Isidor, Baron Thielemans,艺名Toots Thielemans,1922 – 2016)录制于1957-1958年间。席尔曼因他纯熟的口琴演奏而闻名,他的吉他演奏、口哨吹奏、作曲技巧也同样为人称道。爵士历史学家特德·吉娅(Ted Gioia)认为,席尔曼最突出的贡献在于他将一样不起眼的、在爵士演奏中充当配角的小乐器——口琴提到了主角的位置("championing the humble harmonica”),并使它成为了一样“合情合理的”爵士演奏乐器("legitimate voice in jazz”)。席尔曼不愧是一位卓越的爵士口琴演奏家。 一个值得注意的点在于,收录这首歌的专辑"Man Bites Harmonica!"直接翻译过来是“人咬口琴”的意思,相当妙趣横生。 【乐手信息】 口琴、吉他:Jean "Toots" Thielemans; 上低音萨克斯:[美]Pepper Adams; 钢琴:[美]Kenny Drew(他自己也录制过一个版本,哈哈); 贝斯:[美]Wilbur Ware; 鼓:[美]Art Taylor . source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toots_Thielemans; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_Bites_Harmonica! |
Toots Thielemans | 05:17 |
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Isn't It Romantic?
由美国爵士钢琴家肯尼·德鲁(Kenneth Sidney "Kenny" Drew,1928 – 1993) 演绎的Isn't It Romantic,录制于1975年的哥本哈根,于1976年发行。 【乐手信息】 钢琴:Kenny Drew; 贝斯:[丹麦]Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen; 吉他:[比利时]Philip Catherine. 资料来源:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_(Kenny_Drew_album); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenny_Drew |
Kenny Drew | 08:58 |
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A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (From New Faces)
A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square是一首由英国作家埃里克·马什未茨(Eric Maschwitz,1901 - 1969)作词、美国作曲家曼宁·谢里温(Manning Sherwin,1902 - 1974)共同于1939年创作的浪漫流行曲。 【背景知识】 #伯克利广场(Berkeley Square)是伦敦西区西敏市梅费尔的城市广场,这一区域属于伦敦的“富人区”。 #夜莺(nightingale, 学名Luscinia megarhynchos)是当地一种稀有的鸣禽,是少有的在夜间鸣唱的鸟类,故得其名。其美妙的歌喉在不少文学及音乐作品中都得到过颂扬。这种可爱的鸟类更青睐乡野间的栖息地,因此它的歌声不大可能在伦敦中心出现。 这首歌最初写就于第二次世界大战爆发前夕,一个名叫莱拉旺度(Le Lavandou)的法国小渔村里,现在这个小渔村已经成为英国人的度假胜地了。据词作者马什未茨所说,这首歌的歌名是从麦克·阿伦(Michael Arlen,1895 - 1956)的一篇小说中“偷”回来的。1939年,这首歌的“全球首秀”在莱拉旺度一个酒吧里举行。曲作者Sherwin弹奏钢琴,当地的萨克斯手伴奏,Maschwitz举着他的红酒缓缓唱出歌词。遗憾的是,当时这场首秀没能给在场观众留下深刻的印象;如今,当人们再想找回这家小酒馆时,具体地址已经无从考证了。 这首歌正式发行是在1940年,并在一部由朱迪·坎贝尔(Judy Campbell,著名演员、歌手Jane Birkin的母亲,1916 - 2004)主演的伦敦时事讽刺舞台剧《新面孔(New Faces)》中首次亮相,由雷·埃伯利(Ray Eberle,1919 - 1979)演唱,Glenn Miller and His Orchestra伴奏。 source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Nightingale_Sang_in_Berkeley_Square |
The New Glenn Miller Orchestra | 03:39 |
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A Nightingale in Berkeley Square
由美国爵士鼓手吉米·柯布(Wilbur James Cobb 1929 - )演绎的版本,发行于他2006年的专辑Taking a Chance on Love。这首作品乍一听没什么特别,但留在列表里也有它的原因,毕竟我是由这个Re-interpretation version得知了这首著名的曲子。虽说由鼓手Cobb发行,但钢琴好似占了上风。不过不打紧,背景中细碎的钹声模拟出一种星光烂漫的效果,使人仿佛置身于满地星夜银光的、令人沉醉的Berkeley Square上。 爱侣回眸一笑惊鸿一瞥,时间瞬间停滞,你屏住呼吸;她的手轻攀上你腰间,朱唇轻启欲以晚安吻作为道别——此时耳畔传来隐隐约约的夜莺歌声。 |
Jimmy Cobb | 05:30 |
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I Was So Young and You Were So Beautiful
原作来自美国作曲家乔治·格什温(George Gershwin,1898-1937)。格什温最大的贡献是把古典音乐的风格与爵士乐和蓝调的风格结合起来。他写过大量的流行歌曲和数十部歌舞表演、音乐剧,成为百老汇和好莱坞唯一超越了传统音乐风格中的幻想性质而创造出天才作品的作曲家。他也是一位民族作曲家,创立了美国所独具的音乐风格,成为美国民族音乐的奠基人。 此曲中,将其重新演绎的演奏者是美国爵士钢琴家比尔·夏拉普(William Morrison Charlap,known as Bill Charlap, 1966 - )。 |
Bill Charlap | 03:53 |
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You Must Believe in Spring
比尔·艾文斯(Bill Evans,本名为 William John Evans,1929年8月16日-1980年9月15日),为美国20世纪著名的爵士乐钢琴家,他在印象派和声的使用、传统爵士乐曲目的创造性诠释,以及他最著名的有如歌曲般节奏的独立旋律线,影响了一整个世代的爵士钢琴家。 1981年,他被美国Downbeat音乐杂志选为爵士名人堂成员。 this song was composed by:阿伦·伯格曼 、 玛里琳·伯格曼夫妇(Alan and Marilyn Bergman,1925 - ,1929 - ), Jacques Demy, Michel Legrand 这张专辑由爵士钢琴演奏家比尔·艾文斯(Bill Evans,1929 - 1980)、波多黎各低音提琴手埃迪·戈麦斯(Eddie Gómez,1944 - )、美国鼓手埃利奥特·齐格蒙(Eliot Zigmund,1945 - )于1977年合作演奏,由艾文斯录音制作,并于1980年艾文斯死后发行,是艾文斯生前的最后一辑作品。 你一定相信春天吧。你得相信春天。你必须相信春天。你一定要相信春天。无论怎么翻译都好,这是一首对春天充满希冀的歌,那么生机盎然,那么激昂顿挫,生的希望于Evans的键盘间汨汨流出。 但,你不能忽视,尽管这张专辑拥有一个积极向上的名字,发行的原始版本中唯二由Evans本人创作的曲子"B Minor Waltz (for Ellaine)"以及"We Will Meet Again (for Harry)”都是关于自杀的歌,前者献给他的妻子,后者献给他的兄弟,两人都曾自己结束了短暂的一生。这张专辑录制后整整三年没有发布,究竟出于什么原因,我没有查到。有人评论说这个歌名和专辑名都是Evans对生活的反讽,我认为不然。这恰恰是一种即便经历寒冬,也要对春天怀有强烈信念的感情。不知你们听完又有什么样的感觉? source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Must_Believe_in_Spring |
Bill Evans | 05:47 |
10 | You Must Believe in Spring | Don Friedman | 05:30 |
11 | My Sin | Hank Mobley | 03:49 |
12 | Taking a Chance on Love | Benny Carter | 08:23 |
13 | Could Write A Book | Eddie Higgins Trio | 04:31 |
14 | Early | Gary Burton | 05:38 |
15 | The Masquerade Is Over | David Hazeltine | 08:02 |
16 | A Sleepin' Bee | Phil Woods | 07:38 |
17 | Les Feuilles Mortes | Archie Shepp | 07:30 |
18 | Slow Jam | Euge Groove | 05:09 |
19 | Where Have You Been? | Bill Charlap | 08:22 |
20 | Wouldn't It Be Loverly? | Shelly Manne | 05:40 |
21 | My Romance | Joe Pass | 03:57 |
22 | Turn Out the Stars | Don Friedman | 07:01 |
23 | Lover, Come Back to Me | Bryan Ferry | 02:52 |
24 | Time After Time | Chet Baker | 02:46 |
25 | Oh Sunny Sunny Day | Fredrika Stahl | 03:01 |
26 | Me, Myself And I | Randy Crawford | 02:14 |
27 | Mam'selle | John Pizzarelli | 02:56 |
28 | I Love My Wife | Bill Evans | 06:42 |
29 | I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) | Benny Goodman | 03:51 |
30 | Good Old Days | Duško Gojković | 08:41 |
31 | Your Heart Is As Black As The Night | Melody Gardot | 02:43 |
32 | B Minor Waltz (For Ellaine) | Bill Evans | 03:19 |
33 | Sway | Dean Martin | 02:42 |
34 | I Can't Get Started | Lester Young | 03:41 |
35 | (Back Home Again In) Indiana | Ray Brown | 07:05 |
36 | Taking a Chance on Love | Lester Young | 05:11 |
37 | Preludio y Fuga | Astor Piazzolla | 06:54 |
38 | I'm a Fool to Want You | Dexter Gordon | 06:41 |
39 | What a Difference the Day Made | Eddie Higgins | 06:05 |
40 | Sometimes I'm Happy | Bud Powell | 03:37 |
41 | Flamenco Sketches | Miles Davis | 09:26 |
42 | Pure Imagination | Tatum Greenblatt | 03:05 |
43 | Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley) | Be The Voice | 04:35 |
44 | I Fall in Love Too Easily | Chet Baker | 03:21 |
45 | Days of Wine and Roses | Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen | 05:45 |
46 | Roll with Me Henry | Johnny Otis | 02:56 |
47 | I Saw Stars (Remastered 2002) | Django Reinhardt | 03:30 |
48 | Long Way Home | Paul Taylor | 04:20 |
49 | Come Rain or Come Shine | Bill Evans Trio | 03:23 |
50 | Intoit | Stan Getz | 03:21 |
51 | Caravan | Justin Hurwitz | 09:15 |
52 | Fletcher's Song In Club | Justin Hurwitz | 01:29 |
53 | Whiplash | Justin Hurwitz | 01:55 |
54 | On The Sunny Side Of The Street | Lionel Hampton | 03:13 |
55 | Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get | John Scofield | 05:53 |
56 | (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons | Nat King Cole | 03:06 |
57 | I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter | Fats Waller | 03:31 |
58 | Bumpin' on Sunset | Wes Montgomery | 04:51 |
59 | Everyone Can See How Much I Love You | Steve Allen | 04:18 |
60 | Lotus Flower | Kenny Dorham | 04:18 |
61 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Jim Hall | 07:07 |
62 | Shinjuku Twilight | Eddie Higgins | 04:48 |
63 | Polka Dots and Moonbeams (Burke-Van Heusen) | Donald Byrd | 07:24 |
64 | Un Homme Et Une Femme | Francis Lai | 02:42 |
65 | September Second | Michel Petrucciani | 05:19 |
66 | Broken Rose | Milano Jazz Dance Combo | 04:10 |
67 | Waltz for Debby (Take 2) | Bill Evans Trio | 06:52 |
68 | Please Send Me Someone to Love | Red Garland | 09:52 |
69 | When I Fall In Love | Ben Webster | 04:57 |
70 | I Know Why (And So Do You) | Red Garland | 04:50 |
71 | Gymnopédie No. 1/Var 1 | Jacques Loussier Trio | 04:37 |
72 | Mo' Better Blues | Jacky Terrasson | 02:39 |
73 | It'S A Raggy Waltz | Dave Brubeck | 05:13 |
74 | Bye Bye Love | Ray Charles | 02:11 |
75 | Ad Lib Blues | Lester Young | 05:54 |
76 | Mr. Pc | Lionel Hampton | 05:27 |
77 | Autumn in New York | Kenny Dorham | 04:38 |
78 | Almost Like Being in Love | Red Garland | 04:52 |
79 | Night Dreamer | Wayne Shorter | 07:15 |
80 | The Kid From Red Bank | Count Basie | 02:41 |
81 | Surf Rider | The Lively Ones | 03:15 |
82 | Rivers of Love | Lisa Ekdahl | 04:13 |
83 | Rosetta | Charlie Byrd | 04:40 |
84 | Man with a Horn | Scott Hamilton | 05:17 |
85 | Where Can I Go Without You | Keith Jarrett | 09:24 |
86 | So Nice | Tomasz Stanko | 05:56 |
87 | Everything Happens to Me | Duke Jordan | 05:43 |
88 | Desafinado | Stan Getz | 04:15 |
89 | Mr. Lucky | Vince Guaraldi | 02:56 |
90 | Spooky | Dusty Springfield | 02:40 |
91 | Goodbye | Bobo Stenson | 06:39 |
92 | La Plus Que Lente/Passion Flower | Steve Kuhn | 06:39 |
93 | I Won't Dance | Oscar Peterson | 02:29 |
94 | Put on a Happy Face | Stan Hope | 06:06 |
95 | Hanky Panky | Dexter Gordon | 06:29 |
96 | Baubles, bangles and beads | Eliane Elias | 04:55 |
97 | Pisces | Johnny Griffin | 04:11 |
98 | Smoke Gets in Your Eyes | Eddie Higgins | 07:31 |
99 | Blue And Sentimental | Eddie Higgins Trio | 06:04 |
100 | Meet You at the Moon | Imelda May | 02:49 |
101 | Too Young to Go Steady | John Coltrane | 04:24 |
102 | The Things We Did Last Summer | New York Trio | 06:38 |
103 | The Shadow of Your Smile | New York Trio | 04:54 |
104 | When Joanna Loved Me | Paul Desmond | 05:45 |
105 | Flamingo | Scott Hamilton | 07:34 |
106 | The Last Time I Saw Paris | Barry Harris | 05:53 |
107 | That's What | John Pizzarelli | 03:06 |
108 | Calcutta Cutie | Horace Silver | 08:31 |
109 | The Moon Song | Charlie Haden | 06:58 |
110 | St. James Infirmary | Count Basie | 06:58 |
111 | Body & Soul | Sonny Stitt | 04:31 |
112 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love You) | Lester Young | 03:42 |
113 | All the Things You Are | Lionel Hampton | 07:31 |
114 | In The Middle Of A Kiss | New York Trio | 09:51 |
115 | Cleo's Back | Junior Walker & The All Stars | 02:30 |
116 | You Are Too Beautiful | John Coltrane | 05:36 |
117 | On the Street Where You Live | Oscar Peterson | 05:34 |
118 | Bluesette | Toots Thielemans | 04:36 |
119 | I Should Have Told You So | Steve Allen | 04:08 |
120 | Why Don't You Do Right | Robyn Bennett | 02:35 |
121 | Song for My Father | Horace Silver | 07:18 |
122 | L-O-V-E | Nat King Cole | 02:34 |
123 | Summer Time | Louis Armstrong | 04:56 |
124 | All Of Me | Billie Holiday | 03:03 |
125 | April in Paris | Louis Armstrong | 06:37 |
126 | Crazy He Calls me | Billie Holiday | 03:05 |
127 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love You) | Thelonious Monk | 02:39 |
128 | Desafinado | Coleman Hawkins | 05:49 |
129 | Strange Meadow Lark | The Dave Brubeck Quartet | 07:22 |
130 | These Foolish Things | Louis Armstrong | 07:40 |
131 | What Kind of Fool Am I? | Jimmy Cobb | 06:26 |
132 | Perdido | Sun Ra | 05:07 |
133 | Stranger in Paradise | Sun Ra | 02:57 |
134 | Kingdom of Not | Sun Ra | 05:34 |
135 | It's Only a Paper Moon | Nat King Cole | 03:06 |
136 | El Bodeguero (Grocer's Cha-Cha) | Nat King Cole | 02:26 |
137 | In Walked Bud | Thelonious Monk | 07:09 |
138 | Instrospection | Thelonious Monk | 01:14 |
139 | Straight No Chaser | Thelonious Monk | 02:54 |
140 | I Mean You | Thelonious Monk | 10:52 |
141 | Tea for Two | Thelonious Monk | 04:01 |
142 | Played Twice [Take 2] | Thelonious Monk | 07:55 |
143 | Nice Work If You Can Get | Thelonious Monk | 05:17 |
144 | Misterioso | Thelonious Monk | 06:28 |
145 | Hackensack | Thelonious Monk | 04:10 |
146 | Criss Cross | Thelonious Monk | 04:39 |
147 | Bright Mississippi | Thelonious Monk | 09:05 |
148 | Just One of Those Things | Sun Ra | 01:58 |
149 | Portrait of the Living Sky | Sun Ra | 01:51 |
150 | Blue Skies | Sun Ra | 01:45 |
151 | call for all demons | Sun Ra | 05:13 |
152 | Blues Ra | Sun Ra | 04:52 |
153 | Passin' Gas | Sun Ra | 09:46 |
154 | 'Round Midnight (Live) | Sun Ra | 21:05 |
155 | Two Tones | Sun Ra | 03:40 |
156 | transition | Sun Ra | 03:39 |
157 | Smile | Sun Ra | 04:24 |
158 | I Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out to Dry | Dexter Gordon | 06:09 |
159 | Don't Think Twice It's Alright | Chris Thile | 06:04 |
160 | London Blues | Brad Mehldau | 07:02 |
161 | Prelude to a Kiss | Brad Mehldau | 10:00 |
162 | When I Fall in Love | Brad Mehldau | 14:42 |
163 | Paranoid Android | Brad Mehldau | 09:05 |
164 | The Nearness of You | Brad Mehldau | 16:45 |
165 | Chan Chan | Buena Vista Social Club | 04:19 |
166 | Maiden Voyage (Live) | Jaco Pastorius | 07:20 |
167 | Cantaloupe Island | Herbie Hancock | 05:31 |
168 | The Things We Did Last Summer | Freddie Hubbard | 07:20 |
169 | Gypsy Blue | Freddie Hubbard | 06:19 |
170 | Dedicated To You | Freddie Hubbard | 03:20 |
171 | Blue Bossa | Joe Henderson | 09:21 |
172 | Lazy Afternoon | Joe Henderson | 05:32 |
173 | Stolen Moments | OLIVER NELSON | 08:42 |
174 | Hoe-Down | Oliver Nelson | 04:43 |
175 | A Night in Tunisia | Dexter Gordon | 08:20 |
176 | Darn That Dream | Dexter Gordon | 04:17 |
177 | Our Son | Al Foster | 02:42 |
178 | Polka Dots and Moonbeams | Dexter Gordon | 08:18 |
179 | Forelsket i Kobenhavn | Scott Hamilton | 05:27 |
180 | Moanin' | Art Blakey | 05:30 |
181 | The Girl from Ipanema | Stan Getz | 05:24 |
182 | Dinah | Thelonious Monk | 02:29 |
183 | I Surrender, Dear | Thelonious Monk | 03:44 |
184 | Sweet and Lovely | Thelonious Monk | 03:00 |
185 | North of the Sunset | Thelonious Monk | 01:53 |
186 | Ruby, My Dear | Thelonious Monk | 05:40 |
187 | I Hadn't Anyone Till You | Thelonious Monk | 03:19 |
188 | Everything Happens to Me | Thelonious Monk | 03:30 |
189 | Monk's Point | Thelonious Monk | 02:17 |
190 | I Should Care | Thelonious Monk | 01:59 |
191 | Ask Me Now | Thelonious Monk | 04:39 |
192 | These Foolish Things | Thelonious Monk | 03:34 |
193 | Introspection | Thelonious Monk | 02:11 |
194 | Darn That Dream | Thelonious Monk | 03:39 |
195 | Dinah (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 02:22 |
196 | Sweet And Lovely (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 03:16 |
197 | Ruby, My Dear (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 04:44 |
198 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love You) (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 00:00 |
199 | I Hadn't Anyone Till You (Take 2) | Thelonious Monk | 03:18 |
200 | Everything Happens To Me (Re-Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 05:18 |
201 | Ask Me Now (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 03:43 |
202 | Introspection [#] | Thelonious Monk | 02:19 |
203 | Darn That Dream | Thelonious Monk | 03:41 |
204 | Dinah (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 02:25 |
205 | Sweet And Lovely (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 03:18 |
206 | Ruby, My Dear (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 04:48 |
207 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love You) (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 02:44 |
208 | I Hadn't Anyone Till You (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 03:21 |
209 | Everything Happens To Me (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 05:20 |
210 | Ask Me Now (Take 1) | Thelonious Monk | 03:43 |
211 | Chan Chan | Buena Vista Social Club | 04:18 |
212 | El Cuarto de Tula | Buena Vista Social Club | 07:25 |
213 | Dos Gardenias | Buena Vista Social Club | 03:04 |
214 | Buena Vista Social Club | Buena Vista Social Club | 04:52 |
215 | Ghosts: First variation | Albert Ayler | 05:13 |
216 | The Wizard | Albert Ayler | 07:23 |
217 | For John Coltrane | Albert Ayler | 13:40 |
218 | Blue Gardenia | Nat King Cole | 03:01 |
219 | カーリーとキャロル | 関藤繁生 / セキトオ・シゲオ/Sekito Shigeo | 03:36 |
220 | When Sunny Gets Blue | 土岐英史 | 06:00 |
221 | Nitchimo Satchimo | 坂田明 | 06:33 |
222 | テネイシャス・プレイヤー・フォーエヴァー | 菊地雅章 | 18:19 |
223 | Awakening - Prologue Spring Thing | The Awakening | 09:36 |
224 | Clipper | Portico Quartet | 06:32 |
225 | They Who Must Die | Shabaka and the Ancestors | 10:10 |
226 | 僕は一寸 | 細野晴臣 | 04:25 |
227 | Tight Like This | Evan Christopher | 00:00 |
228 | Royal Garden Blues | Bob French | 03:40 |
229 | Joe Avery (Instrumental) | Preservation Hall Jazz Band | 06:46 |
230 | I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None O' This Jelly Roll | Eddie Condon And His All-Stars | 04:27 |