# | 歌曲 | 艺人 | 时长 |
01 | 夜上海 | 周璇 | 02:50 |
02 | 天涯歌女 (1997 Digital Remaster) | 周璇 | 02:30 |
03 | 何日君再来Ⅰ (1997 Digital Remaster) | 周璇 | 02:48 |
04 | 许我向你看 | 周璇 | 03:12 |
05 | 哪个不多情 | 姚莉 | 03:09 |
06 | 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 | 姚莉 | 02:28 |
07 | 我要你的爱 | 葛兰 | 02:42 |
08 | 卡门 | 葛兰 | 04:03 |
09 | 我爱恰恰 | 葛兰 | 02:34 |
10 | 夜来香 | 李香兰 | 02:57 |
11 | 恨不相逢未嫁时 | 李香兰 | 03:29 |
12 | 何日君再来 | 李香兰 | 03:07 |
13 | 如果没有你 | 白光 | 02:34 |
14 | 等着你回来 | 白光 | 02:59 |
15 | 假正经 | 白光 | 02:36 |
16 | 我有一段情 | 吴莺音 | 03:25 |
17 | 岷江夜曲 | 吴莺音 | 02:48 |
18 | 江南之夜 | 吴莺音 | 03:04 |
19 | 给我一个吻 | 张露 | 02:46 |
20 | 你真美丽 | 张露 | 02:27 |
21 | 小癞麻 | 张露 | 02:37 |
22 | 郎是春日风 | 白虹 | 03:18 |
23 | 莎莎再会吧 | 白虹 | 03:03 |
24 | 蔷薇处处开 | 龚秋霞 | 03:10 |
25 | 送别 | 李叔同 | 04:17 |
26 | 得不到的爱情 | 姚莉 | 03:00 |
27 | 春风吻上我的脸 | 姚莉 | 02:48 |
28 | 恰恰恰 | 姚莉 | 03:02 |
29 | 夜来香 | 李香兰 | 03:18 |
30 | 天涯歌女 | 周璇 | 02:33 |
31 | 何日君再来 | 周璇 | 05:23 |
32 | 月圆花好 | 周璇 | 02:57 |
33 | 四季歌 | 周璇 | 02:08 |
34 | 疯狂世界 | 周璇 | 02:47 |
35 | 永远的微笑 | 周璇 | 03:01 |
36 | 阿里山的姑娘 | 顾媚 | 01:45 |
37 | 梭罗河畔 | 顾媚 | 02:46 |
38 | 说不出的快活 | 葛兰 | 02:40 |
39 | 心恋 | 崔萍 | 02:28 |
40 | 南屏晚钟 | 崔萍 | 03:10 |
41 | 相见不恨晚 | 白光 | 03:10 |
42 | 你何必躲避 | 张露 | 03:23 |
43 | 纺棉花 | 白虹 | 02:22 |
44 | 恼人的夜雨 | 白虹 | 02:07 |
45 | 郎是春日风 | 白虹 | 03:15 |
46 | 萍水相逢 | 吴莺音 | 02:54 |
47 | 侬本痴情 | 吴莺音 | 02:54 |
48 | 送别 | 吴莺音 | 03:10 |
49 | 乳娘曲 | 华语群星 | 07:43 |
50 | 寒夜曲 | 华语群星 | 03:06 |
51 | 寻兄词 | 阮玲玉 | 05:59 |
52 | 燕双飞 | 原野三重唱 | 02:57 |
53 | 开矿歌 | 聂耳 | 02:40 |
54 | 姊妹花 | 胡蝶 | 02:43 |
55 | 渔光曲 | 王人美 | 05:51 |
56 | 大路歌 | 张翼 | 02:39 |
57 | 开路先锋 | 张翼 | 02:47 |
58 | 燕燕歌 | 华语群星 | 03:06 |
59 | 新凤阳歌 | 黎莉莉 | 03:17 |
60 | 新的女性 | 华语群星 | 01:26 |
61 | 旗正飘飘 | 华语群星 | 02:51 |
62 | 飞花歌 | 胡萍 | 03:16 |
63 | 牧羊女 | 华语群星 | 03:06 |
64 | 湘累 | 华语群星 | 03:57 |
65 | 乡愁曲 | 华语群星 | 02:45 |
66 | 毕业歌 | 陈波儿 | 02:36 |
67 | 大地行军曲 | 华语群星 | 05:10 |
68 | 抗敌歌 | 华语群星 | 02:55 |
69 | 天伦歌 | 华语群星 | 03:23 |
70 | 西洋镜歌 | 华语群星 | 02:26 |
71 | 铁蹄下的歌女 | 王人美 | 02:45 |
72 | 义勇军进行曲 | 袁牧之 | 02:49 |
73 | 夜来香 | 胡蝶 | 02:47 |
74 | 自由神之歌 | 王莹 | 03:01 |
75 | 定情歌 | 金焰 | 03:05 |
76 | 摇船歌 | 华语群星 | 02:26 |
77 | 塞外村女 | 华语群星 | 03:12 |
78 | 狂欢之夜 | 黄友葵 | 02:42 |
79 | 团团坐 | 华语群星 | 02:42 |
80 | 小孤女 | 华语群星 | 03:14 |
81 | 飘零的落花 | 华语群星 | 03:13 |
82 | 月光光歌 | 华语群星 | 06:19 |
83 | 新莲花落 | 华语群星 | 02:47 |
84 | 新中华进行曲 | 陈波儿 | 02:48 |
85 | 父母子女 | 龚秋霞 | 02:43 |
86 | 狼山谣 | 黎莉莉 | 04:43 |
87 | 何日君再来 | 周璇 | 05:27 |
88 | 满园春色 | 蔡绍序 | 02:58 |
89 | 秋水伊人 | 龚秋霞 | 02:39 |
90 | 天涯歌女 | 周璇 | 02:32 |
91 | 春天里 | 赵丹 | 02:42 |
92 | 思故乡 | 华语群星 | 02:32 |
93 | 王老五 | 韩兰根 | 05:52 |
94 | 王老五 | 蓝萍 | 02:47 |
95 | 压岁钱歌 | 华语群星 | 02:21 |
96 | 新年歌 | 华语群星 | 02:45 |
97 | 热血 | 金山 | 02:59 |
98 | 长城谣 | 周小燕 | 02:55 |
99 | 在太行山上 | 华语群星 | 02:26 |
100 | 歌八百壮士 | 华语群星 | 02:41 |
101 | 百花歌 | 周璇 | 02:56 |
102 | 初恋女 | 华语群星 | 02:44 |
103 | 春风野草 | 龚秋霞 | 02:49 |
104 | 送君 | 周璇 | 02:56 |
105 | 难民歌 | 周璇 | 03:01 |
106 | 太平春 | 白虹 | 02:47 |
107 | 月亮在哪里 | 陈云裳 | 03:06 |
108 | 白兰花 | 龚秋霞 | 03:22 |
109 | 游击队歌 | 华语群星 | 01:16 |
110 | 月圆花好 | 周璇 | 02:57 |
111 | 拷红 | 周璇 | 03:20 |
112 | 街头月 | 周璇 | 03:05 |
113 | 秋的怀念 | 姚莉 | 02:41 |
114 | 玫瑰、玫瑰我爱你 | 姚莉 | 02:28 |
115 | 襟上一朵花 | 周璇 | 02:39 |
116 | 董小宛 | 周璇 | 03:23 |
117 | 苏三采茶 | 周璇 | 03:18 |
118 | 诉衷情 | 周璇 | 02:57 |
119 | 千里送京娘 | 李丽华 | 03:02 |
120 | 满江红 | 华语群星 | 01:59 |
121 | 垦春泥 | 华语群星 | 01:03 |
122 | 莎莎再会吧 | 白虹 | 03:00 |
123 | 埋玉 | 白虹 | 02:45 |
124 | 渔家女 | 周璇 | 02:47 |
125 | 钟山春 | 周旋 | 03:13 |
126 | 划船歌 | 周璇 | 03:22 |
127 | 天上人间 | 李丽华 | 02:33 |
128 | 解语花 | 周璇 | 03:01 |
129 | 天长地久 | 白云 | 05:37 |
130 | 蔷薇处处开 | 龚秋霞 | 03:13 |
131 | 桃李争春 | 白光 | 03:00 |
132 | 葬花 | 周璇 | 03:12 |
133 | 不变的心 | 周璇 | 03:03 |
134 | 真善美 | 周璇 | 03:01 |
135 | 可爱的早晨 | 周璇 | 03:00 |
136 | 红歌女忙 | 周璇 | 02:39 |
137 | 玫瑰花 | 张帆 | 02:57 |
138 | 唱不完的郎 | 张帆 | 02:44 |
139 | 戒烟歌(电影"万古流芳"插曲) | 李香兰 | 03:05 |
140 | 卖糖歌 | 李香兰 | 03:22 |
141 | 凤凰于飞 | 周璇 | 03:05 |
142 | 慈母心 | 周璇 | 03:13 |
143 | 笑的赞美 | 周璇 | 02:49 |
144 | 前程万里 | 周璇 | 02:28 |
145 | 嫦娥 | 周璇 | 03:05 |
146 | 合家欢 | 周璇 | 02:57 |
147 | 香格里拉 | 欧阳飞莺 | 03:11 |
148 | 好时光 | 欧阳飞莺 | 02:52 |
149 | 创造 | 欧阳飞莺 | 02:41 |
150 | 小小洞房 | 周璇 | 02:55 |
151 | 思乡曲 | 臧玉琰 | 03:19 |
152 | 高岗上 | 周璇 | 03:01 |
153 | 夜上海 | 周旋 | 02:51 |
154 | 花样的年华 | 周旋 | 03:08 |
155 | 凯旋歌 | 周旋 | 03:05 |
156 | 燕燕于飞 | 周璇 | 03:14 |
157 | 黄叶舞秋风 | 周璇 | 02:18 |
158 | 花外流莺 | 周璇 | 02:49 |
159 | 桃李春风 | 周璇 | 02:29 |
160 | 四季美人 | 华语群星 | 03:32 |
161 | 一江春水向东流 | 紫薇 | 02:48 |
162 | 春之颂 | 华语群星 | 02:49 |
163 | 月儿弯弯照九州 | 葛军 | 02:10 |
164 | 新编九一八小调 | 华语群星 | 01:36 |
165 | 红灯绿酒夜 | 吴莺音 | 02:40 |
166 | 天堂春梦 | 路明 | 03:10 |
167 | 爱神的箭 | 周璇 | 02:52 |
168 | 陋巷之春 (1997 Digital Remaster) | 周璇 | 02:32 |
169 | 歌女之歌 | 周璇 | 02:48 |
170 | 臭虫歌 | 张帆 | 02:36 |
171 | 郊游曲 | 龚秋霞 | 02:22 |
172 | 我们要爸爸 | 张帆 | 02:20 |
173 | 在那耶遥远的地方 | 张鸿眉 | 01:37 |
174 | 相见不恨晚 | 白光 | 03:09 |
175 | 听我细诉 | 吴莺音 | 03:06 |
176 | 湖畔四拍 | 龚秋霞 | 03:27 |
177 | 青春的梦 | 王人美 | 02:50 |
178 | 怀念 | 白光 | 02:43 |
179 | 故乡曲 | 张帆 | 03:06 |
180 | 野海棠 | 华语群星 | 03:52 |
181 | 墙 | 白光 | 02:28 |
182 | 何处是儿家 | 白光 | 02:38 |
183 | 今夕何夕 | 白光 | 02:54 |
184 | 别走得那么快 | 白虹 | 02:26 |
185 | 叹十声 | 白光 | 02:38 |
186 | 青春之歌 | 周璇 | 03:04 |
187 | 厨房歌 | 周璇 | 03:06 |
188 | 母亲 | 华语群星 | 02:58 |
189 | 迎春花 | 张露 | 03:08 |
190 | 东山一把情 | 白光 | 02:44 |
191 | 新女性歌 | 黎莉莉 | 05:57 |
192 | 塞外村女 | 李谷一 | 02:51 |
193 | 往事如烟 | 白光 | 03:24 |
194 | 山歌 | 白光 | 02:48 |
195 | 恋 | 姚莉 | 02:37 |
196 | 花花姑娘 | 周璇 | 02:39 |
197 | 麻将经 | 周璇 | 02:57 |
198 | 点秋香 | 白虹 | 02:56 |
199 | 特别快车 | 周璇 | 03:03 |
200 | 五芳斋 | 严华 | 03:02 |
201 | 苏三 | 姚敏 | 03:10 |
202 | 春天里 | 赵丹 | 02:43 |
203 | 雨不洒花花不红 | 白虹 | 02:34 |
204 | 可怜的爸爸妈妈 | 白虹 | 02:26 |
205 | 我是女菩萨 | 白光 | 02:32 |
206 | 向王小二拜年 | 白光 | 02:45 |
207 | 相见不恨晚 | 白光 | 03:12 |
208 | 恋爱的投机 | 白光 | 02:50 |
209 | 秃子溺坑 | 白光 | 02:28 |
210 | 金刚钻 | 白光 | 03:04 |
211 | 打喷嚏 | 葛兰 | 02:37 |
212 | 不要你来也得来 | 葛兰 | 02:52 |
213 | 我要你的爱 | 张露 | 02:47 |
214 | 伤脑筋 | 张露 | 02:57 |
215 | 你真美丽 | 张露 | 02:23 |
216 | 女人与男人 | 张露 | 02:54 |
217 | 小姐变太太 | 华语群星 | 02:19 |
218 | 三轮车上的小姐 | 华语群星 | 03:01 |
219 | 臭虫歌 | 张帆 | 02:37 |
220 | 满场飞 | 张帆 | 02:52 |
221 | 夫妻相骂 | 吴莺音 | 03:01 |
222 | 爸爸说我没法嫁 | 吴莺音 | 02:47 |
223 | 不是冤家不聚头 | 姚莉 | 03:07 |
224 | 跟你开玩笑 | 姚莉 | 02:54 |
225 | 偷偷摸摸 | 刘韵 | 02:44 |
226 | 金嗓子主题曲 | 董佩佩 | 02:54 |
227 | 光棍苦 | 林黛 | 02:34 |
228 | 读书乐 | 林黛 | 03:11 |
229 | 我有个好家庭 | 叶枫 | 02:41 |
230 | 家家有本难念的经 | 潘秀琼 | 02:58 |
231 | 我们都是穷朋友 | 华语群星 | 03:21 |
232 | 老子有钱 | 谭顺成 | 02:53 |
233 | 夫妻相爱 | 谭顺成 | 02:22 |
234 | 毛毛歌 | 张帝 | 02:45 |
235 | 山东曼波 | 邓丽君 | 02:27 |
236 | 路边的野花不要采 | 邓丽君 | 02:02 |
237 | 自从嫁了你 | 吴莺音 | 02:33 |
238 | 小冤家 | 吴莺音 | 02:39 |
239 | 小猫咪 | 吴莺音 | 02:57 |
240 | 苏三不要哭 | 马三立 | 03:48 |
241 | 红烧丈夫 | 白虹 | 03:17 |
242 | 狂欢曲 | 白虹 | 02:18 |
243 | 你好象鳄鱼 | 张帝 | 02:52 |
244 | 小寡妇诉苦 | 白虹 | 02:59 |
245 | 要想作新郎 | 白虹 | 02:54 |
246 | 郎和姐儿 | 白虹 | 02:49 |
247 | 对歌 | 白虹 | 02:58 |
248 | 樵歌 | 白虹 | 03:02 |
249 | 三人行 | 白虹 | 02:31 |
250 | 南屏晚钟 | 王晰 | 03:39 |
251 | 夜来香 | 邓丽君 | 03:16 |
252 | 蔷薇处处开 | 邓丽君 | 03:31 |
253 | 天涯歌女 | 邓丽君 | 02:59 |
254 | 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 | 卓依婷 | 03:30 |
255 | Night Life in Shanghai (Shanghai Restoration Project Remix) | 周璇 | 04:31 |
256 | 夜上海 | 蔡琴 | 03:44 |
257 | 等着你回来 | 蔡琴 | 02:34 |
258 | 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 | 王若琳 | 02:27 |
259 | 梦中人 | 蔡琴 | 03:35 |
260 | 何日君再来 | 费玉清 | 02:57 |
261 | 卡门 | 杜丽莎 | 05:00 |
262 | 给我一个吻 | 万芳 | 02:54 |
263 | 如果没有你 | 董沁 | 03:38 |
264 | 春风吻上我的脸 | 蔡幸娟 | 03:10 |
265 | 你真美丽 | 刘韵 | 02:05 |
266 | 月圆花好 | 黄龄 | 02:30 |
267 | 阿里山的姑娘 | 李娜 | 03:21 |
268 | 四季歌 | 汤旭 | 02:25 |
269 | 恰恰恰唔 | 华语群星 | 02:38 |
270 | 我爱恰恰 | 黄贝玲 | 02:40 |
271 | 侬本痴情 | 奚秀兰 | 02:45 |
272 | 郎是春日风 | 张小英 | 02:52 |
273 | 萍水相逢 | 千百惠 | 03:29 |
274 | Plum Blossom (2003 Remix) | Ian Widgery | 03:04 |
275 | In the Mood | Glenn Miller | 03:39 |
276 | Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else But Me) | Glenn Miller | 03:13 |
277 | Sing Sing Sing | Benny Goodman | 08:39 |
278 | Don't Be That Way | Benny Goodman | 04:27 |
279 | If I Had You | Benny Goodman | 03:04 |
280 | Jeep's Blues | Duke Ellington | 04:42 |
281 | Take The A Train | Duke Ellington | 02:56 |
282 | Brief Encounter | His Swedish Radio Studio Orchestra | 03:04 |
283 | It's Been a Long, Long Time | Harry James | 03:07 |
284 | Tuxedo Junction | Erskine Hawkins | 03:17 |
285 | It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) | Cootie Williams | 03:43 |
286 | Anytime, Anyday, Anywhere | Lee Wiley | 02:28 |
287 | I Could Write a Book | Anita O'Day | 02:09 |
288 | You Took Advantage Of Me | Helen O'Connell | 02:27 |
289 | Goodnight Vienna | Al Bowlly | 03:25 |
290 | Midnight, Stars And You | Al Bowlly | 03:25 |
291 | Coney Island Washboard | The Mills Brothers | 02:21 |
292 | It All Depends on You | Ruth Etting | 03:01 |
293 | What We Do On A Dew-Dew-Dewy Day | Ruth Etting | 02:50 |
294 | I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter | Fats Waller | 03:31 |
295 | Papa's in Bed With His Britches On | Una Mae Carlisle | 02:42 |
296 | Goody Goody | Helen Ward | 02:27 |
297 | You Made Me Love You | Helen Forrest | 03:25 |
298 | I Double Dare You | His Orchestra | 02:51 |
299 | Old Mc Donald Had a Farm | Spike Jones | 03:09 |
300 | When I Get Low I Get High | Ella Fitzgerald | 02:29 |
301 | Solid As A Rock | Ella Fitzgerald | 03:01 |
302 | Sorry, Sorry, Sorry | Lita Roza | 02:22 |
303 | Blue Champagne | Jimmy Dorsey | 03:11 |
304 | Wake up and Live | Cab Calloway | 02:30 |
305 | Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody | Louis Prima | 04:46 |
306 | Java Jive | The Ink Spots | 03:03 |
307 | Chicago | The Rat Pack | 02:13 |
308 | When Day Is Done | Mildred Bailey | 03:25 |
309 | Honeysuckle Rose | Lena Horne | 02:48 |
310 | Minor Swing | Django Reinhardt | 03:12 |
311 | I Haven't Time to Be a Millionaire | Tommy Dorsey | 03:05 |
312 | Blues In The Night | Woody Herman | 03:16 |
313 | A Smooth One | The Dave Shepherd Quintet | 04:00 |
314 | Sugar | Bix Beiderbecke | 03:10 |
315 | Woo-Woo | Albert Ammons | 03:15 |
316 | Frenesi | Artie Shaw | 03:03 |
317 | Milenberg Joys | Fletcher Henderson | 02:42 |
318 | Beale Street Blues | Roy Eldridge | 05:09 |
319 | T'aint What You Do (It's The Way That Cha Do It) | Jimmie Lunceford | 03:02 |
320 | Livery Stable Blues | Eddie Condon | 06:18 |
321 | When I grow too old to dream | Ted Heath | 02:07 |
322 | Rosetta | Georgie Auld | 02:54 |
323 | New Moten Stomp | Bennie Moten | 02:53 |
324 | People Will Say We're In Love; Oh! What A Beautiful Mornin'; The Surrey With The Fringe On Top; Why Do I Love You; Make Believe; Ol' Man River; Dixie | Lester Lanin | 05:56 |
325 | Little Pony | His Orchestra | 02:20 |
326 | Ole Buttermilk Sky | Kay Kyser | 03:06 |
327 | Skyliner | Charlie Barnet | 03:00 |
328 | Begin the Beguine | Glen Gray | 03:20 |
329 | Bernie's Tune | Milt Buckner | 05:05 |
330 | Choo Choo Ch'Boogie | Indigo Swing | 03:51 |
331 | CabaretLouis Armstrong And The All Stars | Louis Armstrong | 02:46 |
332 | Flight Of The Foo Birds | Count Basie | 03:23 |
333 | Oh Marie | Julia Lee | 02:54 |
334 | Cheek to Cheek | Rosemary Clooney | 05:20 |
335 | Blue Moon | Frank Sinatra | 02:48 |
336 | Bye Bye Blackbird | Oscar Peterson | 02:10 |
337 | Sometimes I'm Happy | Lester Young | 03:07 |
338 | On The Sunny Side Of The Street | Lionel Hampton | 03:13 |
339 | How High the Moon | Gene Krupa | 03:20 |
340 | Moonlight Shuffle | Les Elgart | 02:46 |
341 | Tradition | Chubby Jackson | 03:12 |
342 | Only You (And You Alone) | The Platters | 02:40 |
343 | Crying in the Chapel | The Orioles | 03:03 |
344 | Long Lonely Nights | Lee Andrews & the Hearts | 02:55 |
345 | Peanuts | Little Joe & the Thrillers | 02:32 |
346 | Sherry | The Four Seasons | 02:34 |
347 | Big Girls Don't Cry | The Four Seasons | 02:28 |
348 | Rockin in the Jungle | The Eternals | 02:34 |
349 | Oop Shoop | Shirley Gunter | 02:15 |
350 | Your Very First Love | The Dubs | 02:32 |
351 | Never Let You Go | The Five Discs | 02:19 |
352 | In the Still of the Nite | The Five Satins | 03:04 |
353 | Why Do Fools Fall In Love | Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers | 02:18 |
354 | I'm Not A Juvenile Delinquent | Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers | 02:36 |
355 | My True Story | The Jive Five | 02:34 |
356 | The Lion Sleeps Tonight | The Tokens | 02:39 |
357 | When the Lights Are Low | The Paragons | 03:06 |
358 | Tears on My Pillow | Little Anthony | 02:13 |
359 | Shimmy, Shimmy Ko-Ko-Bop (Original) | Little Anthony & the Imperials | 02:08 |
360 | Hushabye | The Mystics | 02:31 |
361 | (Will You) Come Back My Love | The Wrens | 02:23 |
362 | A Teenager In Love | Dion & the Belmonts | 02:37 |
363 | I Wonder Why | Dion & the Belmonts | 02:19 |
364 | Barbara Anne | The Regents | 02:11 |
365 | Heart And Soul | The Cleftones | 01:54 |
366 | Ran Tang Ding Dong (I Am the Japanese Sandman) | The Cellos | 02:51 |
367 | Sh-boom | The Chords | 02:25 |
368 | Is It A Dream | The Vocaleers | 03:05 |
369 | Baby Oh Baby | The Shells | 02:26 |
370 | Blue Moon | The Marcels | 02:14 |
371 | Come Go With Me | The Del-Vikings | 02:42 |
372 | Little Darlin' | The Diamonds | 02:30 |
373 | Zoom Zoom Zoom | Collegians | 02:31 |
374 | Deserie | The Charts | 02:44 |
375 | I Count the Tears | The Drifters | 02:15 |
376 | There Goes My Baby | The Drifters | 02:11 |
377 | On Broadway | The Drifters | 03:06 |
378 | Why Do Lovers Break Each Others Hearts | Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans | 02:48 |
379 | Why Oh Why | Clickettes | 02:13 |
380 | Lollipop | The Chordettes | 02:11 |
381 | Just Between You and Me | The Chordettes | 02:10 |
382 | Maybe | The Chantels | 02:52 |
383 | Look In My Eyes | The Chantels | 02:18 |
384 | A Thousand Miles Away | Heartbeats | 02:26 |
385 | Come Softly To Me | The Fleetwoods | 02:26 |
386 | Confidential | The Fleetwoods | 02:20 |
387 | Graduation's Here | The Fleetwoods | 01:57 |
388 | Angel Baby (US Version) | Rosie & the Originals | 03:47 |
389 | Sincerely | The Moonglows | 03:15 |
390 | Lily Maebelle | The Valentines | 02:18 |
391 | I'm so Happy (Tra la la la) | Lewis Lymon and the Teenchords | 02:41 |
392 | Speedoo | The Cadillacs | 02:30 |
393 | Love, Love, Love | The Clovers | 02:04 |
394 | Duke of Earl | Gene Chandler | 02:17 |
395 | Gee | Dee Dee Sharp | 02:09 |
396 | My Lonely Room | Lee Andrews | 02:09 |
397 | It's Over Because We're Through | Sonny Til | 02:57 |
398 | When You Dance | The Turbans | 02:50 |
399 | Life Can Be Beautiful | The Cineramas | 02:43 |
400 | Earth Angel | The Penguins | 02:58 |
401 | She's Gone Gone | The Penguins | 02:35 |
402 | Hey Senorita | The Penguins | 02:12 |
403 | Since I Don't Have You | The Skyliners | 02:41 |
404 | Everyone's Laughing | The Spaniels | 02:50 |
405 | Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight | The Spaniels | 02:42 |
406 | I'm Blue | The Shangri-Las | 03:30 |
407 | Ling Ting Tong | The Five Keys | 02:09 |
408 | Chop Chop Boom | The Danderliers | 02:14 |
409 | Life Is But A Dream | The Harptones | 02:43 |
410 | Over The Mountain, Across The Sea | Johnnie & Joe | 02:18 |
411 | Mr. Lee | The Bobbettes | 02:13 |
412 | Step By Step | The Crests | 02:29 |
413 | Merry Christmas (1957) | The Cameos | 02:01 |
414 | Sorry | The Impalas | 02:33 |
415 | Little Bitty Pretty One | Frankie Lymon | 02:40 |
416 | I Only Have Eyes for You | The Flamingos | 03:23 |
417 | Get A Job | The Silhouettes | 02:48 |
418 | Rubber Biscuit | The Chips | 02:07 |
419 | So Much in Love | The Tymes | 02:10 |
420 | The Kind Of Boy You Can't Forget | The Raindrops | 02:13 |
421 | The Boy from New York City | The Ad Libs | 03:08 |
422 | Zu Zu | The Bonnevilles | 02:42 |
423 | Tonight I Fell In Love | The Tokens | 01:48 |
424 | Pink Shoe Laces (Remastered) | The Chordettes | 02:39 |
425 | Mr. Sandman | The Chordettes | 02:25 |
426 | Rhythm Of The Rain | The Cascades | 02:31 |
427 | Dreamin' | The Cascades | 02:23 |
428 | Sukiyaki (My First Lonely Night) | Jewel Akens | 02:28 |
429 | The Day We Fel In Love | The Ovations | 02:33 |
430 | Shy Girl | The Cascades | 02:02 |
431 | Seven Little Girls | The Avons | 02:13 |
432 | Annies Lament | Annie Ross | 03:01 |
433 | The Girl From Ipanema | Various Artists | 02:46 |
434 | It Had To Be You | André Previn | 03:26 |
435 | I Wish You Love | Rosemary Clooney | 03:02 |
436 | Ain't No Sunshine | Bill Withers | 02:05 |
437 | The Shadow Of Your Smile | Astrud Gilberto | 02:31 |
438 | Only Trust Your Heart | Astrud Gilberto | 04:18 |
439 | The Glory Of Love | Peggy Lee | 02:20 |
440 | The Things We Did Last Summer | George Shearing | 02:41 |
441 | Let's Stay Together | Al Green | 03:16 |
442 | You never can tell | Chuck Berry | 02:43 |
443 | At Last | Etta James | 03:01 |
444 | Misty | Ella Fitzgerald | 02:54 |
445 | A Change Is Gonna Come | Sam Cooke | 03:13 |
446 | What a Wonderful World | Louis Armstrong | 02:20 |
447 | Hit the Road Jack | Ray Charles | 02:00 |
448 | September in the Rain | Peggy Lee | 03:08 |
449 | What'd I Say | Ray Charles | 06:29 |
450 | Don't Know Why | Norah Jones | 03:05 |
451 | Feeling Good | Nina Simone | 02:54 |
452 | My Girl | The Temptations | 02:56 |
453 | Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps(Quizas Quizas Quizas) | Doris Day | 02:36 |
454 | Bitty Boppy Betty | Pink Martini | 02:44 |
455 | Back to Black | Amy Winehouse | 04:00 |
456 | Rolling In The Deep | Adele | 03:48 |
457 | Shy Boy | Katie Melua | 03:29 |
458 | Nine Million Bicycles | Katie Melua | 03:15 |
459 | Piece by Piece | Katie Melua | 03:24 |
460 | You Don't Have to Say You Love Me | Dusty Springfield | 02:50 |
461 | What the World Needs Now Is Love | Dionne Warwick | 03:08 |
462 | Please Mr. Postman | The Marvelettes | 02:33 |
463 | Georgia on My Mind | Ray Charles | 03:40 |
464 | Maple Leaf Rag | Scott Joplin | 03:08 |
465 | I've Heard That Song Before | Harry James | 02:56 |
466 | Love and Broken Hearts | Wynton Marsalis | 07:39 |
467 | A Foggy Day | Charles Mingus | 07:48 |
468 | Szomorú Vasárnap (Gloomy Sunday) | Detlef Friedrich Petersen | 03:15 |
469 | We Have All The Time In The World | Louis Armstrong | 03:13 |
470 | La Vie En Rose | 小野リサ | 04:39 |
471 | Tortellini | Heitor Pereira | 00:21 |
472 | City of Stars | Ryan Gosling | 02:29 |
473 | A Kiss to Build a Dream On | Louis Armstrong | 03:01 |
474 | I Heard It Through the Grapevine | Marvin Gaye | 03:15 |
475 | Goin' Steady | Betty Hutton | 02:38 |
476 | Deep | Snarky Puppy | 05:13 |
477 | Tea for Two | Sarah Vaughan | 02:45 |
478 | In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning | Frank Sinatra | 03:02 |
479 | It's a Good Day | Peggy Lee | 02:50 |
480 | The Greatest | Cat Power | 03:22 |
481 | All Alone Blues | Sonny Terry | 03:07 |
482 | I Like Pie I Like Cake | Various Artists | 02:46 |
483 | My Baby Comes 'Round at 8 | Indigo Swing | 02:56 |
484 | Easy | Commodores | 04:20 |
485 | Mas Que Nada | Jeremy Monteiro | 03:30 |
486 | Dance Only With Me | Peggy Lee | 02:24 |
487 | Whatever Lola Wants | Carmen McRae | 02:58 |
488 | Monday Night in New Orleans | Kermit Ruffins | 03:30 |
489 | Aquellos Ojos Verdes | Nat King Cole | 02:15 |
490 | The Way You Look Tonight | Frank Sinatra | 03:24 |
491 | Papa Was A Rolling Stone | The Temptations | 06:55 |
492 | Superfly | Curtis Mayfield | 04:00 |
493 | Aretha | Rumer | 03:15 |
494 | Dance Me to the End of Love | Madeleine Peyroux | 03:54 |
495 | A Kiss To Build A Dream On | Louis Armstrong | 03:04 |
496 | Desafinado | Lovisa | 03:41 |
497 | Creep | Karen Souza | 03:33 |
498 | Basin Street Blues | Jack Teagarden | 05:12 |
499 | Moon at Sea | Cab Calloway | 03:00 |
500 | I Fall in Love Too Easily | Chet Baker | 03:21 |
501 | The Look of Love | Diana Krall | 04:42 |
502 | April in Paris | Louis Armstrong | 06:37 |
503 | Mambo Italiano | Rosemary Clooney | 01:35 |
504 | Crazy He Calls me | Billie Holiday | 03:05 |
505 | Coffee In The Morning | Terra Hazelton | 03:51 |
506 | I Loves You, Porgy | Nina Simone | 04:09 |
507 | King of the Road | Dean Martin | 02:24 |
508 | Down Here Below | Abbey Lincoln | 08:49 |
509 | Instead | Madeleine Peyroux | 05:13 |
510 | I Waited for You | Mary Stallings | 05:27 |
511 | Grand Valse | Booker Little | 04:57 |
512 | What A Diff'rence A Day Makes | Dinah Washington | 02:31 |
513 | Candy | Nat King Cole | 03:54 |
514 | So In Love | Dinah Washington | 04:27 |
515 | Call Me Irresponsible | Frank Sinatra | 02:55 |
516 | Lullaby of Birdland | Sarah Vaughan | 04:01 |
517 | Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive | Johnny Mercer | 01:56 |
518 | It's De-Lovely | Jeri Southern | 02:10 |
519 | Bess, You Is My Women Now | Ea Fitzgeraldll | 05:25 |
520 | Moments Like This | Hilary Kole | 03:20 |
521 | Something Cool | June Christy | 04:59 |
522 | Blue Monday | Fats Domino | 02:17 |
523 | Manhattan | Lee Wiley | 03:24 |
524 | Summertime | Louis Armstrong | 04:58 |
525 | Autumn in New York | Billie Holiday | 03:41 |
526 | Music to Watch Girls By | Willie Bobo | 02:22 |
527 | Ain't That a Kick In the Head | Dean Martin | 02:38 |
528 | You Belong to Me | Janet Seidel | 04:07 |
529 | Tout Doucement | Blossom Dearie | 02:23 |
530 | You Are So Beautiful | Al Green | 03:36 |
531 | My One and Only Love | Doris Day | 03:43 |
532 | Float On | The Floaters | 04:14 |
533 | My Little Brown Book | Duke Ellington | 05:20 |
534 | The Crave | Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton | 04:33 |
535 | How Can You Face Me? | Maxine Sullivan | 03:37 |
536 | Hello, Dolly! | Louis Armstrong | 03:36 |
537 | A Hundred Years From Today | Dean Martin | 02:39 |
538 | (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons | Nat King Cole | 02:51 |
539 | As Time Goes By | Peggy Lee | 02:51 |
540 | The Thrill is Gone | B.B. King | 04:03 |
541 | You'll Lose a Good Thing | Barbara Lynn | 02:24 |
542 | Don't Tell A Man About His Woman | Jack Teagarden | 02:52 |
543 | Your Mother's Son-In-Law | Billie Holiday | 02:47 |
544 | Drad Dog | Miles Davis | 04:47 |
545 | Time After Time | Sarah Vaughan | 04:56 |
546 | Requiem | Lennie Tristano | 04:53 |
547 | These Foolish Things | Stéphane Grappelli | 04:32 |
548 | I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face | Shelly Manne | 03:27 |
549 | In the Mood | Glenn Miller & His Orchestra | 03:40 |
550 | Autumn Leaves | Cannonball Adderley | 10:55 |
551 | Memories for Scotty | Don Friedman | 06:42 |
552 | I Loves You, Porgy | Nina Simone | 02:32 |
553 | Cantabile | Michel Petrucciani | 07:48 |
554 | Mack the Knife | Ella Fitzgerald | 04:52 |
555 | September In The Rain | Julie London | 01:40 |
556 | Orange Was the Color of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk | Charles Mingus | 17:32 |
557 | Take Five | Dave Brubeck | 02:21 |
558 | Day Dream | Duke Ellington Legacy | 05:33 |
559 | Smoke Gets in Your Eyes | Eddie Higgins | 07:31 |
560 | Fly Me to the Moon | Ramsey Lewis | 06:33 |
561 | Lullaby of Birdland | Ray Conniff | 02:11 |
562 | Blue Monk | The Thelonious Monk Orchestra | 06:31 |
563 | All of Me | Sidney Bechet | 03:32 |
564 | A Notion | Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen | 05:37 |
565 | My Funny Valentine | Chet Baker | 09:34 |
566 | My Foolish Heart | Bill Evans Trio | 04:56 |
567 | Tobi Ilu | Art Blakey | 05:58 |
568 | Ask Me Now | Thelonious Monk | 04:39 |
569 | All the Things You Are | Joe Pass | 04:03 |
570 | MERCY MERCY MERCY | Adderley, Cannonball | 05:07 |
571 | Misty | Erroll Garner | 02:49 |
572 | What a difference a day made | Sarah Vaughan | 02:49 |
573 | A night in tunisia | Arturo Sandoval | 15:38 |
574 | Spleen | Ron Carter | 07:07 |
575 | I've Got You Under My Skin | Oscar Peterson | 02:50 |
576 | My Melancholy Baby | Charlie Parker | 03:29 |
577 | Song for My Father | Horace Silver | 07:18 |
578 | It Never Entered My Mind | Miles Davis Quintet | 05:26 |
579 | Straighten Up and Fly Right | Nat King Cole | 02:26 |
580 | Blue Room | Chet Baker | 01:27 |
581 | The End Of the World | Julie London | 02:43 |
582 | There Is No Greater Love | Lou Donaldson | 06:55 |
583 | Sweet Georgia Brown | Benny Goodman | 04:14 |
584 | Tico-Tico | Paquito d'Rivera | 05:34 |
585 | But Not for Me | Buddy DeFranco | 07:04 |
586 | Yes, Indeed | Ron Carter | 05:51 |
587 | Solitude | Louis Armstrong | 04:55 |
588 | Trav'lin' Light | Billie Holiday | 03:26 |
589 | La Cumparsita | La Ventana | 04:43 |
590 | My Little Brown Book | Duke Ellington | 05:24 |
591 | Yesterday | Paul McCartney | 01:42 |
592 | Bitter Heart | Zee Avi | 02:37 |
593 | Time Waits | Bud Powell | 05:10 |
594 | Greensleeves | Coleman Hawkins | 03:15 |
595 | Let's Eat Home | Dave Frishberg | 03:04 |
596 | Haitian Fight Song | Charles Mingus | 05:26 |
597 | The Rest of My Life | Una Mae Carlisle | 02:47 |
598 | I'll Be Around | Gerry Mulligan | 03:19 |
599 | When Joanna Loved Me | Paul Desmond | 05:45 |
600 | Sway | Michael Bublé | 03:09 |
601 | Sketch of Melba | Eric Dolphy | 04:40 |
602 | Then I'll Be Tired Of You | Fats Waller | 03:09 |
603 | Hush-A-Bye | Johnny Griffin | 07:33 |
604 | Take the "A" Train | Duke Ellington | 04:22 |
605 | Chambermaid Swing | Parov Stelar | 05:46 |
606 | Bumpin' on Sunset | Wes Montgomery | 04:51 |
607 | Theme from Summer of '42 | Toots Thielemans | 05:39 |
608 | There Will Never Be Another You | Chet Baker | 02:59 |
609 | Flamingo | Jimmy Smith | 08:03 |
610 | Softly As In A Morning Sunrise | Ted Rosenthal | 08:26 |
611 | Witchcraft | Bill Evans Trio | 04:35 |
612 | Moanin' | The Jazz Messengers | 09:33 |
613 | Foolproof | Ron Sexsmith | 03:44 |
614 | Canon in D Major | Jacques Loussier | 03:39 |
615 | Zakir | John McLaughlin | 09:06 |
616 | Concierto de Aranjuez | Jim Hall | 19:18 |
617 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Helen Merrill | 04:22 |
618 | Ysabel's Table Dance | Charles Mingus | 10:28 |
619 | The Sidewinder | Lee Morgan | 10:21 |
620 | The Things We Did Last Summer | New York Trio | 06:38 |
621 | Lotus Blossom | Dave Frishberg | 04:12 |
622 | Sympathique | Pink Martini | 02:50 |
623 | Booty Swing | Parov Stelar | 03:17 |
624 | Let's Call the Whole Thing Off | Louis Armstrong | 04:10 |
625 | The Entertainer | Scott Joplin | 03:38 |
626 | Stardust | Dave Brubeck | 06:30 |
627 | Minor Swing | Django Reinhardt | 03:15 |
628 | Easy Living | Sonny Stitt | 04:50 |
629 | My Song | Keith Jarrett | 06:11 |
630 | Over The Rainbow | The Modern Jazz Quartet | 03:52 |
631 | But Not for Me | Chet Baker | 03:03 |
632 | I Thought of You | 渡辺貞夫 | 06:17 |
633 | Soul Drummers | Ray Barretto | 03:50 |
634 | Autumn Leaves | Kenny Dorham | 03:05 |
635 | Portrait of Jenny (Trombone and Voices) | J.J. Johnson | 03:31 |
636 | Watermelon Man | Herbie Hancock | 06:35 |
637 | Silence | Charlie Haden | 08:45 |
638 | Les Feuilles Mortes | Archie Shepp | 07:30 |
639 | Theme from M*A*S*H (Suicide Is Painless) | Ahmad Jamal | 02:50 |
640 | L-O-V-E | Nat King Cole | 02:34 |
641 | I Put a Spell on You | Nina Simone | 02:35 |
642 | Salt Peanuts | The Quintet | 07:41 |
643 | Mike's Blues | Richard Sussman | 06:20 |
644 | Tomato Kiss | Bill Evans | 05:24 |
645 | Fly Me to the Moon | Julie London | 02:35 |
646 | Embraceable You | Clifford Brown | 03:01 |
647 | Here We Are [Explicit] | Annette Hanshaw | 02:58 |
648 | Sea Breeze | Yusef Lateef | 03:14 |
649 | The Chamber | Lenny Kravitz | 04:57 |
650 | 'Round Midnight | Arturo Sandoval | 05:42 |
651 | Washington Square | Chris Barber | 02:59 |
652 | Splish Splash | Bobby Darin | 02:11 |
653 | Blue Rondo à la Turk | Dave Brubeck | 06:44 |
654 | You Never Can Tell | Chuck Berry | 02:43 |
655 | O Grande Amor | David Friedman | 04:40 |
656 | Leave a Tender Moment Alone | Billy Joel | 03:56 |
657 | Cause We've Ended as Lovers | Jeff Beck | 05:42 |
658 | Summer Song | Art Farmer | 05:06 |
659 | Loneliness Is A Well | Anita O'Day | 03:09 |
660 | My Little Suede Shoes | Sonny Stitt | 03:06 |
661 | YURIKA | 菅野よう子 | 02:35 |
662 | Sophie Rose-Rosalee | Wynton Marsalis | 06:47 |
663 | Listen Here Goes Funky | Buddy Rich | 03:34 |
664 | Deep into the Night | 上原ひろみ | 09:02 |
665 | My Favourite Things (Live) | John Coltrane | 20:28 |
666 | After Hours | Dizzy Gillespie | 12:22 |
667 | Willow Weep for Me | Ray Bryant | 05:17 |
668 | Whisper Not | Bobby Hutcherson | 06:55 |
669 | Last Night When We Were Young | Clifford Jordan | 06:30 |
670 | I Wish You Love | Laura Fygi | 03:05 |
671 | Fireside Eyes | Shelly Manne | 03:52 |
672 | Big Bad Handsome Man | Imelda May | 02:45 |
673 | I Won't Be Back | Joe Beck | 04:57 |
674 | See See Rider | Archie Shepp | 07:53 |
675 | Born To Be Blue | Chet Baker | 04:02 |
676 | Veinte Años | Omara Portuondo | 04:43 |
677 | Pure Imagination | Eric Reed | 04:04 |
678 | Thelonious | Bud Powell | 03:44 |
679 | Feels So Good | Chuck Mangione | 09:42 |
680 | I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face | Wes Montgomery | 03:31 |
681 | All the Way | Lee Morgan | 07:25 |
682 | Close To You | Susan Wong | 03:20 |
683 | If I Should Lose You | Hank Mobley | 05:08 |
684 | Take Five | Arne Domnérus | 07:00 |
685 | Turquoise | Jimmy Smith | 04:13 |
686 | Little Girl Blue | Grant Green | 07:14 |
687 | WORK SONG | Adderley, Cannonball | 08:27 |
688 | You Don't Know What Love Is | Dinah Washington | 04:03 |
689 | Cantaloupe Island | Herbie Hancock | 05:30 |
690 | Caravan | Duke Ellington | 03:07 |
691 | Loss of Love | McCoy Tyner | 08:35 |
692 | Comin' Home Baby (LP Version) | Herbie Mann | 08:37 |
693 | Innocence | Keith Jarrett | 10:48 |
694 | Little Girl Your Daddy Is Calling You | Steve Lacy | 04:34 |
695 | La Vie En Rose | Louis Armstrong | 03:26 |
696 | All I Could Do Is Cry | Etta James | 02:56 |
697 | Taking a Chance on Love | Lester Young | 05:11 |
698 | Old Fashioned Love | Benny Carter | 07:51 |
699 | Autumn in New York | Dexter Gordon | 06:30 |
700 | Day's End | DJ KRUSH | 04:44 |
701 | I Can't Get Started | Stéphane Grappelli | 02:20 |
702 | It's All Right With Me | Teddy Wilson | 03:49 |
703 | Jazzin' Babies Blues | King Oliver | 03:01 |
704 | Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me | Sidney Bechet | 05:43 |
705 | Blue River | Bix Beiderbecke | 03:24 |
706 | How Long Blues | Ray Charles | 09:16 |
707 | Tiger Rag | Art Tatum | 02:22 |
708 | Descent Into The Maelstrom | Lennie Tristano | 03:28 |
709 | Unsquare Dance | Dave Brubeck | 02:05 |
710 | One Note Samba | Herbie Mann | 04:31 |
711 | A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square | Jackie McLean | 08:28 |
712 | The Water Is Wide | Charles Lloyd | 05:02 |
713 | I've Got a Crush on You | Bill Henderson | 04:05 |
714 | Let's Get Lost | Chet Baker | 03:43 |
715 | Waltz for Sandy | Accordion Tribe | 03:53 |
716 | Love Your Spell Is Everywhere | Curtis Fuller | 07:08 |
717 | Only Women Bleed | Etta James | 04:39 |
718 | Ain't No Sunshine (LP Version) | Rahsaan Roland Kirk | 02:28 |
719 | Flute Bag | Rufus Harley | 04:18 |
720 | Is Paris Burning | George Cables | 07:56 |
721 | La Fiesta | Chick Corea | 09:04 |
722 | Why Try to Change Me Now | Fiona Apple | 05:16 |
723 | Three Doors, Three Keys | 顾忠山 | 14:23 |
724 | Quizas | Nat King Cole | 02:55 |
725 | Oasis | Keith Jarrett | 28:15 |
726 | Koko | Charlie Parker | 02:56 |
727 | Kiss Of Fire | Louis Armstrong | 03:05 |
728 | So Tired | Art Blakey | 06:38 |
729 | I Love My Wife | Bill Evans | 06:42 |
730 | Loie | Ike Quebec | 03:11 |
731 | How Blue Can You Get? | B.B. King | 03:35 |
732 | Night and Day | Lionel Hampton | 11:28 |
733 | You Know I'm No Good | Amy Winehouse | 04:17 |
734 | She's Funny That Way | Johnny Griffin | 04:33 |
735 | Hound Dog | Big Mama Thornton | 02:52 |
736 | Theme From Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me | Angelo Badalamenti | 05:01 |
737 | When They've Sung My Last Song | Don Byron | 06:25 |
738 | Pyramid | Lew Tabackin | 09:41 |
739 | Retrospect | Andrew Hill | 14:29 |
740 | She Was Too Good To Me | Chet Baker | 04:41 |
741 | Sing Sing Sing | Benny Goodman | 09:38 |
742 | Don't You Know I Care (Or Don't You Care to Know) | Archie Shepp | 07:10 |
743 | Basin Street Blues | Bobby Hackett | 03:54 |
744 | Reflection Eternal (Nujabes Tribute) | Romo | 03:12 |
745 | Opening Image | Arve Henriksen | 04:15 |
746 | These Foolish Things | Johnny Guarnieri | 03:01 |
747 | Voce Abuse | Tommy Flanagan | 04:51 |
748 | Don't Explain | Angela McCluskey | 05:56 |
749 | Are You Sleeping | Arthur Doyle | 07:47 |
750 | Tico Tico | Grant Green | 07:45 |
751 | You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To | Art Pepper | 05:24 |
752 | Like Someone in Love | Barry Harris | 10:38 |
753 | I Remember Clifford | Yusef Lateef | 06:13 |
754 | Mating Call | Tadd Dameron | 05:36 |
755 | Cottage for Sale | Howard McGhee | 04:29 |
756 | Melba's Mood | Bennie Green | 05:37 |
757 | Wedding | Goran Bregovic | 03:33 |
758 | Japan | Pharoah Sanders | 03:28 |
759 | September Second | Michel Petrucciani | 05:19 |
760 | Parker's Mood | Supersax | 03:34 |
761 | Moonlight in Vermont | Zoot Sims | 04:47 |
762 | Let's Ride Tonight | Victoria Spivey | 02:30 |
763 | Scrambled | Walter Norris | 07:27 |
764 | Deep In A Dream | Sonny Clark | 06:45 |
765 | Georgia on My Mind | Preservation Hall Jazz Band | 06:44 |
766 | Gypsy Blue | Freddie Hubbard | 06:19 |
767 | Stepping Stone | Woody Shaw | 11:02 |
768 | Alone Again (Naturally) | Dewey Redman | 06:25 |
769 | Togo | Old and New Dreams | 05:41 |
770 | Congo Call | Prince Lasha | 05:07 |
771 | Easy Living | Billie Holiday | 03:13 |
772 | For Heaven's Sake | Billie Holiday | 03:29 |
773 | Empty Bed Blues | LaVern Baker | 04:53 |
774 | When Johnny Comes Marching Home | Bobby Short | 03:57 |
775 | Silk 'N' Satin | Sonny Rollins | 04:01 |
776 | What's New? | Derek Bailey | 01:40 |
777 | While My Lady Sleeps [*] | Chet Baker | 04:19 |
778 | While My Lady Sleeps | Jeremy Steig | 05:52 |
779 | Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive | Andrews Sisters | 02:46 |
780 | 大都会 | 华语群星 | 03:48 |
781 | Shanghai | Doris Day | 02:22 |
782 | 两条路上 | 周璇 | 03:14 |
783 | Rose, Rose, I Love You | Frankie Laine | 02:32 |
784 | 爱情与黄金 | 白虹 | 02:30 |
785 | 窈窕淑女 Lady Be Good | Jimmy King | 03:08 |
786 | 恼人的夜雨 | 白虹 | 02:15 |
787 | 迷恋 Fascination | Jimmy King | 04:20 |
788 | 望星儿 | 周璇 | 03:21 |
789 | 快乐舞曲 Boogie Woogie | Jimmy King | 03:52 |
790 | Black Heaven | Various Artists | 02:22 |
791 | 夕阳下的红帆 Red Sails In The Sunset | Jimmy King | 04:29 |
792 | 什么是爱情 | 姚莉 | 02:45 |
793 | 蓝色的月亮 Blue Moon | Jimmy King | 02:13 |
794 | 爱河浴 | 白虹 | 02:29 |
795 | Rumba tamba | Rosita Serrano | 03:05 |
796 | 可怜的爸爸妈妈 | 白虹 | 02:22 |
797 | 婆娑起舞 Begin The Beguine | Jimmy King | 03:37 |
798 | 我的心在跳 | 白虹 | 02:55 |
799 | 兴致勃勃 In The Mood | Jimmy King | 03:41 |
800 | Drink Up Again! | Various Artists | 02:39 |
801 | 星光灿烂 Star Dust | Jimmy King | 04:00 |
802 | Look At Me | Various Artists | 02:20 |
803 | 印度之歌 Song Of Lndia | Jimmy King | 03:14 |
804 | 且听我说 | 白虹 | 02:43 |
805 | 圣路易斯布鲁斯 St.Louis Blues | Jimmy King | 03:32 |
806 | 等着你回来 | 白光 | 03:02 |
807 | 滑稽表演 Entertainer-Sting | Jimmy King | 03:35 |
808 | Your 'He' | Various Artists | 02:23 |
809 | 咯坦诺加啾啾 Chattanooga Choo Choo | Jimmy King | 03:12 |
810 | 银色月光下的孤帆 Saill Along Silv'ry Moon | Jimmy King | 03:50 |
811 | 春之颂 | 华语群星 | 02:47 |
812 | 香格里拉 Shangri-La | Jimmy King | 04:10 |
813 | 鸡尾酒 | 姚莉 | 03:08 |
814 | I Love You For Sentimental Reasons | 吴莺音 | 01:14 |
815 | 夜来香 | 吴莺音 | 03:24 |
816 | Where Did You Sleep Last Night | Leadbelly | 03:03 |
817 | I'm Wild About That Thing | Bessie Smith | 02:54 |
818 | Down In My Soul | Ethel Waters | 03:04 |
819 | Cheek to Cheek | Fred Astaire | 03:17 |
820 | What A Wonderful World | Louis Armstrong | 02:20 |
821 | White Christmas | Bing Crosby | 02:57 |
822 | Santa Claus Is Coming to Town | Bing Crosby | 02:43 |
823 | Silent Night | Bing Crosby | 02:38 |
824 | Guantanamera | Compay Segundo | 06:02 |
825 | Chan Chan | Eliades Ochoa | 04:17 |
826 | Singin' in the Rain | Gene Kelly | 04:16 |
827 | All I Do Is Dream of You | Debbie Reynolds | 01:27 |
828 | And I Love You So | Perry Como | 03:23 |
829 | Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Ole Oak Tree | Perry Como | 03:04 |
830 | Magic Moments | Perry Como | 02:41 |
831 | Papa Loves Mambo | Perry Como | 02:42 |
832 | La Vie En Rose | Edith Piaf | 03:06 |
833 | Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien | Edith Piaf | 02:25 |
834 | Milord | Edith Piaf | 04:29 |
835 | My Journey To The Sky | Rosetta Tharpe | 03:13 |
836 | Blue Moon | Billie Holiday | 03:31 |
837 | Strange Fruit | Billie Holiday | 03:01 |
838 | I Can't Be Satisfied | Muddy Waters | 03:32 |
839 | High Hopes [A Hole In The Head] | Frank Sinatra | 02:42 |
840 | Theme from New York, New York | Frank Sinatra | 03:25 |
841 | Misirlou | Martha Tilton | 03:08 |
842 | Buttons and Bows | Dinah Shore | 02:04 |
843 | It Had to Be You | Dinah Shore | 02:53 |
844 | A Hundred Years from Today | Dean Martin | 02:42 |
845 | That's Amore | Dean Martin | 03:08 |
846 | Time in a Bottle | Lena Horne | 03:49 |
847 | Red River Valley | Jo Stafford | 02:45 |
848 | You Belong to Me | Jo Stafford | 03:06 |
849 | Dream A Little Dream Of Me | Ella Fitzgerald | 03:05 |
850 | I Really Don't Want to Know | Eddy Arnold | 02:51 |
851 | Where Have All The Flowers Gone | Pete Seeger | 01:56 |
852 | You Are My Sunshine | Pete Seeger | 01:45 |
853 | When I Fall in Love | Nat King Cole | 03:11 |
854 | Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer | Nat King Cole | 02:26 |
855 | Sixteen Tons | Tennessee Ernie Ford | 02:35 |
856 | Seven Lonely Days | Georgia Gibbs | 02:12 |
857 | As Time Goes By | Peggy Lee | 02:52 |
858 | Johnny Guitar | Peggy Lee | 02:04 |
859 | Over The Rainbow | Judy Garland | 02:47 |
860 | Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) | Doris Day | 02:04 |
861 | (Why Did I Tell You I Was Going To) Shanghai | Doris Day | 02:21 |
862 | Tea For Two | Doris Day | 03:14 |
863 | Jambalaya (On The Bayou) | Hank Williams | 02:54 |
864 | Am I That Easy To Forget | Jim Reeves | 02:22 |
865 | I Love You Because | Jim Reeves | 02:46 |
866 | Hier Encore | Charles Aznavour | 03:28 |
867 | Close Your Eyes | Dolores Gray | 02:12 |
868 | A Taste of Honey | Sarah Vaughan | 02:50 |
869 | Lullaby of Birdland | Clifford Brown | 04:01 |
870 | Is You Is Or Is You Ain't (My Baby) | B.B. King | 03:21 |
871 | When Love Comes to Town | B.B. King | 04:18 |
872 | Rock Around the Clock | Bill Haley | 02:13 |
873 | Sad Movies Make Me Cry | Sue Thompson | 03:17 |
874 | Something Cool | June Christy | 04:18 |
875 | Johnny B. Goode | Chuck Berry | 02:41 |
876 | Hey There | Fran Warren | 02:44 |
877 | Cry Me a River | Julie London | 02:49 |
878 | More | Julie London | 02:41 |
879 | Soft Summer Breeze | Julie London | 02:14 |
880 | Fly Me To The Moon | Julie London | 02:33 |
881 | River of No Return | Marilyn Monroe | 02:13 |
882 | Stranger In Paradise | Tony Bennett | 03:07 |
883 | Take My Heart | Al Martino | 03:12 |
884 | Tennessee Waltz | Patti Page | 03:00 |
885 | Changing Partners | Patti Page | 02:48 |
886 | (Where Do I Begin) Love Story | Andy Williams | 03:12 |
887 | El Condor Pasa (If I Could) | Various Artists | 03:29 |
888 | Speak Softly Love | Andy Williams | 03:03 |
889 | Days of Wine & Roses | Andy Williams | 02:54 |
890 | Blueberry Hill | Fats Domino | 02:20 |
891 | Ja Da | Eydie Gormé | 02:00 |
892 | Let's Face The Music And Dance | Vic Damone | 02:23 |
893 | The shadow of your smile | Vic Damone | 04:04 |
894 | An Affair To Remember | Vic Damone | 02:46 |
895 | Poisoning Pigeons in the Park (orchestrated version) | Tom Lehrer | 02:08 |
896 | La Chanson de Prévert | Serge Gainsbourg | 02:59 |
897 | Doop-Doo-De-Doop (A Doodlin' Song) | Blossom Dearie | 02:19 |
898 | What'd I Say (Live) | Ray Charles | 04:38 |
899 | Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now | Skeeter Davis | 02:23 |
900 | The End Of The World | Skeeter Davis | 02:40 |
901 | A Dear John Letter | Bobby Bare | 01:55 |
902 | Dreamboat | Alma Cogan | 01:46 |
903 | Downtown | Petula Clark | 03:05 |
904 | Faded Love | Patsy Cline | 03:45 |
905 | Crazy | Patsy Cline | 02:44 |
906 | I Walk the Line | Johnny Cash | 02:43 |
907 | Bambino | Dalida | 03:36 |
908 | Bang Bang | Dalida | 03:24 |
909 | Always on My Mind | Willie Nelson | 03:27 |
910 | On The Road Again | Willie Nelson | 02:33 |
911 | I Loves You Porgy | Nina Simone | 04:09 |
912 | Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair | Nina Simone | 03:36 |
913 | I Got You (I Feel Good) | James Brown | 02:46 |
914 | The Sentimental Touch | Shirley Horn | 04:33 |
915 | Runaway | Del Shannon | 02:19 |
916 | L' Appuntamento | Ornella Vanoni | 04:04 |
917 | Coal Miner's Daughter | Loretta Lynn | 02:59 |
918 | L'Amour En Heritage | Nana Mouskouri | 04:27 |
919 | Over And Over | Nana Mouskouri | 03:00 |
920 | 500 Miles Away From Home | Bobby Bare | 01:17 |
921 | Great Balls of Fire | Jerry Lee Lewis | 01:54 |
922 | Tutti Frutti | Little Richard | 02:27 |
923 | Lucille | Little Richard | 02:24 |
924 | When a Child Is Born | Johnny Mathis | 03:46 |
925 | Chances Are | Johnny Mathis | 03:03 |
926 | Summer Kisses, Winter Tears | Elvis Presley | 02:21 |
927 | Can't Help Falling in Love | Elvis Presley | 02:57 |
928 | Love Me Tender | Elvis Presley | 02:41 |
929 | Fever | Elvis Presley | 03:35 |
930 | Are You Lonesome Tonight? | Elvis Presley | 03:07 |
931 | Mr. Lonely | Bobby Vinton | 02:42 |
932 | I Love How You Love Me | Bobby Vinton | 02:31 |
933 | Wonderful World | Sam Cooke | 02:09 |
934 | Salvatore Cardillo: Core 'ngrato (Arr. Giancarlo Chiaramello (1939-) ) | Luciano Pavarotti | 04:56 |
935 | Oh Pretty Woman | Roy Orbison | 02:59 |
936 | Crying | Roy Orbison | 02:48 |
937 | Only the Lonely (Know How I Feel) | Roy Orbison | 02:27 |
938 | King Of The Road | Roger Miller | 02:28 |
939 | Too Beautiful to Last | Engelbert Humperdinck | 03:05 |
940 | The Last Waltz | Engelbert Humperdinck | 03:00 |
941 | Before The Next Teardrop Falls | Freddy Fender | 02:34 |
942 | Let's Have A Party | Wanda Jackson | 02:04 |
943 | Funnel of Love | Wanda Jackson | 02:06 |
944 | Just the Two of Us (Album Version) | Bill Withers | 03:56 |
945 | Les Champs-Élysées | Joe Dassin | 02:39 |
946 | I Just Want to Make Love to You | Etta James | 03:07 |
947 | Damn Your Eyes | Etta James | 04:11 |
948 | Where the Boys Are | Connie Francis | 02:39 |
949 | Never On Sunday | Connie Francis | 02:44 |
950 | Stupid Cupid | Connie Francis | 02:16 |
951 | Frankie | Connie Francis | 02:33 |
952 | Amazing Grace | Judy Collins | 04:18 |
953 | Send In the clowns | Judy Collins | 04:11 |
954 | Why | Frankie Avalon | 02:38 |
955 | Tell Laura I Love Her | Ray Peterson | 02:58 |
956 | Oh! Carol | Neil Sedaka | 02:15 |
957 | One More Mountain To Climb | Neil Sedaka | 03:28 |
958 | One Way Ticket | Neil Sedaka | 02:36 |
959 | Laughter In The Rain | Neil Sedaka | 02:47 |
960 | The Look of Love | Dusty Springfield | 04:11 |
961 | Let's Get It On | Marvin Gaye | 04:03 |
962 | San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) | Scott McKenzie | 02:58 |
963 | Lonesome Town | Ricky Nelson | 02:15 |
964 | Hello Mary Lou | Ricky Nelson | 02:17 |
965 | Imagine | John Lennon | 03:04 |
966 | Sugar Town | Nancy Sinatra | 02:26 |
967 | My Little Corner Of The World | Anita Bryant | 02:36 |
968 | Evergreen Tree | Cliff Richard | 02:41 |
969 | Stand by Me | Otis Redding | 02:53 |
970 | (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay | Otis Redding | 02:43 |
971 | Sunny | Bobby Hebb | 02:42 |
972 | When A Man Loves A Woman | Percy Sledge | 02:53 |
973 | Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon | Neil Diamond | 02:59 |
974 | Suspicion | Terry Stafford | 02:56 |
975 | Like a Rolling Stone | Bob Dylan | 06:08 |
976 | Knockin' on Heaven's Door | Bob Dylan | 02:30 |
977 | Diamonds & Rust | Joan Baez | 04:46 |
978 | Donna Donna | Joan Baez | 03:14 |
979 | Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) | Irma Thomas | 02:56 |
980 | My Way | Paul Anka | 04:27 |
981 | Put Your Head On My Shoulders | Paul Anka | 02:36 |
982 | Dance On Little Girl | Paul Anka | 02:21 |
983 | I Say a Little Prayer | Aretha Franklin | 03:33 |
984 | Perfect Day | Lou Reed | 03:42 |
985 | This Masquerade | Leon Russell | 04:24 |
986 | Evergreen (Love Theme FromA Star Is Born) | Barbra Streisand | 03:10 |
987 | The Way We Were | Barbra Streisand | 03:31 |
988 | Woman In Love | Barbra Streisand | 03:54 |
989 | All Along The Watchtower | Jimi Hendrix | 04:00 |
990 | Let It Be | Paul McCartney | 03:54 |
991 | Hey Jude | Paul McCartney | 08:03 |
992 | Uomo Dove Vai | Toto Cutugno | 03:38 |
993 | The Night Has a Thousand Eyes | Bobby Vee | 02:35 |
994 | My Guy | Mary Wells | 02:50 |
995 | Hello Stranger | Barbara Lewis | 02:42 |
996 | Baby I'm Yours | Barbara Lewis | 02:31 |
997 | Annie's Song | John Denver | 03:04 |
998 | Take Me Home Country Roads | John Denver | 03:12 |
999 | Sunshine on My Shoulders | John Denver | 05:13 |
1000 | Leaving on a Jet Plane | John Denver | 04:05 |
1001 | Loco-Motion | Little Eva | 02:27 |
1002 | Ballade Pour Toi | Michel Polnareff | 02:40 |
1003 | It Never Rains in Southern California | Albert Hammond | 03:53 |
1004 | Sealed With A Kiss | Brian Hyland | 02:42 |
1005 | Lady Marmalade | Patti LaBelle | 03:52 |
1006 | Comment Te Dire Adieu | Françoise Hardy | 02:23 |
1007 | Touch Me In The Morning | Diana Ross | 03:53 |
1008 | Ain't No Mountain High Enough | Diana Ross | 06:20 |
1009 | Seasons in the Sun | Terry Jacks | 03:28 |
1010 | Johnny Angel | Shelley Fabares | 02:22 |
1011 | The Rose | Bette Midler | 03:36 |
1012 | No Woman, No Cry (Live) | Bob Marley | 07:11 |
1013 | Vincent | Don McLean | 04:00 |
1014 | American Pie | Don McLean | 08:33 |
1015 | I've Told Every Little Star | Linda Scott | 02:16 |
1016 | You're So Vain | Carly Simon | 04:22 |
1017 | Heart Of Gold | Neil Young | 03:07 |
1018 | Sailing | Rod Stewart | 04:38 |
1019 | Maggie May | Rod Stewart | 05:14 |
1020 | Mandy | Barry Manilow | 03:23 |
1021 | Copacabana | Barry Manilow | 05:44 |
1022 | Can't Smile Without You | Barry Manilow | 03:13 |
1023 | Jolene | Dolly Parton | 02:41 |
1024 | La Derniere Valse | Mireille Mathieu | 03:10 |
1025 | Yesterday Yes a Day | Jane Birkin | 02:59 |
1026 | It's My Party | Lesley Gore | 02:16 |
1027 | You Don't Own Me | Lesley Gore | 02:28 |
1028 | Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows | Lesley Gore | 01:37 |
1029 | mamma | Robertino Loreti | 02:16 |
1030 | Geordie | Sandy Denny | 03:45 |
1031 | Can You Feel The Love Tonight | Elton John | 04:02 |
1032 | Bad Girls | Donna Summer | 03:05 |
1033 | I Feel Love | Donna Summer | 05:55 |
1034 | Morning Has Broken | Cat Stevens | 03:09 |
1035 | More Than I Can Say | Leo Sayer | 03:39 |
1036 | I Will Follow Him | Little Peggy March | 02:28 |
1037 | Rivers of Babylon | Jimmy Cliff | 04:18 |
1038 | It's So Easy | Buddy Holly | 02:10 |
1039 | Everyday | Buddy Holly | 02:07 |
1040 | Can't Take My Eyes Off You | Maureen McGovern | 03:40 |
1041 | The Morning After(Version 1) | John Williams | 02:10 |
1042 | I Will Survive | Gloria Gaynor | 04:20 |
1043 | Hungry Heart | Bruce Springsteen | 03:20 |
1044 | Say You Say Me | Lionel Richie | 04:03 |
1045 | Miss You Like Crazy | Natalie Cole | 03:56 |
1046 | Those Were The Days | Mary Hopkin | 05:10 |
1047 | Love Really Hurts Without You | Billy Ocean | 03:00 |
1048 | Part-Time Lover | Stevie Wonder | 03:43 |
1049 | I Just Called To Say I Love You | Stevie Wonder | 04:22 |
1050 | Superstition | Stevie Wonder | 04:26 |
1051 | All Kinds of Everything | Dana | 03:05 |
1052 | Memory | Elaine Paige | 04:14 |
1053 | Feelings | Morris Albert | 03:46 |
1054 | Sutter's Mill | Dan Fogelberg | 06:33 |
1055 | Longer | Dan Fogelberg | 03:14 |
1056 | Greased Lightning | John Travolta | 03:14 |
1057 | Donde Voy (Where I Go) | Tish Hinojosa | 02:47 |
1058 | Don't Bring Lulu | The Andrews Sisters | 02:45 |
1059 | Oh, Johnny! Oh, Johnny! Oh! | The Andrews Sisters | 02:44 |
1060 | Smoke Gets In Your Eyes | The Platters | 02:39 |
1061 | Try To Remember | The Brothers Four | 02:58 |
1062 | Jamaica Farewell | The Brothers Four | 02:57 |
1063 | Make Your Own Kind of Music | The Mamas & The Papas | 02:20 |
1064 | California Dreamin' | The Mamas & The Papas | 02:40 |
1065 | Why Do Fools Fall in Love? | Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers | 02:18 |
1066 | I'm Not a Juvenile Delinquent | Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers | 02:37 |
1067 | Where Did Our Love Go | The Supremes | 02:40 |
1068 | Yellow River | Middle of the Road | 02:51 |
1069 | Tonight You Belong to Me | Patience and Prudence | 01:55 |
1070 | Unchained Melody | The Righteous Brothers | 03:36 |
1071 | Cloud Nine | The Temptations | 03:36 |
1072 | I.O.I.O. | Bee Gees | 02:51 |
1073 | How Deep is Your Love | Bee Gees | 04:05 |
1074 | A Whiter Shade Of Pale | Procol Harum | 04:07 |
1075 | Massachusetts | Bee Gees | 02:25 |
1076 | Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now | Starship Orchestra | 04:31 |
1077 | Scarborough Fair/Canticle | Simon & Garfunkel | 03:14 |
1078 | More Than I Can Say [Original Version] | The Crickets | 02:43 |
1079 | Devoted To You | The Everly Brothers | 02:25 |
1080 | Crying In The Rain | The Everly Brothers | 02:01 |
1081 | All I Have To Do Is Dream | The Everly Brothers | 02:24 |
1082 | Gone the Rainbow | Peter, Paul & Mary | 02:40 |
1083 | Lemon Tree | Peter, Paul & Mary | 02:53 |
1084 | If I Had A Hammer | Peter, Paul & Mary | 02:06 |
1085 | T.S.O.P. (The Sound of Philadelphia) | MFSB | 03:47 |
1086 | House of the Rising Sun | The Animals | 04:31 |
1087 | You Really Got Me | The Kinks | 02:14 |
1088 | Venus | Shocking Blue | 03:06 |
1089 | Lodi | Creedence Clearwater Revival | 03:10 |
1090 | Fortunate Son | Creedence Clearwater Revival | 02:17 |
1091 | Cotton Fields | Creedence Clearwater Revival | 02:57 |
1092 | Hotel California | Eagles | 06:31 |
1093 | Little Green Bag | George Baker Selection | 04:24 |
1094 | Paloma Blanca | George Baker Selection | 02:51 |
1095 | Come Go With Me | The Del-Vikings | 02:37 |
1096 | Bohemian Rhapsody | Queen | 05:54 |
1097 | Dancing Queen | ABBA | 03:53 |
1098 | Hasta Mañana | ABBA | 03:11 |
1099 | Find Yourself a Rainbow | Slade | 02:11 |
1100 | I'll Be There | The Jackson 5 | 03:59 |
1101 | I Can't Help Myself | The Four Tops | 02:42 |
1102 | Vaya Con Dios (May God Be With You) | Les Paul & Mary Ford | 02:51 |
1103 | I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing | The New Seekers | 02:23 |
1104 | We Are the Champions | Queen | 03:03 |
1105 | Tom Dooley | The Kingston Trio | 03:04 |
1106 | (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction | The Rolling Stones | 03:46 |
1107 | I Want To Hold Your Hand | The Beatles | 02:25 |
1108 | Roll Over Beethoven | The Beatles | 03:05 |
1109 | Yellow Submarine | The Beatles | 02:40 |
1110 | Monday Monday | The Mamas & The Papas | 03:27 |
1111 | How Deep Is Your Love | Bee Gees | 04:04 |
1112 | Shimmy, Shimmy, Ko-Ko-Bop | Little Anthony & the Imperials | 02:10 |
1113 | Fun, Fun, Fun | The Beach Boys | 02:05 |
1114 | Mull of Kintyre | Wings | 04:44 |
1115 | Daddy Cool | Boney M. | 03:31 |
1116 | SOS | ABBA | 03:23 |
1117 | My Sharona | The Knack | 03:59 |
1118 | Maggie | Mungo Jerry | 04:14 |
1119 | Rainy Days and Mondays | Carpenters | 03:39 |
1120 | Superstar | Carpenters | 03:51 |
1121 | I Need To Be In Love | Carpenters | 03:48 |
1122 | Yesterday Once More | Carpenters | 03:59 |
1123 | Without You | Badfinger | 04:40 |
1124 | Angel Baby | Rosie & the Originals | 02:45 |
1125 | September | Earth, Wind & Fire | 03:37 |
1126 | Rasputin | Boney M. | 05:51 |
1127 | Miss You | The Rolling Stones | 04:50 |
1128 | The Chain | Fleetwood Mac | 04:29 |
1129 | Oyo como va | Santana | 04:17 |
1130 | Y.M.C.A. | Village People | 04:47 |
1131 | Video Killed The Radio Star | The Buggles | 03:17 |
1132 | La Bamba | Ritchie Valens | 02:07 |
1133 | Baby It's You | The Shirelles | 02:34 |
1134 | Southern Nights | Glen Campbell | 03:00 |
1135 | Dance Only with Me | Peggy Lee | 02:28 |
1136 | Dschinghis Khan | Dschinghis Khan | 03:05 |
1137 | C'est Si Bon (It's So Good) | Eartha Kitt | 02:58 |
1138 | Johnny Get Angry | Joanie Sommers | 02:30 |
1139 | Sway | Dean Martin | 02:42 |
1140 | Million Dollar Baby | Mel Tormé | 03:43 |
1141 | Sing, Sing, Sing | Louis Prima | 04:07 |
1142 | It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas | The Fontane Sisters | 02:36 |
1143 | Breakaway | The Valentines | 02:30 |
1144 | Only Sixteen | Sam Cooke | 02:04 |