

#新世纪 #new top #top #欧美 #流行 #轻音乐




# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Whispering (feat. Stella 13)
7and5 的真名叫 John H. Nixon,是个集作曲、编曲和制作为一身的音乐家。7and5 毕业于著名的 Berklee 伯克利音乐学院。毕业后,在底特律电影与电视市场从事作曲和监制工作十几年。他曾经参与多张专辑制作,最为有名的便是《Buddha-Lounge 6》。
7and5 04:47
02 My Heart Is Burning
Gregorian 06:04
03 Mystica
1990年发迹于瑞士的班德瑞, 来自一群爱好生命的作曲家,演奏家及音源采样工程师等等青年才俊。
Bandari 03:12
04 Deux Coeurs (Original Mix)
Musicians since childhood, Sacral Reason was founded in 2002 by Anton and Vadim Bakhtin. The basic idea behind the project was the creation of beautiful and melodic Chill Out & Downbeat tracks and embedding them with a sacred sense of the ways of our civilization, the expansion of galaxies, and the universe. Sacral Reason music is emotion, melody and freedom, all woven into sound waves, hearing and feeling what happens in the heart and soul of the composers".
Sacral Reason 06:25
05 A Brand New Day
Era,英文原意为“时代、世纪”,是一个风格与Gregorian(格林高利合唱团)接近的音乐团体,其灵魂人物是法国音乐家Eric Levi。关于Eric Levi,我们所知的确实不多,甚至也只在Era的作品中见过他的名字。而且他也不属于高产型的音乐家。
Era 04:33
06 Song of Rig
Al Conti 出生在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,母亲是芭蕾演员,父亲是音乐家。Al Conti 从小就感受到来自家庭的艺术氛围。他现在生活在美国从事新世纪音乐的创作,虽然深知自己属于录音室音乐人,但他立志以 Loreena McKennitt 为榜样,不为商业利益诱惑,独立的进行音乐制作。
Al Conti 04:15
07 Abbey Road Blues
Era,英文原意为“时代、世纪”,是一个风格与Gregorian(格林高利合唱团)接近的音乐团体,其灵魂人物是法国音乐家Eric Levi。关于Eric Levi,我们所知的确实不多,甚至也只在Era的作品中见过他的名字。而且他也不属于高产型的音乐家。
Era 04:37
08 Ghosts of the Fallen
Medwyn Goodall 梅得温·古铎,一九六一年生于英国Harrowgate的 Yorkshire Dale,并在这个美丽的乡下他度过了他的童年,他姓名中的“Medwyn”是一个古凯尔特名字,现在在威尔士地区还可以听得到。
Medwyn Goodall 06:38
09 Ask And It Is Given
Avgerinos is a classically trained composer who served as principal bassist with The Hong Kong Philharmonic and performed with numerous other orchestras. He has also toured with popular music and jazz acts and has done some scoring for films and television commercials. His true calling, however, seems to be as an electronic-music composer. The three albums he has released so far are all gems.
Paul Avgerinos 05:32
10 Santa Fe
Native American flute player Scott August was born in Los Angeles, CA, and raised in Fullerton, CA. He was the son, grandson, and great-grandson of musicians. He took up the cello at age seven, later learning to play the kalimba and the piano. He graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Music degree. He began making his own recordings while in college, at first distributing them as cassettes and then pressing up an LP, and his music received airplay on such radio stations as KCRW and KXLU in Los Angeles and WNYC in New York. At the suggestion of Brian Eno, who found his music visual, August auditioned for ad agencies, and his work began to be heard in commercials as well as on television and in films.
Scott August 06:38
11 Maxie's Theme
身为作曲家,编曲家,钢琴家的Michael Hoppe生于英格兰,现居洛杉机。他熟稔古典乐和流行乐。在他的作品中,古典与流行展现了完美的融合。其音乐被世人喻为“不可救药的浪漫”:美轮美奂,轻柔安详,透露着深刻的亲密和渴望。他赋予自己的音乐一种当今少有的优雅。听者往往能从中发现抚慰和鼓舞人心的力量。
Michael Hoppé 04:12
12 Spirits of Orchid Island
Matthew Lien是一个粗旷而又细腻的男人,他来自加拿大的Yukon地区——原始、空旷甚至有些荒凉,但却是一个每天都能看到草地、白云和蓝天的地方:潺潺的Yukon河、绿色浓郁的森林、美丽的花园、干净的空气……人们过着世外桃源般的生活。可这样一块毫无工业污染的环境里,却有一批猎鹿者把罪恶的双手伸向了温顺的麋鹿。而“捕杀野狼”的命令则更加剧生态的破坏!就在这个时候,Matthew Lien拿起了他音乐的武器,在Yukon的土地上收集着素材,用音乐记录着那些逃命的麋鹿和被追杀的狼群,两张唱片《驯鹿宣言》(《Caribou Commons》)和《狼之祭歌》(《Bleeding Wolve》)随之诞生。在那首悲壮的《Bedtime Stories》里,Matthew Lien压抑低沉地唱着:没有人喜欢这样的床头故事/也没有人期望看到天使在脏乱的空气里飘落/更没有人愿意看到雪地里滴血……每一个听者都会坐立不安,仿佛那些被驱逐在嚎叫和低泣的狼群在你的心底划过重重的一道一样……我们都生活在一个名叫地球的村庄里,不同的人,不同的肤色,不同的地域,不同的人生轨道,都会因为我们怀有一颗同样的与大地相融的心而聚在一起——这就是Matthew Lien在他的第三张作品《汇流》(《Confluence》)里所表达出的概念:“汇流”,就是四海一家。在这张与台湾一家唱片公司合作的CD里,Matthew Lien融入了很多他对中国山水人情的深切感触,他亲自到台湾采集传统的音乐:宜兰的大锣、福佬音乐、原住民的调子……“我不想改变音乐原本的东西,我尊重诞生在这块土地上不同音乐与文化的原始面貌和精神。”正是有了这样简单朴素的理念,你才会在这张唱片里听到二胡与小提琴的惺惺相惜,爱尔兰长笛和箫的一唱一和,阿尔塞克的小溪和台湾东海岸的水声悄然汇流……即使它们相隔千里,录音的时间也不同,但在你的耳边听来它们的交融却是那样完美。
Matthew Lien 02:51
13 I Love You, Ram! Reema Datta 07:43
14 Whisper
Pianochocolate musical project was founded in 2008 in Russia. Tunes, music and ideas have appeared much earlier, but all ideas and projects combined when Pianochocolate appeared. The basic concept of the project is transformation of emotions in music. Nowadays when everyone lacks time, many things become disposable, tasteless. Our goal is to create warm songs that will bring on associations and emotions. Piano - classical instrument, a model of good taste, time-tested, still interesting. Chocolate - sweet instrument capable of transmitting a feeling of happiness and domestic comfort. Music Pianochocolate suitable for easy background listening, and for thoughtful, meaningful and emotional perception.
Pianochocolate 05:08
15 Alchemy of Breath Kavi 09:46
16 From Fire and Ice
RUNESTONE is the recording alias under which New Age composer/musicians Chris Green and Robert Fenner produce their music. Both are multi-instrumentalists, best known for their visionary compositions using keyboards, guitars and mandolins. Their music draws inspiration from a shared passion for natural magic, forgotten lore and the power of mystical and ancestral sites where the lines between knowledge, understanding and faith have become obscured by time. Runestone’s work has been described as ethereal, richly atmospheric, mysterious, soothing and dreamlike. The acclaimed International Guide to New Age Music (by Henk N Werkoven) describes Runestone’s music as “musical archaeological digs behind the mysterious veils of a magical and mysterious past”. Through music we rediscover lost horizons, awakening instincts and memories of the magic and mystery of forgotten times.
Runestone 07:34
17 The Emigration Tunes
Loreena McKennitt被认为是New Age音乐中的代表人物;至少我是这么认为的,比起ADIEMS来说她要来得又说服性的多。
Loreena McKennitt 04:42
18 Laughing Waters
在静心冥想和心理治疗音乐领域上,德国音乐家 Deuter 是一位举世闻名的先锋者与领航员。在他将近30年的音乐生涯里,他浸淫不同文化的传统音乐,同时发展出被全世界认同的独特新世纪冥想音乐风格。他的作品完美地把他所专精的放松、冥想意境诠释在平静和谐的音符中。因此,Deuter 的音乐成了心理治疗师和身体工作者(SPA,Massage)的最爱,在医药及心理治疗师的临床实验更是备受欢迎。
Deuter 07:18
19 Summit
U.K. new age composer Clifford White began to express a unique talent for music at the age of 15. Although he could not read music, he began to experiment with simple piano compositions, tape loops, and sound effects. Wanting to encourage his talent, White's mother sent him to take piano lessons with Jon Land. After a month of disappointing progress, Land was about to dismiss the student when White asked if he could play some of his own compositions. Though White broke some of music's harmonic rules, Land was astonished at White's natural talent and did everything he could to encourage him. The two soon pooled their funds to put together a small studio, recording enough material for six albums, including White's Ascension (1985).
Clifford White 05:58
20 Mara Despina
Can Atilla,1969年出生於土耳其首都安卡拉。在1980年,他开始在Hacettepe大学(註:安卡拉国家音乐学校,同时以化学、物理、生物系出名)的小提琴班进行学习,并在1990年获得文学学士学位。在土耳其,他以作曲家,编曲者,乐队指挥等身份加入过音乐组织。曾参加过音乐比赛,音乐节活动。
Can Atilla 06:53
21 Espiritu blanco
这是一支秘鲁乐队,演奏印第安部落风格的音乐。他们的音乐中充满了纯正的印第安长笛和鼓。 "Alborada Del Inka" 的中文意思就是“印加黎明”。 他们目前出版了2张同名专辑,分别是《Alborada Del Inka》和《Alborada Del Inka 2》。
Alborada Del Inka 04:55