

#致醉 #迷幻 #你是巨大的不安定












# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Wait
M83 05:43
02 I'm a Firefighter Cigarettes After Sex 04:31
03 Touch
睡梦里察觉到她在黑暗里起身,摸索着抓紧她的手,任由她在我手背摩挲,俯下身亲我,轻声细语得像一片易碎的脆流光,乖,我一会就回来。 18.5.26 08:02
Barcelona 04:27
04 Cheap Hotel
Leon Else 03:42
05 You There
Aquilo 04:13
06 Party at Sunday Cosmonauts 05:23
07 You're The One That I Want
Lo-Fang 03:24
08 Forgotten Souls
落网Vol.746 愿我们所有的坚持终不被辜负
Our Last Night 03:28
09 Just a Line
Nessi 04:02
10 Down By The Water
你睡在了水边,花瓣、花环与花床 我希望你是睡在我怀里的 哪怕我 知道你 没有选择
The Drums 03:26
11 Myth
空气里只剩下我的呼吸了 没有锅、炉、碗、筷 碰撞的声音了 你留下了我 和一只猫 在泪水里 我和你的衣柜相拥
Beach House 04:18
12 You're My Waterloo
The Libertines 04:19
13 Blue Moon
猫, 叼着月色跳开了 世界瞬间无光 是我把猫放开了, 以便有 他日,它没有吃食 在我死以后 2015-09-29 11:32
Beck 04:02
14 Tides of Neptune
Virgo 03:35
15 陌生的房间陌生的下午
鲜花刺死蜜蜂, 野兔扑杀猎狗, 森林吞没飓风, 恒星撞破黑洞, 在你说 我不要你了 之后
Hello Nico 05:28
16 Chalk Stars
鲸鱼得不到山岚, 斑虎看不见极光, 你说想要彩虹, 却只得到一场大雨。 如果你允许, 我想抱紧你。 2015-12-13 14:33
Animal Kingdom 06:22
17 You There
Aquilo 04:40
18 Breathe
想起本喵的The Muse,那个爱上人鱼的男人,最后怎么样了? I scoured the northern shores for you. 我为你洗净北方的海岸。 I plunged deep oceans.我纵身跃入茫茫大海。 I searched the earth.我寻遍每一寸土地。 I climbed mountains for a clearer view.我翻山越岭欲穷千里。 And then, I found you. 然后,我找到了你。 2015-11-22 10:46
RHODES 03:49
19 Breathe
你在我23岁的梦里幻化万千,但我知道每个你都爱着我。 我坚信。 2016.09.03
Frally 05:59
20 Talk Me Down
我再也不能悲伤地睡在你身旁。 2015.12.11 忽然想到上句并不贴切,读睡提醒了我。夏宇有首诗,和你这般合适。 冬眠 我只不过为了储存足够的爱 足够的温柔和狡猾 以防 万一 醒来就遇见你 我只不过为了储存足够的骄傲 足够的孤独和冷漠 以防 万一 醒来你已离去 而我决定了下个轮回 要离你一万光年 在尚未命名的星星 看人间 你演一个小丑, 有着晦涩的鼻头, 走在路上 喜欢自言自语, 在天上 我笑得流泪
Troye Sivan 03:57
21 You Are The Moonlight
Endless Melancholy 06:13
22 Lifetime Ago
Greg Laswell 03:40
23 Close Your Eyes
I would die for you. 听起来像小孩子一样执拗的无脑情话,可当我看着你的时候,我知道这个答案不难说出口。 我愿意。 2018.5.22 23:56
RHODES 05:23
24 Afterlife
XYLØ 03:28
25 Wildest Moments Jessie Ware 03:42
26 对面 陈奕迅 04:49
27 Nitesky Robot Koch 04:42
28 Holland
Novo Amor 02:39
29 Say My Name
Ólafur Arnalds 05:41
30 Coming Over
Dillon Francis 02:58
31 Today Is the Day Yo La Tengo 05:34
32 In Time Talos 04:35
33 All Good Things Sissel 05:37
34 Ocean Eyes (Astronomyy Edit)
Astronomyy 04:56
35 Homegrown Haux 04:02
36 Say What You Want Jana Josephina 04:31
37 Old Money
浓烈而挥之不去的香水味, 奋力推开举杯交谈的人群, 乐队的萨克斯上总有一只蟋蟀在颤抖, 你轻抬双眼, 眼里是漾开的夏日清凉的湖水, 看着张惶伫立,向你伸出手的我 画面是一帧一帧的, 最后一个琴键落下, 尾音还在空气里, 你的睫毛轻点了一下, 宇宙爆炸。 2016-07-09 12:30
Lana Del Rey 04:31
38 Please & Thank You Wildcat! Wildcat! 04:39
39 Atlas: Sight
Sleeping at Last 04:03
40 Lost Girl Blue Foundation 03:36
41 Eat Yourself Goldfrapp 04:05
42 Ghosts
“Oh and here here I am 那我也必将与你同在”
43 Until We Get There
明天是永远没有尽头的。 201811250118
Lucius 03:28
44 What Alice Boman 04:35
45 Care 4 Me Guerre 03:51
46 Hymn For Her
一首诗,要写什么才算完美。 赞美你。
Anchor & Braille 05:05
47 Frail Love
Cloves 03:25
48 Give Us A Little Love Fallulah 03:46
49 Next Year People
二零一八年五月二十六日下午三点十六分,我坐在芙蓉南路的星巴克里,心里想着的却是去年十月和你走过的海滩,那些夜晚有着粉色的滤镜和桂花的香气,犹如梦境一般摇摇晃晃,连路灯都有一种薄薄的湖蓝色雾气。 而翻腾的海洋从不止息。
Barcelona 03:19
50 Blush
Wolf Alice 04:19
51 Explore
落网Vol. 听到日子的尽头
Prince of Spain 03:22
52 Summer
Benjamin Francis Leftwich 03:42
53 stay
When I close my eyes I hear you singing 闭上眼睛,听到你声声吟唱 Singing me a song that I'll forget 歌的旋律,我却记不清 I always forget 总也记不清 I try to take myself back to sleeping 努力把自己拉回梦里 You pick me up but I let you down 你我相逢,我却让你失了望 It was so clear but now it's gone 曾是那么清晰可见,如今却都化为虚幻泡影 I couldn't keep my eyelids shut 我却难以再次入眠 Why can't you stay? 为何你就不能多停留一瞬呢? Stay... stay... 不要离开...... If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 Ooohhh... ooohhh... When I close my eyes I see you dancing 闭上眼睛,看到你翩翩起舞 Dancing me a song 伴着歌和我跳舞 Just out of reach, just out of reach 我却触不到,就是触不到 I need you in a day when I'm not dreaming 我要的是一个真真切切的你 You pick me up 你我相逢 I don't wanna let you down 我不想辜负了你 It was so clear but now it's gone 曾是那么清晰可见,如今却都化为虚幻泡影 I couldn't keep my eyelids shut 我却难以再次入眠 Why can't you stay? 为何你就不能多停留一瞬呢? Stay... stay... 不要离开...... If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 Ooohhh... ooohhh... It was so clear but now it's gone 曾是那么清晰可见,如今却都化为虚幻泡影 I couldn't keep my eyelids shut 我却难以再次入眠 Why can't you stay? 为何你就不能多停留一瞬呢? Stay... stay... stay... 不要离开...... If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 Stay... 不要离开...... If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 Stay... 不要离开...... If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 If only I could dream we could start again 也只有在梦里我们才能重逢了吧 ——歌词来自落网Vol.879,LRC待制作 2016-12-28 15:50
Lewis Watson 04:15
54 You Give Me More Than Love Ed Harcourt 05:38
55 Me and My Guitar Tep No 04:07
56 The Whale Years & Years 04:04
57 The Lighthouse Alma 05:52
58 受宠若惊 Frandé法兰黛乐团 04:51
59 Drop Everything Barcelona 04:31
60 Moondust Jaymes Young 03:45
61 Tomorrow Land (All Fall Down) Leon Else 03:16
62 Nothing Below Wildcat! Wildcat! 06:31
63 Dorian Agnes Obel 04:48
64 If You Give Me Fire Benjamin Francis Leftwich 03:53
65 By an Ion Raised By Swans 03:21
66 In The Flight fishmans 05:37
67 No Goodbyes Two Wounded Birds 03:37
68 My Jinji
你是人间所有美好事物的集合,譬如浩荡的春光、跌跌撞撞的夏雨、秋夜里澄澈的朗月和冬暮袅袅升起的炊烟。 你是耿耿南风,吹平我龟裂的荒原。 18.5.24 19:39
落日飞车 06:40
69 Great Expectations Johnny Aries 04:02
70 Four Portraits Vansire 04:25
71 All Over You LEISURE 03:55
72 Nothing Is Written In the Stars Bloodgroup 04:44
73 Wait and See Monogem 03:34
74 Small Things Ben Howard 05:44
75 We Raise Our Hearts Postiljonen 03:50
76 Make You Feel Alina Baraz 03:40
77 Breezeblocks Alt-J 03:47
78 Gooey Glass Animals 04:49
79 California Dreamin' Sia 03:36
80 Space Song Beach House 05:20
81 Fix This Russ 02:58
82 Wildflower Beach House 03:39
83 The Freddy Shelly Throat Punch Ocean City Defender 04:14
84 Heather Ruby Haunt 05:35
85 Hold It All Together CHPTRS 06:17