

#自然新世纪 #新世纪 #轻音乐


Kevin Kern,新英格兰音乐学院钢琴硕士,著名钢琴演奏大师。开创了他自己的钢琴流派,以钢琴为主体演绎音乐的心情和旋律。Kevin Kern,的音乐散发出活跃、引人深省的聆赏魅力,即使是在极弱到几乎无声的乐段,依然洋溢出无法言喻的深刻情感,前三张畅销专集《In the Enchanted Garden》、《Summer Daydreams》、《Beyond the Sundial》在全球销售皆已突破金唱片,张张皆为行家指定收藏的新世纪名盘。

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天生严重弱视的凯文柯恩来自底特律。一岁半的时候,家人突然发现他竟然踮着脚尖,用双手在钢琴上弹奏「平安夜」等圣诞歌曲。他从四岁开始跟随家庭教师学习钢琴,八岁开始作曲,十四岁创办「Well Tempered Clavichord」乐团。在学校毕业后,凯文柯恩争取到饭店lobby长驻演出的机会。凯文柯恩并不以人们耳熟能详的古典小品、或是大众流行曲为演奏曲目,而是透过当时现场的感受或是观众的要求即兴创作。

当时Real Music的老板Terence Yallop,来到这家饭店里用餐,听见这号人物「丰功伟业」亦听到他现场演奏的优美律,於是请凯文柯恩录制试听带。在录音室里Terence Yallop设定一种情绪,以口头描述一个特定的场景,而凯文柯恩便能立刻成功地弹出一段简洁的乐章,完全符合先前设定的情感与气氛。




1996年,他推出首张专辑「绿钢琴」(In the Enchanted Garden)亲自作曲并包办了几乎所有键盘乐器的演奏,乐评家纷纷称他的风格为「田园乐派」,并以真挚的浓郁情感与唯美的意境,被誉为「现代萧邦」。






# 歌曲 艺人 时长
01 Through the Arbor Kevin Kern 03:45
02 Sundial Dreams Kevin Kern 04:46
03 The Enchanted Garden Kevin Kern 06:54
04 Butterfly Kevin Kern 02:52
05 Straw Hats Kevin Kern 04:14
06 Another Realm Kevin Kern 05:02
07 Water Lilies Kevin Kern 04:17
08 Fairy Wings Kevin Kern 04:30
09 Paper Clouds Kevin Kern 03:07
10 After the Rain Kevin Kern 04:10
11 Beyond the Sundial Kevin Kern 04:22
12 Threads of Light Kevin Kern 03:11
13 Where Paths Meet Kevin Kern 05:14
14 A Flurry of Golden Leaves Kevin Kern 03:33
15 Kristen's Serenade Kevin Kern 05:53
16 A Time Remembered Kevin Kern 04:17
17 A Distant Shade of Green Kevin Kern 03:19
18 Into the Realm Kevin Kern 05:15
19 Sundial Awakening Kevin Kern 04:08
20 Hide and Seek Kevin Kern 04:25
21 Until Tomorrow Kevin Kern 05:30
22 Once in the Long Ago Kevin Kern 05:26
23 Return to Love Kevin Kern 04:23
24 We All Fall in Love Sometime Kevin Kern 04:26
25 Love's First Smile Kevin Kern 06:09
26 Tomorrow's Promise Kevin Kern 03:58
27 Bittersweet Kevin Kern 05:09
28 To Sleep on Angels' Wings Kevin Kern 04:30
29 Touch the Sky Kevin Kern 04:48
30 Passages Kevin Kern 04:25
31 Twirling in Time Kevin Kern 03:59
32 Dance of the Searching Souls Kevin Kern 04:26
33 Emerald Legacy Kevin Kern 06:51
34 In My Life Kevin Kern 03:30
35 Blossom on the Wind Kevin Kern 05:43
36 Through Your Eyes Kevin Kern 03:49
37 Childhood Remembered Kevin Kern 04:30
38 The Silence of Knowing Kevin Kern 04:33
39 Above the Clouds Kevin Kern 05:27
40 Bathed in Dawn's Light Kevin Kern 05:11
41 From the Day Forward Kevin Kern 04:51
42 A Secret Grove Kevin Kern 05:15
43 Fantasia's Lullaby Kevin Kern 03:45
44 A Gentle Whisper Kevin Kern 04:04
45 Through the Arbor Kevin Kern 03:47
46 The enchanted Garden Kevin Kern 06:54
47 Through Your Eyes Kevin Kern 03:49
48 Where Paths Meet Kevin Kern 05:14
49 To Sleep on Angels' Wings Kevin Kern 04:28
50 Le Jardin Kevin Kern 04:53
51 Until Tomorrow Kevin Kern 05:32
52 Summer Dsydreams Kevin Kern 05:17
53 Childhood Remembered Kevin Kern 04:29
54 Above the Clouds Kevin Kern 05:25
55 Touch the Sky Kevin Kern 04:47
56 After the Rain Kevin Kern 04:13
57 Out of the Darkness into the Light Kevin Kern 04:17
58 Children at Play Kevin Kern 05:07
59 Above the Clouds Kevin Kern 05:25
60 Sundial Dreams Kevin Kern 04:46
61 Out of the Darkness into the Light Kevin Kern 04:16
62 In My Life Kevin Kern 03:29
63 Through the Arbor Kevin Kern 03:45
64 From This Day Forward Kevin Kern 04:49
65 Threads of Light Kevin Kern 03:10
66 Pastel Reflections Kevin Kern 04:30
67 We All Fall in Love Sometime Kevin Kern 04:23
68 Where Paths Meet Kevin Kern 05:14
69 After the Rain Kevin Kern 04:11
70 Children at Play Kevin Kern 05:07
71 Twilight's Embrace Kevin Kern 06:59
72 Blossom on the Wind Kevin Kern 05:43
73 The Touch of Love Kevin Kern 04:21
74 The Way of the Stream Kevin Kern 04:21
75 A Million Stars Kevin Kern 04:06
76 High Above the Valley Kevin Kern 05:40
77 Ancient Guardians Kevin Kern 05:03
78 Cauldron of Healing Kevin Kern 05:29
79 Filled With Light Kevin Kern 02:27
80 Through the Veil Kevin Kern 04:49
81 Softly Falling Kevin Kern 04:22
82 The Winding Path Kevin Kern 03:58
83 Remembering the Light Kevin Kern 04:26
84 Safe in Your Embrace Kevin Kern 03:47
85 Pearls of Joy Kevin Kern 03:53
86 Told to the Heart Kevin Kern 04:16
87 Fields of Gold Kevin Kern 04:50
88 Imagination's Key Kevin Kern 04:14
89 Keepers of the Flame Kevin Kern 03:49
90 Musings Kevin Kern 03:44
91 Sweet Dreams, Helena Kevin Kern 03:50
92 I Am Always Right Here Kevin Kern 03:35
93 And the Light Is Forever Kevin Kern 03:21
94 For You I Would Kevin Kern 04:16
95 Joy Of The Journey Kevin Kern 03:18
96 Velvet Green Kevin Kern 03:53
97 Endless Blue Sky Kevin Kern 06:29
98 Sunset Prayer Kevin Kern 02:51
99 Light Spirit Kevin Kern 04:23
100 Seen In A Dream Kevin Kern 04:54
101 The Skipping Song Kevin Kern 04:44
102 Caring Friend Kevin Kern 04:59
103 Wending Our Way Home Kevin Kern 04:31
104 The Glistening Pond Kevin Kern 05:16
105 A Thousand Miles Away Kevin Kern 04:50
106 Gifts Along The Way Kevin Kern 03:53
107 Joy Of The Journey (Reprise) Kevin Kern 01:58
108 Always Near Kevin Kern 05:19
109 Pastel Reflections Kevin Kern 04:16
110 Through the Arbor Kevin Kern 03:23
111 Imagination's Key Kevin Kern 03:21
112 A Gentle Whisper Kevin Kern 03:57
113 Sundial Dreams Kevin Kern 04:06
114 Childhood Remembered Kevin Kern 04:06
115 Remembering the light Kevin Kern 04:05
116 I Am Always Right Here Kevin Kern 03:17
117 Into the Realm Kevin Kern 03:39
118 Hide and Seek Kevin Kern 04:09
119 In The Enchanted Garden Kevin Kern 05:07
120 The Moon Represents My Heart Kevin Kern 04:21